She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 13: Strange call


"Are you a monster hunter?" After the red rooster was slapped back to its original shape by Mi Wan's slap, the green rooster jumped back on guard and stared at Mi Wan from a distance of three meters.

"Let go of me immediately, or I'll go to the Monster Hunter Association to complain to you." The red rooster was struggling with his two drumsticks, but Mi Wan only grabbed a little flesh on his neck. The more the neck hurts, the more obedient and honest he is in the end.

"Complaint?" The demon clan could still complain to the Demon Hunter Association, and Mi Wan turned to the sparrow spirit to confirm, "Are the consequences serious?"

"The chicken clan is one of the few large groups in the demon world today, and it has a good relationship with the Monster Hunter Association. If he complains, it will be very troublesome." The sparrow replied carefully. The demon power of the chickens is not high, but their hens can lay eggs, so in the current state of the withering of the demon world, their chickens have become a more existential race with the advantage of having more demons and greater power.

"Do you hear me, let me go now." The red rooster suddenly became arrogant.

"Since that's the case..." Mi Wan narrowed his eyes, "let's kill it..."

"do not!"


Mi Wan's action really frightened the four fairies present. Fortunately, the sparrow spirit was close and reacted quickly, and hugged Mi Wan's raised right hand, otherwise the red rooster would have farted on the spot.

"You want to save him?" Mi Wan looked at the sparrow spirit in confusion.

"...No, Master, it is against the law to kill a demon." The sparrow stared at the spiritual power on Miwanba's palm carefully, making his scalp tingle.

"If I kill a chicken, the police also care?" Whether it's 500 years ago or 500 years later, the arrest and the police don't care about the demon clan.

"The police won't care, the Monster Hunters Association will." The sparrow spirit hurriedly explained, "The Monster Race and the Monster Hunters Association have an agreement that both parties are not allowed to harm the other race at will. If they violate it, they will be punished by the two races. Let's hunt together."

"So scary?"


"It seems that you have to be careful when destroying the corpses." Mi Wan said this, and the green rooster beside him thought that his own clan was probably dead, so he turned around and ran away, planning to go back to inform the clan.

"Run?" Mi Wan heard the movement, took out a wooden skewer from the Oden that had been handed to the sparrow essence, and shot it in the direction the green rooster fled. The green rooster couldn't avoid it, and was hit by the wooden sign in the middle of his back, and his original shape appeared on the ground.

Looking at Mi Wan's sharp operation, the sparrow spirit immediately began to doubt life: where did this big guy come from

Mi Wan walked over, picked up the green rooster, and then walked back with one chicken in one hand, and said with disgust as he walked: "You chicken essence, what bothers me the most is you roosters, they don't taste good, eggs are not delicious. I can’t go down, and it’s still disturbing people’s dreams every morning, what’s the use?”

"Master." At this moment, Ji Jingjing was struggling to get out of the car, and the sparrow Jingjing hurriedly opened the car door a little more so that Ji Jingjing could see Mi Wan directly. Ji Jingjing clawed at the car door and pleaded, "I beg Master to raise your hand and let them go."

"They're embarrassing you, but you want to save them instead?" Mi Wan raised her eyebrows.

"No, their life and death have nothing to do with me." Ji Jingjing said, "However, these two people belong to the direct line of my chicken essence family. If they disappear, the patriarch will definitely not let it go. At that time, the Monster Hunter Association and the Monster Hunter Association will not be left alone. The clan will strictly investigate. Of course, I know that you are not afraid of the master, but you will not be worth the trouble if you cause trouble for two useless roosters.”

This is it

She has just woken up, and she is not very clear about the discipline of this world. If it is really like what Ji Jingjing said, she will cause turmoil between the human and demon clans by killing two chickens, which is really worth the loss. Moreover, she is very satisfied with the current mode of peaceful coexistence between the two races, and does not want to break it.

Mi Wan looked at the wilted chicken essence in her hand and was a little embarrassed: "But I just let it go, I'm so embarrassed." With that, Mi Wan threw the two chickens on the ground and clapped her hands.

The two roosters were free, but they didn't dare to move, they still lay on the ground honestly, not even daring to change their personal shapes.

"Master, you can ask them to give you money, as compensation for offending you." After several contacts, the sparrow spirit had already seen Mi Wan's love of money, so she whispered, "These two are rich. already."

Mi Wan's eyes lit up, it was a step, so she squatted down and accepted the life-saving money from the bat demon: "One million per person, I'll let you go." Saying that, she took out her own money on the spot. The mobile phone revealed a cute payment code.

The two big roosters paid their life-saving money and left in despair, with a high attitude when they came.

"Master, thank you." The sparrow Jing thanked Mi Wan for helping her drive away the rooster, and also thanking her for not actually killing the two roosters after listening to his persuasion. Ji Jingjing still has to return to the flock afterward. If these two roosters really die, it will not affect Ji Jingjing well.

"Transfer the money." Mi Wan stretched out the QR code in front of the sparrow spirit, intending to settle the account at once.

"Okay." One hundred thousand yuan is enough for Sparrow Jing's own account, so Ma Liu scanned the code and transferred the account to Mi Wan.

When transferring money, Mi Wan glanced at it and found that the sparrow was ridiculously poor, with a total of 120,000 yuan in the account, so she couldn't help but complain, "You are the poorest goblin I have ever seen."

"...Money... It's actually quite difficult to earn." Sparrow Jing used to be difficult to transform into, so it was not valued in the ethnic group, and naturally had little money. In addition, it entered human society late, and the education level was not high, and it was not good to find a job. Hundreds of thousands are still his savings for more than ten years.

"I think it's pretty easy, look at my income for one night..." Two million one million plus one hundred eggs.

"..." The sparrow spirit felt the ridicule from the local tyrants, but dared not speak.

"It's almost time, I still have something to do, leave a mobile phone number, and when the eggs are ready, call me." Mi Wan handed the phone to the sparrow essence and motioned him to deposit the number.

The sparrow jing took it over, dialed his phone honestly, and thoughtfully saved his name.

"Wuwei?" Mi Wan felt that the name was a bit difficult to remember, and it was better for the sparrow essence to call it smoothly, so he changed the name to the sparrow essence on the spot, "Well, it's easier to remember this way."

"..." What else could he say, he couldn't say anything.

"Let's go." He waved his hand and took the Oden that he hadn't finished eating just now, and Mi Wan walked away step by step.

"Xiaowei, let's avoid contact with this master in the future." When Mi Wan left, Ji Jingjing breathed a sigh of relief, her face paled slightly and said, "Too moody."

"Yeah." Mi Wan also threatened him before that he wanted to roast sparrows, but at the most he thought the other party was just a threat, but he didn't want the other party to really kill the demon without blinking an eye.

In fact, what they didn't know was that five hundred years ago, whenever a monster hunter and a monster meet, they would never die. She has just woken up and has not fully adapted to this society, so her attitude towards the demon clan has not changed for a while.

After leaving from the sparrow spirit, Mi Wan went back to the yard directly, then carrying his grocery bag, he went straight to knock on the door of the living room.

The door of the living room opened automatically from the inside after she knocked. When Mi Wan went in with her things, she saw Fan Chen slowly come down from the second floor.

"Brother Dryad, thank you for sending me back yesterday, otherwise I would almost wear it out." Mi Wan said as he pulled things out of his grocery bag, and after a while, he pulled out a dozen snacks and placed them in Fan Chen. before.

Fan Chen glanced at the colorful packaging on the desk, and frowned subconsciously.

"These are the most delicious snacks I've eaten during this time, and they are all for you." Mi Wan pushed the snacks in the direction of the tree demon.

"Is this what you call a specific thank you?" Send yourself a snack

"No, I just think these are delicious and I want to share with you. I'm already preparing your next thank you gift." Mi Wan said with some surprise, "I met a hen when I went out today, and I asked her to ask for it. I have some eggs, and the eggs of chicken essence are very nourishing, and the effect of refining medicine will be better."

"Chicken spirit is willing to lay eggs?" Fan Chen wondered, hens have the habit of laying eggs on their own, and female chicken spirits naturally have them too. The difference is that in the process of laying eggs, chicken spirits will transform their own demon power into an extremely gentle nutrient. Therefore, once the chicken essence lays eggs, although the nourishing effect of the eggs is extraordinary, it will lose the cultivation of the chicken essence itself. Therefore, today's chicken essence is absolutely impossible to lay eggs unless it is to breed the next generation.

"Yeah, I helped her get rid of the demon poison and exchanged 100 eggs with her." The more Mi Wan thought about it, the happier she felt, and she only felt that she had made a lot of money.

"You help her to remove the demon poison?" Fan Chen was surprised. He thought that Mi Wan was willing to help him make medicine because she wanted something from him, but she didn't want the other party to be willing to treat other demons besides herself. This is really not in line with the character of the monster hunter five hundred years ago.

"How can you, a monster hunter, know how to treat the monsters?" Fan Chen had long been curious.

"Because of my master." Mi Wan explained, "My master's family has been practicing medicine for generations, and my ancestors also had imperial doctors. My master has studied medicine with his family since he was a child. It is said that when he was seven years old, he could see some medicine alone. Ordinarily sick, but when he was seven and a half years old, he met my master and became a monster hunter. After knowing that there are monsters in this world, my master became very interested in the monsters, and then devoted himself to studying how to treat the monsters. If it weren't for the war between the human and the demon, maybe my master would turn our sect into a demon medical center."

"Listen... Your master seems to be very close to the demon clan." Fan Chen said.

"But in the end... he died at the hands of the demon clan." Mi Wan looked down.

Fan Chen was silent, not knowing what to say for a while, after all, he was also a monster.

"But it doesn't matter. In the end, my senior brothers and I also avenged him." Mi Wan laughed, as if the momentary depression had never appeared.

Fan Chen wanted to say something else, when Mi Wan's phone suddenly rang. She took it out and found that she was calling from an unknown number. She didn't want to answer it, but after a moment of hesitation, Mi Wan got through. After all, this mobile phone number is a replacement, and the original owner's previous number has disappeared. Maybe it's an acquaintance.

"Hello, hello?"

"Excuse me, is that Miss Mi Wanmi?" There was a warm baritone on the other end of the phone.

"I am, are you?" Mi Wan asked.

"I'm Bai Feng, the head of the Cannes branch of the Monster Hunters Association."

"The Monster Hunter Association?" Mi Wan was startled, and Fan Chen, who was beside him, looked over in surprise, "What are you looking for from me?"

"We want to check with you, on November 1st, did you catch a bat demon near Huanlong Road?" Bai Feng asked.

"How do you know?" Mi Wan was surprised. She deliberately hid that day, so she shouldn't have been found.

"Cough... Your transfer records are still saved on the Bat Demon's mobile phone."

Caution, this damn data age.

The author has something to say: Why do you think that the human form lays eggs, after all, people are only demons, and the original form is the source.