She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 44: The little white fox wakes up


On this day, Mi Wan took the little white fox to school, and she sent the little white fox to the pet store as usual.

Xu Zhuang came over to pick up the little white fox and reported to Mi Wanhui: "Boss, I invited my tutor, Professor Xu, to come over."

"Ah? Your mentor? Why did you invite him here?" Mi Wan was startled.

"Treat the little white fox." Xu Zhuang said, "I sent the little white fox's medical records to Professor Xu two days ago. Professor Xu gave lectures in the next province before, but he returned to Cannes last night. He agreed. I'll come over in a while to show the little white fox."

"Oh~~" Mi Wan was a little confused, Xu Zhuang really loved the little white fox, and he even invited experts and professors to come over for consultation. It's just a pity, no matter how powerful experts are, they can't cure monsters.

"So boss, Professor Xu will come over later, can I take him into the medical room of our store?" Although Professor Xu's status in the veterinary industry, entering their small pet store is a way to save face. But he is not the boss after all, and he still has to report to outsiders to use the equipment in the store. And with what he knows about his own boss, his own boss will definitely not refuse.

"Okay, no problem." Mi Wan really agreed.

"Thank you boss." Xu Zhuang left contentedly. He planned to go to the medical room to clean up all kinds of equipment. Although he had already cleaned it strictly according to the operating rules, Professor Xu was very strict in this regard.

At this time, the sparrow spirit leaned over with melon seeds: "This old Xu, I think he cares more about the little white fox than the elders of the fox clan. It's the first time I've seen a human who likes animals so much."

Since he and Xu Zhuang became colleagues, Sparrow Jing watched each other every day trying his best to treat the stray animals, and sometimes he didn't even go to his girlfriend's appointment, and operated on the animals overnight. The other party's salary is only 20,000 yuan a month, and he can't even mention it. Except for true love, the sparrow essence can't find any reason for Xu Zhuang to do so.

It was also for this reason that Mi Wan left Xu Zhuang, so he nodded in agreement and reminded Sparrow Jing: "The aura on the little white fox is a little chaotic, I guess I will wake up in the next two days, and you will keep an eye on it when you are in the store. If the little white fox wakes up, let me know as soon as possible."

"Okay." The sparrow spirit nodded.

"Also, if that Xu Zhuang's mentor comes, there will be no problem with the physical examination, but don't let them use the knife." The monster's body is too powerful, and she is afraid that Xu Zhuang and his mentor will discuss some surgery. The plan, the operation was performed on the spot, and the picture was sour just thinking about it. And the little white fox is about to wake up recently. If he suddenly wakes up when he is using the knife, the little white fox thinks that someone is going to harm him, so he raises his claws and shoots... That picture is really exciting.

"Remember, watch the prison." Mi Wan couldn't help but told the sparrow essence again, and then left with some anxiety.

Mi Wan's recent study has been a little intense, because in half a month, the school will officially enter the exam week. There are a total of eight exams at the end of the semester. Although there are three academic masters in Han Xiao’s dormitory who provide reading notes and a collection of essays, the eight exams still make Mi Wan physically and mentally exhausted. I don't know why, she used to learn spells, and the master can remember it after one lecture, but she can't remember the knowledge points when she brushes the questions. Sometimes I do a topic that I did yesterday, and I do it again today, and I wipe it... Why can't I remember it again.

This garden design is really much more difficult than catching monsters.

At 10:30 in the morning, not long after Mi Wan started the second class, an old man in casual clothes came to the door of the pet store. This old man has white hair, a kind demeanor, and a bookish air. At first glance, he looks like the kind of super learned person.

"Professor Xu?" Sparrow Jing asked tentatively.

"I am, you are?" Professor Xu looked at the sparrow spirit modestly.

"I'm Xu Zhuang's colleague, please come in." After staying with Xu Zhuang for a long time recently, the sparrow spirit was very fond of the pet doctor. He invited people into the store and turned back and shouted inside, "Old Xu, Professor Xu is here."

Xu Zhuang was picking up the leg of a dog with a broken leg. Seeing Professor Xu coming, he didn't stop his movements, but said apologetically, "Teacher, wait a moment, I'll come out when I'm done."

"It's alright, you're busy." Professor Xu waved his hand indifferently. He stared at the dog under Xu Zhuang's hand and looked carefully. The breed was indeed a local dog that could be seen everywhere, and it was dirty. Muba looked like a stray dog no one wanted by the roadside. He knew the temperament of his own students. He smiled and asked the sparrow spirit beside him, "Does Xu Zhuang often pick up stray animals and come back?"


"Is your boss okay with that?"

"No, our boss said that as long as Lao Xu is busy, she doesn't care how many animals she picks up." Our pet store doesn't make money from these ordinary animals.

Professor Xu nodded secretly, it seems that Xu Zhuang did not lie, his current boss is a local version of animal lover, just rush here, and I have to check the white fox in a while.

"Is this the white fox?" Professor Xu quickly found the white fox sleeping in the glass box, and he looked at it carefully for a moment and wondered, "This fox is really beautiful, it stands to reason that it is impossible for a seriously ill animal. With such beautiful fur."

"Hehehe... Maybe when it gets better, the fur will be more beautiful." The sparrow smiled dryly.

"Can I take it out and take a look?" Seeing that the fox inside is so cute, Professor Xu's hands are itchy. The last time he was so itchy was when he went to the panda base to see a giant panda.

"Okay." Before the sparrow spirit could answer, Xu Zhuang's voice suddenly came from behind him. He held the little dog whose legs had just been hooked up in his arms, put it on the fence next to the store, and turned to Professor Xu. Said, "Professor, let me open the cage."

When Xu Zhuang was about to open the glass cage that locked the little white fox, the sparrow spirit suddenly noticed that a seemingly non-existent demonic force was overflowing from the cage.

This is... wake up? Moreover, the way this demon power circulates, is this to transform

"Wait a minute." The sparrow jing pushed Xu Zhuang away, blocked the glass box with his body, and wailed infinitely in his heart: Didn't the boss put a seal to prevent the little white fox from transforming, what's the matter now, is it the seal of the boss failed

"Little sparrow, what are you doing?" Xu Zhuang asked in surprise.

"That... this..." The sparrow spirit hesitated for a while, thinking about what to do, and finally was forced to make a bird call in a voice that can only be understood by the demon clan.

"@#¥%@#¥%~~" (Little white fox, don't transform.)

"Little sparrow, what kind of bird call are you learning? Hurry up and get out of the way." Xu Zhuang impatiently pulled the person away, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the little white fox had already woken up, with his dark eyes open at this moment. Staring at himself quietly, "Awake?!"

Xu Zhuang was overjoyed and reached out to hug the little white fox. The little white fox rolled his eyes, scratched his paw, and withdrew his hand in fright, then calmly jumped out of the box.

Not transformed, great, the sparrow essence breathed a sigh of relief, and now just need to inform the boss to come back. It's just that before his breath was finished, he heard the little white fox on the ground suddenly say: "Human?!"

The little white fox squatted on the ground, obviously looking up at the three people in front of him, but said a kind of aloof momentum.

"Speak... have you spoken?" Xu Zhuang and his professor immediately stood there stupidly.

The sparrow spirit suddenly wanted to cry. Yaoshou, I don't want you to be transformed because I don't want you to reveal your identity. Why do you still want to talk? Don't they all say that foxes are the smartest

"Little sparrow, why don't you let me transform, did you put the seal on my body?" The little fox stared at the sparrow spirit again and asked, yes, he didn't transform because he listened to the little sparrow, but because There is a seal on it.

"Brother Sparrow, you... You know each other? Also, what is a seal? What is a transformation?" Xu Zhuang felt that his brain capacity was not enough.

The sparrow spirit shook his head frantically, almost shaking his head into a rattle. He didn't know whether he was answering the little fox's question or Xu Zhuang's question.

"Where is this? Where's my uncle?" The little white fox looked out from the door suspiciously, and then saw people all over the street.

A lot of human beings, going out like this, some are too conspicuous. Fortunately, the seal on my body is not very strong, and I can use the magic weapon left by my mother to unlock it. Fortunately for the case, the little white fox suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a red bead, then raised his foot and stepped on it. After a burst of smoke, the little white fox disappeared, and in front of the three of them there was a cute angel-like doll with red lips and white teeth.

Transformed... Transformed? ! Xu Zhuang and Professor Xu's brains completely crashed.

My uncle said that it is best not to let others find out that you are a monster when you are away from home. The little white fox thought, then raised his cute little face and smiled at the two dull humans. At that moment, it seemed that everything in the world was still, and only the little boy in front of him was smiling beautifully.

At the same time, Mi Wan, who was listening carefully to the class, suddenly felt that her seal was broken, and it was broken by a very rough method. She stood up abruptly: Could it be that a big demon came to the pet store to smash the field

"That classmate, why are you standing up?" The teacher who was in class asked unhappily when a girl sitting in the back row suddenly stood up.

"Old... Teacher, I have diarrhea. I need to go to the toilet." After speaking, Mi Wan ran outside the classroom, as if he was really in a hurry.

Today's female college students are really becoming more and more vulgar, and the teacher is a little speechless. Although people eat whole grains, it is not difficult to talk about diarrhea, but it is more euphemistic in the public.

Mi Wan ran back to the pet shop at a sprint speed of 100 meters. She was about to see which desperate monster dared to smash her place, but found that in addition to the two smirking humans, the sparrow spirit and the little fox were all in the shop. gone.

This is... the charm of the fox clan? Let me go, how old is that little fox, how can he actually use charm

Mi Wan hurriedly took out her mobile phone and asked the sparrow spirit, "Where is it?"

"Boss, I sent you a location sharing message, come quickly." Sparrow Jing's anxious voice came over.

Only then did Mi Wan open her WeChat, and found that the sparrow essence had sent her a message two minutes ago, telling her that the little fox was awake, but she was running too fast and didn't notice it. Mi Wan quickly connected to the location sharing, and found that the sparrow essence was not far from the pet store, just at the other end of the food street at the door.

Mi Wan hurriedly ran out, and after a while, she realized that something was wrong, because everyone she met along the way had a silly smile on their faces. Mi Wan was immediately a little shocked, did this little fox not accept the charm technique, and actually charmed him all the way

Mi Wan couldn't help but quickened her pace again and ran a distance, and finally saw the sparrow spirit and a little boy in ancient costume and long hair in the distance. I saw the little boy talking to the little brother who sold chicken chops.

"Excuse me, do you know where Qingqiu is?"

"I don't know." The little brother smirked, took out all the chicken chops in the frying pan, and handed them to the other party, "These are all for you to eat."

"Thank you." The little boy accepted it unceremoniously, turned his head to the next one, a stall selling hot and sour noodles, "Do you know how to get to Qingqiu?"

The seller of hot and sour noodles was a fat uncle with a greasy face. He ignored the customers who were waiting for the hot and sour noodles, and handed the hot and sour noodles directly to the little boy: "I don't know, this is for you."

The little boy took the hot and sour powder again and continued to walk forward.

Mi Wan was speechless for a moment, you specially changed shape and ran out, just to deceive food with charm? Taking a deep breath, Mi Wan lifted the little white fox who was going to another stall and was about to continue asking where Qingqiu was.

"Who are you?" The little white fox struggled twice, and found that he couldn't break free, so he asked vigilantly.

"Boss, you're finally here." The sparrow spirit was about to cry. This little fox charmed people in a street. What if this was discovered by the Monster Hunters Association, but his boss was just released. Go in again.

"Take your charm spell." Mi Wan ordered.

She hadn't seen it before when the little white fox was asleep, but only then did she realize that the little white fox was actually a naturally charming ninth-rank celestial fox. The natural charm of the fox demon does not need to be cultivated, but it is a talent that comes with it. Fortunately, the little white fox is still young, and the technique of charm cannot arouse the desires of men and women, but it can be loved by everyone, and the flowers will bloom. No wonder this little fox dared to come out and ask where Qingqiu was. It turned out to be this gifted skill.

"I can't take it." The little white fox replied with a cold face.

"Why can't you take it?"

"I'm still young and I don't have enough mana." The little white fox said innocently.

Mi Wan really wants to swear, but if you can't take it away, how dare you use it? ! There are 500 meters from here to the pet store, how many people are there? No, this cauldron must be carried by Fan Chen.

Mi Wan called Fan Chen: "Come here for me."

Fan Chen, who received Mi Wan's call, was stunned: "What's wrong?"

"The little white fox charmed people in a street with charm."

Fan Chen turned his head and asked his assistant, "Your nephew has a natural charm?" The fox clan is good at seduction, but that's a technique that can only be cultivated in adulthood, not a young fox.

"Xiao Rui is awake?" Quan Juncai was overjoyed.

It seems that it is, it is rare for a natural charm to appear on a male fox.

Fan Chen explained to Mi Wan on the other end of the phone: "The charm of the fox clan is not very effective until they reach adulthood. As long as the little white fox doesn't continue to use it, they will naturally wake up in five minutes."

"He transformed directly in front of the staff in my store?" Mi Wan said sadly, the charm was unlocked, but how to eliminate the memory

"I'll handle it." Fan Chen hung up the phone and rushed over with Quan Juncai.

Fan Chen's speed was very fast, and when Mi Wanti slipped the little white fox back into the store from outside, the two demons had already arrived. The little white fox, who had been struggling, saw Quan Juncai coming out of the backyard, and excitedly opened his mouth and shouted, "Uncle."

"Xiao Rui." Quan Jun hasn't heard his nephew call him for hundreds of years. It's a rare thing. He rushed over and hugged him for a kiss. The little white fox dodged left and right in disgust, but there was nothing he could do.

"Help me unravel the charm of these two people first." Mi Wan pointed at Xu Zhuang and Professor Xu who were still smirking. She didn't know what the little white fox did to the two of them. She always felt that the two of them were much more ill than the people on the street outside.

"Quan Juncai." Fan Chen whispered.

Quan Juncai immediately looked over and saw that his master was pointing at two stupid humans, and immediately understood. He walked over with his nephew in his arms, a flash of green light flashed in the fox's eyes, and he murmured: "You guys had a dream just now, and now you go home and sleep, you won't remember anything when you wake up."

As soon as Quan Juncai's words fell, Professor Xu and Xu Zhuang walked out of the pet shop together and went home to sleep.

"It's done!" Quan Juncai looked at his own adults in a pleasing manner.

"Apologies." Fan Chen said again.

Apologize? As a representative of the IQ of the demon clan, Quan Jun immediately understood, and immediately carried his nephew, turned his head and bowed deeply to Mi Wan: "Sorry, my cub has caused you trouble."

Seeing that he had a good attitude, Mi Wan didn't cause any serious consequences, and didn't blame him too much. He just said, "You should tell me in advance that it has a magic weapon on it." Otherwise, she would not have put a simple After the seal, he put the little white fox in the pet shop.

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault." It must have been left by his sister, he didn't know either.

"Uncle." At this time, the little white fox, who was pressed by Quan Juncai to apologize, suddenly covered his chest with an ugly face, "My chest hurts."

Quan Juncai's face changed greatly: "Master Mi Wan, Xiao Rui is sick, take a look."

Because the little white fox suddenly fell ill, everyone moved to the backyard, and only the sparrow essence stayed in the front to watch the store. In the room, the little white fox huddled in his uncle's arms, his painful face turned pale, his tail and ears popped out uncontrollably, but his entire form remained human.

"Is it a half-demon?" Mi Wan looked at the little white fox in surprise after a circle of spiritual power. She did not expect that a naturally charming ninth-rank celestial fox was actually a half-demon.

Fan Chen was also a little surprised, the demon power on the little white fox was extremely pure, not like a half-demon at all.

"Yes." Quan Jun just nodded, and he was also shocked when he learned that his sister fell in love with a human being and was pregnant with a child.

Mi Wan withdrew his hand and ended the inspection.

"Master Mi Wan, have you found out the cause?" Quan Juncai asked hopefully, if even Mi Wan couldn't cure him, he would have to seal his nephew again and wait for the next opportunity.

"It's not sick." Mi Wan replied.

"What?" Quan Juncai said in disbelief, "Then why is Xiao Rui suffering from severe pain."

At this time, the little white fox was already trembling with pain, but he gritted his teeth and refused to make a sound. This kind of pain has become accustomed to him, because it has been with him since birth, and it has become more and more obvious with age. He has been silently enduring it until he can no longer bear it, and then his mother and uncle will find out.

"Because his demon power is too strong." Mi Wan replied.

"What do you mean?" Quan Jun didn't understand.

"It's repulsion." Fan Chen understood, "Because the power of the mother body is too strong, the two forces in the half-demon body cannot be merged."

"That's right, the little white fox's body is being eroded and destroyed by his own demon power." Mi Wan said, "It stands to reason that such a half-demon with too powerful demon power would never be born. may take shape."

Although the demons have crossed the reproductive isolation from humans after they have transformed into human beings, they are still repelled by their power, which is why half-demons have been weak since ancient times. Because it is difficult for powerful demons to have children with humans, only those weak demons can combine with humans to give birth to half-demons, such as the green tea mother and daughter killed by Mi Wan. But the little white fox is a special case. Her mother seems to be a great demon who has been cultivated, but unexpectedly saved the child who should have been destroyed by power, and gave birth to him.

Quan Juncai suddenly remembered his sister's rapidly weakening strength during pregnancy, and seemed to understand a little. So my sister knew that Xiao Rui might not live long, but she still gave birth to him.

"Then how long can I live?" The little white fox, who had been quiet all along, suddenly asked aloud.

"How long do you want to live?" Mi Wan asked.

The little white fox was stunned, and some of them couldn't react. Can this be chosen by himself? The little white fox didn't understand, but the two big monsters on the side understood it immediately. Mi Wan would ask this question, which proved that she had a way to save people.

"Master Mi Wan, please save Xiao Rui." Quan Juncai put down his nephew in his arms, stood up and bowed to Mi Wan solemnly.

"There are ways to save him, but you may not be willing." Mi Wan did not agree to Quan Juncai's request.

Fan Chen frowned, from Mi Wan's words, he seemed to have guessed something.

"No matter what method, as long as I can save Xiao Rui, I'm willing to try." Quan Juncai said.

"Are you willing to be a spiritual pet?" Mi Wan asked.

Sure enough, Fan Chen showed no surprise.

"I don't want to." Before waiting for his uncle to express his position, Xiaobaihu gave the answer first, "I will die, so don't be a spiritual pet for others."

Quan Juncai looked at his stubborn nephew, and there were some who couldn't accept this treatment. The monsters are naturally free, and naturally they will not be willing to be spiritual pets, let alone after the war five hundred years ago.

"The spiritual power of the demon hunter is the only power that can moderate the demon power. If you are not willing to contract to become a spiritual pet, then the demon power in your body and your body will never be reconciled." Mi Wan said, "If you still want to live, You can only abolish the demon pill."

"Abolish the demon pill?" Everyone was stunned.

"Abolish the demon pill, and you won't have demon power. Half of your body is human, if you're lucky, you might be able to become an ordinary human." Mi Wan continued, "But this possibility is relatively small. "

If it was an ordinary half-demon, Mi Wan would be able to do it with certainty, but in the little white fox, it was obvious that the power of the demon race accounted for the vast majority. If the demon pill was abolished, it would likely degenerate into an ordinary fox. With a little less luck, it's possible to keep the human mind.

The author has something to say: Mi Wan didn't come back from the toilet until the get out of class ended.

The teacher was very angry: monitor, ask the girl, did she fall into the toilet

Han Xiao: ... Mi Wan, do you really want to take the test