She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 27: Alchemy


Mi Wan hadn't climbed the vine ladder yet, especially the one specially built for her by someone else. She didn't even have time to change her shoes, so she turned out the window with her bare feet and walked along the vine ladder. When he walked to the middle, he shook it playfully, forcing the rattan ladder to make a creaking sound, and by the way, he received a speechless look from Fan Chen.

"Hey... It's much more convenient than going over the wall." Going to the window, Mi Wan expressed her feelings about walking through the rattan ladder.

"Come in." Fan Chen obviously didn't want to hear her thoughts, so he moved his body to the side and motioned for someone to come in.

"Help me." Mi Wan stretched out a hand, and the sensual arm was accurately handed to Fan Chen's eyes.

Fan Chen was stunned for a while, but in the end he stretched out his hand to help Mi Wan. Mi Wan took advantage of her strength and jumped in directly from the window.

It was so icy, and suddenly took a breath of cold air, and Mi Wan subconsciously curled up ten toes.

It was already late autumn, and the floor heating in the Mi family's old house was starting to burn, but Fan Chen was a monster, so he didn't have much sense of the hot and cold climate, and there was not even an air conditioner in the house. A little heat from Mi Wan's body was almost dissipated when he climbed the vine ladder. At this time, his bare feet fell on the floor, and he was caught off guard by the ice.

"Where's the ice tooth grass?" Mi Wan didn't show it, but subconsciously moved it to the carpet beside the bed.

"In the living room downstairs." He didn't plan to discuss matters with Mi Wan in his bedroom.

"Then let's go down." He turned around and walked downstairs.

"Wait a minute..." Fan Chen stopped Mi Wan, then hooked his right hand in the direction of the window, and then a green vine hooked a pink thing flying in from the window and landed firmly at Mi Wan's feet.

My bunny ear slippers? Mi Wan was surprised for a while, and the two chubby feet couldn't wait to slip in. When he was about to raise his head to say thank you, Fan Chen had already turned and left.

Mi Wan hurriedly ran after him, ran downstairs, and saw Bingyao on the coffee table in the living room at a glance. It is not large, only half the height of an adult finger, and its color is light. It is placed in a flower pot the size of a soup bowl. There is even a string of dewdrops on the tip of the leaf, which is densely packed. At least there are more than a dozen ice plants. Tooth grass.

"Why did you get so much back?" It was said yesterday that Bingya grass is rare, but today there are more than a dozen plants, and the years are different.

"I was afraid that the efficacy of the medicine in ten years would not be enough, so I brought back a few more plants." Fan Chen pointed to the ice tooth grass in the flower tray and said, "From left to right, each plant is separated by five years."

"So this one is seventy years old?" Mi Wan said, pointing to the one on the far right.

"En." Fan Chen nodded.

"Didn't you say that Ice Tooth Grass is difficult to survive now? It's not seventy years away."

"I picked it up from the southern border." Fan Chen explained, "It's just this one."

The southern border? That is a place that humans have never set foot in so far, not to mention humans, even monsters, many of them can't get past the mists and worms in the jungles of the southern border.

"Then why are you picking it so rare? Let it grow well." It was just this one, and Mi Wan felt distressed when she heard it.

"It doesn't matter." Fan Chen said indifferently, "Let's leave it alone anyway, if there is not enough spiritual energy, it will still die after two years." This is why he made a special trip to the southern border. , the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced, so instead of leaving it alone, it is better to use it to refine the medicine for Mi Wan.

"Oh~~" Mi Wan didn't expect to have this layer, and after a clear oh, he pointed to the ten-year-old Bingyao on the far left and said, "Then I'd better try the ten-year-old Bingyao first. ."

At this time, Mi Wan didn't have the confidence of last night. If the spiritual energy of today is thin, the ice tooth grass will wither in seventy years, so the medicinal effect of ice tooth grass in ten years is still not as strong as it was five hundred years ago, and it is also an unknown.

"Do you have an induction cooker at home?" Mi Wan looked up again and asked.

"No." Fan Chen wondered, "What do you want an induction cooker for?"

"Open fire and refine medicine." Mi Wan's expression was still questioning.

"Using an induction cooker?" Fan Chen's face was magical.

"Yeah, let me tell you, this induction cooker is a good thing. It can accurately lock the temperature of the fire. It can be stabilized at any temperature you want, and it's not too easy to use. You know this is for alchemists. What an excellent function?" If there was an induction cooker five hundred years ago, would she still need to watch the fire every day

"...I don't know." Fan Chen hesitated and said, "I'll go out and buy it."

"It's all ordered and the store closed early." There are 24-hour convenience stores, but no one sells induction cookers. "Is there anything else that can make a fire? I'll work together."

Fan Chen silently took out a small stove and a medicine pot. This is a home that doesn't even have a gas stove

Fortunately, Mi Wan is an ancient person five hundred years ago, and has ample experience in hard work. She took a small stove and picked up the dry wood in the yard to make a fire. Otherwise, she really wanted to climb the wall and go home to steal the induction cooker.

Fan Chen couldn't help with the medicine refining, but he didn't leave either. He sat quietly by the side and watched Mi Wan refining the medicine.

For the first pot of medicine, Mi Wan used Bingya grass for ten years. Bingya grass was originally light and tasteless, but after being used as the medicine, it was stimulated by Mi Wan's spiritual power, and the hidden medicine fragrance was completely stimulated, and the continuous medicine fragrance Floating in the air, people and demons couldn't help but be shocked.

Fan Chen's dark eyes suddenly flashed a ray of light, and he looked expectantly at which pot of medicine was being refined.

After another five minutes, Mi Wan stopped the movement in his hand, picked up the medicine pot, and poured the medicine into the soil.

"Isn't it successful?" Fan Chen looked at the discarded medicine in disbelief, obviously the scent of the medicine just now was so strong.

"It didn't work." Mi Wan said in distress, "It seems that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth not only affected the lifespan of Ice Tooth Grass, but also the efficacy of her medicine. Try it for fifteen years."

Fan Chen heard that, although he was a little disappointed, he was also expected, and immediately picked the second Bingyao grass from the flowerpot and handed it to Mi Wan.

With the first failure, this time Mi Wan was extraordinarily serious, whether it was from the time of taking the medicine, the control of the heat or the mobilization of spiritual power, he was more cautious. She controlled the heat of the stove with one hand, conveyed spiritual power with the other, and at the same time focused on observing the changes of the ice tooth grass in the medicine pot. Because he was too focused, the hair that was loosely scattered fell from behind his ears and fell to his chest. Following Mi Wan's movements, there was a strand of hair that was about to touch the stove.

With a flick of his finger, Fan Chen secretly sent a gust of wind past, blowing back the strand of hair that was about to hit the fire. Only he blew it back, and soon the strand of hair floated back due to inertia. Fan Chen pursed his lips. Seeing that Mi Wan was always focusing on refining medicine, he didn't notice this, so he had to help again.

He released a ray of demonic power and turned it gently at his fingertips, and then a tiny vine appeared out of nowhere. It passed through the loose strands of hair, went around in a circle, and then slowly tightened, completely preventing the hair from falling to the ground again. Possibilities in the chest. After doing all this, Fan Chen quietly withdrew his demon power and continued to stare at Mi Wan refining the medicine.

After a while, there was another burst of medicinal fragrance, and the intensity was far better than the first pot.

"Did it work?" Fan Chen couldn't help asking aloud when he saw that Mi Wan didn't pour out the medicine as directly as the first time.

"It seems to be done." Mi Wan's tone was not very sure.


"It's my first time practicing." Mi Wan said innocently, "Judging from the quality, it should have been a success, but you have to use it to know how effective it is."

"It's your first time practicing? Haven't even tried the medicine?" He repeated two questions in a row, showing how shocked Fan Chen was.

"Yeah, when the prescription was first formed, the head of my family was afraid that if the prescription stayed, it would enhance the strength of the demon clan, so he tore it up on the spot. I can remember it, thanks to the fact that when my master developed the prescription, I followed the whole process. Woolen cloth."

"Tear it off?" Fan Chen felt heartache and even a little bit of anger when he thought that this prescription that could repair the inner pill of the demon race had been torn up.

"As long as the demon pill doesn't get hurt, your demon clan won't die easily. If you have the prescription for repairing the demon pill, how can we fight the monster battle." Speaking of which, Mi Wan looked at the medicine in front of her with an expression on her face. Somewhat at a loss, "You said that if this medicine is made by me, in the future your monster clan will become stronger, and will the war between human and monster break out again."

"No." Fan Chen looked at Mi Wan's puzzled eyes and replied, "Isn't this medicine only made with the spiritual power of your demon hunters?"

"That's right." Mi Wan suddenly smiled, "This medicine can only be refined by our demon hunters, and... Bingya herbal medicine is so ineffective, even if I refine medicine with my spiritual power, I will repair the too high-level demon pill. No. The cultivation base of the pharmacist limits the efficacy of the finished medicine. To a certain extent, the level of the monster hunter and the monster clan will not be too different. Unless... "

Mi Wan looked at Fan Chen, and suddenly stopped talking.

"Unless what?" Fan Chen asked.

"Unless a big monster like you suddenly wants to destroy the world." Mi Wan laughed.

"Don't worry, I won't." The girl was laughing, but the worry in his eyes Fan Chen could see clearly, if he wanted to destroy the world, he wouldn't have just sent out a vine of the Universe in the Human-Monster War, "Let's try the medicine. "

"Try again tomorrow." Mi Wan shook his head, took a thermos cup from the side, and put the refined medicine in it.

"Why? Isn't that cat demon in your room?" Fan Chen was puzzled.

"The price hasn't been negotiated yet, so how can you just take the medicine."

"… "

Holding the thermos cup and slippers, Mi Wan climbed up the rattan ladder again. Before leaving, she pointed to her hair and thanked Fan Chen: "Thank you, otherwise my hair would have been burnt just now."

"You're welcome." Fan Chen replied lightly.

With a wave of his hand, Mi Wan quickly walked across the Fuji bridge barefoot and returned to his room. The moment she jumped off the vine bridge, the vine bridge behind her turned into countless vines and returned to the ground. When Mi Wan looked back, the window opposite was already closed, and she only had time to see Fan Chen pulling the curtains.

I forgot to ask for my phone number again.

"Meow~~" The little demon who hadn't fallen asleep stuck his head out of the quilt.

(Sister, are you back from a date?)

"What's the date, I'm going to make medicine." Mi Wan put the thermos cup on the table, and went to the dressing table to apply skin care products to herself. Just after taking a shower, she went straight over, and the fragrant water hadn't been sprayed yet. .

Mi Wan was too lazy to wash her face again, wiped the water and lotion on the dresser one by one, and took off her hair again. Looking at the thin vine without a leaf in his hand, Mi Wan couldn't help complaining: "After living for so long, I'm still a straight man, I don't know how to decorate it with flowers."

Mi Wan threw the vines into the vanity box, went to the bed, lifted the quilt, and went in.

"Meow~~" The kitten demon smelled the medicinal fragrance on Mi Wan's body.

(Sister, what kind of medicine are you practicing? It smells so good.)

"Sleep first, you'll find out tomorrow." Mi Wan rolled over, rubbed a cat's ears, and fell asleep.

The next day, Mi Wan finished an hour of exercise as usual before going to the restaurant to eat. Sister-in-law Zhang helped her prepare breakfast and went upstairs to help her clean up the room.

"Sister Zhang, don't dump the contents of the thermos cup in my room." Seeing Mrs. Zhang going upstairs, Mi Wan couldn't help but warned. At home, Mrs. Zhang would never let her eat overnight food, so if she didn't remind her of the medicine in the thermos cup, Mrs. Zhang might just pour it out for her.

"The thermos cup, did Miss bring it back yesterday?" She cleans Mi Wan's room every day, and she knows how many things there are.

"Yeah." Mi Wan replied casually.

"Where are the two glasses before, Miss?" Speaking of the glasses, Mrs. Zhang suddenly remembered the two glasses that were missing in the previous room.

"Oh, that cup, I gave it away."

"It's a gift." Mrs. Zhang muttered, but she didn't ask any further questions, and continued to go upstairs to clean.

After breakfast, Mi Wan went to school with the cat in his arms. As soon as he entered the school gate, he went straight to the grove next to the teaching building, and Guan Li also waited there early. It seems that because Guanli's injury has recovered a little, and the demon power has stabilized, Huang Mao did not follow.

"Meow~~" (Brother.)

Seeing Guanli, the little cat demon couldn't help but pounced directly. Guan Li caught it easily, and after rubbing it a few times, he couldn't wait to look at Mi Wan, waiting for the other party to think about the answer after a night.

"Sister, I don't know how you are thinking?" Guan Li asked cautiously.

"No." Mi Wan simply returned to the past two words.

"Then... Thank you, Senior Sister." Guan Li's face was full of disappointment, but he didn't continue to beg or force Mi Wan. He just hugged the kitten in his arms a little tighter, and turned away lonely.

Seeing that there was no stalking in Guanli, Mi Wan had a better impression.

"and many more."

Hearing Mi Wan stop him, Guan Li suddenly turned around and looked at him with a hopeful expression, thinking that Mi Wan had changed his mind and planned to take in his sister.

"Don't get me wrong, I still don't support it." Maybe it was because Guan Li's expression was too hot, Mi Wan couldn't help but refuse again.

"Then... Senior sister stopped me?" Guan Li had a good self-restraint, and he suffered a double blow, but his attitude towards Mi Wan remained the same.

"I heard... your family is quite rich?"

"Our family owns a jewelry store, so it's considered a small asset." Guan Li replied.

"If there is a way to cure your sister, how much would you be willing to pay?" Mi Wan asked.

"If there is such a way, why not go bankrupt." Guan Li sighed, but unfortunately there is no such way in this world.

"Meow~~" The little demon noticed that his brother was sad again, and couldn't help but comfort him.

"So lavish? You agree that your family will not agree to bankruptcy." Mi Wan only wants Guanli's determination, so as not to really let the family go bankrupt, "I heard that your family has some treasures, you will Give that to me."

"Sorry, senior, the treasure of the shop was designed by my grandfather, it is not for sale, if you want..." Guan Li suddenly stopped, and then as if he suddenly understood something, he looked at Mi Wan in disbelief with excited lips. They all started to shiver, "You mean..."

"The treasure of the town store can't be given..."


With a single word in Guanli, Mi Wan's words were directly held back.

"I can, I can, Senior Sister, as long as you can cure Tongtong, I'll bring you the treasure of the shop right away. Just... Do you really have a way to cure Tongtong?" Guan Li couldn't bear it after he finished speaking Zhu Zhu confirmed it again, for fear that he had misunderstood it.

"Don't worry, you won't need money if you can't cure it."

It's not about money, it's okay to add money if it's cured. But depending on how Guan Li asked, Mi Wan only replied: Send Guan Tong to her in the evening, whether it will be known tomorrow.

After discussing the 30 million sale, Mi Wan went back to class.

This morning was full of classes, because yesterday the teacher assigned two homework in a row, so she didn't dare to sleep the whole time. After listening to the two cloudy lessons, Mi Wan miraculously found that she seemed to be Can also understand a three or four points.

Knowing that I was still very smart, Mi Wan couldn't help but boast, and happily went to dinner. After eating, she went to the place agreed with Huang Mao non-stop, and there was a one million transaction to be delivered today.

Teach to draw a witch hunter.

As I said yesterday, it is not difficult to draw a talisman. The hunter only needs to master the order of the strokes when drawing the talisman, as well as the necessary points of spiritual power in the process of drawing the talisman to draw a perfect talisman. Demon charm.

In today's society, any child who can be admitted to a university has excellent endorsement ability. Huangmao copied the order of the talisman three times and then remembered it, but it was the spiritual power infusion point at the back. When he was pouring spiritual power I haven't been able to master it well, so I let Mi Wan guide me for half an hour.

After Huang Mao learned it, received a deposit of 500,000 yuan on the spot, and told Huang Mao to remember to pay the balance on time, Mi Wan went out shopping again with a schoolbag on his back. She and Guan Li made an appointment to pick up Guan Tong at the gate of the school at 5:00 pm. There are still three hours before the agreed time. After walking around for a while, Mi Wan found a milk tea shop and planned to watch a movie there to kill time.

After sitting for less than ten minutes, Mi Wan suddenly received a call from the sparrow essence, saying that Ji Jingjing had saved ten more eggs to send to her, and Mi Wan immediately sent a location.

The sparrow spirit seemed to be nearby, and hung up the phone after ten minutes of replying.

Ten minutes later, a brand-new car of a certain brand parked outside the milk tea shop, and the sparrow jingle wearing a leather jacket got off the car with a basket and a bag.

"Big guy." The sparrow spirit saw Mi Wan and immediately came up.

"The car is not bad, have you made a fortune?" Mi Wan asked.

"No, it was given to me by my sister, and it's because of you, boss." The sparrow smiled flatteringly. If it wasn't for his rich and powerful brother-in-law, when would he be able to buy his several thousand yuan a month salary? get this car.

Mi Wan smiled, took the basket from Sparrow Jing's hand without counting it, and put it aside.

"Big brother, you asked me to meet here, are you going to school here?" Sparrow asked smartly.

"Yes, I'm a big h."

"A high-caliber student." The sparrow spirit immediately boasted.

"Don't be flattering, if you have something to say." So flattering, there must be something to ask her.

"Hey... It's like this, I have a few friends here, and I also have a little problem with transformation. I don't know when you will be free, of course... The price is easy to say." Sparrow Jing replied.

"I have something to do recently. Let's take a while." Mi Wan did not agree. She was going to treat the little demon in the past two days. So in a short period of time, she probably doesn't have the strength to pick up other business.

"Then when are you free?" the sparrow jing asked.

"Let's talk about it next month." After treating the little demon, she still has to complete the design homework assigned by the teacher, as well as a field research task for soil science, which is really busy.

"Okay, then I'll contact you next month." Although the sparrow spirit is a little disappointed, it's only a month. Those monsters have waited for decades, and it's not bad for this month.

Mi Wan spent five o'clock in the milk tea shop, and then walked to the school gate. From a distance, she saw Guanli waiting at the door. When she saw Shangguanli's hesitant eyes, Mi Wan still didn't give him any affirmation. 's answer. Picked up the little demon, left a message, see you tomorrow, and left. But before getting into the car, she heard Guan Li shouting to her from a distance:

"Sister, tomorrow, I will bring the soul of the cat's eye."

"Your brother, he really cares about you." Mi Wan smiled and looked down at the little cat in his arms.

"Meow~~" (Brother is the best.)

When he got home, the first thing Mi Wan did was to let the little demon drink all the medicine in the thermos cup. After the little demon finished drinking the medicine, she said something comfortable and fell asleep. Mi Wan stood by the side and kept observing the state of the kitten demon, using his spiritual power from time to time to prevent the encroachment of the demon poison, until he saw that the black spots on the kitten demon pill showed signs of receding.

This is done.

Mi Wan got up immediately, opened the window, and skillfully smashed a cup over.

"Can you change the way you knock on the door?" Fan Chen helplessly put the cup back into his room.

"I don't want to either. Who told me to not have your phone number?"

Fan Chen didn't answer, he just asked, "Is the medicine effective?"

The medicine that I made yesterday, and I found myself today, there should be nothing other than the efficacy of the medicine.

"Yes, the medicine has been made, and I will treat the little demon in a while." Mi Wan nodded happily.

"That's good." Fan Chen's tone also contained a hint of joy.

"Then what..." Mi Wan greeted in advance, "I may overuse my spiritual power in a while, so let's say hello first."

"Understood." Fan Chen nodded knowingly.

Everything was ready, Mi Wan ran back and locked the door, and then began to heal the little demon. As she expected, the demon poison on the kitten demon was too heavy. After her full treatment, her soul was really overwhelmed and floated directly to the next door.

Fan Chen seemed to have been waiting for her. When Mi Wan passed by, he was reading a book under the lamp. When he saw her coming, he frowned slightly and said, "Don't be too forceful."

Then sent her back.

After returning to the body, Mi Wan was already exhausted and fell asleep before he could wake up. The next day, he was woken up by Mrs. Zhang's knock on the door. What he saw was the face of a six or seven-year-old girl with a pair of pink ears on her head, which were very cute.