She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 47: Confidence


The main house of the Wei family is a little far from Mi Wan's school, and it takes about an hour to drive there.

On the way, Wei Ji looked at Mi Wan, who was sitting in the back seat with the old god. He couldn't take it any longer. Didn't Sister Mi wonder what happened to her grandfather

The young man's eyes were too hot, and the number of peeks was too frequent, so that Mi Wan couldn't bear it anymore, and said with disgust, "If you have something to say, just say it."

Wei Ji smiled embarrassedly, and two shy blushes appeared on his thin face: "Sister Mi, aren't you curious about what my grandfather asked you to do?"

"Not curious." Mi Wan replied.


"'ll know when you get there." Mi Wan said as a matter of course.

"..." This reason is really reasonable, but hearing why his chest is a little stuffy, Wei Ji calmed down for a while, and when the stuffy feeling in his chest subsided, he said again, "Sister Mi, Some time ago, President Bai of the Monster Hunters Association came to my house to look for my grandfather."

Wei Ji felt that he was sending him eggs twice for Sister Mi, and he had to reveal some news to Sister Mi in advance.

"Baifeng~~" Mi Wan said quietly. This kid digs a hole for himself again. If he is a monster, he can go up and beat him directly, but he is a human. If he beats him, he will be invited to tea by the police uncle.

"Well, President Bai and my grandfather chatted alone for more than an hour. When he left, my grandfather asked me to ask you out." Wei Ji analyzed, "So I think my grandfather is looking for you this time, it must be for you. The pet store thing."

"The Monster Hunters Association has always opposed my opening a pet shop." Mi Wan also thought of it.

"Yeah." Wei Ji agreed, "I think my grandfather wants you to close the pet shop too."

Mi Wan did not express her opinion on Grandpa Wei Ji wanting him to close the pet shop, but glanced at the worried teenager and asked curiously, "What do you think of the pet shop I opened?"

"Ah, what?" Wei Ji was taken aback.

"I mean, regardless of the attitude of your grandfather and the Monster Hunters Association, personally, do you think it's right or wrong for me to open this pet shop?" Mi Wan asked.

"This..." Wei Ji didn't seem to have thought about this question before, but Mi Wan stopped him at this moment. The young man frowned, and after thinking hard for a while, he said, "I don't seem to have much feeling."

"Don't feel it?" Mi Wan wondered.

"That's right." Wei Ji nodded and explained, "Everyone gets sick, so there are doctors and hospitals. Then demons get sick too, and it's normal for doctors and hospitals to treat them. It's just that, this doctor happens to be Sister Mi, if it's someone else, or the demon of the demon clan, there's definitely not so much to do."

"Then do you agree with me treating the demon race?" Mi Wan asked more specifically.

"Personally, I think it's your own business, Sister Mi. As long as you want to do it, others have no right to object." Wei Ji said.

"Then you are not afraid of the growth of the demon clan in the future?"

"Those who have studied the theory of evolution know that there is a natural selection for things. Facts have proved that what was left in the end was not because of what someone did, but because of natural selection and the elimination of the environment." Wei Ji said, "I I don't think that if Sister Mi treats the demon clan, it will cause humans to be eliminated."

After hearing this, Mi Wan was in a good mood. She raised her hand and stroked the boy's soft black hair. With the praise of the elders to the younger, she exclaimed: "Child, there is a future."

"Ah?" Wei Ji was a little confused.

"As expected of the descendants of Xuanwu Mountain."

"..." Wei Ji was secretly happy, it seems that Sister Mi agrees very much with our Xuanwu Mountain.

While speaking, the car entered a huge manor with a circular fountain in the center of the huge manor. The fountain covers an area of about 30 square meters, and there is a stone tablet with exquisite patterns in the center, which is engraved with three large cursive characters: Xuanwu Mountain.

This posture, looks like money. It seems that the descendants of Xuanwu Mountain are much better off than they were five hundred years ago. They have houses, cars and houses. They don’t have enough money to buy vegetables. Farming in the mountains.

Just after the thought turned, the car stopped in front of the fountain, and Mi Wan and Wei Ji got out of the car together.

"Sister Mi, my grandfather is not well, so I take a nap every afternoon. I'll take you to the living room to sit for a while, and then I'll call him." Wei Ji said.

Just as Mi Wan was about to nod her head, she suddenly sensed a familiar aura behind the fountain. She looked over curiously, "What's there?"

"Over there, there's nothing over there." Wei Ji glanced suspiciously and saw nothing, then he took a few steps forward and saw a small back, "It's my cousin, in Practice manipulating instruments."

Manipulator? So the familiar aura I felt just now was emanating from the magic weapon? Could this magic weapon have something to do with you

Just when Mi Wan was curious, the little loli in the distance seemed to have finally succeeded. A half-foot-long wooden sword flew into the air and trembled in the air, but it only stayed for a second before chirping and falling to the ground again. .

The little loli stomped her feet angrily, almost crying.

"Xuanxuan." Wei Ji called out.

Little loli Wei Xuan turned around when she heard the sound, her eyes lit up the moment she saw her cousin Wei Ji, she picked up the small wooden sword on the ground and ran over: "Brother, you are back."

"Yeah." Wei Ji fondly touched his sister's braid and said, "Brother will take the guests to the living room first, and when you're done, brother will practice with you, okay?"

"Okay." Little Lolita responded loudly, her eyes full of joy, and with the help of her brother, she would be able to master it soon.

"Sister Mi, let's go in." Patting his little cousin on the head, Wei Ji continued to lead Mi Wan inside. When he got to the living room, he arranged for Mi Wan to sit down, and then he greeted the servant to bring refreshments, and then Wei Ji went to call his grandfather.

Mi Wan drank the refreshment brought by the servant and looked around boredly. She found that the decoration style of the Wei's living room is a bit ancient. Of course, this ancient style is relative to today's aesthetics. If it was placed 500 years ago, the decoration would be very modern. The tables and chairs in the living room are all mahogany. Although there is a soft cushion on the seat, it is not as soft and comfortable as the sofa.

Above the main seat of the living room, a majestic landscape painting is carved on the back wall, and above the landscape, a black iron sword is embedded. The moment he saw this sword, Mi Wan's eyes couldn't help but light up, and even the magic weapon of the sect master was retrieved. The younger brother could not have found all the magic tools of their sect.


Suddenly, a crisp childish voice sounded in the living room, Mi Wan looked sideways, and saw little loli Wei Xuan was silently holding a magic formula, instilling spiritual power into the little wooden sword in front of her.

"Get up!" The little wooden sword flicked its tail.

"Get up!" The tip of the little wooden sword flicked.

"Get up~~" Xiao Mujian's whole body floated up less than a centimeter, and fell back to the ground with a slap.

Little Loli stared aggrievedly at the little wooden sword in front of her: "Ming Ming Xuanxuan's trick is not wrong."

"It has nothing to do with the magic formula." Mi Wan finally couldn't bear it anymore, facing Little Loli's suspicious gaze, Mi Wan stretched out a finger and pointed lightly in the direction of the wooden sword. In an instant, the wooden sword that was unwilling to fly just now flew from the floor with a swish. Mi Wan's finger turned to the right, it flew to the right, Mi Wan's finger turned in circles, and the little wooden sword turned in circles, obedient as if conscious.

"Wow~~" Little Lolita looked at Mi Wan admiringly, "Sister, how come you can control the little wooden sword without using any tricks?"

"Why, you must have a fixed gesture to control the magic weapon now?" Mi Wan asked.

"Well, the master said, use this kind of gesture." After speaking, Little Loli made a gesture of pinching the magic trick.

"..." Which teacher taught so rigidly

With a thought, the little wooden sword controlled by Mi Wan turned a corner in the air and landed on the palm of Mi Wan's outstretched forward. This small wooden sword is made from broken peach wood in early spring, and then soaked and refined with demon blood. And this is the one that her master accompanies her to refine when she first entered the school, and later she handed it over to the younger brother.

"Sister, can you teach Xuanxuan?" Little Loli gently pulled the hem of Lamiwan's clothes and said pitifully, "Xuanxuan has been practicing for a long time, but she can't practice well."

"Okay." Mi Wan replied. After all, this little loli is also her disciple, so it should be pointed at the back.

"Remember, the function of the magic formula is only to make the spiritual power in your body pour into the magic tool more smoothly, but in fact, the real control of the magic tool is your mind. When the spiritual power is poured into the magic tool, you Let the magic weapon know what you want it to do." Mi Wan carefully taught the little loli how to control the magic weapon, "Come on, close your eyes, don't worry too much about whether your magic gestures are standard, spiritual power. To be long and even, focus on communicating with the magic weapon, treat it as your hand…”

Wei Xuan followed Mi Wan's instructions and did it step by step. She closed her eyes and didn't look to see if she was doing well, but focused on communicating with Xiao Mujian. Suddenly, as if she had caught something, she thought about it and shouted softly, "Get up!"

With a bang, the small wooden sword rose into the sky and hovered above Wei Xuan's head.

"Hey, I succeeded, I succeeded, the little wooden sword flew up, ahahaha~~" Wei Xuan jumped up happily, the magic formula held by her two little hands did not dare to let go, so she could see the whole person. It looks so cute.

"Congratulations Xuanxuan." Wei Ji's voice suddenly came from behind.

Mi Wan turned around and saw Wei Ji walking in through the side door of the living room, supporting an old man. The old man looked about seventy or eighty years old, wearing a dark blue Tang suit and full of white hair. Although he looked kind and kind, his majesty could not be ignored.

"Brother, grandpa, look, I have learned to control the magic weapon, and it was my sister who taught me." In order to show her achievements, Little Loli controlled Xiaomujian and flew straight in the direction of her grandfather.

Wei Ji raised his hand and grabbed it with a smile, helped his grandfather to sit on a chair beside him, then walked over and took his sister's hand and said, "Grandpa wants to receive guests, I'll check how Xuanxuan's practice results are. "

"Okay." Wei Xuan responded sweetly, turned to say goodbye to the two of them, "Goodbye grandpa, goodbye sister."

Wei Ji also nodded to Mi Wan.

Mi Wan waved her hand with a smile, and when the two brothers and sisters Wei Ji left the living room, she turned to look at the head of Xuanwushan's generation, the eighth-order demon hunter Wei... What's up with Wei

"Old Wei Hongyi." Wei Lao introduced himself.

Yes, it seems to be called that name.

"I take the liberty to invite the little friend over, and I hope that the little friend will not mind." Old Wei said politely.

"I don't mind, it depends on what you're going to say to me next." Mi Wan sat back on the chair where he was sitting just now, took a sip of tea, and looked at Old Wei from a distance.

"Haha~~" Wei Lao smiled heartily, "That kid Wei Ji, should have passed some rumors with you when he came."

"Well, Wei Ji said that you probably want me to close the pet shop." Before Mr. Wei could express his opinion, Mi Wan said to himself, "I said at the time, whether I close the shop or not, no one else can control it. ."

"Little friend is really young and energetic." Wei Lao didn't expect Mi Wan to express his wishes so frankly, and he didn't even give him a chance to speak.

"It has nothing to do with being young. I open the door to do business, and I make a lot of money every day. If you don't give me a penny, if you touch your lips, you will let me close the store. Isn't this a robber?" Mi Wan asked back. , "You can all grab it, I can't even resist."

"As far as I know, Xiaoyou's family is not short of money." Even Elder Wei has heard of the Mi family. Mijia's shopping malls are almost all over China.

"I'm not bad for money, so I can't make money?" Mi Wan asked back.

"..." Old Wei choked, feeling that he might not be able to argue with Mi Wan in this regard, so he changed the subject and said, "Just now I saw my little friend teach my little granddaughter to control the magic weapon, just a little bit of advice can make that stupid The stupid girl has mastered the control method. Moreover, at a young age, the little friend can stab the big monster of the seventh-order peak with one sword. I think that the teacher's inheritance of the little friend must be amazing."

"It's alright." Mi Wan replied modestly, but couldn't help but wonder if they were praising their sect face-to-face so much... what the hell.

"Over the years, the strength of the demon hunters has been inferior to that of the previous generation. Now I am almost eighty years old, and I have never seen a younger generation who can inherit my Xuanwu Mountain, which makes me worry all the time. I can't sleep at night." Wei Lao suddenly sighed, and there seemed to be infinite melancholy in his desolate voice.

"When I'm old, I don't have to worry about snacks. I think about things all day long. No wonder I'm not in good health." Mi Wan said.

"… "What does it mean? Are you caring about the old man's body? But what I want is not that you care about my body, what I want is that you hear the worry about the future of the monster hunter in what I said just now.

Wei Lao found out that Mi Wan was deliberately not picking up the slack, chatting with her, going around would only be a waste of time, it would be better to ask straight to the point.

"Little friend, in fact, I took the liberty of inviting you over this time, just to ask you a question." Wei Lao asked.

Mi Wan made a gesture of listening intently.

"If because of your treatment, the demon clan is stronger than the demon hunter, how should humans deal with it?" Wei Lao asked.

Mi Wan frowned. She found that Wei Lao's conversation skills were much better than Bai Feng's. He did not directly use his cultivation or status to force himself to close the pet shop, but skipped all the antecedents and put the final consequences. placed in front of her.

"About two months ago, my classmates and I went to Guyuan Mountain for field research, just in time for the landslide, but luckily, we were all fine. Because before the landslide, we received a tree demon with spiritual consciousness. The warning came, it helped us run down from the mountain ahead of time, and informed the residents at the foot of the mountain." Mi Wan suddenly told a story.

"You opened this pet shop because you were rescued by the tree demon?" Elder Wei frowned.

"The landslide only collapsed in a small part. The entire mountain range is still there. Do you know how it was preserved?"

"Monster clan?" Wei Lao said without hesitation. Although demon hunters possess spiritual power, they do not have the power to shake nature. If there is any power that can stop the landslide, it must be the innate power of the demon clan.

"That's right." Mi Wan nodded with a smile, "I was curious at the time, so I asked him, as a monster, why do you want to prevent landslides and save mankind."

Wei Lao looked at it curiously, and obviously had some doubts.

"He said that what he saved was not the human being, but the mountain." Mi Wan said, "He said that the demon clan is a natural elves, and the demon hunter is an existence that balances the power of the demon clan. The more humans cherish nature, the better the world will be. The stronger the aura, the stronger the aura, the stronger the demon hunters and the demon clan will be. When one day, the natural environment is destroyed, the demon clan will die out. Similarly, the demon clan will no longer exist, and the nature of the earth will The ecology will also collapse completely, and all creatures on the earth will die out. Therefore, the three monsters, human beings, and nature are not enemies, but symbiotic existences."

Wei Lao listened to Mi Wan's story quietly, his face became solemn a little bit, and finally he looked at Mi Wan and asked, "Do you believe him?"

"Well." Mi Wan nodded, "At least, I want to give him a chance to prove it."

"How to prove it?" Wei Lao asked.

"According to his words, if there are more monsters, there will be more monster hunters." Mi Wan said, "We can see if the birth rate of monster hunters will increase in the next few decades. It won't be more intense than it is now."

"Decades, if it turns out that you are wrong, but there are hundreds of monsters treated by you at that time, how to solve it?" Wei Lao asked again.

"It's simple." Mi Wan smiled confidently, "I will kill all the big monsters that exceed the comprehensive strength of the monster hunter before I die, based on the comprehensive strength of the monster hunter at that time."

Mi Wan is not bragging, in fact, although she has treated many monsters, whether the monster can advance into a big monster still depends on the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. So no matter how many monsters Mi Wan treats now, there are still very few who can break through the eighth-order. Of course, if the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is restored, then the monster hunter is also advancing at the same time as the monster race is advancing, and she naturally does not break the balance.

But when Wei Lao heard it, he really didn't believe it. Kill them all, in a crazy tone, even he dare not boast about this Haikou: "Where did you get the confidence."

Mi Wan smiled, suddenly turned his head, looked at the high-hanging black iron sword and asked, "Is that a tenth-grade magic weapon?"

"That's right, that's the sword of my head of Xuanwu Mountain. It's a pity that the rank is too high, so far no one can urge it." Wei Lao sighed. With the ability of the demon hunter today, it is estimated that this 10th rank magic weapon , I can't be on the cutting edge in my life.


Wei Lao looked puzzled, look good, what are you looking at

Between doubts, Mi Wan suddenly stood up from his seat, moved towards the black iron sword hanging high on the wall, raised his hand and squeezed a magic formula, the spiritual power in his body circulated, and he snorted softly: "Get up~ ~”

"Om~~~" A buzzer sounded in the hall.

The black iron sword made a buzzing sound, and the sword body trembled, as if it was about to fall. Then there was another slight clicking sound, it turned out to be the black iron sword coming out of the body, the pitch-black blade pierced the air, and after spinning around in the air with the fierce wind sound, it stopped firmly in front of Mi Wan, exuding joy. beep sound.

This is indoors, how fast does the sword need to be in order to make such a bitter wind sound.

"This is..." Wei Lao stood up in excitement. He looked at this tenth-grade magic weapon that had been shelved for five hundred years in disbelief. He couldn't believe that in his lifetime, he could actually see it come out. A day of tricks.

No regrets in this life, no regrets in this life~~

"You... you are a tenth-order demon hunter?" Wei Lao no longer dared to look at Mi Wan with the eyes of his younger generation. This is a tenth-order boss, a legendary existence two orders higher than him. what.

Can urge Xuan Tiejian to be a tenth-order boss? Mi Wan was stunned, half of their divisions were tenth-order back then.

"Is this enough to prove my confidence?" Mi Wan asked.

"Enough." Wei Lao's eyes suddenly became more enthusiastic when he looked at Mi Wan.

enthusiasm? Mi Wan felt that she had probably read it wrong, why did the old man suddenly feel so enthusiastic about him.

"Okay, if you want to open a pet shop, open a pet shop. I will handle the affairs of the Monster Hunters Association, and I will never let them bother you again." Wei Lao patted the table and suddenly made something that Mi Wan couldn't understand. decision.

"Why... why?" Mi Wan was stunned. Not only did you stop stopping me, but you still helped me stop the Demon Hunter Association? Could it be that he was lowered his head by himself, and he does not know this kind of sorcery.

"This black iron sword is also given to you." Mr. Wei said generously.

"This... isn't this your chief sword?" Mi Wan was even more confused.

"It is estimated that you are the only one in the world who can mobilize it, and this sword is placed here, it is just an ornament, you can take it, you will be happy if you want to come to the black iron sword." Wei Lao said.


The Xuan Tiejian seemed to be able to understand people's speech, and it made a series of dragon roars at the right time.


"Ok, deal!"

Wei Lao was too enthusiastic, and the enthusiastic Mi Wan didn't react for a while. In the time of silence, the black iron sword was unilaterally given to Mi Wan. Although it was logical for her to take this black iron sword, Mi Wan always felt that something was wrong.

Didn't this old man come to trouble him? Why did you switch to gift giving? Infected by your own domineering aura

"Cough cough cough~~~" Perhaps because he was too excited, Elder Wei suddenly coughed violently, and a series of coughs made his whole body hunched.

Seeing that he was about to collapse when the wind was blowing, Mi Wan hurriedly went over to support him and helped him to a chair beside him.

"Are you OK."

"It's alright, it's alright. When you get old, your body is prone to problems." Wei Lao waved his hand and said indifferently.

Mi Wan hesitated for a moment, and reached out to hold the old man's pulse. Although the body of the monster hunter is not as good as that of the monster clan, but because of the relationship between spiritual power and body protection, the body is much better than that of ordinary people. Ordinary minor ailments rarely appear in monster hunters. Even if they get sick, they will get better faster than others, and their lifespan will be more than ten or twenty years longer than ordinary people. The premise is that they will not fall while hunting monsters. if.

"You still know Chinese medicine?" Wei Lao asked in surprise.

"I don't understand, I'm just using my spiritual power to probe your body." Mi Wan retracted his hand after the probe.

"Then what did you find out?"

"You have demon poison in your body." Mi Wan frowned.

"I have demon poison in my body?" Wei Lao was startled.

"It should be a long-term battle with the demon clan, the sequelae of the meridians in your body being injured by the demon power," Mi Wan said.

It turned out that, Wei Lao calmed down immediately. He had fought against the demon clan for a lifetime, and survived several times, and it was not uncommon for his meridians to be injured by the demon power.

"Fortunately, your spiritual power is mellow. I will prescribe a side drug for you. You drink two bowls every day, and then run the basic exercises a few times, and it will gradually clear up. It is estimated that you will live another 20 years, there is no big problem. " Mi Wan said.

Two... Twenty years? Then I can't be a hundred years old if I try my best? Wei Lao, who was told by the doctor that he could live for up to three years, suddenly rejuvenated.

"Do you have a pen and paper?" Mi Wan asked.

"Yes, yes." Elder Wei shouted at the door, "Wei Ji, bring me a pen and paper."

Mi Wan raised her eyebrows. She hadn't taken the medicine yet. Why did she suddenly feel that the old man was refreshed