She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 20: Little Eagle


In the depths of Weishan Mountain, the land of the sparrow tribe.

Weishan is one of the few precipitous mountains in China today, with cliffs and cliffs that are difficult for non-birds to reach. Five hundred years ago, this was the base camp of the monsters and birds. At that time, the owner of Weishan was Luan Bird. Now that the luan bird is almost extinct, the birth rate of the demon clan is getting worse and worse. In order to better protect the demon clan, the lord of the luan bird has opened a part of the mountain range for the existing avian demon clan to recuperate.

Five hundred years ago, the sparrow family were just little monsters worth mentioning, but with their strong reproductive ability, after five hundred years of continuous reproduction, they have developed into the largest race of monsters in Weishan. Also because of its strong reproductive ability, even if the sparrows are weak and their status is not worth mentioning, the women of the sparrow family have also become the preferred wives of other ethnic groups.

Everyone always has an idea, sparrows can lay several eggs in a nest, what if one of them hatches its own child? The idea was constructive and had some success.

At this time, it was sunset. The setting sun fell behind the clouds, and the radiant rays of light dyed the entire cliff red. Several young sparrows were dozing in their nests in the treetops. Suddenly, a black shadow flew out of the glow, passed through the cliff, fell straight from the sky, and landed on the branch of a fir tree.

"jiji~~" (someone came back, someone came back?)

I don't know who discovered this alien sparrow first. For a time, the valley was filled with the chirping of little sparrows, and everyone stopped sleeping. They all fluttered their wings, watching this "senior" who flew back from the outside world.

Wuwei, the sparrow spirit, turned into a human figure, smiled and nodded and stopped the little sparrows on his shoulder, then took out a packet of popcorn from the bag he was carrying, and sprinkled it on the ground. In an instant, all the young sparrows in the entire valley fluttered their wings and flew over, twittering and grabbing food.

"jiji~~" (It's so fragrant.)

"jiji~~" (is it popcorn?)

"Jiji~~" (My sister also brought it when she came back last time.)

Sparrow spirits who haven't learned to transform can't leave the clan, so these little sparrows can only rely on their transformed brothers and sisters to bring something back to eat. But unfortunately, these brothers and sisters who finally left the valley and entered the city rarely returned.

"Remember to drink water, don't choke." Wu Wei instructed, stuffing the bag of popcorn back into the bag. Their monsters love nature by nature, and they are not allowed to throw garbage in the mountains. When he leaves, he will take out the garbage he brought with him.

Wu Wei continued to walk deep into the valley, until he reached the entrance of the Eagle Clan Land, and said to the guard at the door, "I'll see my sister."

"Go in." The Eagle Clan guards knew Wu Wei. This sparrow with weak demon power was the younger brother of their young patriarch's wife.

Wu Wei has a twin sister. The year he was born, his mother gave birth to five eggs, and only two of them survived. In contrast to his weakness, his sister Wu Wenwen is an extremely strong sparrow spirit. When he was in the Weishan clan, Wu Wei didn't learn to transform until he was seven years old because of the demon poison in his womb. Also because of his weakness, Wu Wei was not valued by his parents, and was bullied by other small partners in the group. Wu Wenwen has always protected him, so the two brothers and sisters have always had a good relationship.

When Wu Wenwen became an adult, she married Qi Tian, the young patriarch of the Eagle Clan. She became pregnant and laid an egg six years ago, and fortunately, it was an eagle's egg. The Eagle Clan was overjoyed, and held a great celebration once a hundred years to celebrate the birth of the next Young Patriarch, but they did not want to have an accident after his nephew broke his shell.

His nephew is indeed a strong eagle, and he was born with a seventh-order demon power, but he couldn't control his power freely. When he came out of the shell, the demon power went berserk, almost hurting his mother. The sparrow clan and the eagle clan tried their best to control the demon power of the little eagle, and finally they could only seal it in the clan.

This seal is five years old, and so far his nephew has not been able to transform into a human form. It's not that he won't, it's that he can't. Wu Wenwen couldn't bear her son to stay in the clan as a young eagle that couldn't change shape, so she stayed here.

"Sister." From a distance, Wu Wei saw his sister, who was patiently grooming a young eagle.

"Xiaowei?" Wu Wenwen greeted her brother in surprise when she saw her brother, "Why are you here?"

"I'll see you, and Xiao Wang." Wu Wei said, lovingly touching the little eagle on his sister's shoulder.

"Uncle." Although the young eagle Qi Wang was sealed with demon power and couldn't transform, he still had the ability to speak human words. You must know that other chicks can't use the body to speak human words before they change shape.

"My goodness, I brought you something delicious~" Wu Wei pulled out a pack of pork jerky and fed it to his little nephew.

"Thank you, uncle." The little eagle pecking at the pork shop one by one, narrowed his round eyes happily.

"Take it somewhere else to eat." Wu Wei handed the whole package of dried meat to the young eagle, and the young eagle hooked its claws and flapped its wings to fly away.

"Do you have something to tell me?" Wu Wenwen saw that her younger brother had deliberately pushed her son away, and immediately guessed that he had something to tell her alone.

"I heard from my mother that you and my brother-in-law are going to divorce?" He did have something to say.

"Did Mom ask you to persuade me?" Wu Wenwen's smile was startled, she sat back at the stone table just now and poured a glass of water for her brother.

"Mom really wants me to persuade you, but I want to hear what you mean more?" Wu Wei sat opposite his sister and asked with concern.

"What do I mean?" Wu Wenwen smiled bitterly, "As early as three years ago, your brother-in-law wanted me to leave the clan and have another child with him."

"You don't want to?" The talents of the demon clan are withering away, and each clan hopes to reproduce a few more generations.

"If I agree, it is equivalent to giving up Xiaowang completely." Wu Wenwen glanced at the treetops in the distance, and the little eagle was playing happily on the highest branch, "Xiaowei, except me , no one will care about him, you understand?"

"I understand." Just like when he was a child, everyone thought he couldn't change shape, and would eventually degenerate into an ordinary sparrow, only her sister, who always protected him.

"And... I'm even more afraid." Wu Wenwen looked into the distance with a desolate expression, "Nowadays, the spiritual energy in the world is thin, and the more powerful the demon clan is, the harder it is to be born. If I can get pregnant again, if it is a sparrow, then the eagle clan will be born. I don't care at all. But if it's an eagle, what if he's like Xiaowang again? Xiaowei, you know, I sometimes prefer Xiaowang to be a degenerating monster, better than it is now."

"Sister!" Wu Wei looked at his sister in disbelief. No mother of the demon clan would hope that her child was a degenerating demon clan.

"Really. Xiaowei, if Xiaowang is degenerating, then at least it won't always retain human thinking." Wu Wenwen's eyes couldn't help but turn red.

Tian Dao is too cruel to her son. He can neither be an ordinary monster nor an ordinary eagle, but he wants to keep him in the middle, with a high spirit, but he can only live in mud.

"So don't persuade me. I won't have a second child, and I won't leave Xiaowang. I will divorce your brother-in-law and ask him to find another wife who can inherit the lineage of the Eagle Clan." He rubbed his eyes fiercely, returning to his calm state before.

"Sister, the relationship between you and your brother-in-law for so many years can't be said to be gone." Unlike other demon clan who only hope to use the fertility of sparrow essence, Wu Wenwen and her husband Qi Tian have feelings, which is why, Wu Wenwen The reason why Wenwen can accompany her son in the clan for six years without being disturbed. Because all the resistance was carried by her husband Qi Tian, but six years later, Qi Wang has seen no improvement, and the Eagle Clan needs to inherit.

"I have no choice." Wu Wenwen didn't want to either.

"Maybe there is."

Wu Wenwen raised her head and looked at her brother in confusion.

"Sister, didn't you find anything different about my visit this time?" Wu Wei suggested.

Different? Only then did Wu Wenwen start to look at her younger brother carefully. Wu Wei seemed to be much more energetic this time than the last time, and the aura around her body was also much stronger than before.

"Your magic power..."

"That's right, my demon power has increased, and now I can change my form freely." Wu Wei nodded heavily, proving that Wu Wenwen was right.

"How did you do it?" Wu Wenwen held Wu Wei's hand in surprise, carefully inspected Wu Wei's body, and was surprised to find that the demon poison in her brother's body had been eliminated, "Your demon poison... "

"Sister, I'm here this time for this matter." Wu Wei said quickly, "I met a very powerful monster hunter outside."

"Monster catcher?!" Wu Wenwen frowned in disgust.

"Sister, this monster hunter is very different. She cured my monster poison, and Jingjing's."

"Ji Jingjing?" Wu Wenwen also knew Ji Jingjing, so she naturally knew her situation, "Her legs are better?"

"Yes." Wu Wei continued to persuade, "I know you hate the Monster Hunter Association, but this Monster Hunter is really different. She does not belong to the Monster Hunter Association. Most importantly, her spiritual power is Powerful, it can cure the demon poison of the demon clan. So I thought, can you let her help Xiaowang to take a look, maybe there is a way to solve the problem of Xiaowang's demonic runaway?"

"You want me to take Xiaowang out?" Wu Wenwen immediately understood.

"That's right." That was exactly what he meant.

"But... Xiaowang, it must not leave the clan."

After Qi Wang was born, the demon power on his body has reached the seventh rank. If the demons above the seventh rank cannot control themselves, they will cause great damage in the world. So five years ago, the Monster Hunters Association and the Eagle Clan made an agreement that Qi Wang would not be allowed to leave the clan. If Qi Wang leaves the clan, once the demon force runs rampant and hurts innocent people, the Demon Hunters Association will directly kill Qi Wang. In other words, if Wu Wei wanted to take Qi Wang out, he would have to risk his life.

"Sister, this may be the only chance. Either let Xiaowang live like this forever, or risk his life to fight." Wu Wei said.

"But..." As long as she thought that Qi Wang might die, Wu Wenwen couldn't make up her mind.

"I'm going, uncle, take me there." At this time, the little eagle in the distance suddenly spread its wings, shot over like an arrow from the string, and landed firmly on Wu Wei's shoulder.

As a demon clan with a seventh-order demon power from birth, Qi Wang's ears and eyesight have long exceeded ordinary people's. He just saw that his uncle had something to say to his mother, so he deliberately avoided it. But the content of their conversation, Qi Wang listened word for word. If it was something else, he would definitely pretend he didn't hear it, and would even fly farther for the first time, but he felt that he had the right to know and decide about his own affairs.

"Xiao Wang?" Wu Wenwen felt complicated when her son heard it.

"Mom, I know you're worried about me, but I really don't want to live like this anymore." Qi Wang said in a childish voice that was completely inappropriate for his age, "Even an ordinary eagle has been thrown off a cliff by his parents. When you learn to fly, will you throw me away? Even if I die, I have bravely flew."

"Sister~~" Wu Wei also looked over expectantly.

"Okay." After a long time, Wu Wenwen heard her trembling voice. She was going to throw her son over a cliff and teach him how to fly.

Since planting the Xiaofanyin tree back, Mi Wan has not climbed the wall in the middle of the night for a long time. She goes to bed and gets up early every day, and insists on exercising to hope that she will lose weight as soon as possible.

What? Why do you have to work so hard to lose weight with Sanskrit leaves

That's because the effect of Sanskrit leaves is a blessing, and its function is to make you do something with half the effort. Mi Wanxu's wish is to lose weight as soon as possible, and to have a physique that will not gain weight by eating only. There are certain limitations to the realization of this wish.

To put it simply, the Sanskrit leaves can control Mi Wan's weight not to increase, and lose weight with half the effort, but it's not that you sit still, the weight will be lost on her own, she still needs to exercise moderately, but the process of losing weight requires Much easier than ordinary people. As for whether you will not gain weight by eating alone, there is also a degree. If you eat to the limit of your human body every meal, then the Sanskrit leaves can’t help you.

In a word, in order to succeed, it is not enough to rely on the help of nobles, and you are more or less proud of yourself.

This week, Mi Wan took one day to heal the Sanskrit tree, one day to refine medicine, and five days to lose weight, and now she has lost almost 20 pounds. In the process of losing weight, Steward Ye was so frightened that she quickly asked Dr. Zhao to perform a full-body examination on her, for fear that something was wrong with Mi Wan's body.

Mi Wan could see from Steward Ye's attitude that he seemed to lose weight too fast, so he began to consciously control the speed of his weight loss, evenly reducing it to 1 catty per day, and strive to lose 100 catties in two months. (Mi Wan: Please don't go back and count how much I am.)

On Sunday night, Mi Wan started climbing the wall again. In fact, she hasn't sneaked out in the middle of the night for a long time. It's just that in the morning, the sparrow spirit called her, and there was still wind whistling on the phone. When she heard it, she called her while flying. , he had to ask her to wait for him at the convenience store tonight, saying that there was a big business.

Big business, Mi Wan suddenly didn't care about going to school the next day to report the bad news, and started climbing the wall again in the middle of the night.

"Why, your housekeeper still won't let you eat snacks?" Fan Chen opened the window and stared at someone who had lost a lot of weight.

The bloating on his face has obviously gone down, and his eyes have grown a lot bigger. It is estimated that in another month, the waist will be visible.

Since the two of them healed the Sanskrit Tree together, Mi Wan has clearly noticed that the elder brother of the tree demon next door has gotten a lot closer to her.

"Not to buy snacks, I took a big order and went out to make money." Mi Wan replied with a smile.

Some time ago, she suddenly lost 20 pounds, but Steward Ye was so frightened that she immediately resumed her diet, which brought her back to the good days of having plenty of meat. Seeing that every time Mi Wan went out, she brought back some snacks, but she closed her eyes as if she didn't see it. Anyway, her young lady has lost weight, and there is nothing to eat.

As soon as he heard that he was making money, Fan Chen was speechless for a moment. He didn't know how an ancient man who didn't worry about food and drink had such a strong sense of money.

"I'm leaving~~" Mi Wan smiled and waved.

When he arrived at the convenience store, the sparrow spirit had not yet arrived, and Mi Wan was a little angry. How dare the sparrow spirit let himself wait for him? At the moment, he took out his mobile phone angrily and sent a message to the past: you are late, 20% off, only 10% off for you.

"Wan Wan, you've lost a lot of weight." The clerk didn't even dare to recognize him after a few days.

"It's okay, it's only 20 pounds." Mi Wan said modestly, and by the way bought herself another Oden.

"It's only been a week, so I lost so much weight?" The clerk's brother was speechless.

"I'm trying very hard to lose weight." Saying that, he swallowed two balls.

"..." The clerk said that he didn't see where she was working hard.

After eating an Oden, and waiting for another half an hour, the sparrow essence still didn't come, Mi Wan was suddenly unhappy, took out his mobile phone and started editing the information: If you don't come again, the discount will be cancelled.

Just as she was about to send it, suddenly, a huge demonic force that she had not felt since her rebirth was approaching her at an astonishing speed.

Demon power runaway

Mi Wan frowned, turned around, and looked at the blood-red sky in the distance.

There was still some distance to go. After calmly sending the information, Mi Wan walked out of the store slowly.

"Leave?" The clerk asked when he saw Mi Wan was about to leave.


Mi Wan didn't say much, went out, and put a ban on the door, in case the demonic energy broke through the convenience store for a while.

At the same time, at the Headquarters of the Apothecary Hunting Association, the demon gas detector was frantically calling the police.

"Quick, inform the president that there is a seventh-order monster running rampant."

Mi Wan stood in front of the steps, waiting for the blood red to shoot straight from the air, until the mass of things could be clearly seen with the naked eye.

Um? An eagle, and a familiar sparrow

"Big guy~~~~~~ Help~~~~~"

The miserable and familiar voice cut through the night sky, and at the same time woke the residents of the community behind the convenience store. Some people even opened the windows and stuck their heads out to curse, "Who doesn't sleep in the middle of the night?"

Mi Wan's face turned cold, and he quickly took off his coat, then raised his hand, and threw it towards the eagle and the bird in the air.


The golden spiritual power and the red demonic energy collided in the air, bursting out invisible air waves, shattering the street lamps along the entire road.