She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 36: Small koi


Yu Feihang was shocked when he saw the water arrow that contained 80% of his demon power being held back by someone's palm. After seeing who was blocking him, his pupils shrank violently for a moment, and then he took the fish tank in his arms and retreated. Without the support of the demon power, the water arrows turned into thousands of mists and disappeared in an instant.

"Sister Mi, you..." Wei Ji, whose magic weapon was taken away, was startled. Although his own cultivation was only level 4, the fish demon on the other side was level 6. Sister Mi Shao could easily block it at the same time. Under the attack on both sides of them, what is the cultivation level of Mi Shao's sister

"Why do you do it as soon as you meet, or in my yard?" Mi Wan did not rush to ask, but did not return the instrument to Wei Ji immediately after confirming that the jade flute belonged to her own senior brother.

"I sensed the fluctuation of the demon power, and thought that there were demons sneaking in to harm people, so..." Wei Ji explained carefully, if he knew that Mi Wan was so powerful, he would definitely not be as impulsive as before. After all, he can find out that there are monsters infested, and Sister Mi Shao must have discovered it long ago.

"I asked Wu Wei to come in in advance to say hello." Yu Feihang explained that he waited outside for two minutes before coming in. He thought the sparrow spirit had already greeted him, but he didn't want to cause a misunderstanding.

Mi Wan waved his hand and said he didn't mind.

"You seem to know each other?" Mi Wan asked curiously. At first, Yu Feihang just dodged and did not fight back. He only moved his hand after seeing Wei Ji's appearance.

"The people of the Wei family will be remembered by my Shui Clan." Yu Feihang glared at Wei Ji.

"If it wasn't for your water clan causing the flood, our Wei family would not have taken action." Although Wei Ji was young, he didn't flinch when he faced the demon clan two ranks higher than him.

"Cause a flood?" Mi Wan frowned. This flood is not fun. Whether it was five hundred years ago or now, the people along the coast will suffer heavy casualties.

"That's your human race to excrete chemical waste into our waters first." Yu Feihang said angrily, "Even if a monster with a powerful cultivation level drinks it, it will be poisoned, not to mention that water is the habitat of our aquarium cubs. , Because of your one ton of chemical waste, our aquarium cubs have degraded by half. We set off floods to protect ourselves. "

"But...but..." Wei Ji hesitated for a long time before he said reluctantly, "It's fine if you destroy the chemical factory. The villagers along the river are innocent."

"Innocent? Then we lived well in the river, how did we provoke them?" Yu Feihang snorted coldly.

"Then... you should also react with the Monster Hunter Association first, and you shouldn't directly cause a flood."

"Reaction?" Yu Feihang sneered, "Later, the Monster Hunters Association found out. What happened? They sent your Wei family over directly, forcing us to give up that water area and injuring our two elders of the water clan."

Wei Ji was speechless by Yu Feihang's question. He was taught since childhood not to let the demon clan harm humans. As for the demon clan, he never seemed to think about it carefully.

Mi Wan almost understood it. She didn't want to listen to the two quarreling anymore. She glanced at Yu Feihang and said, "Mr. Yu, you go in with your wife and prepare first. I'll come over later."

Yu Feihang glared at Wei Ji again, and then nodded, holding the fish tank that he had been protecting in his arms, turned around and entered the back room. After Yu Feihang left, Mi Wancai returned the jade flute in his hand to Wei Ji.

"Thank you." Wei Ji thanked him in a low voice, he knew that if Mi Wan hadn't rescued him just now, he would definitely be injured.

"Your magic weapon is good, where did it come from?" Mi Wan asked without a trace.

"This is an instrument passed down by our teacher." Wei Ji replied.

"Master?" Mi Wan was startled, some couldn't believe that the inheritance of his own master was still there.

"Xuanwu Mountain, has Sister Mi heard of it?"

Of course she had heard of it, but their divisions were not large, and there were less than twenty disciples from the head to the head to Sasao. In the battle between the human and monster, the brothers and sisters died one after another, but they didn't want to have the inheritance.

"Who is your head?" Mi Wan couldn't help asking.

"The current head is my grandfather." Wei Ji said.

"I just saw that there seems to be a name on your magic weapon. Is he also your head?" Mi Wan knew that the answer she got must be no, because before she died, the senior brother had already died in battle.

"No, Bai Yifeng is the eldest disciple of the sixth-generation sect master, and the senior brother of the seventh-generation sect master. He died in the battle five hundred years ago." Wei Ji replied.

"Then who is your seventh-generation head?"

"Yan Xiu."

Junior Brother? Mi Wan's eyes softened. When the war between human and monster broke out, the younger brother had only entered the school for three years. Because he was lazy and didn't like to practice, his cultivation base was the worst. Before the head announced that the whole faction would join the war, the master sent the younger brother to his mortal home, falsely claiming to be his illegitimate son, and asked his elder brother to take care of him. After that, they never saw each other again, but they didn't think that it was the younger brother who picked up the inheritance of Xuanwu Mountain in the end.

"Sister Mi?" Wei Ji called out in a low voice when he saw Mi Wan suddenly fell silent.

Mi Wan returned to her senses, and when she looked at the young man in front of her, she suddenly felt a sense of intimacy when looking at the younger disciples. She smiled and said to Wei Ji, "I can give you two eggs."

"Really?" The sudden surprise made the boy's eyes light up.

"I told the housekeeper, you follow him to get it." After speaking, Mi Wan took the people to the front hall and explained to the housekeeper Ye, "Uncle Ye, take them back and give him two eggs."

"Okay." Butler Ye nodded with a smile and left the pet shop with the three teenagers. In the distance, Mi Wan heard Mi Shao asking Wei Ji, what did he say to her

"Big brother, Brother Yu said that he will wait for you in the backyard first." Seeing that Mi Wan was empty, the sparrow Jing hurried over.

"I know." Mi Wan glanced at the sparrow essence, and handed a price list to Xiangzhen before, "Take it and help me promote more."

The sparrow spirit glanced at it for unknown reasons, only to find out that it was the price list for the treatment of the demon clan. It read: 500,000 for physical examination, 600,000 for local demon poison removal, 1 million for degeneration and reversal, and 30 thousand for demon prenatal care. In case once, and others.

The sparrow essence was confused for a while and asked, "Boss, I can understand the previous ones. What does the last item mean?" He had only heard of postpartum care, but not prenatal care.

"Oh, this." Mi Wan explained, "Isn't your demon clan unable to determine whether the child is poisonous or not before giving birth to a child? What I provide in this business is to provide an early screening service, and see 300,000 at a time. "

She didn't include this in her original business, and she only added it when Yu Feihang told her last time that the demon clan would gradually fail to come out and make no noise. Anyway, if you don't waste any spiritual power, the fee will be the lowest.

"You can tell when the cub is still in the eggshell," said the sparrow spirit in surprise.


Sparrow Jing grinned, took out his mobile phone and stared at the price list for a while: "I'll post it on Moments now."

The sparrow spirit was the first demon who came into contact with Mi Wan, and the news that Mi Wan opened a pet shop was also sent out by the sparrow spirit. With the relationship with Mi Wan and first-hand information, the sparrow spirit today has become the most popular of the demon clan. demon. All the major patriarchs took the initiative to add the Wechat of Sparrow Jing, so when Sparrow Jing's circle of friends was updated, the major patriarchs immediately forwarded it to their own group.

The first few businesses are okay, after all, everyone knows that Mi Wan has the ability to cure demon poison, but the last "postpartum care", after understanding what postpartum care is, the demons of all ethnic groups are going crazy. Now, among them, the demons of the viviparous demon clan were the happiest.

You must know that the price that the demon clan has to pay for giving birth to a cub is very high. During pregnancy, the mother's demon power will be swallowed up in large quantities. If it is egg-born, the cub will stay in the mother's body for a short time, and will still be in the egg shell after leaving the mother's body. Stay there for a while, so that the father can also help to conceive together. But if the cub was born and the cub is unfortunately a defective product, the demon poison is likely to remain in the mother's body, resulting in the risk of degeneration of the mother's body. For this reason, for hundreds of years, the development of the viviparous demon clan was far inferior to that of the egg-born clan.

With Miwan's prenatal care, their viviparous clan can also confidently and boldly become pregnant. The patriarchs of each viviparous clan immediately contact the elders of the clan, and plan to introduce a series of methods to increase the fertility rate in the near future. For example, the money for antenatal care can be reimbursed by invoice.

Mi Wan didn't know what kind of uproar the prenatal care she casually added had caused within the demon clan. After she handed the price list to the sparrow spirit and let him promote it for free, she went back to the backyard to find Yu Feihang.

Yu Feihang and his wife Jin Yanyan were already waiting in the bathroom. Jin Yanyan had also transformed into a human figure, leaning in the bathtub wearing a pink top. Seeing Mi Wan coming in, she was about to get excited.

"Don't move." Mi Wan squatted down, leaned in and observed it carefully for a moment and said, "It seems that you have lost some of your demon power."

"Yes, Feihang and I have lifted the seal of the child, will it affect the treatment?" After hearing Mi Wan said that the child could still be rescued that day, Jin Yanyan was no longer reluctant to let her child fall asleep, and couldn't wait to ask her husband to find her. The elders of the clan lifted the seal that stopped growth.

"No." Mi Wan shook his head.

When the words fell, Yu Feihang and his wife breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, thinking that something would change.

"However, you shouldn't break the seal in advance. The more demon power your child absorbs, the more serious the demon poison will be. Fortunately, your demon power is not high. If you have the cultivation of your husband, I won't do it now. It's so easy to talk." She must have paid them on the spot.

Jin Yanyan's face turned pale, she reached out and stroked her slightly bulging abdomen, and said faintly, "I just want him to come out earlier."

For Jin Yanyan, the seal on the child is the child's grave, and she doesn't want to keep it for a moment.

"It's alright." Yu Feihang comforted his wife.

Compared with the parents of the kitten demon, Yu Feihang's love for their children is much stronger, and Mi Wan's impression of them is also better. She motioned them to stabilize their emotions and start treatment.

During the last inspection, Mi Wan already knew the position of the little fish demon embryo, so she directly attached her hand to the skin on the right side of Jin Yanyan's tail, and sent her spiritual power through the cold skin. Because of the release of the seal, the original dead embryo regained its rhythm. The round fish eggs swelled and shrank and breathed. While swallowing the demonic energy of the mother, it also made it easier for Mi Wan's spiritual power to enter.

When Mi Wan's spiritual power filled the entire embryo, Jin Yanyan's tail suddenly trembled, the bright red color gradually faded, and the shape of her legs was vaguely revealed.

When Yu Feihang saw it, he wanted to cry out excitedly, but he was afraid of affecting Mi Wan's treatment, so he could only hold back, but his eyes never left his wife's tail. He knew that as long as Jin Yanyan's tail was completely transformed, Mi Wan's treatment would be successful.

The golden-red scales gradually receded, the tail was divided into two, and the fair skin went all the way down. When he saw that he was about to transform into ten toes, Yu Feihang suddenly felt his arms loosen, and he was hugging him just now. His wife suddenly changed back to her original form and dived to the bottom of the water.

"What's going on?" Yu Feihang looked at Mi Wan anxiously.

Mi Wan was wiping the water droplets on her hands with a tissue, and when she heard the words, she replied, "I've cleaned up the demon poison."

"But..." What Yu Feihang wanted to say, at this moment, an unfamiliar demonic force similar to his demonic force suddenly appeared in the bathroom, to be precise, it should have appeared in the bathtub in front of them.

Mi Wan and Yu Feihang looked down together and saw that the goldfish Jin Yanyan had transformed into was coiled up, and under her body, a milky white fish egg with red dots was lying there quietly.

Yu Feihang watched the scene in front of him quietly, and his eyes instantly turned red.

"Congratulations, you have become a father." Mi Wan said congratulations, and without waiting for the other person to answer, got up and left the bathroom, leaving space for the family of three.

Walking out of the room, Mi Wan found that it was already a little dark. She was a little tired, so she didn't go out. She sat down on a stone in the courtyard and sent a message to Sparrow Jing, asking him to buy a drink for her.

Sparrow Jing had been waiting in the store, and when he received news from Mi Wan, he immediately went to buy a cup of milk tea and delivered it to the backyard in person.

"Big brother, you've worked hard." Seeing Mi Wan's pale face, Sparrow Jing knew that she must have spent a lot of spiritual energy this time.

"Five million, remember to collect the money when he comes out." Mi Wan took the milk tea and asked the sparrow spirit to help him get the bill.

"Yeah." The sparrow jing responded happily. He knew that if Mi Wan asked him to collect the money, it meant that the disease had been cured.

Mi Wan took a sip of milk tea and felt that she had regained some strength. She turned her head to face the beaming sparrow spirit, and suddenly asked, "Are you interested in coming to me as a cashier? The monthly salary is 5,000, and the commission is 1%."

"Cashier?" Sparrow Jing was stunned for a moment, and after he understood what Mi Wan meant, he nodded excitedly, and almost touched his head to the ground, "Yes, yes, I will."

A 1% commission doesn't sound like much, but taking Yu Feihang's case as an example, he can raise 50,000 yuan per one, and the monthly salary can be ignored at all. Moreover, money is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he became a member of Miwan Pet Hospital. In the future, those from the demon race who need to see a doctor will not have to flatter him

He is a little sparrow spirit, and will become the object of all the demons in the future. Just thinking about it, the sparrow spirit can't wait to laugh three times, which is quite unrealistic.

"Then you come to work tomorrow." Mi Wan's store really needs an employee who can distinguish between monsters and ordinary animals. After all, the charges for the two are vastly different. Usually, Mi Wan is not in the store. There is a sparrow essence in charge of registering for consultation, and it will be much more convenient to notify her to come for treatment.

Sparrow Jing nodded hastily, and just when he was chatting that he would definitely work hard in the future, Yu Feihang's family came out of the room.

At this time, Jin Yanyan had transformed into a human figure, wearing a rose red coat and being supported by her husband, holding a transparent glass fish tank in her hand. They walked in front of Mi Wan and bowed to Mi Wan very solemnly.

"Master Mi, thank you for saving my daughter." Jin Yanyan said gratefully.

daughter? Mi Wan glanced at the golden fish tank in surprise, and found that it was no longer a small fish egg, but a fingernail-sized, golden and red fish swimming happily in it.

"Having hatched so quickly?" Mi Wan was startled.

"It may be that the child has been in it for too long and is suffocating." When it comes to her own child, Jin Yanyan's face is motherly.

"Hey, it's a little koi?!" The sparrow spirit stared at the fish tank for a while, and suddenly exclaimed.

"En." Yu Feihang nodded with a smile.

"The birth of the koi must have good luck, Big Brother Yu congratulations." The sparrow spirit is really happy for Yu Feihang.

"Thank you." Yu Feihang didn't expect that his child would be a koi. It inherited the beautiful golden red color of its mother and the body of its own carp. It has become a very rare golden koi in the fish family. The golden koi has its own good luck. will be lucky.

"Master Mi, I will take my wife and daughter back to the Shui Tribe to cultivate, and I will thank you later." Yu Feihang thanked Mi Wan again.

"Remember to pay first, there is no signal in the water." Mi Wan reminded.

"Definitely." Yu Feihang smiled, turned his head and said to the sparrow spirit, "Give me the account number later, and I will transfer money when I go back."

The sparrow spirit nodded, and Yu Feihang turned his demon power to prepare to leave.

"Wait." Mi Wan stopped the two of them and said, "You said before that the cubs degraded due to chemical pollution can be brought to me to have a look. If it can be cured, I can give you a proper discount."

Yu Feihang and his wife looked at each other, and then made a deep bow in Mi Wan's direction before disappearing into the air as water mist.

"Big brother, does the treatment fee for Big Brother Yu and his aquarium cubs count as my commission?" The sparrow spirit who had entered the role of an employee couldn't help but asked.

"Go away~~" Mi Wan scolded angrily.

The sparrow spirit didn't care either, smiled and chased after Yu Feihang and left.

The yard finally quieted down, Mi Wan sat back on the stone again, feeling a little cold, and he didn't want to go back to the house, so he had to lean on the plane tree in the yard and plan to finish drinking milk tea before leaving.

At this time, a few green vines quietly broke out from under Mi Wan's feet, growing like no one else, until they reached the thickest branch of the sycamore tree, wrapped tightly around them, and then hung down...

Mi Wan looked at it with a smile, until the vines turned into a swing, then she sat up and swayed a little under her feet.

"Is this the opening gift you gave me?"

Fan Chen's figure appeared next to the swing out of thin air. Hearing the girl's question, he smiled and asked, "Do you like it?"

"Yeah! I just said that there are no chairs in the yard, so you gave me a swing." Mi Wan nodded heavily, and when she looked up at Fan Chen again, she raised her eyebrows in surprise, "You are wearing a swing today. are a little different.”

Today, Fan Chen is wearing a black coat. The coat is very ordinary, but the cuffs, neckline, and waist of the coat have intricate and exquisite embroidery patterns, as if they are some kind of flowers, making him look luxurious and solemn. .

"My assistant said, to attend other people's opening ceremony, you have to dress more formally, this is the social etiquette of the human society." Fan Chen replied.

"But you're late." The opening ceremony was in the morning, now it's afternoon.

"When I came before, you were busy." When Fan Chen first came, Mi Wan was in the yard to stop Wei Ji and Yu Feihang from fighting.

"Okay, you're not late. But the food prepared for the guests in the store is probably put away by them. Since you are here, I have to entertain you." Mi Wan smiled and swayed forward on the swing. Go's strength jumped down, turned around and said to Fan Chen, "I invite you to eat out."

"Need not."

"Entertaining guests is also a social etiquette of the human race."

"Okay." Fan Chen replied with a light smile.