She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 33: People, monsters and nature


After midnight, Mi Wan brought his own life-saving mouse and skillfully climbed the wall and went to the next door.

Because of the communication before, Fan Chen knew that Mi Wan was coming, so he made tea in the living room early. Fan Chen used an ancient tea set to make tea, a high-quality purple clay pot, and every move retained the charm of the ancients when making tea, which made Mi Wan a little absent-minded.

"Obviously it's just tea soaked in water, how come you boil it like this, I always think it's more expensive." Mi Wan is a vulgar person, she doesn't know how to match this elegant charm, she can only use expensive words to describe it.

"Try it." Fan Chen laughed, holding the brewed tea in front of Mi Wan with a clip.

Mi Wan picked it up, tasted it carefully, then gave a meaningful hum, shook his head and said, "It's still good to drink milk tea."

"Bastard." Fan Chen scolded with a smile, but he didn't stingy with the tea he made, and added another cup to Mi Wan.

"Why is this tea expensive?" Mi Wan heard something.

"Fortunately, the price is better than gold." Fan Chen said, he picked up another cup, and poured a cup for the little squirrel squatting on the table to chew on the pine nuts.

"No wonder, but apart from being expensive, I didn't drink any other flavors." Mi Wan was speechless, but after thinking about it, it wasn't the money he spent, so he drank it with peace of mind.

"It seems that you like it here." Fan Chen tapped the little squirrel's head with his finger.

"Chichi~~" The little squirrel nodded cheerfully, raised the pine nuts in his hand to Fan Chen, and screamed, not knowing what he was talking about.

"It's quite generous, but I'm willing to give you pine nuts to eat." Mi Wan was a little surprised, to know that she found a pack of nuts for the little squirrel earlier, and the little squirrel dragged it and hid it under the bed immediately, not letting it touch it. She touched it, and the angry Mi Wan asked Butler Ye to bring a box up, and it was a pleasure to see the little squirrel trying to push but unable to push it.

"It said that you prepared a whole box of delicious nuts for it. It has never seen so many delicious nuts when it grows so big. It plans to sleep on nuts at night." Fan Chen translated with a smile.

"By the way, is it male or female?" Mi Wan suddenly remembered that he didn't know the squirrel's gender.


"It lets you guess." One thing that's not good about a wise animal is that it can understand what you say, but you can't understand what it is saying, so Fan Chen has to translate it.

"Guess what, just see if you don't know." Mi Wan held down the little squirrel and turned it over to start checking.

"What are you doing?" Fan Chen asked in surprise as he looked at the squirrel screaming miserably.

"Of course it's to see if it has any chickens~~"

"..." Fan Chen waved away Mi Wan's hand in a black line, rescued the little squirrel, and said speechlessly, "It's female."

"Oh, no wonder I didn't find the chick." Mi Wan looked stunned.

"You're still not a woman?" Fan Chen couldn't help but wonder. Five hundred years ago, it was still a feudal society. What kind of sect could teach Mi Wan such an "avant-garde" female demon hunter.

"You've seen my body and soul, so what else do you need to ask?" Mi Wan spread her hands, with an expression that you were asking knowingly.

"..." Fan Chen was speechless when asked by Mi Wan, only felt his throat suffocated, and looked away uncomfortably.

"Cough... Then what... Let's talk about something else." Mi Wan also found that what he said was ambiguous, so he quickly changed the subject, "Why did you appear in Guyuan Mountain today?"

"Every mountain with spiritual energy disappears, I will feel it." When talking about business, Fan Chen's expression returned to normal.

"A mountain with spiritual energy, do you mean Shenmu?"

"Sacred wood? That cypress tree?"

"Yes, Liu Gu, that's my classmate. They call that cypress tree the sacred tree." Mi Wan explained.

Fan Chen nodded and said, "Fifty years ago, I sensed that cypress tree transcending the tribulation transformation, but unfortunately, it still failed to survive the thunder tribulation."

"But it didn't die either." Mi Wan was curious. It stands to reason that under the thunder calamity, either the transformation was successful, or it was directly killed by the lightning calamity.

"There are two reasons why it didn't die." Fan Chen explained, "The first reason is that it didn't succeed in transforming, not because of its lack of cultivation, but because the spiritual energy of Guyuan Mountain was not enough, and it didn't have enough demon power to resist thunder calamity. Therefore, although it did not succeed in transforming, it was not killed by lightning because of its deep foundation. The second reason is that after the lightning disaster, human beings believed in it, worshipped it devoutly, and kept incense. The power to prolong life. It's a pity... this incense didn't last long after all."

Mi Wan nodded understandingly: "So you went to save it?"

Fan Chen shook his head and said worriedly, "I'm here to save that mountain. Over the past few hundred years, humans have exploited the earth too much, and there are fewer and fewer mountain ranges that can nurture spiritual consciousness. Especially this kind of mountain range. Mountains close to human cities suffer from severe felling of trees and serious environmental pollution. Landslides are prone to occur in the rainy season. Once a landslide, especially such a mountain range that can breed spiritual consciousness, collapses not only a mountain, but also disappears at the same time. And the spirit of heaven and earth.”

"If the spiritual energy of heaven and earth disappears, then the demon hunters and the demon clan will cease to exist." Mi Wan reacted immediately.

"Is it just the demon clan and the demon hunter?" Fan Chen asked back, "Have you forgotten today's mudslide? If the cypress tree hadn't died, the mudslide would never have happened."

"So..." Mi Wan seemed to have thought of something, but it wasn't clear enough for a while.

"You humans only know that the demon clan harms people, and only know the non-me race, but do you know the origin of the demon clan? The demon clan is an elves that are naturally conceived. If the demon clan is completely extinct, then the ecology of the earth will be completely extinct. It's over." Fan Chen looked at Mi Wan with a surprised expression, and said word by word, "Monster clan, human beings, and nature are actually symbiotic one."

"Then...then..." If what Fan Chen said was true, wouldn't it mean that when the demon hunters were killing the demon clan, they were also killing humans themselves. And it is not their demon hunters who really kill the demon clan at the root, but the actions of millions of human beings on the earth to destroy the ecology.

"Do you know how the battle between the monsters five hundred years ago started?" As if he knew that Mi Wan still didn't believe what he said, Fan Chen gave another example.

"Because the monsters slaughtered humans." Mi Wan knew that one day five hundred years ago, all the monsters slaughtered human beings like crazy. When the monster catchers responded, the humans Thousands of monsters have been slaughtered. Since then, the demon hunter has issued a slaughter order, regardless of whether it is good or bad, and the demon will be punished. In this way, the battle between the human and the demon kicked off.

"Yes, the demon clan decided to slaughter humans overnight." Fan Chen asked, "But do you know the cause?"

Mi Wan shook his head dazedly. At that time, every demon lost his mind, and every demon was clamoring to kill all human beings. It was too late for them to protect themselves, and there was still time to explore the reason.

"Because there was a big monster at that time, it exhausted its life and came up with a prophecy." Fan Chen's eyes looked at the sky, as if he wanted to travel back through time and space to go back to that time, "Within a thousand years, the monster clan will be wiped out by humans. "

"What?! How is that possible?" Mi Wan accidentally knocked over the teacup at hand.

"Why is it impossible?" Fan Chen took a sip from the teacup, "The demon clan in existence today is less than one-tenth of what it was back then, and it's only five hundred years."

"But... at that time because... "

"Because of what, because of the war between the monsters?" Fan Chen sneered, "Five hundred years, five hundred years of recuperation, not only has the number of monsters not increased, the fertility rate is getting lower and lower, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is getting thinner and thinner. It is almost impossible to see natural plants and animals. And the number of human beings has long since multiplied.”

Mi Wan's heart skipped a beat when he heard it, so is this also the reason why the awakening rate of monster hunters is getting lower and lower

As if he knew what Mi Wan was thinking, Fan Chen said again: "The number of humans is increasing, but the awakening rate of monster hunters is getting lower and lower. What do you think is the reason?"

"So, because there are fewer monsters, there are fewer monster hunters." Mi Wan couldn't believe it.

"The balance of the heavens, it naturally breeds the monster clan, and it also breeds another race to restrain the monster clan. This is your monster hunter. So you don't have to worry about the balance between the monster hunter and the monster tribe being broken." Fan Chenwang Zhang Mi Wan, "Because since ancient times, the ratio of monsters and monster hunters has always been balanced."

"So, whether I treat the monster clan or not, it won't break the current balance?" If what Fan Chen said was true, no matter what she did, it wouldn't affect the current balance between the human and monster clan. Because there are more monsters, there will be more monster catchers, and vice versa.

"What breaks the balance has always been the destruction of the natural environment by humans, and the lack of belief by humans." Fan Chen held the little squirrel in front of Mi Wan, "It is the mountains that have collapsed, and more and more homeless people. animal."

"Jeep~~~" the little squirrel chirped, this time without Fan Chen's translation, Mi Wan also understood the meaning of the little squirrel's words. Guyuan Mountain fell, a mountain range containing spiritual power fell, Shenmu died, and the little squirrel also lost a place to practice.

"That's why you bought the land to build the park?" Mi Wan realized at this moment that Fan Chen didn't build the park to make money, and it wasn't because he was a tree demon that he liked gardens. He was doing his best to save the natural environment.

"Yeah." Fan Chen nodded, and then said melancholy, "But the artificially constructed park lacks the aura of nature after all."

"Then what can I do to get the spiritual energy back?" Mi Wan asked.

"I don't know, the only thing I can do is to plant trees." Fan Chen said, "I often wonder, if one day the green area of the earth returns to five hundred years ago, will everything return to its original state. ."

"Will it be?" Mi Wan couldn't help asking.

"I'm working hard and waiting." Fan Chen smiled.

After chatting with Fan Chen, Mi Wan had been dreaming all night after she went back. She dreamed that the monsters were killing people everywhere, and then dreamed that all the mountains were collapsing. The collapse, she was exhausted from sleep this night, so that the gradually recovered spiritual power could not suppress the coldness of yesterday, and she woke up early in the morning with a cold.

"I just said that I should take two cold medicines to prevent it last night, but you won't listen." Sister Zhang nags as she goes to prepare cold medicine for Mi Wan.

"It's okay, just sleep." Mi Wan said indifferently.

"Miss, listen to your own voice, I think, let Doctor Zhao come over and give you two injections."

"He's a drug rehab doctor who still treats diseases?" Mi Wan was surprised, Doctor Zhao was very versatile.

"Basic colds can still be cured." Butler Ye walked in with a cage in his arms. Surprisingly, he reached out and grabbed the little squirrel lying on the dining table gnawing on pine nuts, and locked it in.

"Jiji~~" The little squirrel who was suddenly imprisoned grabbed the iron cage in horror, not even wanting the beloved pine nuts.

"Uncle Ye, what are you doing?" Mi Wan asked in confusion.

"Isn't the lady going to keep it? This is the home I prepared for it. If you keep it in it, you won't be afraid of getting lost." As a qualified housekeeper, when the lady came home last night and stated that she wanted to adopt a squirrel, He ordered the squirrel cage online overnight.

"Jiji~~" The little squirrel shook his head in horror, just like a screaming groundhog.

"Cough..." Mi Wan endured a smile and said, "Uncle Ye, don't put it in a cage, our pine nuts are so good, they won't run around." Because the little squirrel likes to eat pine nuts, Mi Wan decides to give it to it Named pine nuts.

"But..." Butler Ye naturally didn't believe that a squirrel could be so obedient, but as a qualified housekeeper, of course, he had to try his best to meet the reasonable requirements of his young lady, so he immediately opened the cage.

When Songzi saw the door opened, he immediately ran out and hid on Mi Wan's shoulder.

"Then I'll go back and make a tree house for Songzi." Butler Ye put away the cage and planned to return it the same way in a while. Anyway, a certain treasure has seven days to return it without reason. (He is such a diligent and thrifty housekeeper, and never wastes a penny of the owner's money.)

"Song Nuo, thank you Uncle Ye quickly." Mi Wan tapped Song Nuo's tail.

"jiji~~" The little squirrel shook his head desperately, it didn't want to thank the old man who wanted to lock it up.

"This little guy is quite vengeful." Butler Ye chuckled, only feeling that this little squirrel really had some spiritual energy, as if he could really understand what they were saying.

After breakfast, Butler Ye brought over a brand new mobile phone: "Miss, this is a new mobile phone, and the phone card has not been replaced in time. You can take your ID card and go to the business hall to replace it later."

"it is good."

Mi Wan took it, was connecting to WIFI and planning to use the WeChat app, when he heard Steward Ye suddenly ask: "By the way, Miss, where did you and your classmates go to do research yesterday?"

"Ah... why ask this?"

"Yesterday afternoon, Guyuan Mountain outside the city suddenly collapsed, but fortunately there were no casualties. More detailed news came out this morning, saying that several college students went up the mountain to do field research and saw the rock slipping, guessing that it might be possible There will be landslides, and warnings are given in advance, so that the villagers below can escape. Didn’t I just think that you went out with your classmates for research yesterday, Miss, and wanted to ask where did you go yesterday?” Butler Ye said.

"Yeah, I also saw the news. The mudslide was fortunately discovered in advance, otherwise the village would be crushed, and I don't know how many people would die." Sister Zhang also said with lingering fears.

"I... How could I go to such a dangerous place, I just strolled around in the nearby park with my classmates." Mi Wan said with a guilty conscience.

"That's good." Although Mi Wan was sitting in front of him safely, Butler Ye was relieved to know that Mi Wan didn't go to Guyuan Mountain yesterday.

Seeing that he was fooled, Mi Wan hugged the little squirrel and breathed a sigh of relief.

Back at school, as soon as Mi Wan entered the classroom, she found that everyone looked at her a little too hot. Because she lost her mobile phone, she didn't know that her feat in Guyuan Mountain yesterday was talked about by the three of Han Xiao in the WeChat group. If the previous existence of Mi Wan in the class was just a transparent person, then the current Mi Wan is a legendary existence who saved hundreds of lives and could hear the voice of Shenmu miraculously.

"Student Mi Wan, can you really hear Shenmu's voice?"

"What's Shenmu's voice like, is he male or female?"

"What's his tone like, is he in a hurry?"

"Why does Shenmu only talk to you?"

"Is Shenmu really dead?"

Mi Wan 130's body was blocked in the corner by the crowd, and she was flustered and didn't know what to do. Fortunately, Han Xiao and Jin Mingxuan also arrived at the classroom at this time, and hurriedly ran over to help her block the questioning crowd.

"Actually, I was dizzy at the time, and now I can't recall a lot of what happened, as if I was hypnotized." The whole class was gossiping, and Mi Wan felt that if he didn't say something, this matter probably wouldn't go away.

"I know, it must be because only Mi Wan is a girl among the four, and the girl is relatively weak, and Shenmu was dying at the time, and her strength was weak, so she could only transmit her voice to Mi Wan's mind." You are good." The students who discovered the truth” summed up the answer.

"Yes, yes, no wonder I felt dizzy at the time. It turned out to be because of my weak body." Mi Wan hurriedly agreed, and gave the classmate a complimenting look by the way.

Everyone's curiosity was satisfied, and the classroom gradually became quiet, but there were still people who sent envious glances to Mi Wan from time to time. Even if it's because of his physical weakness, Mi Wan is someone who has communicated with "God".

After finally getting to the end of get out of class, Mi Wan, Han Xiao and Jin Mingxuan went to eat together, and when they got to the cafeteria, the little squirrel dared to climb out of Mi Wan's coat pocket. It was really worried that it would be squashed by enthusiastic humans.

"Do you plan to keep it in the future?" Han Xiao asked.

"Yes, this is my life-saving mouse, it's called pine nuts." Mi Wan smiled and handed the little squirrel a nut.

"Squirrels like to eat nuts, right? I still have a big bag in my dormitory. I'll use them for pine nuts in a while." Jin Mingxuan seemed to like little squirrels.

"Jiji~~" Songzi immediately called out in the direction of Jin Mingxuan happily.

"Hey, does it understand?" Jin Mingxuan asked in surprise.

"Maybe." Mi Wan replied casually, and then asked Liu Gu, "By the way, how is Liu Gu's house? When will he come back to school?"

"Liu Gu said that their village decided to go up the mountain to pay homage to the sacred tree, and he would come back when the ceremony was over," Han Xiao explained.

"Oh~~" Mi Wan nodded noncommittally. If they went up the mountain to pay homage before Shenmu died, maybe this mudslide would not have happened. At this time, the Shenmu was already dead, and even if it was a memorial service, the power of belief was no longer available to the Shenmu.

"By the way, if you really plan to keep it in the future, you'd better go to the veterinary hospital to check it up and take a bath. You can see that it still has mud on its body." Jin Mingxuan looked at the little squirrel's gray-black hair and endured it. kept reminding.

"Okay, I'll reissue the calling card in a while, and I'll take it with me when I'm done."

After lunch, Mi Wan went to the business hall to get a replacement phone card, and then went to the pet hospital in Beimen. It's been less than a month since the last time I took the cat demon from the veterinary hospital, and the veterinary hospital has become much depressed. More than half of the toys and medicine bottles that originally filled the display cabinets were emptied. The few animals in the cages looked like stray animals picked up by the roadside, and the rest of the place was empty.

"Sorry, we don't accept stray animals anymore." The proprietress of the pet shop came out, thinking that it was a student from the university carrying stray animals again, and when she saw the person in front of her, she couldn't help but be surprised again. "Student, it's you."

The cat that Mi Wan sent was the only big deal she took over this month.

"Madam, why is your store so empty?" Mi Wan asked in surprise.

"I didn't tell you last time, we want to open the store." The proprietress smiled, "Why are you here?"

"I'll give it a bath and check it out by the way." Mi Wan took out the little squirrel that was eating nuts in its pocket.

"This is... a side-striped rock squirrel." The proprietress looked at it carefully for a while, and finally saw the white stripes belonging to the side-striped rock squirrel on the side of the gray squirrel, "Where did you pick it up, why? so dirty?"

"It was dug out of the mud." Mi Wan joked happily.

"Okay, I'll give it a bath for you." The proprietress said, "When Xu Zhuang comes back, I'll ask him to check your squirrel." Xu Zhuang is the owner of the pet shop.

"Is he not here?" Mi Wan asked smoothly.

"Isn't this about to close the store?" The proprietress said while pouring water, "These stray animals in the store have nowhere to go, and Xu Zhuang couldn't bear to throw them back into the park, so he asked around if anyone wanted to adopt these animals. , once there is, he will personally send the animal there. This morning, a little Teddy was sent to Beicheng, and it is estimated that he will be back in a while."

"Your store is out?" Mi Wan asked.

"No, I can't sell it at all." Speaking of the store, the proprietress had a sad face.

"Then you are..."

"Cancel the lease." The proprietress smiled wryly, "If it can be sold, the utensils and medicines in the store will still be worth a little money, but now they can only be sold at a low price, and when the lease expires, they can only be given away. "

Mi Wan pondered for a moment and asked, "Then are you going to work in another pet store?"

"Yeah." The proprietress said, "Don't look at us opening and closing the veterinary hospital, that's because Xu Zhuang always helps stray animals, and he always sells and gives half away, but the salary of veterinarians is not low. We plan to work hard for two years and get married when we save enough for a down payment."

"What's the salary of a pet doctor?" Mi Wan asked.

"It's not high for someone like us who graduated soon, but it's more than 10,000 a month," said the proprietress.

"Have you found a job?"

"I found it, but Xu Zhuang hasn't."

"Madam, let me buy your shop, how much is it?" Mi Wan suddenly said.

"What?" The lady boss was taken aback.

"I'll take over your pet store, and the animals in the store don't have to be sent out, but there is one condition, that is, your boyfriend must stay and work for me, and I will give him 20,000 yuan a month." Mi Wan smiled. asked, "Is it alright?"