She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 41: Defeat the Flower Chief


"What rank are you a demon hunter?" Hua Yanru looked straight at the girl in front of her, and Mi Wan's vigorous spiritual energy actually caused the demon core in her body to tremble faintly.

"I don't know how many tiers I count now, but hitting you shouldn't be a problem." Mi Wan said arrogantly.

If this was said in five minutes, no, even if it was said two minutes ago, no one in the hall would believe it, but Mi Wan's shocking sword just now was too terrifying. Hua Yushuang was standing beside the Hua Clan Patriarch just now, even if the Hua Clan Patriarch didn't care about such a third-order little flower demon, even if she despised Mi Wan, but she didn't even react, this is unlikely.

Bai Feng looked at Mi Wan, who was suddenly different, his face twisted. He suddenly remembered the first time Mi Wan came to the Monster Hunters Association a few months ago. At that time, Mi Wan was still very fat, almost 200 pounds by visual estimation, and he also asked her what level of monster hunter she was like the patriarch of the Hua clan. If she knew at that time that Mi Wan had such strength, even if she was taking drugs, even if she was blackmailing the demon clan, she would have taken people into the association.

While Bai Feng regretted that he didn't try his best to keep Mi Wan a few months ago, he suddenly understood why such a monster hunter with no background dared to open the pet hospital in a grand manner despite the demon hunters association's stop. People are not young and ignorant, not a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, this is so powerful.

And with such a powerful strength, it is impossible not to have a teacher. Maybe there is a more powerful teacher behind Mi Wan. Bai Feng just thought about it this way, and then thinking about what he said last night, he wanted to beat himself.

And the owner of the magic weapon, Xiang Zhen, was opening his mouth at this time, as if his soul was out of his body. This... what's going on here? Did you give Mi Wan the little witch's transformation stick? Why did it suddenly change

"What a big tone!" Hua Yanru slapped the table, and the demon power around him also skyrocketed. The ferocious demon power slammed into the barrier that Bai Feng had set up earlier, and he was about to collide.

"The space here is small, let's go out and play." Mi Wan looked at the overcrowded living room, and turned to ask President Bai Feng, whose face was distorted and had not had time to recover, "Is there a space provided? Otherwise, we may have to demolish the building. "


The Monster Hunters Association was originally rebuilt from an abandoned school. There is an abandoned football field behind the teaching building. The football field is overgrown with weeds and dilapidated. Only the rusted door frames on both sides of the goal can be seen. Mi Wan and the patriarch of the flower clan stood one by one, looking at each other halfway across the court, and the atmosphere was a little tense.

The Demon Hunters Association and the demon clan were like cheerleaders on both sides, and they sat in the auditorium on both sides in a tacit agreement. However, it is only natural for the human flower demon clan to sit behind the head of the family, but the group of people from the Monster Hunters Association standing in the audience seat behind Mi Wan is somewhat funny.

"Senior brother, do you think Mi Wan can win?" Xiang Zhen couldn't help asking the senior brother beside him.

"I don't know." Even if he is a little smarter and more knowledgeable than his junior brother, but such a high-end duel, how can he be seen by a little monster catcher who is more than half of the third rank.

Xiang Zhen turned his head and glanced at President Bai Feng, opened his mouth, and finally closed it. This guy, his face is like the wind, he still doesn't know who he wants to win.

Bai Feng didn't know who he wanted to win. He only knew that no matter which side won, the Apothecary Hunting Association would be miserable. Damn, how did things turn out like this

Hua Yanru is arrogant and conceited and is not someone who talks a lot. Once the venue is cleared, the demon power around her body is completely released. A huge white peony emerges behind Hua Yanru. The peony is budding, which is exactly the appearance of her body . As the buds opened slightly, countless white petals, carrying the momentum of thunder, turned into a dense rain of arrows and shot towards Mi Wan. Seeing that it was inevitable, Mi Wan suddenly stretched out his left hand forward, and a golden spiritual shield appeared out of nowhere, blocking the rain of petals from the sky.

Looking at it from such a distance, it seems that Mi Wan is holding a golden umbrella, standing in the rain of flowers, and the scene is strangely beautiful.

Mi Wan knew that her spiritual power was not enough, and she could not fight Hua Yanru for a long time. The spiritual power mask was a very consuming thing. She couldn't support it for too long, so she had to fight quickly. After making up his mind, Mi Wan charged his right hand and slapped the spiritual power cover heavily, and a powerful Qi Jin recoiled out. The two Qi Jin collided. This pause only lasted for about half a second. Within half a second, Mi Wan removed the spiritual power hood, and at the same time sacrificed the magic weapon that Xiangzhen lent her.

The black short blade flew into the air, and under the blessing of the spiritual light, it suddenly stretched, and instantly turned into a big sword about three feet long. Mi Wan jumped up, held his sword, and rushed out.

"This... is this my... magic weapon?" Xiang Zhen couldn't recognize his own magic weapon.

"The magic weapon can actually change?" Yang Jin was also surprised.

"High-level magical tools can change their forms when they have enough spiritual power." Bai Feng, who is more knowledgeable, said, "Elder Wei's cloud fan can also change." But he has only seen it once.

Hua Yanru knew that something was wrong, her hands formed seals, and she retracted the flower rain that filled the sky. Countless petals condensed in an instant, turning into a huge white foil sword, facing the direction Mi Wan was rushing towards, and using her whole body of demon power to block it.


The two swords collided, and there was still a roar of two strong collisions. The huge shock wave spread out around the two of them, blowing flying sand and moving stones, and at the same time, the one held by Hua Yanru was also scattered. Foil, a white petal is slowly falling from the sword.

Mi Wan's ferocious spiritual power almost penetrated into her body through the blade. The foil that she condensed with her demonic power was withering piece by piece. Hua Yanru was horrified. She had never seen such a cold and murderous spiritual power.

"I've always wanted to say... the most fatal flaw of your flower clan is that they love beauty too much, and their moves are always so fancy." While speaking, Mi Wan retracted his sword, turned around, and stabbed again without any hesitation.


The white foil sword was pierced by the black iron sword, turning into a rain of flowers and disappearing, while the black sword mercilessly penetrated Hua Yanru's chest, and bright red blood gushed out instantly.

The seventh-order peak monster was defeated by a single move.

"Who are you... Who are you?" Hua Yanru was also someone who had experienced the battle five hundred years ago. She knew that it was impossible for a demon hunter to have such powerful spiritual power and sharp moves.

"Didn't you find out before you came to kill me?" Mi Wan drew back the long sword, and the blood was taken out with the movement of her sword and fell to the ground. The blood of the seventh-order peak monster is very replenishing. As soon as the blood falls, the originally withered weeds regain their spring color in an instant, and even a small white flower blooms. As the blood penetrated, more and more little white flowers bloomed on Hua Yanru's side.

"The monsters are natural elves. They are naturally compatible with nature. Even if the monsters die, their flesh and blood will give back to nature."

The scene in front of her suddenly reminded Mi Wan of what Fan Chen had said to her. She looked at the big demon who was holding her chest and was stunned on the ground, and swung her sword again, intending to make up for the final blow. At this moment, with a sudden light on his hand, the great sword suddenly shrank back to its original short-blade shape. Mi Wan secretly said that it was not good. He used too much force in the move just now, and his spiritual power was actually used up.


The familiar feeling of dizziness struck, Mi Wan only felt black and white in front of her eyes. She knew that she was going to leave her body again, and was waiting for her soul to float up. As a result... hey... why is she still in her body

Didn't float up? Mi Wan blinked suspiciously.

The patriarch of the flower clan opposite her was equally puzzled: what is this human doing, why didn't he kill himself.

Mi Wan also wanted to make up for another sword, and at worst, she could just slap her back to its original shape. She didn't have to kill the opponent, but she definitely had to hit the opponent until they couldn't fight back. It's a pity that her body is empty at this time, she has no spiritual power, and she is really powerless.

No matter how many thoughts turned around in his heart, his face would definitely not show half of it. Mi Wan turned the short blade in his hand, which had returned to normal size, with a deft effort, turned around gracefully, and walked towards the exit.

"You won't kill me?" Hua Yanru covered her wound with an inexplicable face. It was obvious that Mi Wan just wanted to make another sword for herself, so why did she suddenly let herself go

"It was the Camellia mother and daughter who offended me. I also killed them and used them to make tea. There's no need to kill you." Mi Wan turned around halfway, resolutely preventing the other party from seeing that he was a little unsteady, "You have an appointment to fight. , I will fight, and I will not hurt you too lightly, it is a lesson, just don't provoke me in the future."

After speaking, without looking back, Mi Wan turned around and continued to walk forward.

"Patriarch." The demons of the Hua Yao clan saw that the defeat of the clan leader was incredible, and found that Mi Wan did not mean to kill them all, and at this time they all rushed over. Huajing helped the head of the family up and sent demon power to help heal the wound.

"Okay, since I lost the battle today, my Hua Clan will never trouble you again in the future." After speaking, Hua Yanru turned her head and told Hua Jing to leave, "Go."

"Yes." The flower mirror responded, the sleeves of the robe unfolded, and a burst of bright red petals floated past, and the monsters of the flower clan disappeared in place.

Feeling that they were leaving, Mi Wan breathed a sigh of relief. She turned around and looked at the rose petals that had no time to dissipate, and couldn't help muttering, "I just said that your flower clan's tricks are too fancy, so I won't change it."

"Mi Wan." Xiang Zhen roared, jumped directly from the railing of the auditorium, and ran all the way, "You actually defeated the seventh-order peak monster, more powerful than my master."

"Then do you want to switch to the division?" Mi Wan joked.

"Ah? Forget it, I've been a teacher for many years." Xiang Zhen was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

"Return to you." Mi Wan smiled and returned the short blade in his hand to Xiang Zhen.

Xiang Zhen took over his own magic weapon, which has followed him since he was ten years old, but after so many years, he has not used this magic weapon to kill a monster above the third rank, and even often because of spiritual power Not good, resulting in damage to the magical instrument, and it is necessary to ask his master to take it back and repair it. Compared to the way Mi Wan showed off his power with the magic weapon just now, he was really useless. If the magic weapon had a soul, he would probably cry at this time.

"Student Mi Wan." At this time, Bai Feng also came over with a pleasing smile on his face.

"President Bai?" Mi Wan subconsciously held the vine bracelet he was wearing on his left wrist with his right hand, and felt the soothing power on it, so as not to make his body exhausted from spiritual power too tired." What, you want to fight me too?"

"Just kidding, how can I be your opponent." Bai Feng's face turned pale in fright, and he waved his hands again and again.

"I thought President Bai wouldn't let me go." Mi Wan said with a smile.

"How could it be, if you agree that you will win the Hua Clan's patriarch, forget about it. Naturally, there is no reason for us to lock you up in the Apothecary Hunting Association."

"What about my pet hospital? Do you want to close it?"

"This... you can do whatever you want." Even if he didn't think so, he didn't dare to say it now. It doesn't matter, he can't control this matter anyway, so he will report today's affairs to the headquarters and let the headquarters find a way.

"President Bai suddenly became more talkative." Mi Wan said in surprise.

"I've always been amiable, it's better to talk, if you don't believe me, ask Xiangzhen, hehehe..."

Xiang Zhen: "… "

"Hey, I knew that President Bai would become so talkative after a night. I shouldn't have thought about killing me after lunch in the morning. Fortunately, the people from the flower clan came first, which prevented me from accidentally getting hurt. My own person." Mi Wan said rather "lucky".

"Yes, yes, our own people, our own people, we are all monster hunters." Bai Feng nodded again and again.

Xiang Zhen, who was on the side, could no longer look directly at the shamelessness of his own president.

Mi Wan smiled, knowing that Bai Feng was inspired by his powerful strength just now, so he did not dare to offend him easily, but he did not continue to run against him. Mi Wan turned her head and asked Xiang Zhen, "Where's my tea?"

"Tea?" Xiang Zhen was taken aback.

"Camellia demon." Chief Bai Feng reminded alertly, "It's still in the hall, I'll have someone bring it to you."

"Yeah." Mi Wan nodded, her spiritual power was exhausted at this time, and she was completely supported by Fan Chen's demon power, so she didn't dare to stay for a long time. After taking the body of green tea, he immediately left the Monster Hunters Association.

From the Apothecary Hunting Association to the old house in the eastern suburbs, it took about 50 minutes to drive. Mi Wan slept the whole way. Fortunately, the driver he met was a good man, otherwise he would not know which wilderness he would be taken to. As for who was unlucky after being pulled over... Cough... It's hard to say.

After a good night's sleep, Mi Wan's spirit recovered a little. When she took out her mobile phone and was about to pay, she suddenly realized that her mobile phone was dead. She smiled embarrassedly at the driver, asked the driver to wait for her for a while, and let Xiao Zhang pay the fare for him when he entered the door.

"Miss, why is your phone turned off?" As soon as he entered the door, Butler Ye hurriedly came up.

"I forgot to charge it last night, do you have anything to do with me?" When she was in the Monster Hunters Association yesterday, she had to choose between violent killing and convincing people for a long time, and she forgot to charge her phone for a while.

"Young Master is discharged from the hospital today, why don't you come to pick it up." Butler Ye complained.

"Isn't he all right?" Mi Wan saw Sister Zhang coming out of the kitchen, and immediately shouted loudly, "Sister Zhang, I have a big meal and chicken soup at night. I have to make up for it."

"Miss, are you tired? Well, I'll cook you a big dinner tonight." Mrs. Zhang threw away the rag in her hand, went back to the kitchen to get a grocery bag, and went out to buy the ingredients for the chicken stew.

"This is the best time to repair the relationship between your brothers and sisters." Butler Ye said decisively, "When Mrs. Zhang has cooked the chicken soup at night, you can send a bowl to the young master."

Mi Wan was speechless for a moment, she felt that Steward Ye was really more worried than their own parents when it came to repairing their brother-sister relationship. Unable to bear to attack the enthusiasm of the old man, Mi Wan did not refute, but just raised the camellia in his hand and brought it to Butler Ye.

"Why are you giving me flowers?" Butler Ye slapped them away in disgust, intending to continue talking about the chicken soup.

"It's not for you, it's for making tea." Mi Wan explained helplessly, although this camellia demon is not good, the body tea is still very nourishing. If Steward Ye knew that the tea flower he had just disliked could prolong his life by soaking it in water, he didn't know how he would feel.

"Bubble tea, Miss want to drink scented tea?" Butler Ye took the camellia flower and said, "This flower is still fresh, it might taste bad when brewed, I'll boil it in a flower tea pot, if the scent is not enough, I'll add more. …”

"You don't need to add, this camellia is very fragrant for making tea. After it is boiled, put a pot in it and send it to your family." It happens that the winding technique in Mi Yan also has the magic power of this camellia, so send it to get rid of the sequelae. .

Butler Ye's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered that when he and the young master returned to the ward together last night, wasn't the scent in the room exactly the same as the scent of the flower in front of him? It turned out to be the scented tea that the young and old liked. The young lady is indeed the Mi family, and everyone is the master of hard-mouthed and soft-hearted.

"Okay, I'll cook now." Butler Ye happily took the camellias to the kitchen to make tea.

After sending Butler Ye away, Mi Wan went back to his bedroom, first plugged in the phone that had been turned off, and then took his pajamas and went to the bathroom. It is said that it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. Since her rebirth, she has enjoyed the joy of taking a bath every day. Occasionally, if she doesn't take a bath, she always feels uncomfortable.

After a simple rinse, Mi Wan slumped comfortably on the sofa, staring at the vine bracelet she had taken off in a daze.

Mi Wan knew very well that after she exhausted her spiritual energy today, she did not have a soul out of her body because of this vine bracelet. Fan Chen specially sent the vine over the night before. This vine has his original demon power in it. It seems that he is sure that he is going to fight the flower clan chief today. General delivery.

"Does it work tomorrow?" Mi Wan repeated the last sentence that Fan Chen said last night, and confirmed his guess even more, "He won't be the one who got the flower demon patriarch, or why would the demon clan rush to kill him? ?"

As Mi Wan was analyzing, someone suddenly knocked on the door of the room.

"Miss, I brought you tea." Butler Ye's voice sounded from behind the door.

"Please come in." Mi Wan put the bracelet on her hand again.

Butler Ye came in with a tray. On the tray was an exquisite glass teapot, a few matching cups, and a plate of snacks, all of which were placed on the coffee table in front of Mi Wan: "I've already packed the old and young ones. , let Xiao Zhang send it over."

Saying that, Steward Ye picked up a cup and poured a cup of scented tea for Mi Wan. The moment the tea overflowed, the room was filled with fragrance.

"Jiji~~" The little squirrel, who had been hiding in the tree house and nibbling nuts, suddenly didn't even want the nuts. Jiji rushed over, and his two paws couldn't wait to lay down on the glass, only to be scalded and screamed. Grumbled a high octave.

"Be careful of scalding." Butler Ye wanted to stop it, but he was a step too late. Seeing how the little squirrel was rubbing its claws, he couldn't help but laugh, "Miss, what kind of camellia is your camellia, it smells fragrant after boiling it. Even the pine nuts can't help being greedy."

"Chichi~~" The little squirrel nodded again and again, as if responding to Steward Ye's words.

Mi Wan smiled and handed the cup of tea that Butler Ye had poured back to Butler Ye, and said, "Uncle Ye, this tea is good for your health, so you can drink a cup too."

"I can't, I can't, how can I drink such an expensive tea?" Butler Ye waved his hand quickly, although he didn't know what kind of camellia it was, but just by the scent, he knew it wasn't an ordinary flower.

"If you don't drink it, I'll give it all to pine nuts?" Mi Wan said deliberately.

"Jiji~~" The little squirrel's eyes lit up in surprise, as if he was saying, give it to me, butler Ye, you must not drink it. It's a pity that Butler Ye couldn't understand the content behind its chirping, and smiled and took the teacup that Mi Wan handed over.

"Thank you, Miss." The teacup was not big, but Steward Ye blew lightly twice, and two sips drank all the tea in it. In an instant, I just felt that my mouth was fragrant and I was refreshed, as if my old cold legs, which had been sick in winter, suddenly no longer hurt.

"Good tea." Butler Ye couldn't help but praise.

"Have another cup if you like it." Mi Wan said, and went to pour tea for Butler Ye again.

"No, no, I still have something to do. I have to go." Butler Ye hurriedly put down the teacup and left the room.

This flower teapot is not big at all, and he filled a lot for the young and old just now. At this time, the amount of tea in the pot is estimated to be only two cups. Butler Ye thought secretly, not knowing what was in the pot. Can the petals, like tea leaves, have a second or third brew or something

"Jijiji~~" After Butler Ye left, the little squirrel was afraid that Mi Wan would drink the rest of the tea, and hurriedly jumped beside the teapot to show his presence.

"Okay, it's useless for me to drink this stuff, I'll give it to you." Mi Wan shook his head, knowing that the wise little squirrel smelled the fragrance of Hua Yao Yao Dan. This flower demon is only a third-order cultivation base, and for Mi Wan, it is not very useful except to relieve fatigue. But for the little squirrels who have not yet cultivated to perfection or ordinary people like Uncle Ye, it is a great supplement. Mi Wan poured the rest of the tea into the cup and left it all to the little squirrel.

"Jiji~~" The little squirrel was satisfied and happily wagged its tail on the table.

Mi Wan got up, picked up the cell phone that had been charged 50 percent, and called Fan Chen.

"Going home?" Fan Chen's voice was low and sweet, and it was transmitted through the microphone.

"Did you instruct the Hua Clan's patriarch to kill me?" Mi Wan couldn't understand, so she asked directly.

"Yes." Fan Chen answered simply.

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill her?"

"Your spiritual power is not good enough to kill her."

"Then you're not afraid of her killing me?" Mi Wan raised her eyebrows.

"With your cultivation, she can't kill you."

"Then what if I start a war with the Demon Hunters Association ahead of time and spend some of my spiritual power?" After all, she really thought so at the beginning. If the flower clan's patriarch came half an hour late, she might really fight Bai Feng. Woke up.

"You'll be fine." Fan Chen smiled lightly, he left a protective formation on the wristband, which would automatically trigger in case of danger. Moreover, if Mi Wan had a fight with the people in the association, he would not let the flower clan head go.