She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 29: Break up


In order to restore his sister's identity information, Guan Li took Guan Tong back to the clan.

The sudden appearance of Guan Tong caused an uproar within the cat clan, because Guan Tong degenerated step by step under the gaze of all of them. Half a year ago, she was included in the degenerate list, and the ownership of the demon pill also made them compete fiercely. Because Guan Tong is degraded, but she is the oldest branch of the cat family, and the quality of the demon pill is better than the average cat demon. If you can get her demon pill, you can even go to another level in your future practice.

According to the rules of the cat clan, the degenerate demon pill belongs to this clan, and the immediate family members have the right of preference, but this preference must meet one of three conditions. The three conditions are: 1. If you are severely injured, you must use Yao Dan to repair. 2. Pregnancy. Taking Yao Dan can improve the immunity of the cub and prevent the possibility of degeneration. 3. Advanced cultivation.

Of these three conditions, Guan Tong's parents and elder brother, only elder brother Guan Li met the conditions, because he happened to be in the third-order peak period at that time, but how much Guan Li loved Guan Tong was obvious to all. Devouring the demon pills of the same clan will also perceive the emotions of the clan before they die. Everyone thinks that Guanli will not want Guan Tong's demon pills. But he didn't want Guan Li to suddenly jump out and claim Guan Tong's demon pill when their competition was the fiercest.

A few days ago, Guan Li suddenly advanced successfully. Everyone thought that he finally started to dig up his sister's demon pill, but they didn't think that he not only didn't swallow Guan Tong's demon pill, but he didn't know what method he used to cure Guan Tong. .

"Patriarch, please give a proof to the clan. I want to go to the Apothecary Association to register Tongtong's identity information again." In the main house, Guan Li respectfully asked the patriarch for instructions.

"I will let someone do the restoration of the identity information, but..." Yuan Wang, the patriarch of the cat clan, never left Guan Tong's eyes, and the little cat demon was so nervous when he looked at him that he snuggled tightly against his brother, "Guan Tong You must explain to me clearly about Tong."

"It's one of my senior sisters, she's a demon hunter, and she managed to cure Tongtong." When Guan Li brought his sister back, he knew that the patriarch would definitely ask, and he didn't plan to hide it, but he did. Not much is known.

"Monster catcher?" Yuan Wang frowned in confusion. The demon catcher helped the demon tribe repair the demon pill. How is this possible

"Yes, I used the soul of the cat's eye as a reward. She helped me cure Tongtong. I don't know how to cure it." Guan Li added.

"What about you?" Yuan Wang looked at Guan Tong again, with a little complexity in his eyes. After all, he almost dug up the girl's demon pill on the spot, "How did the demon hunter treat you, do you remember?"

"I... I..." Guan Tong was a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, just say what you know." Guan Li crouched down and comforted his sister.

"Well." With his brother's comfort, Guan Tong calmed down a bit, "Sister gave me a medicine, and after drinking it, I felt warm in my body, and the demon pill was numb as if soaked in warm water. It was itchy again, but it was comfortable. Then I fell asleep, and it was fine when I woke up."

"What medicine?" Yuan Wang asked.

"I don't know, but it should be the medicine made by my sister herself." Guan Tong replied.

"Have you seen her refining medicine?"

"No." Guan Tong shook his head, "I just smelled the fragrance of the medicine on her body, but I didn't see the process of refining the medicine."

"That's all?" Yuan Wang was very dissatisfied with the news provided by Guan Tong.

"Tongtong... just know this." Guan Tong was frightened by the aura of the patriarch and stuttered again.

Guan Li subconsciously kept his sister behind him. Guan Li's mood was also a bit complicated for the patriarch who almost dug his sister Yao Dan, but he didn't have much hatred or resentment. After all, as the patriarch, the purpose of digging out the demon pills of the degenerate clan and giving them to other demons needed by the clan is to maintain the strength of the cat clan. For this, the patriarch even dug up his own son's demon pill. Guan Li was only eight years old at that time, and so was the patriarch's son.

The two kittens are very good playmates. After the little friend's demon pill was dug up, Guan Li sneaked into the altar to say goodbye to the little friend, but unexpectedly found the patriarch sitting there alone, holding his son's The body wept silently, in fact, he didn't want to.

"What's her name?" asked the patriarch.


"Is it from the Monster Hunters Association?"

"No." Guan Li remembered that Xiangzhen had complained to her, saying that Mi Wan was greedy for money, liked to extort money from the demon clan, and refused to join the Monster Hunters Association for this reason.

"It's fine if it's not." Yuan Wang was silent for a while, then suddenly said to Guan Li, "Guan Li, go and ask this monster hunter named Mi Wan how she cured Tongtong and whether she can stop the monster. Clan degeneration, the clearer the question, the better. If Tongtong's situation is not accidental, and if there is really a medicine that can stop the degeneration, do you know what this means for the demon clan?"

"I know." Guanli doesn't know how many demon pills of the same clan are dug every year. No one knows better than them. "I will investigate clearly."

"Okay." Yuan Wang patted Guan Li's shoulder heavily, the solemnity of which is self-evident.

After leaving the main house, Guan Li took his sister back to his home. Guan Tong's appearance has been spread all over the family, and Guan Li's parents naturally got the news. They called Guan Li as soon as possible and asked him to take Guan Tong home.

But when Guan Tong walked to the gate of her courtyard, she hesitated in fear. She would never forget that when she completely degenerated into a cat that day, her parents sent her to the altar without any hesitation.

"Don't be afraid." Guan Li noticed the strangeness of his sister and knew that she was uncomfortable, so he could only try to relieve her, "Let's go in and say hello and come out soon."

"Yeah." Guan Tong gave a small nod, but her hand tightly tugging at the corner of Guan Li's clothes still revealed her unease.

The demon clan has a long lifespan and has demon power to maintain, so the demon clan does not seem to be very old. The actual age of Guanli's parents is over sixty years old, but they still look the same as thirty. The two looked at the girl who was signed in by the gate, and greeted them with complicated expressions.

"Tongtong, come here." Mrs. Guan hesitated for a while, and called her daughter kindly.

"Mom." Guan Tong called out in a low voice but didn't go.

Mrs. Guan's face stiffened, but she did not force her daughter to come over. Obviously, she knew very well what the problem was. When she sent her daughter to the altar, her daughter was buried by her own hands.

"Dad, Mom, I'll come back to get something, and later... Tongtong will live with me." Guan Li didn't want to be embarrassed, so he said it directly.

Mrs. Guan looked at her husband subconsciously, but saw that the other party just gave a faint hum, apparently agreeing with her son's decision. Seeing that her husband had agreed, Mrs. Guan had no objection and just said, "I'll go help Tongtong pack up."

After taking the things, the two came out of the house. On the way, they saw their little sister listless and knew that she was sad.

"Tongtong, did you know? The soul of the cat's eye was stolen by my brother."

"Ah? What if they found out?" Guan Tong immediately became nervous.

"They've already found it." Guan Li said with a smile, "Yesterday, when I was going to steal, Dad bumped into it. I said it was to treat you. Dad didn't say anything and let me go."

"Really?" Guan Tong's big blue eyes lit up suddenly.

"Really." Guan Li hugged his sister with a smile, "Let's go, brother will take you to eat something delicious."

The next morning.

Mi Wan dazedly heard the alarm sound of the mobile phone, and immediately stretched out a hand from the bed and pressed it off. She was thinking about sleeping for another ten minutes, but she put her hand in the bed and the alarm sounded. It rang again.

Why is it beeping again? Mi Wan irritably stretched out her hand again and pressed it again, and the alarm sounded again after a while.

Is the phone broken

Mi Wan furiously lifted the quilt, picked up the phone and was about to turn it off, only to realize that it wasn't the alarm that was ringing, but someone was calling her.

"Are you sick, what time is it?" When the quilt was lifted just now, the temperature in the quilt disappeared.

"Mi Wan, what exactly were the eggs you gave me yesterday?" The young man's clear voice was full of doubts.

"An egg is not an egg, but what else could it be."

"But..." Mi Shao looked at his roommate who was crippled just like him yesterday. Today, he can jump around in various ways, and his mood is extremely subtle. "You... Did that egg of yours treat my leg?"

"Is your leg okay? No thanks, hang up." After speaking, Mi Wan hung up the phone directly. I also know how to thank you, so I don't care about you waking me up early in the morning.

"How's it going? What did your sister say?" Yang Kaize, a boy who jumped around curiously, came to his side.

"That egg is for my leg." From Mi Wan's confident tone that his leg was already healed, Mi Shao analyzed that the two eggs yesterday might really be ginseng eggs with great nourishment, as Wei Ji said. .

"Then ask your sister to send you another one. We can all play in our class basketball game the day after tomorrow." Yang Kaize urged.

Of the two eggs yesterday, one was eaten by Yang Kaize, and the other was given to his roommate Wei Ji. Although Wei Ji had already told him that the egg was not an ordinary egg, he was skeptical at the time, but Mi Shao gave the egg to Wei Ji. , sprained a leg and recovered in half a month. It's just that he was very aggrieved when he saw his little friend who was alive and kicking in the early morning.

Wei Ji's egg is fine, but Yang Kaize was just a bargain, so it was obviously given to him by Mi Wan's woman.

"Why did you take my eggs?" Mi Shao became more aggrieved the more he thought about it, and looked at his friend angrily.

"Didn't I see that you were going to throw it away?"

"Did I throw it away? Which eye did you see me throwing away? Did you pick it up from the trash can and eat it?"

"..." Yang Kaize was at a loss for words. Yesterday, he just heard that Mi Shao was going to throw it, but the other party didn't actually throw it. He quickly took one from the lunch box and ate it, but, "I don't know how precious this egg is. "

"You ate it anyway." The more Mi Shao said, the more aggrieved he became.

"I'm sorry, why don't I go to my grandfather's house and bring a ginseng back to compensate you?"

"I want eggs." Who can't afford ginseng

"Just ask your sister to give you another one." Yang Kaize persuaded.

Mi Shao glanced at his friend, but in the end he didn't dare to ask Mi Wan for another egg. Not to mention whether Mi Wan still has such a precious egg, even if there is, he also has an inexplicable hunch that if Mi Wan is a woman who knows that he gave the eggs she sent to others, he will not want to accept them in his next life. It's time for gifts.

For this, he paid the price of continuing to be lame for half a month.

During class at school, Mi Wan received a WeChat message from Guan Li and asked her to have dinner together at noon. She was not surprised by this. As early as when she cured Guan Tong, she expected that it would cause huge waves in the demon clan. Not only the monster clan, it is estimated that the Monster Hunter Association will soon find her. Sure enough, within an hour, Bai Feng also sent her a WeChat message, hoping to invite her to have a good chat.

Mi Wan didn't have time to deal with Bai Feng, so he called Xiang Zhen over for lunch, and there was a representative on the side to make it clear at one time.

In the box, Guan Li and Xiang Zhen's expressions were a little unnatural. Although their relationship was usually good, at this time they represented two completely different positions.

"Don't you have something to say, why didn't you speak?" Mi Wan asked while eating.

"Or... let's talk separately." Guan Li suggested.

"That's right, it's better to be separated." Xiang Zhen nodded in agreement immediately. At this time, his heart was not ordinary. Why did his half-hearted monster catcher suddenly become the representative of the association

"Okay, don't tell me." Mi Wan put down his chopsticks and said straight to the point, "I know, you just want to know how I can cure Guan Tong."


"That's right." The two nodded at the same time.

Mi Wan smiled and replied, "Bingya grass."

"Ice Tooth Grass? You found a hundred-year-old Bing Tooth Grass?" Guan Li's reaction was much more excited than Xiang Zhen, who was stunned.

Ice Tooth Grass may be unfamiliar to monster hunters, but the only thing that can repair their monster pills, it is impossible for the monster clan to not know. As early as a hundred years ago, the demon clan tried their best to search for Bingyao grass, but the final conclusion was that because of the thinness of aura, Bingyao grass could not grow for a hundred years at all. The Ice Tooth Grass, which is less than a hundred years old, has no effect on the Monster Race, so the Centennial Ice Tooth Grass has become an impossible elixir.

"Where did the hundred-year-old Bingyao grass come from now?" Mi Wan explained, "I used some special methods, I can use the less than one-hundred-year-old Bingyao grass as a medicine to induce and refine a medicine, which can be used against your monsters below the sixth rank. Clan, it has the function of repairing the demon pill."

"Only below rank six?"

"That's right."

Guan Li's heart was agitated for a while, even if it was only below the sixth rank, it was enough to change the fate of the demon clan. Today's monster clan, the largest clan, aren't they all below the sixth rank

"Then... is this medicine difficult to refine?" Guan Li continued to ask.

Mi Wan glanced at Guanli admiringly, and finally asked the point: "Difficult."

"How difficult?"

"Let's put it this way, I've cured your sister, and I won't be able to treat anyone else in the next month or so."

In other words, only one monster can be treated a month. Guan Li pondered for a moment and asked the question that he cared most about: "Then... If the monsters still need it in the future, can Senior Sister still... help."

Although Xiang Zhen didn't speak the whole time, his face became tense at this time.

Mi Wan smiled, looked at the nervous expressions of the two people on the opposite side, and spat out a bloody sentence: "Look at my mood."

Although she had promised Fan Chen, as long as the remuneration from the demon clan was sufficient, she would treat the demon clan. But the document Bai Feng sent her just now made her change her mind. That's right, when she refused to have an interview with Bai Feng and asked Xiang Zhen to come over to listen to her conversation with Guan Li, Bai Feng might have sent her a copy of the analysis data of the monster hunters and the monster clan because he was afraid that Xiang Zhen would not be able to explain clearly. She changed her mind after seeing it.

Although this practice violated her promise to Fan Chen, she is also a monster hunter herself. After experiencing the huge battle between monsters for five hundred years, she knew that the situation in front of her was precious, and she really didn't want to repeat the same mistakes. Moreover, whether the reward is sufficient or not depends on her mood, so answering like this is not a violation of her original agreement with Fan Chen.

One sentence, depending on my mood, ended the conversation at noon, and successfully established Mi Wan's position in the two clans. After all, no matter which side it is, I hope Mi Wan's mood is on her side.

The demon clan gave instructions: "Have a good relationship with the other party at all costs, and you must get the method of refining medicine."

The Monster Hunters Association is not far behind: "I will be polite when I see Mi Wan in the future, and I will try my best to meet any needs. Don't let her go to the Monster Race."

The news that there is a way to stop the degeneration spread like wildfire in the demon clan, and in just one day, the entire demon clan spread. In the same way, Mi Wan's words, looking at my mood, also reached Fan Chen's ears.

In the evening, when Fan Chen came home, he stared at the Bingyao grass that he had carefully cared for in the living room, as if he could still hear Mi Wan's words when he promised him.

"If there are monsters who come to ask you for treatment in the future, will you treat them equally and not refuse?"

"Of course, as long as the price is enough."

"Dingling bell~~" The phone rang suddenly, interrupting Fan Chen's memories. He glanced at the screen of the phone, and subconsciously frowned, it was Mi Wan.

"Hello?" Fan Chen pressed the answer button.

"Are you home yet?" Mi Wan asked.

"I'm back."

"Then why isn't the light in your room on?"

"I'm downstairs." Fan Chen walked out of the living room.

"I see you." Mi Wan stood in front of the window of his room and waved to Fan Chen in the courtyard.

"Is something wrong?" Fan Chen asked.

"I forgot to tell you last time that Ji Jingjing sent me a few more eggs, but I don't have enough spiritual power recently, so it may be a few days later before I can concoct medicine for you."

"It's ok."

"By the way, give me that 70-year-old ice tooth grass. Isn't it going to wither in two years, just give it to me, I will add it to the medicine when I make the medicine, and nourish your demon pill, maybe right Repairing the wound will help." Mi Wan was smug about the idea that came to him. The resilience of the demon clan is amazing. Maybe if she nourishes Fan Chen's demon pill, his wounds will heal naturally.

Seeing that Mi Wan took the initiative to mention Bingya grass, Fan Chen couldn't help but ask: "I heard that in the future, when the demon clan seeks you for treatment, it must depend on your mood."

"You heard." The smile on Mi Wan's face faded. She looked at Fancheng, which was separated by a wall, and she suddenly couldn't say the sophistry that she found for herself during the day.

"Well, I heard." Fan Chen was waiting for her answer.

"Fan Chen, I don't want to lie to you either." Mi Wan gritted her teeth and decided to express her scruples directly, "You and I both came from the time of the war between the monsters and the monsters. What was the situation between the monsters and monsters at that time? I know. I'm just afraid that because my intervention will break the balance between the two clans, I probably won't be able to refuse as I promised you."

Fan Chen was silent for a long time, so silent that if he hadn't been standing in the yard looking at Mi Wan, Mi Wan would have thought that he was not by the phone at all.

"I see." After a long time, Fan Chen answered and hung up the phone, without looking in Mi Wan's direction again.

"I..." Mi Wan wanted to say something, but the busy tone on the phone kept telling her over and over that her voice could no longer be heard. Although Fan Chen didn't say anything accusing, Mi Wan still felt the deep disappointment in the other party, and she seemed to be affected, and her heart was empty.

"Why should I feel guilty, I have no obligation to save the demon clan, I'm a demon hunter, it's fine if I don't catch demons."

"Even if the ice tooth grass was given to me by Fan Chen, I brought it to save the demon clan, and I also gave half of the money to him... Although he confiscated it."

Mi Wan looked at the bracelet on her wrist. The excuse she had given herself for a long time just now suddenly had no effect at all. She murmured, "I just hope to maintain the current situation of peaceful coexistence."

Sitting in the box during the day and facing Xiang Zhen and Guan Li at the same time, Mi Wan suddenly realized that the delicate balance between the human and the demon race was being broken by himself. Although she had some consciousness before, she always felt that she had only solved a few small problems that were difficult to transform into monsters, and it would not affect the overall situation until Bai Feng sent her the document.

The content of the document is very simple. It is the awakening ratio of the demon clan and the demon hunter over the past century.

The awakening ratio of monster hunters in the human race is one in 100,000, and the monster tribe, with its super long life, still maintains a subtle relationship with the monster hunter under the influence of many problems such as the decline in fertility and the degeneration of the monster tribe. balance. Once she solves the problem of the demon clan's degeneration, then over time, the demon clan's strength will definitely overwhelm the demon hunter. And even if she only chooses to save individual monsters, then as the cultivation of these monsters deepens, there will be a few more monsters that the Monster Hunter Association is difficult to deal with.

Because of this, Mi Wan lost sleep for the first time, and it wasn't until Mrs. Zhang knocked on the door the next morning that she suddenly realized that Fan Chen didn't give her Bingyacao.

This is really angry.

Perhaps to make up for the guilt in her heart, a week later, Mi Wan's spiritual power had only recovered partially, and she still reluctantly refined the medicine for Fan Chen. But when he sent a message to Fan Chen asking him to come get the medicine, Fan Chen didn't reply to her message. That night, Mi Wan went directly over the wall to deliver the medicine, but unexpectedly found that Fan Chen hadn't come back for a long time, and the furniture in the room was even covered with a layer of light dust.

Is this... breakup

Mi Wan left the thermos cup containing the medicine and left lonely.