She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 48: bless


When Wei Ji was instructed to send Mi Wan back, he kept staring straight at the black iron sword in Mi Wan's hand, with a look on his face hesitant to speak.

Mi Wan couldn't help rubbing her brows. She felt that she, a junior boy who didn't know how many generations, was good everywhere. It was the habit of not talking straight and always like to stare at you and ask him actively.

"Say something."

"My grandfather gave you this sword?" When he could finally ask, Wei Ji's question almost blurted out.

"Yeah." Mi Wan still has no recollection of why this old Wei suddenly became so enthusiastic. At that time, I didn't seem to have said that I wanted to treat him, so the retribution of gratitude was not established.

"Do you know what kind of sword this sword is?" Wei Ji asked again.

"Mysterious iron sword."

"Then do you know that this black iron sword is the sword of the head of our Xuanwu Mountain?" Wei Ji continued to ask.

"What exactly are you trying to say? If you don't make it clear at one time, be careful that I will slap you." Mi Wan was so excited by someone's ink-stained question.

Wei Ji didn't dare to sell Guanzi any more, and hurriedly explained: "We have a rule in Xuanwu Mountain, whoever takes the sword of the sect master will be the master of the sect."

"!!" Does Xuanwu Mountain have this rule? I do not know how? Mi Wan was stunned.

Xuanwu Mountain has never had such a rule. The so-called Sect Master Saber should not be the Sect Master, whose magic weapon is the Sect Master Saber? I wipe, how come back

"So..." Mi Wan asked, raising the black iron sword in his hand, "I am your head now?"

"Yeah!" Wei Ji nodded solemnly.

"What are you kidding, who made the rules?" Mi Wan frowned.

"The seventh generation head, Yan Xiu head." Wei Ji said, "When he abdicated, he said that from now on, no matter who can drive this head sword, whoever can be Xuanwu Mountain's Head."

Yan Xiu, little junior brother, is your head being squeezed by the door? After 500 years, I cheated your sister and me

Five hundred years ago, this black iron sword happened to be the saber of the sixth-generation sect master, so Mi Wan didn't think much about it when Old Man Wei said the sect master's sword, because she had the right impression of the sect master's magic weapon. She just stayed on this black iron sword, so she never thought that five hundred years later, her younger junior brother could dig such a big hole for her.

"Sister Mi, am I going to call you senior sister in the future?" Wei Ji asked in a low voice.

"Shut up." Mi Wan's face turned dark, I am the ancestor, "Go back and tell Old Man Wei, I will not be the head of this."

"But… "

"But what is it?" Mi Wan gave Wei Ji a vicious look, Wei Ji did not dare to speak, so he gave a weak voice.

"You also take back the black iron sword." Mi Wan threw the black iron sword into Wei Ji's arms. If this thing is taken, there will be a lot of things behind it, so she doesn't want it.

Wei Ji's face turned pale, and he didn't dare to take the sword, so he shrank back in fright: "Sister Mi, I can't take it back, if I take it back, my grandfather will kill me, and you have to pay it back yourself. "

"..." Mi Wan saw that the boy's fear was not faked, thinking that he couldn't embarrass a junior, so he took the black iron sword back and said, "Okay, I'll give it to you when I'm free someday. go back."

Wei Ji breathed a sigh of relief, and then he didn't dare to talk nonsense again, and honestly sent Mi Wan home. After the delivery, Wei Ji hurried back to the manor and ran to his grandfather's bedroom.

In the bedroom, Old Man Wei was holding a medicine bowl and drinking medicine. This medicine was bought by Mi Wan for frying. Seeing his grandson come back, Old Man Wei immediately asked, "Send the Sect Master back?"

"Grandpa." Wei Ji hurriedly leaned over, "Sister Mi, doesn't seem to know that she is going to be the head."

"What's your name, Sister Mi? It's called Sect Master." Old Man Wei gave his grandson a blank look.

"Sect Master... The Sect Master doesn't seem to know that he wants to be the Sect Master." Wei Ji changed his words obediently, but it sounded so awkward.

"Did you tell her the meaning of the sword of the head?" When Mi Wan was driving the black iron sword just now, the old man Wei deliberately did not say the meaning of the sword of the head. She was afraid that Mi Wan would not know it. Take the black iron sword. However, whether Mi Wan accepts it or not, she is the only one who has driven the Sect Master's sword in the past five hundred years, so it doesn't matter if she agrees or not, the Sect Master is also hers.

"I did, but the head doesn't seem to want it. She said she wouldn't be the head of our Xuanwu Mountain." Wei Ji said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter." The old man Wei said calmly, "As long as we identify her as the head."

"Huh?" Wei Ji doesn't understand, can this thing be unilaterally identified

"Actually, this person has the problem of being soft-hearted." The old man Wei said, "Anyway, after taking the medicine from the head, I can live for more than ten years, and I can continue to take care of the affairs of Xuanwu Mountain. For more than ten years, we have been trying our best to be kind to the Sect Master, the Sect Master has accepted a lot of kindness, and since we feel the sincerity of our Xuanwu Mountain, we will naturally not ignore us."

From Mi Wan's willingness to teach Wei Xuan to control the magic weapon, Old Man Wei could see that their new head was a soft-hearted person.

"This... is this OK?" Wei Ji didn't dare to say a word, so he could only murmur in his heart: This sounds fine, but it always feels a little bit of moral kidnapping.

"Let's do it." Mr. Wei said firmly, "Go out, I'm going to exercise for healing. When I go to City B tomorrow, I'll have a good chat with Yan Haoguang, so that he won't go to our head again. . Our head loves to open a pet store, so we must let the head open happily."

Yan Haoguang, president of the Monster Hunters Association, another eighth-order monster hunter.

"Yes." Wei Ji backed out silently, sighing secretly, "Sister Mi, you are considered to be being cheated on by my grandfather."

No need to go to school after the winter vacation, no need to exercise after losing weight successfully, Mi Wan finally lived a life as his name suggests, where he only needed to eat with a rice bowl every day.

Master, your expectations for your disciple have finally come true. Whenever he wakes up from a happy lazy sleep, Mi Wan can't help but tell his master in his heart that his good wishes for naming his apprentice have finally come true.

"Miss, are you up yet?" Along with a few knocks on the door, Butler Ye's voice came from outside the door.

"Get up, I'll come down right away." Mi Wan replied, got out of bed to wash up, changed into casual and warm clothes, came out of the room, and went to the lobby on the first floor.

In the hall on the first floor, Butler Ye was already waiting by the sofa, holding a tablet in his hand, as if he had something to say.

Mi Wan couldn't help but wonder for a while, nothing happened recently, why did Steward Ye have a serious expression on his face.

"Uncle Ye, what's wrong?" Mi Wan asked curiously.

"Miss, there is something I need to tell you." Butler Ye had a heavy expression.

"You said." Seeing Steward Ye's serious expression, Mi Wan couldn't help but become solemn.

"Our old house, the cleaning servant, the security guard at the gate, the driver who drives the car, the cook who cooks, plus me, there are a total of eight people who take care of the young lady." Butler Ye counted.

"I know, what's the matter?" Mi Wan had lived for so long, of course she knew how many people there were in the old house. Originally, there were more people. In order to prevent her from sneaking away when she was detoxing, Butler Ye also arranged three shifts of security and a medical team, but after she successfully detoxed, all these people went back.

"Our original salary was paid by our family, but... this month's salary has not been received." Butler Ye blushed. He had worked in the Ye family for so long, and he had never asked for a salary. But even if he doesn't want the salary, the security servants at the bottom still have to take the money to go home for the Chinese New Year.

"Why?" Mi Wan was startled.

"The eldest young master said that the young lady has opened a pet shop now, and she has an independent career. Our salary should be paid by you, Miss." Butler Ye said resentfully. When he received a call from the young master in the morning, the whole person was spartan. What is the young master doing to break with the young lady completely

Mi Wan blinked, the first reaction was what did Mi Yan want? After you stopped your own pocket money, you also stopped the wages of the workers at home? Then I thought about it and felt that what he said was right. These workers are responsible for taking care of themselves, and they should also pay for them.

Thinking of this, Mi Wan said directly: "It's okay, I'll pay the salary, how much is it in total?"

Butler Ye immediately called up the worker's salary table from the tablet and showed it to Mi Wan. Mi Wan glanced at it. The first place on the salary table was Butler Ye, and the salary was also the highest, with a monthly salary of 50,000. The salary of the others ranged from 5,000 to 10,000.

"Why isn't there a year-end bonus?" Mi Wan snorted. She remembered that she needed to give employees an extra year-end bonus during the Chinese New Year.

"The year-end bonus will be distributed uniformly during the Chinese New Year. After all, we only started to pay the salary from the lady this month, so this year's year-end bonus does not need to be given by the lady." This means that next year's year-end bonus will have to be given by Mi Wan. Out.

"Oh~~" Mi Wan nodded clearly, glanced at the total number and said, "Uncle Ye, I'll send you the money in a while, you can help me pay the salary."

"Okay." Butler Ye nodded.

"Also... I plan to raise everyone's wages, starting from next month, everyone's wages will increase by 10%. I will give you another sum of money, you can buy ten latest mobile phones and send them to you. Give everyone the gift of the year." Mi Wan planned to do it in one step, and bought the gift together.

"Huh??" Butler Ye has also seen the world. He also knows that the Mi family is rich, but the lady has been cut off from the family's source of income, and the business of the pet store is not good. Is it really good to be so generous

Before Butler Ye could express his doubts, Mi Wan had already transferred 300,000 yuan to him, and asked him to be bold enough to tell her.

Butler Ye dazedly paid everyone's wages, and went to the mall to buy ten mobile phones in a daze. On the way home in a daze, he suddenly received a call from the young master.

"Young Master." Butler Ye's voice was very respectful.

"Well, did you tell Mi Wan about the salary?" Mi Yan asked softly.


"What was her reaction?"

Butler Ye looked at the ten mobile phones in his hands, and replied calmly, "Miss gave each of us a 10% salary increase, and also asked me to purchase ten mobile phones to take back as gifts for everyone."

"..." After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, Mi Yan asked again, "Isn't her pet store losing money all the time? How long can she spend just a few million?"

"Young Master..." Butler Ye had a flash of light, and suddenly thought about it, "Do you want to use money to force the young lady to go home and live?"

"..." The other end of the phone was completely silent.

Butler Ye watched the three brothers and sisters grow up, and he didn't understand why he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Then tell the young lady directly."

"It's New Year's Eve soon, doesn't she know she wants to come back?" Mi Yan felt a little embarrassed after saying this, and then hung up the phone ruthlessly.

Butler Ye couldn't help but chuckle: "Young master, you still have to suffer as much as you did when you were a child, but sometimes this kind of awkwardness is a good way to enhance the relationship between siblings.

Butler Ye decided not to expose him.

When he got home, Butler Ye sent the newly bought mobile phones to each employee one by one, making the employees happy. Mobile phone, the latest mobile phone, this is much better than the New Year's gift package of nuts and bacon.

"Thank you ma'am."

Mi Wan accepted everyone's thanks, but felt that Fan Chen was worthy of being the boss of a big company, and the New Year's goods recommended to him had a high praise rate.

Ten mobile phones, after sending the employees at home, there are still two left. After lunch, Mi Wan went to the store with her mobile phone, and a generous person gave one. Sparrow Jing happily took it, without delay at all. When Xu Zhuang saw the phone, his face was full of hesitation.

"Boss, our pet store's business is like this, so... we don't need to give New Year's gifts." Xu Zhuang felt that he was very guilty of receiving this gift. In the past few months, he was only wasting medicine money for stray animals. , which is much more than what he made for the store. It would be nice if Mi Wan didn't fire him, but he even gave him a new phone? This phone is so precious that his girlfriend didn't want to buy it for half a month.

"Our pet store is doing well," Mi Wan said.

"Yeah, it's pretty good." The sparrow spirit helped.

"??" Are we talking about the same pet store

Because Butler Ye didn't say, Mi Yan is arrogant, Mi Wan is very happy in the old house in the eastern suburbs, sleeps until she wakes up naturally every day, and when she wakes up, she goes to the pet store to make money. Get up and go home for Chinese New Year. Until, Mi's younger brother called her.

"You go home tomorrow." Mi Xiaodi said.

"Why?" Mi Wan didn't know why.

"Mom and dad will be back tomorrow." Mi Xiaodi glanced at Big Brother secretly and said in a low voice.

"Oh, okay, then I'll come over for lunch tomorrow." When parents come back, they have to prepare gifts. After thinking about it, Mi Wan hung up the phone and went downstairs to Butler Ye.

Mi Xiaodi put down the phone and reported to his eldest brother: "She promised to come back."

"Well, let's go to the airport together?" Mi Yan asked.

Brother Mi shook his head: "She said she would come back for lunch."

"Crack!" Mi Yan threw the document in his hand heavily on the table, which scared little brother Mi to his heart's content, "She is really going to be a relative, isn't she, okay, okay."

Brother, can you not look so scary when you say goodbye? I really want Mi Wan to pick up the plane with us, just say it directly, I just told her that it's fine. Mi Xiaodi silently complained, hugged his game console, and quickly fled back upstairs.

Here, Mi Wan went downstairs to find Butler Ye, and told the news that Mi's parents would come back tomorrow.

"The lady is going back to the main house tomorrow?" Butler Ye said happily.

"Yeah," Mi Wan said, "I want to bring something back as a present for my parents. Do you know what they like?"

Butler Ye has worked in Mi's house for decades. Of course he knows this: "I naturally know this. The husband likes calligraphy and painting, and the wife likes bluegrass. But these two things can't be found for a while, so you can send them..."

"I see, I'll prepare." Mi Wan, who got the answer, waved his hand and ran out without waiting for Butler Ye to finish speaking. I'll rush over for lunch tomorrow morning. I need to hurry up with the preparation of gifts.

"Prepare... how to prepare?" Butler Ye muttered for a while, then thought about it and felt relieved. In fact, it doesn't matter what you prepare, as long as it is presented by the lady, both the husband and wife will be happy. Isn't their greatest wish to see a young lady who has become sunny and happy after quitting drugs.

Mi Wan asked the driver Xiao Zhang to take her to a place specializing in the four treasures of the study, then bought a few sheets of rice paper, borrowed the owner's brush and ink, and wrote four cursive characters on the spot: "Good health.

"Good words." The shop owner couldn't help but praised. In fact, Mi Wan's words were not particularly good, but the artistic conception of cursive script was free and easy. In addition, Mi Wan, such a young girl, can actually write with a brush, which is also very good.

"You've won the prize, boss, help me wrap it up." Mi Wan went to the next door to carve a stamp and covered it directly. After the boss helped her roll it up, she tied it with a ribbon and carried it back to the old house.

Even if the gift for Dad Mi is ready, it is much simpler to give it to Mommy Mi. Orchid, just ask the big guy next door to ask for one.

That night, as soon as he sensed Fan Chen coming home, Mi Wan ran over the wall. As the spiritual power was exhausted again and again, Mi Wan found that her strength had recovered a lot. Recently, as long as she thought about it, she could directly sense whether Fan Chen was at home through the barrier in Fan Chen's courtyard.

"Fan Chen, I'm here to deliver medicine to you." Mi Wan took the newly refined medicine and skillfully pushed open the living room door and walked in.

"Thank you." Fan Chen changed into his home clothes, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"Hey, your complexion has improved a lot recently, and the wound on your chest seems to have recovered a little." As soon as he entered the door, Mi Wan found out. After a few days of absence, Fan Chen's complexion has become better than ever. Could it be that he insisted on refining medicine and finally Has something worked out

"Didn't you find that the spiritual energy of the world has become a little richer during this time?" Fan Chen asked with a smile.

"It seems... a little bit." Mi Wan felt it, and found that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was indeed a little richer than some time ago, "Why is this happening?"

"Because it's New Year's Eve," Fan Chen explained, "Before the New Year, most factories will be closed for holidays, and the pollution of water and air by humans will be greatly reduced. In addition, during the New Year, humans will perform a lot of sacrifices. So the power of belief has also increased a lot.”

Every time the old and the new alternate, human beings will have good wishes for the future. At this time, the power of faith is the strongest.

"So it is." Mi Wan couldn't help but guess, "but it's not a few days since the holiday, you've recovered so well, it seems that there are many people secretly offering sacrifices to you. Say, do you often pretend to be a mountain god, the land what?"

Fan Chen chuckled lightly, opened the thermos cup that Mi Wan sent over, drank the medicine inside, and said, "I haven't recovered so fast in previous years. I'm looking good this year, probably thanks to your medicine."

"That's right, it doesn't matter how much effort I wasted when I boiled the medicine for you."

"Thank you." Fan Chen thanked him earnestly.

"Verbal thanks are the most insincere. You have to give me something practical." Mi Wan blinked and said playfully.

It seems that when I came to find myself today, in addition to delivering medicine, there were other things. Fan Chen understood in his heart, but his face didn't break, he just asked, "What do you want?"

"I... want a pot of orchid." Mi Wan said immediately.

"Orchid? Orchid demon?" Fan Chen asked.

"No, it's just ordinary orchids that can bloom." Mi Wan quickly explained, what did she want the orchid demon to do, if Mama Mi kept it, the orchids suddenly became fine, and she wouldn't be scared to death.

"You want to give it away?" Fan Chen has lived for so long, and he knows a little bit about the preferences of human beings. Hearing Mi Wan say this, he probably guessed the purpose of bluegrass.

"Well, my mother will come back tomorrow. She likes bluegrass, so I just want to get a pot for her." Mi Wan replied.

"That's it~~" Fan Chen saw that Mi Wan called her mother so naturally, knowing that she took her relatives in this body as her own, and felt a little happy for her, and a little envious. Because, he will never be able to understand the fetters of this kind of affection.

"There happens to be an orchid in my yard, and the flowering period will be half a month later. If you want, I can make it bloom earlier." Fan Chen said.

"I want it, I want it." Mi Wan wouldn't want it.

When the two came to the courtyard, Fan Chen took a short, slender green-leafed potted plant from the countless potted plants and handed it to Mi Wan. Then lightly tap the green leaves of the orchid with your fingertips, quietly inject a touch of magic power, and then slowly produce yellow buds of different sizes on the green orchid leaves.

"Hey, why don't you let the flowers bloom?" Mi Wan couldn't help but ask, although the buds look good, isn't it better for them to bloom

"People who like bluegrass like to keep them by themselves. You send it to her and let her keep it for a few days. When the buds open by themselves, she will be happier." Fan Chen explained.

"Oh, so that's the case." Mi Wan doesn't have such a taste for raising flowers and making grass, but her second senior brother likes it very much. Thinking about it at this time, it seems that her second senior brother runs into the flower field every time the flowering period comes. The Qin, it turned out to be the reason.

"Is this flower difficult to grow?"

"It's okay." For Fan Chen, this orchid is indeed not difficult to raise.

"That's good." Mi Wan assured, "Then I'll take it away."

"Yeah." Fan Chen thought for a while and then said, "Do you want me to help you deliver the flowers?" Holding the flowerpot, it should be inconvenient to climb over the wall.

"Then you put the orchid on my windowsill." Mi Wan also seemed to feel inconvenienced. After hearing what Fan Chen said, he stuffed the potted plant back in his hand. Fan Chen stretched out his hand to take it, their fingertips suddenly touched, and the scorching heat came from Mi Wan's fingertips, and Fan Chen's eyelids jumped in shock, and he hurriedly moved away.

"Hey, why are your hands so cold?" Mi Wan didn't notice Fan Chen's dodging, she was surprised that the other side's fingers were too cold, so she chased after them and touched them, "It's really cold, why is your body temperature so low? "

Fan Chen's expression was embarrassed, and he was afraid that it would be too obvious to pull his hands again, so he could only forcefully answer: "My body is a tree, and my body temperature is not high."

"Also, if the body temperature is high, it will become firewood." Mi Wan let go of her hand, and couldn't help laughing at the joke she thought of.

Fan Chen didn't care about Mi Wan's comparison of him to firewood, all his attention was on his fingers, until the scorching temperature was blown away by the night wind.

"Then I'm leaving, good night."

"Good night."

Mi Wan waved her hand, turned and ran to the wall. Just as she was about to climb over the wall, she suddenly remembered something, she turned around and looked at Fan Chen.

Fan Chen was startled, and looked over curiously.

"I'm human too, is my power of faith useful?" Mi Wan suddenly asked.

"It should be... useful." Fan Chen wasn't very sure, because the monster hunter knew the existence of the monster clan, so he didn't have much respect for ghosts and gods.

"Then..." Mi Wan folded her hands together, bowed in the direction of Fan Chen, and said loudly, "I hope Fan Chen's injury will heal soon."

After praying, without looking at the other party's reaction, Mi Wan jumped to the other end of the wall.

Fan Chen stood there for a long time, until the window on the second floor opposite turned on again, and he suddenly remembered that the potted plant in his arms hadn't been delivered yet. The fingertips moved slightly, and the green vines grew out of the ground again, holding the potted plants and gently falling in front of Mi Wan's window.

Mi Wan pushed open the window, carried the orchid in, then looked at Fan Chen who was still standing in the courtyard through the fence, and sent a message on his mobile phone:

Mountain God, have you sensed the power of my faith

Fan Chen lowered his brows and smiled, and replied with a yes.