She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 31: mudslide



Mi Wan quietly stared at the dead tree demon behind her, wondering if she had heard it wrong just now. No matter how tall and lush the tree grows, the tree demon without spiritual consciousness is no different from other vegetation on this ancient mountain, how could it be possible to issue a warning to them

"Mi Wan, what's wrong with you?" Han Xiao asked curiously when he noticed that Mi Wan suddenly stopped moving.

"It's okay." Mi Wan shook his head, instead of standing still, he turned around and took a few quick steps to follow.

"Did you hear something?" Liu Gu suddenly asked.

Mi Wan was startled, she looked at Liu Gu in surprise, and asked, "Did you hear that too?"

"Did you really hear the sound just now?" Liu Gu's expression was even more surprised than Mi Wan's.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, what's the sound?" Jin Mingxuan came over curiously.

"We have a legend here that some people will hear some strange sounds in the mountains. The old man said that Shenmu was talking to us." Liu Gu explained.

Mi Wan's face froze, and he subconsciously glanced at Gu Mu behind him. That's right, there is no demon power.

"Mi Wan, did you really hear me?" Jin Mingxuan didn't believe it, but seeing Mi Wan's expression, he was not so sure.

"Is it buzzing, I feel like someone is talking to me, but I can't hear it clearly?" Liu Gu asked.

"Yeah." Mi Wan nodded in agreement, not saying what she heard just now. She didn't intend to hide it, but the voice just now was too vague and vague. Although she could vaguely distinguish it, the voice only appeared once, and she couldn't be completely sure. Moreover, as a battle-hardened monster hunter, Mi Wan did not find any danger in this forest, and she still had confidence in that.

"The same thing I heard when I was a kid."

"Have you heard it when you were young?" Han Xiao looked at Liu Gu in surprise, and Jin Mingxuan and Mi Wan also looked over curiously.

"Yeah, when I was about five or six years old, my parents brought me to worship the sacred tree. When I went back, I heard that kind of buzzing noise. I haven't heard it since I grew up. It can be heard in the village. Most of these voices are children." Liu Gu replied.

"There is also a saying in my hometown that children are pure in mind, so they can easily hear the voice of the gods." Han Xiao remembered the legend of his hometown.

"There is also a legend in our family that children can always see things that adults can't see, such as~~~ ghosts~~~~" Jin Mingxuan stretched his voice and floated in front of Mi Wan with a grimacing face, wanting to Surprisingly scare the other party, but didn't want to, Mi Wan was indifferent the whole time with a blank expression.

"Hey, are you a girl after all, the atmosphere was so gloomy just now, why aren't you afraid?" Jin Mingxuan said in frustration.

"Why should I be afraid, because... I'm Piao." Saying that, Mi Wan pointed to her feet. Jin Mingxuan looked down subconsciously, and then found in horror that Mi Wan was floating on the ground with both feet off the ground.

"Ah~~" Jin Mingxuan screamed and rushed out all the way. When he came back to his senses, he saw Mi Wan and his other two roommates standing there, beating his chest and laughing at him. Jin Mingxuan looked at Mi Wan's feet again. At this time, he was clinging to the ground tightly, and he stamped a deep footprint on the ground because he laughed too hard.

"Stop laughing." Jin Mingxuan didn't expect that he would be frightened and be frightened, and suddenly felt that he had no face, but his bad friends didn't stop laughing because he felt embarrassed.

"Okay, don't laugh, it's two o'clock, hurry up to collect samples, try to get down the mountain before 3:30, and go back to school before 8:00." Han Xiao kindly stopped laughing and organized everyone to start collecting samples.

"Let's go to the back mountain first." Liu Gu is a local and is most familiar with this place. "The grass and trees in the back mountain have not grown well for the past two years, and a lot of baldness has been lost."

"Okay, you lead the way."

The crowd climbed up for a while, and walked for about 20 minutes to the open space Liu Gu said that the grass and trees were not growing well, but it was winter now, and the grass and trees were all withered and yellow. A whole lot of weirdness.

"Just dig here." With that, Liu Gu went down with a shovel and found a lot of reddish wet mud.

"Put a few more plastic bags. It's raining these days and the soil is too watery, so be careful to get the bag dirty." Han Xiao said, and pulled out three or four waterproof plastic bags from the bag.

"I'll take some plant samples back." Jin Mingxuan also took out a shovel and dug out the roots of the plants that were still visible.

Mi Wan didn't know what she could do, so she had to take a plastic bag and help Mingxuan pack things.

A few people finished collecting the soil and were about to change the place to collect another wave when it suddenly rained in the sky. Fortunately, everyone brought rain gear, but they didn't seem embarrassed.

"It's been a gloomy day and I knew it was going to rain."

"It's just your aftermath. It's been raining for a week now. Who doesn't know it's going to rain, you need to forecast." Liu Gu gave Jin Mingxuan an angry look.

"Tomorrow will be fine. The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow, and the next week will be good weather." In order to come out for field research, Han Xiao has been paying attention to the weather during this time.

"It's finally going to clear up. If it doesn't clear up, I'll be running out of panties." Jin Mingxuan felt tired thinking about the row of wet panties in the bedroom.

"you shut up!"

Liu Gu and Han Xiao kicked him at the same time, the road was slippery in the rain, and suddenly Jin Mingxuan was kicked and sat on the ground, looking at the two angrily: "What are you doing?"

The two looked at Mi Wan at the same time, and Mi Wan smiled awkwardly.

"Cough~~" Jin Mingxuan patted his butt and stood up, pretending that nothing happened just now, "Then what, let's continue to work, go back soon after we finish."

The crowd followed Liu Gu, went to a place with more lush plants to collect a wave of soil, and then received a call from Liu's mother.

"My mother said it's raining, and the road in the mountains is not easy to walk. Let's go down the mountain early." Liu Gu hung up the phone and turned to his friend.

"Then let's go down, the samples have been collected." Han Xiao put the samples into the bag.

"Which way do you go down, or go to Shenmu?" Jin Mingxuan asked.

"No, there's a shortcut here, and it's faster to go down the mountain." Liu Gu held an umbrella and led the way.

At this time, it had been raining for half an hour. Although the rain was not heavy, the raindrops were dense and did not stop for a moment. Gradually, a lot of rainwater flowed down the mountain into streams.

"Let's go on the main road, there is a lot of water, will the small road be difficult to walk?" Han Xiao found that he was struggling to walk as a big boy, afraid that Mi Wan, a girl, would fall on the road.

"That's fine." Liu Gu felt that what Han Xiao said made sense, and several people changed directions again, and walked back in the direction of Shenmu. When passing by the sacred tree, the incense candles lit by Liu Gu when he worshipped were still burning in the stone house.

"Why is the rain getting heavier, let's go quickly." Jin Mingxuan raised his head and glanced at the sky. Although he was not afraid of getting wet with an umbrella, the rain in the cold winter was freezing to the bone, and it was unbearable to just stand there and blow the wind. Living.

Mi Wan glanced at the tree. She was still a little concerned about the voice she heard earlier. She carefully observed the sacred tree in front of her again, and once again determined that it was a tree without spiritual consciousness. Ordinary tree.

"Mi Wan." After walking for a while, they found that Mi Wan was standing still, and couldn't help shouting.

"Here." Mi Wan stopped looking at it and hurriedly chased after him.

"What, did you hear the voice again?" Jin Mingxuan found that Mi Wan seemed to be a little different every time he saw Shenmu.

"No." Mi Wan shook his head, "I just haven't seen such a big tree."

"What is this? When we go to the Park of All Things someday, the trees there will be spectacular." Jin Mingxuan said.

All things park? It was the park built by Fan Chen. With his demonic power, it is really not difficult to plant a tree that is even taller than this sacred tree.

"I have also heard from the teacher of plant cultivation. He said that the woods in the Park of All Things do not seem to be artificially planted at all, as if they were a wasteland in ancient times. Jungle." Han Xiao relayed the teacher's words.

"One day we will go to the natural virgin jungle and come back to compare."

While chatting, everyone walked down the mountain. When they reached the middle of the mountain, the familiar voice rang again. It was like thunder, booming, as if someone was trying to say something clearly, but couldn't spit out a clear word.

"Don't talk." Mi Wan shouted at the three of them, and then quietly listened to the humming in the wind.

What's up with her? Jin Mingxuan asked the two friends with his eyes.

Han Xiao shook his head, Liu Gu made a quiet gesture, all three were puzzled, but no one said a word.


Mi Wan's pupils shrank: This is the sentence again.

"Buzz `~~ Mountain~~~ hum~~~ collapsed~~~"

"The mountain has collapsed, what does it mean that the mountain is about to collapse?" Mi Wan asked the three companions in confusion.

"The mountain has collapsed? How can the mountain collapse? Is there a mudslide?" Han Xiao said casually.

"Debris flow?" Mi Wan was taken aback.

"Bah, bah, how unlucky, we are still on the mountain, and the mudslide will not bury us." Jin Mingxuan pouted a few times, not knowing if it was raining and the weather was too cold, his arm twitched. Layers of goosebumps, "Let's go down the mountain quickly."

"Mi Wan, why do you say the mountain is about to collapse?" Only Liu Gu, who thought Mi Wan looked strange just now, couldn't help but ask one more question.

"I heard a voice just now, telling me that the mountain is about to collapse, let's run away." Mi Wan replied.

Everyone's faces turned green, and even Jin Mingxuan, who had never believed in ghosts and gods, was afraid to speak.

"Did you really hear someone talking? But we didn't hear anything just now?" Han Xiao asked in a low voice.

"I heard it. First there was a buzzing sound, and then there was an intermittent sound that kept us running away." To convince them more, Mi Wan added, "It was also before."

"Then why didn't you say it before?" Jin Mingxuan roared, knowing that the mountain was so strange, they would have come down earlier.

"I didn't hear it very clearly the first time. I thought I heard it wrong, for fear of saying it and scare you."

"It's really scary." Han Xiao went to see Liu Gu.

Liu Gu's face can no longer be described as ugly. His whole body is shaking, and his lips have turned blue-purple: "If there is really... a mudslide, then our village... "

"Liu Gu, don't think blindly, it's not necessarily true." Han Xiao took Liu Gu's arm and comforted.

"What if it's true, isn't the precursor to the mudslide just raining for days? Isn't it raining all the time?" The more Liu Gu thought about it, the more he felt that this might be true, "I just finished worshipping the sacred tree, Mi Wan heard Shenmu's warning."

"It's also possible that she was hallucinating." Jin Mingxuan still didn't quite believe it.

"I'd rather believe it or not." Mi Wan quoted what Liu Gu said when he worshipped the sacred tree, and made a decision for them, "Whether it's true or not, go back and tell the village chief, don't stay today. We're in the village, we'll talk about it when the weather is clear."

"But how could they believe it?" Liu Gu panicked. "Except for some old people, most people in the village don't believe this."

"You just said that you saw a stone rolling down the mountain, and we will testify for you." Han Xiao came up with an idea.

Liu Gu was stunned, hesitant, what if there was no mudslide

"Why are you still standing there, whether it's true or not, let's go down the mountain first." Jin Mingxuan urged, "Call your parents first and let them call someone first. Whether it's true or not, hide for a while. Nothing to lose."

Regardless of whether what Mi Wan said is true or not, since it has been decided to do it, it should not be too late.

The three made up their minds and ran down the mountain. Liu Gu even took out his mobile phone and called his mother while running. During the call, Han Xiao also found that Mi Wan was gone.

"Where's Mi Wan?" Everyone looked back and found that Mi Wan was running in the opposite direction to them.

"Mi Wan!" Han Xiao was shocked and turned to chase after Mi Wan.

"You go down first, I'll go to Shenmu." Mi Wan was afraid that Han Xiao and the others would come after him, so he lied, "I heard that voice again, Shenmu called me over."

Han Xiao paused and stood there in shock, not knowing whether to chase Mi Wan or continue down the mountain.

"Hey, Xiaogu, what's the matter, have you come down the mountain?" Liu's mother answered the phone and heard the noise from her son's side, so she couldn't help asking.

"Mom, you and my dad are about to leave the village, the mountain may be about to collapse." Liu Gu hurriedly replied.


"Let the people in the village hide for a while, and I'll come down immediately."

Mi Wan's speed was very fast, and after a few words, she disappeared on the mountain road. Her vigorous posture was completely different from the movement she had just descended from the mountain. Everyone wanted to chase, but they couldn't catch up.

"Let's go down the mountain first." Maybe the atmosphere was too terrifying, and everyone who was only half-believing at this time seemed to be certain that the mudslide would definitely come.

Mi Wan threw the umbrella directly on the side of the road, and ran quickly in the rain curtain, along the mountain road, and ran to Shenmu.

"Are you talking to me?" Mi Wan asked loudly at the ancient tree in front of him.

"Quick~~~ Escape~~~ I~~~ I can't hold back~~~ I can't hold it anymore~~~~" the voice sounded again.

Mi Wan Muran looked back and found that the sound was not emanating from the sacred tree, but from the stone house where the candle was still burning. Mi Wan walked over, she squatted in front of the stone house, looked at the blue smoke that curled up inside, and raised her eyebrows thoughtfully.

This is the power of faith.

It was Liu Gu's devout worship that gave the tree its last strength.

Mi Wan ran back under the big tree and sent her spiritual power in. Following the faint voice, she finally found Shenmu's demon pill, a dark and dead demon pill with only a trace of demonic energy left. . This ancient tree is not unwilling to talk to her, but it has no strength to speak. It is exhausting its last life, and it is sending the information of the torrent to the outside world over and over again. At the same time, its roots are firmly in the Grab the dirt under you.

Through spiritual power, Mi Wan could clearly feel that the soil in the ground was loose, and they lost their cohesion. As long as the roots of the big tree were loosened, countless soils would be poured down the mountain mixed with rainwater. The big tree refused to give up, it exhausted its last strength, and desperately pushed its roots farther and deeper, and its roots almost spread over half of the ancient mountain.

But he couldn't hold it anymore, because the soil on half of the mountain wall was loose.


It is using its last life to fight for escape opportunities for the inhabitants of the mountain and the animals on the mountain.

Mi Wan didn't know what she could do, she could only mobilize all her spiritual power and poured it into the demon core of Shenmu, which was about to die, hoping that it could last a while longer. But Mi Wan knew that even if she exhausted her spiritual power, she wouldn't be able to last long.

Gritting his teeth, Mi Wan covered the tree trunk with one hand, took out the phone from the bag with the other, and called Han Xiao.

"Mi Wan, have you come down yet?" Han Xiao asked anxiously, "We saw a lot of fleeing animals on the road."

"Monitor, listen to me, it's only fifteen minutes."

"What?" Han Xiao didn't understand.

"Debris flow." She and Shenmu could only hold on for another fifteen minutes.

"Then have you come down yet?" Han Xiao asked.

"I'm down." Mi Wan hung up the phone, threw the phone aside, put both hands on the tree trunk, and channeled his spiritual power.

Time passed little by little, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. Mi Wan seemed to hear some kind of rumbling sound in her ears, but she didn't have the strength to confirm it because her spiritual power was about to run out.

Before the soul took off, Mi Wan saw his body slowly fall down, the huge roots of the sacred tree were broken by the mountain torrent, and the branches that had stood for thousands of years tilted for the first time.

Mi Wan's soul is still in the sky, her soul is floating higher and higher, and she sees more and more scenes. She sees her body being buried under the torrent, and half of Guyuan Mountain is like a river. The dike ran to the mountain village at the foot. She wanted to drift over to see if the squad leader had notified the villagers, but her soul continued to rise.

"Ahh... the mountain has fallen!"

I don't know who shouted such a voice, the tall mountain fell down, and Liu Gu and others who had fled to a safe place were shocked to see it.

Did a mudslide really break out

"What should I do, the people in the next village haven't been evacuated yet." The village chief of Guyuan Village stomped his feet in annoyance, and called the village chief of the next village without giving up.

Mi Wan's soul was still floating, and she suddenly began to think about her future as she was powerless to the situation in front of her. She and Fan Chen have already broken up, and I don't know if Fan Chen will send her soul back this time. Also, her body was buried under the torrent, and I don't know if she can still be dug up? Can I use it if I dug it out

Suddenly, among the surging torrents, countless green vines emerged. They grew faster than the torrents, and then formed a net on the cliff, blocking the stones. Countless fleeing animals climbed on the green vines that suddenly appeared and escaped the impact of the mudslide. They shrank on the green vines, like victims trapped on an isolated island in the ocean.

Fan Chen? !

The moment he saw the green vine, Mi Wan only thought of one person. The strength of the traction suddenly weakened, and Mi Wan found herself parked on the top of Guyuan Mountain, and the person she was talking about just now stood in front of her.

At this time, half of Fan Chen's body was already buried in the soil, and Mi Wan also knew that he was using his own body to stop the loss of soil. At the same time, his hands have turned into countless vines, rushing to all directions of the mountain to save the animals that are on the brink of desperation.

The collapse of the mountain was very fast, it only took a few minutes before and after, but it took Fan Chen an hour to stabilize the remaining mountain. He needs to use his magic power to awaken the roots of plants and trees buried deep in the soil, so that they can reconnect and grasp the soil, so that they can sprout and grow life again in the spring of the following year.

Mi Wan, who had been quiet the whole time and did not dare to disturb Fan Chen, suddenly found in horror that the wound on Fan Chen's chest was getting worse.

"Fan Chen, your injury~~" Mi Wan couldn't help but exclaimed, although Fan Chen's injury never improved, it never got worse.

"It's okay." Fan Chen didn't even look at the wound on his chest, but after confirming that all the animals were rescued, he retracted the vines and turned them into hands, his body was also pulled out from the ground at the same time, and the roots turned into legs. Fan Chen, who had changed back into a human form, swayed, as if he couldn't stand up a bit. He didn't hold back, and simply sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Your face is ugly." This is the first time Mi Wan has seen Fan Chen so weak, the vast and boundless demon power in the past, now only a thin layer is left.

"It's okay, just take a rest." Fan Chen turned to look at Mi Wan, "Where did you come from?"

"Halfway up the mountain." Mi Wan replied.

Fan Chen was startled: "It's you who helped that cypress tree to support it till now?"

"Yeah." Mi Wan nodded.

"Let's go." Fan Chen suddenly stood up.

"where to?"

"Go and dig your body, it won't work if you bury it for a long time."