She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 34: Mermaid


Xu Zhuang, who returned to the store after delivering Teddy, was a little surprised when he heard that his store was sold out, and the people who sold the store were very generous. Block's monthly salary received his former boss who was about to get out of bed.

Although the monthly salary of 20,000 yuan is high, it is not that Xu Zhuang is conceited. It is not difficult to find a better hospital with his medical skills to get this monthly salary, but what impresses him most is that the current boss actually allows him to keep those stray animals. down. Just this one, he can do it even if the salary is 50% off.

"Don't worry, boss, when I arrange all the remaining stray animals in the store, I will definitely not go back to pick up stray animals in the future." Xu Zhuang still has some emotional intelligence, and the boss called out, making it clear that it was agreed. Moreover, he knew that he would work for others in the future, and he would no longer be able to pick up stray animals in the store as he did before, and he promised now.

"It's okay, you can pick it up." Mi Wan waved her hand generously. Isn't it just a few stray animals, she can still afford it.

"Ah?" Xu Zhuang was stunned.

"But there is one thing, you have to take care of it yourself if you pick it up."

"Ah?" Xu Zhuang looked at his wife in disbelief, am I right

Lin Meixi, the former proprietress of the pet shop, knew her boyfriend's urination well, she heard Mi Wan say this, and hurriedly reminded: "Mi Wan, don't let him pick it up, you forget how we closed down. Yet?"

"It's okay, it's not worth the money." Mi Wanhao waved his hands inhumanly, but in order to prevent her store from becoming a stray animal shelter, she still mentioned, "You can pick it up, and you can also get the medicines and utensils in the store. Use it, but you can't treat me here as a shelter."

"Definitely, definitely, I will send them away after I cure them, and I will never let them stay in the store for a long time." Xu Zhuang finally stopped dazed this time, and promised excitedly again and again.

The pet shop was finalized at noon, and Mi Wan went back to school in the afternoon. When she got home, Song Nuo's custom tree house was already placed in Mi Wan's room. Coincidentally, the tree house custom-made by Butler Ye is somewhat similar in shape to the sacred tree on Guyuan Mountain. When Song Zi saw the tree house, all the nuts in his hands fell out of joy. He directly dragged out the nuts hidden under the bed and hid them all in the tree house. It was content to roll in it, and it never came out of the tree house all night.

Knowing that it was the tree house that Butler Ye had customized for it, Song Nuo saw the old face of Butler Ye the next morning, and happily brought the nuts in his hand to him.

"It's... to give it to me?" Butler Ye hesitated for a long time before making a bold guess.

"jiji~~" Songzi pushed the nuts in his hand an inch forward.

"It seems so." Mi Wan smiled. "It likes the tree house you helped it prepared yesterday."

"Jiji~~" Songzi nodded in agreement when she heard Mi Wan's words.

Seeing the squirrel's rather humane behavior, Butler Ye tentatively put his hand in front of the pine nuts. When the dark brown nut really fell into his palm, an unusually soft emotion swept across the bottom of Butler Ye's heart. : "This little thing, is it possible that it has become a fine."

"Not yet." Mi Wan shook his head, whether he could become an elite or not depends on its chance.

After Song Nuo expressed his gratitude, he took out a new one from the nut bag next to him, nibbling it while waiting for Mi Wan to go out together after eating. The pine nuts were delicious on their own, but Steward Ye, who was beside him, looked at the nuts in his hand but hesitated. Pine Nut was already holding the nut when he came over just now, so Steward Ye wasn't sure whether the nut was eaten by the little squirrel.

Thinking of the sincere mung bean eyes of the little squirrel, Steward Ye finally opened his mouth and ate the nuts in his hand. Anyway, even if it was bitten by pine nuts, it would be fine to eat it, and it would be a big deal to brush your teeth later.

"By the way, Uncle Ye, I ordered a shop yesterday." Mi Wan reported to Butler Ye about her shop. After all, the family sent a driver to pick her up every day. Say it directly.

"Pandian? Miss, do you want to open a shop?" Butler Ye's expression was a little surprised.

"Well, when I took Songzi to the pet shop to take a bath yesterday, I found that the pet shop was in a pan shop, so I took it down and signed the contract today."

"..." In order to bathe the pine nuts, you took down the pet shop? Just now, butler Ye, who was surprised at how his young lady suddenly started to want to open a shop, finally found a familiar aura of a prodigal family.

"How much did it cost?" Butler Ye asked.

"I haven't discussed it yet. After a while, I went to the store to sign a new contract with the landlord." Because of Mi Wan's generosity, Xu Zhuang said that any transfer fee or something would be fine, so the two decided to sign the contract with the landlord first.

"I'll go with the young lady in that moment, and I'll help you check by the way." Butler Ye said worriedly.

"Okay." Mi Wan naturally wouldn't refuse, and Steward Ye looked like an experienced person. With him, she wouldn't have to talk about the contract in person.

Mi Wan's expectations were correct. As soon as the two entered the store, Butler Ye took the initiative to take over the negotiating power. He first talked with Xu Zhuang, and in a few words Xu Zhuang said that it would be okay to not pay the transfer fee. Butler Ye nodded in relief, but he did not really give any points. He said that he would let professionals come to evaluate later. Some compensation will be made appropriately. Xu Zhuang really felt that it was okay not to give money, but he didn't dare to say that he didn't want the money at this moment. He just felt that he couldn't help sweating when he was stared at by Butler Ye's eyes.

After talking about Xu Zhuang, Butler Ye connected seamlessly with the landlord. The landlord was a fat middle-aged man. He watched the two get out of the luxury car. Before he started speaking, he was overwhelmed by Butler Ye's aura, and he couldn't say the lines he had prepared. In the end, in a daze, after being greeted by Butler Ye kindly to Mr. Landlord, the rent actually dropped by one floor.

Mother, what happened just now

When Butler Ye was talking about the rent, Mi Wan was visiting his future store inside. She opened this store to treat the demon clan, but on the surface, the brand of the demon clan cannot be directly hung, so the front hall must still look like an ordinary pet store. If the demon clan treats diseases, another place must be found. She took a look just now and found that although this pet shop is quite big, there are two rooms in it, one is a pet operating room and the other is a medicine warehouse.

But if you go out from the back door, there is a yard there. If you can rent a house in it, it is just right.

"Xu Zhuang, who owns the yard at the back door? I want to rent it together." Mi Wan asked Xu Zhuang.

"It's also the landlord's." Xu Zhuang replied.

Mi Wan looked overjoyed and ran to ask the landlord, "Can I rent the yard inside together? It looks like no one lives there."

"The yard is what I use as a warehouse. It's a little old. I plan to renovate it and then rent it out." The landlord said.

"Then rent it to me, you don't need to decorate it."

"Yes, yes, but the price..." The landlord said while signing the rental contract of the pet store, thinking to himself, I must pay more for the rent of this house to make up for the failure of the negotiation just now.

Just before the name was signed, the contract was suddenly taken away. Mr. Landlord looked up in confusion, and saw Butler Ye smiling very kindly: "Mr. Landlord, since my lady has taken a fancy to the yard behind you again, I think we can talk about the price..."

"..." No, I don't want to talk to you.

In the end, the landlord was forced to talk to Butler Ye.

I rented a store and a house with a yard in a row. Even if I only paid three to four months' rent, it would still be a lot of money at one time. Butler Ye came this time mainly to see how Miss's pet hospital was like. If it's suitable, he can come forward to ask the young master for a sum of money. After all, the young master also hopes that the young lady can do something of her own, even if it doesn't make money, it doesn't matter, but he hasn't called the phone here, so Mi Wan will take the money there. Payment is over.

At the moment, Butler Ye couldn't help but be a little puzzled: "Miss, where did you get so much money?"

If it was before, Steward Ye would definitely not have this question, but for more than half a year, the young lady has been detoxifying, and all her pocket money has been stopped at home. So Mi Wan couldn't possibly have so much money.

"Uh..." Mi Wan stammered, "I... I lent someone a sum of money before, and she paid it back to me recently."

It turned out to be the case. This reason perfectly persuaded Steward Ye, who made his young lady used to be the owner of a lot of stupid money, and it was not uncommon to borrow money from people everywhere.

With Butler Ye's help, Mi Wan can say that apart from paying, he doesn't have to worry about anything. The contract, decoration, business license, and even the employee social security housekeeper Ye have all been done for her. Mi Wan only needs to wait until the opening day and go directly to check it.

On this day, Mi Wan was in the classroom reciting the final key points that Han Xiao had drawn out for her, and suddenly received a call from the sparrow essence.

"Boss, it's been a month, are you finished?"

busy? What are you busy with? Mi Wan was stunned for a while before finally remembering that he had promised the sparrow spirit a month ago to help his demon clan friend see a doctor. At that time, she had just cured the kitten demon, and her spiritual power was overdrawn, so she could not perform the treatment, so it was postponed for a month.

However, she is not much better now. A week ago, in order to delay the mudslide in Guyuan Mountain, her spiritual power was overdrawn again, and only 30% of it was recovered at this time.

"I'm done, so... Is your friend's situation serious?" Mi Wan felt that she had already pushed once, and it was not easy to push again, so she planned to ask the other party's situation first.

"It's not serious, the situation is similar to Jingjing," said the sparrow spirit.

Similar to Ji Jingjing? It does not require much spiritual power, 30% of the spiritual power is enough.

"Okay, then take the time to bring it here." Mi Wan said softly.

"Can you do it today?"

in such a hurry? Mi Wan raised her eyebrows: "Okay, I'll give you an address later, and you can deliver it at 3:30."

After hanging up the phone, Mi Wan sent the address of the pet shop to Sparrow. During this period of time, under the supervision of Butler Ye, the renovation of the pet store was progressing very fast. The house behind the pet store was basically finished, and the windows were being opened for ventilation. She just happened to be able to bring people inside.

At 3:20, Mi Wan went to the store first with her schoolbag on her back. The decoration workers were painting the walls, and when they saw Mi Wan coming, they thought it was to supervise the work, and the painting action sped up a bit. But Mi Wan didn't pay much attention to their movements. To be honest, she didn't really like the smell in the room. Knowing that the smell in the house would be so heavy after the redecoration, she would have stopped Butler Ye's decision to redecorate.

"Boss." Mi Wan stood in the shop for a while, and the sparrow spirit appeared at the door of the shop. Sparrow Jing was carrying a basket in his hand, and a man in his thirties stood beside him, holding something in his arms, which was covered by a blue cloth, and Mi Wan couldn't see it clearly.

"Come in." Mi Wan nodded and led the two of them into the house.

The sparrow spirit motioned for the people around him to follow. As soon as the two entered the pet shop, they frowned because of the smell of paint. The sparrow spirit was fine. He held his breath and walked a few steps quickly. The man beside him seemed a little unbearable. With a swaying demonic force, a faint mist of water condensed out of the air, blocking the smell around him.

Oh, it's still a fish that only pays attention to, and from the point that the moisture in the air does not have a salty taste, it should be a freshwater fish, Mi Wan observed secretly.

After entering the backyard, the smell in the room dissipated a little because of the ventilation for two days, but it still smelled a little unpleasant. Although the middle-aged male fish was not feeling well, he thought about going to see Mi Wan for medical treatment for a while, so he kept silent.

"I'm sorry, the store is still being renovated, so the smell may be a little big. But there's no one here, so it's more convenient to treat." After entering the room, Mi Wan put her schoolbag on the chair.

"It's alright, I'm fine." The sparrow essence was fine herself, but looked at the middle-aged man beside her worriedly, "Brother Yu, sister-in-law is alright."

"It's okay, the smell is separated by the water." The middle-aged male fish shook his head.

sister in law? Mi Wan subconsciously looked at what the middle-aged male fish was holding in his arms.

"Boss, this is the egg this month, and I'll bring it to you together." The sparrow spirit first gave Mi Wan the egg basket in his hand, and then introduced the middle-aged male fish, "This is Yu Feihang, from my demon clan. friend."

"Hello." Yu Feihang nodded lightly at Mi Wan. Although he was begging others, he was neither humble nor arrogant. Mi Wan guessed that this fish might have some status in the demon clan.

"The courtesy will be spared. The patient, let me have a look." Mi Wan smiled as a response, and asked directly without waiting for the sparrow spirit to speak.

Yu Feihang glanced at the sparrow spirit and saw the other side nod. Then he carefully put the things in his arms on the table beside him, and then lifted the blue cloth that was lit outside, revealing a glass with the mouth of a bowl. fish tank. The inside of the fish tank is very delicately arranged. Between the rockery, water and grass, a small red goldfish is lying in it.

"Yan Yan, wake up." Yu Feihang's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of scaring the sleeping little goldfish inside.

The red tail swayed gently, and the little goldfish, which was still motionless just now, swam out of the water with a flick of its tail, looking at her husband affectionately with big eyes, and asked, "Are you there yet?"

"Yeah." After Yu Feihang comforted his wife, he turned to look at Mi Wan and asked, "Do you have a bathtub or a bigger bucket here?"

Mi Wan guessed that the other party might want to transform into a human form, so he took the person into the bathroom, and the sparrow essence did not follow up in order to avoid suspicion.

The large bathtub in the bathroom was just installed by Butler Ye, and it was very clean, but Yu Feihang still used his demon power to clean it before pouring water into the bathtub. When the water in the bathtub was almost done, he carefully put his wife in.

The palm-sized goldfish swam for a while in the huge bathtub, and suddenly there was a burst of demonic power, and layers of ripples swayed. Mi Wan only felt a flower in front of her eyes, and a baby-faced long-haired woman suddenly emerged from the water. Because she didn't have any clothes on, she shyly got into her husband's arms as soon as she got out of the water.

Mi Wan took a closer look, only to find that her upper body had changed into a human appearance, but her tail still maintained the shape of a fish tail, and the red tail swayed lightly under her body, like a long red dress, very beautiful. .

This is a living mermaid~

"Yan Yan started three years ago, and suddenly her tail couldn't transform." Yu Feihang explained his condition to Mi Wan while comforting his wife.

Mi Wan knew from the tail that got bigger after the other side, the condition of this goldfish should be caused by the day after tomorrow. If it was congenital, she should be the same as Ji Jingjing. Even if it becomes a human-shaped tail, it should be the size of the original shape, not as big as the original shape. Now the size ratio is just right.

"I'll check." Mi Wan stretched out his hand.

Yu Feihang lowered his head and said to his wife in his arms, "Yan Yan, the doctor wants to check." After that, Yu Feihang took his wife's hand and put it in front of Mi Wan.

Mi Wan stretched out two fingers and probed it up, looking like the pulse of a Chinese medicine doctor, but only sent a touch of spiritual power into it. After a while, Mi Wan discovered Yu Feihang's wife's illness. Her illness was neither in the demon pill nor in the meridians, but because her demonic power flowed elsewhere.

"How is it?" Yu Feihang asked nervously when he saw Mi Wan withdraw his hand. The wife in his arms also quietly revealed half of her face, with the same nervous expression.

"She's pregnant." Mi Wan stood up, "It's not her problem that she can't change shape, it's because the child in her belly has absorbed too much of her demon power." Difficult to give birth.

The husband and wife looked at each other, and there was not much shock in their eyes, obviously they knew it.

"Yan Yan was pregnant three years ago, and it was only when the child was about to be born that she found out that it was a defective product. But at that time, it could no longer be destroyed." The so-called defective product is born with demon poison Cub. Usually, the children of the demon clan cannot tell whether they are healthy or not before they are born. It is not until the time of transformation that they can know which children have demon poison and which children do not.

Yu Feihang's wife was very unlucky. When she was about to give birth, her body's demon power suddenly collapsed. At that time, they also guessed that it might be the child's problem, but the child is already formed. If it is forcibly destroyed, the mother's life may not be saved, and they can't even abandon the small Baodao. In the end, Yu Feihang figured out a way and used a secret method to stop the pregnancy, but in this way, although his child would not continue to grow up, and his wife could only maintain the shape of a half-human half-fish.

How happy he was when he was pregnant, and how sad Yu Feihang was when he sealed the child with a secret method. He thought that he could only live with his wife like this in his life, but suddenly he learned of Mi Wan's existence from his friend, the patriarch of the Eagle Clan. I tried my best to ask the sparrow spirit to bring them over to try it out.

Yu Feihang looked at Mi Wan and asked hopefully, "Yan Yan's condition... can it be cured?"

"Yes, but the price may be higher."

"Really?!" It wasn't Yu Feihang who spoke, but the wife in her arms. She sat up directly from the bathtub and was so excited that she almost forgot that she had no clothes on.

When Yu Feihang saw it, he hurriedly took off his jacket and put it on his wife, not caring about being excited.

"Doctor, as long as my wife can be cured, how much money doesn't matter." Yu Feihang and his wife solemnly assured Mi Wan.

"It's easy to say that money is not an issue, but it may not be possible today." Mi Wan said again.

"Why?" Yu Feihang only felt that his heart was up and down. This was an opportunity that he had finally waited for, but why did he suddenly fail today.

"I thought Madam Ling was just blocked by the demon poison, so she couldn't change shape. As a result, I came over to check and found that the demon poison was not your wife, but the child in her stomach." Helpless, "I've spent a lot of spiritual energy recently, and the demon poison on your child's body is too heavy. It can only be cured when I recover."

"Whoa~~" Jin Yanyan got up again, this time she almost crawled out of the bathtub, because of her movements, a splash of water appeared.

"You mean, you mean... my child... it... can be cured, right?" Jin Yanyan stared at her big, blessed eyes, staring at Mi Wan, waiting for her answer.

"As long as your demon clan's seal has no sequelae, after I cure it, you will be born directly."

Just as Mi Wan's voice fell, Jin Yanyan burst into tears. Those eyes were much larger than ordinary people, and the tears that fell were also much larger than ordinary people. She held her husband's chest tightly. Clothes, he cried for half a minute before he had the strength to open his mouth to speak: "Feihang... our baby... it... it still has a chance to see the world, right?"

"Yeah." Yu Feihang took his wife into his arms and nodded fiercely.

As early as when they decided to seal the child, the husband and wife had already acquiesced that the child was dead, and they killed the child's vitality with their own hands. The appearance of Mi Wan almost gave the child a chance to come back from the dead. No matter how good his concentration is, at this moment, Yu Feihang, like his wife, lost his temper and shed tears.

Mi Wan didn't bother the husband and wife to hug and cry. She quietly exited the bathroom and met the puzzled eyes of the sparrow spirit. Mi Wan took the eggs and schoolbag on the table and said, "At Christmas, my pet hospital Open, and you will bring them over when the time comes."

"Boss, do you want to open a pet hospital?" Sparrow Jing couldn't care to ask about the situation of Yu Feihang and his wife, and was almost stunned by the sudden news. Although he had thought about it when he just appeared at the door, he still felt that it was unlikely. A monster hunter opened a hospital to treat their monsters

"Yeah, remember to accompany you when you come." Suizi, that's a fine tradition that has been preserved since 500 years ago.

"Yes... is that the pet hospital I understand?"

"As long as it's an animal, it's my client." Mi Wan left the room with a hint of words and left the room with a smile.

The sparrow spirit was stunned in the room for a long time, then decisively took out his mobile phone, sent the location in the demon group, and advertised in advance. So Mi Wan's pet hospital dominated the Yaozu's circle of friends without spending a cent on publicity.