She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 51: The old turtle returns to the sea


There is a small village in the north of Cannes called Liaojia Village.

Almost all the people in Liaojia Village are surnamed Liao. It is said that a large family moved here hundreds of years ago and formed a village. There is an ancestral hall in the center of Liaojia Village. This ancestral hall has a history of more than 100 years. It enshrines the genealogy of Liaojia Village and some big figures who have contributed to Liaojia Village. The people of Liaojia Village have been doing well in the past few hundred years of China's changes. They all feel that they are blessed by their ancestors, so during the festivals, people from Liaojia Village will come to the ancestral hall to worship. Even children who have already studied abroad will find an opportunity to come back and say goodbye during the Chinese New Year.

At this time, just after midnight, it was the second day of the new year, the second day of the new year.

The candles in Liao's ancestral hall are still very strong, and a large number of red candles illuminate the huge ancestral hall as bright as day. Suddenly, a green seedling emerged from under the thick floor of the ancestral hall. The seedling slowly emerged with a head, and when the head with two leaves emerged, it began to grow wildly upwards. The vines that grew out twisted into the shape of an adult man in the air, and then turned into a tall man.

The man was Fan Chen. According to the address Mi Wan told him, he rushed over overnight.

Fan Chen saw at a glance on the desk where the red candles and incense were enshrined, a palm-sized tortoise shell was lying there quietly, lifeless, it was him, if you didn't pay attention, you would think it was just an empty tortoise. shell.

"Just take a nap, get such a strong barrier?" Fan Chen was a little speechless, and walked straight to the direction of the case desk.

When he arrived at the desk, the sleeping tortoise still did not respond, apparently for a good night's sleep. He not only blocked the outside world's perception of him, but also blocked his own perception of the outside world. Fan Chen helplessly stretched out his hand and tapped twice on the turtle shell: "Get up."

The turtle shell still did not respond.

Fan Chen frowned, could it be that the demon power is not enough. He tapped again with his hands, but this time it wasn't as gentle as the first time. He used all the demon power on his fingertips, and then tapped down heavily: "Old turtle, get up."

The blue-colored demon power disappeared instantly with Fan Chen's action of tapping on the turtle shell, touching the barrier inside the turtle shell. The tortoise shell trembled slightly, and a trace of life breath belonging to a living creature finally came out from the turtle shell. Fan Chen knew that this old turtle was woken up by himself.

The turtle shell swayed left and right, and then four gray-brown turtle legs stretched out one after another from the shell, followed by the tail, and finally the head. When the dark brown head was stretched out, his eyes were still closed, but his eyelids trembled, as if the owner was trying to open it, but the mucus was too thick to open for a while.

Fan Chen didn't rush, just stood by and patiently waited for the old turtle to slowly wake up.

The old turtle's small mung bean eyes opened for a full two minutes before it was opened. The first sentence he woke up was: "Hey, why did I turn over?"

As a tortoise, it is very difficult to turn over. The old turtle twisted his limbs and tried to turn the turtle shell upright. He tried twice, but the turtle shell shook slightly, but he couldn't turn it over at all. The old turtle immediately gave up his resistance and called for help: "Friend Fan Chen, Do me a favor."

The corner of Fan Chen's mouth twitched: If you can't turn over, won't you turn into a humanoid

Tucao returned to Tucao, Fan Chen still reached out and turned the old turtle over.

"It's much more comfortable." The old turtle let out a sigh of relief, then raised his head and asked Fan Chen, "How many years have I slept here?"

"Five hundred years." Fan Chen replied.

"Five hundred years?" The old turtle stretched his neck in surprise, "Is there another catastrophe for the demon clan?"

"No." Fan Chen shook his head.

"Then why are you awake again?"

"I'm not awake again, I've been awake all the time." Fan Chen said helplessly, this old turtle, feeling that he was the same as it, woke up after a long sleep.

"Have you been awake?" The old turtle slept for a long time, and his head didn't move a little bit. He was silent for a while, carefully understood the meaning of Fan Chen's words, and asked after a while, "You mean, you I haven't slept since I woke up five hundred years ago."

"En." Fan Chen nodded.

The old turtle raised his front paws, very humane and very unscientific, and touched his bare chin with his front paws: "You wake up the old turtle, but you want me to help the old turtle?"

"Yes." Fan Chen continued to nod his head.

"Let's talk about it first, I won't do anything too complicated." The old turtle said first.

The biggest reason why their Xuan Gui family lived for a long time was that their Xuan Gui family spent most of their time sleeping, and resolutely did not let themselves get involved in trouble. Just like 500 years ago, the monsters of their sea clan wanted to go ashore collectively to crusade the monster hunters. As a ninth-order big monster, it would not work if it didn't go ashore, otherwise someone would always go to his door and shout. But after all, he was witty. After landing, he quickly found a corner where no one was around, and continued to sleep on his stomach.

He slept until Fan Chen woke up, and the battle between the demon and the monster subsided. At that time, he was adopted by a high-ranking human official surnamed Liao, and he was taken care of so well that he didn't bother to go back to the sea and stayed on land. This stay is five hundred years.

"It's not complicated, it's just for you to sleep in another place." Fan Chen said.

"Sleep in another place?" The old turtle was a little puzzled. Where did he sleep, could he also help Fan Chen

"It's been five hundred years since you left the East China Sea, don't you want to go back and have a look?" Fan Chen looked at the old turtle.

"East China Sea? What's wrong with the East China Sea?" The East China Sea is the hometown of the old turtle. It has been staying in the depths of the East China Sea since it had spiritual consciousness. Except for a few rare awakenings, it has almost never left the East China Sea.

Fan Chen didn't speak, but took a plate with fruit from the desk in Liao's ancestral hall. He took out the fruit, and flicked the plate with his palm. The plate was instantly filled with a plate of water. .

"Try it." Fan Chen handed the plate filled with water to the old turtle.

The old turtle slowly probed over, first smelled it, and then he smelled a salty smell.

This is sea water! Speaking of which, he hadn't drank sea water for a long time. The old turtle took a step excitedly, stuck his head in, took a big sip of water, and then...

"Cough... Bah... Bah Bah!" The old turtle shook his head desperately, and said with great disgust, "Where is the sea water, so unpleasant to drink."

"It's from the East China Sea." Fan Chen looked at the old turtle's appearance with some amusing.

The old turtle froze and looked at Fan Chen in disbelief, as if to say that you lied to me, how could the water in my house be so bad.

"This water was specially taken by me from a thousand meters below the surface of the sea. Now the sea clan thinks the taste is okay, but you actually dislike it." Fan Chen shook his head, as if blaming the old turtle for being picky.

"What happened, why did the sea water become so unpalatable?" the old turtle said sternly.

"The times are developing." Fan Chen said a sentence that is very popular in modern times and can sum up the current situation very well.

"What?" The old man who had slept for five hundred years couldn't accept such a fashionable answer.

"After the war between monsters, human beings have entered a stage of rapid development. Especially in the past two hundred years, human technology has penetrated into every corner of the world. Up, you can explore the universe and space, and down, you can go deep into submarine volcanoes." Fan Chen patiently 's explanation.

"Humans are already so powerful?" The old turtle's eyes widened in surprise, and the pair of mung bean eyes even glowed green in surprise.

Fan Chen nodded and continued: "The faster human technology develops and the more thoroughly the natural environment is exploited, the more serious the damage will be, and because of the battle between the monsters five hundred years ago, the monsters suffered heavy losses. Resilience also lags a lot as a result.”

"No wonder, no wonder I felt that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was so thin after I woke up. I thought it was because of the special environment I was in. Now listening to your explanation, old friend, I am afraid that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is thin." asked the old turtle.

"Yes." Fan Chen nodded. If it wasn't Fan Chen who was here at this time, but a different demon clan, then the demon clan would definitely complain loudly: How much do you love to sleep, did you stop cultivating until you slept? You can't feel the reduction in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so what's the difference between that and death

"Then you came to me, do you want me to go back to the sea to purify the sea?" The old turtle guessed the purpose of Fan Chen's visit and went back to the East China Sea to sleep, which is probably his only role.

"That's right." Fan Chen said, "I'm already thinking of ways to improve the environment of the earth, but I can't take into account the depths of the ocean for the time being. An eighth-order monster, with one year of training, can catch up with a dense virgin jungle. Now. There are not many big monsters above the eighth rank. As early as seventy or eighty years ago, I wanted to find you, my old friend, and go back to the sea. It's a pity that you slept so deeply that I couldn't find you for a while. "

"Uh...hehehe..." The old turtle smiled awkwardly. At that time, the war between the monsters and the monsters was just over, and the monster hunter was still very hostile to the monsters. When he sleeps in the human territory, he must set up a stricter barrier. To be at ease. But he didn't want to, the setting was too strict, and it was even difficult for Fan Chen to find him.

Wait... No matter how powerful his enchantment is, it shouldn't be difficult for Fan Chen.

"Old friend... is your condition okay?" the old turtle asked worriedly.

"Shang Ke." Fan Chen heard the worry of the old turtle, and smiled comfortably.

"That's good." The old turtle nodded reassuringly, that's right, even if all the demon races in the world were to be wiped out, Fan Chen would definitely be the last one to be wiped out, and he was still alive, so how could something happen to Fan Chen.

"Okay, I'll go back to the East China Sea." The old turtle exerted his strength and propped up his turtle shell with his stubby limbs.

Seeing him like this, Fan Chen couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth again, this guy doesn't want to just crawl back to the East China Sea. Based on Fan Chen's understanding of the old turtle, this possibility is extremely high.

"I'll take you back." Fan Chen raised his hand and caught the old turtle into his hand.

"Then I'll trouble my old friend." Without having to climb by himself, the old turtle grinned happily.

Fan Chen didn't speak, he turned around and was about to leave. Just as he was about to leave, the old turtle who was lying in his palm suddenly shouted, "Wait, wait for me to put a turtle shell on the desk." The Liao family worshipped him for five For a hundred years, for five hundred years, he slept very comfortably, and it would be a reward to leave a tortoise shell for them to calm down.

Saying that, the old turtle moved towards the desk, opened his mouth and spat lightly, a tortoise shell the size of a mung bean spat out of its mouth and landed firmly on the place where it was lying. Then, the turtle shell the size of a mung bean began to grow slowly under the control of the demon power, until it stopped when it was about the same size as the old turtle at this time.

"Well." The old turtle nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Fan Chen, "Old friend, please turn over the turtle shell again."

"..." You are quite detail-oriented.

Speechless, Fan Chen still reached out and turned the turtle shell over, putting it in the same state as when he came, and then disappeared with the old turtle.

Speeding in the air for a while, Fan Chen and Lao Gui arrived at the east coast in a blink of an eye.

This is an uninhabited island in the East China Sea. Fan Chen stood on the beach and put the old turtle in his hand where the waves could reach, so that the old turtle could return to the bottom of the sea while rolling in the waves.

"This water is not only unpleasant to drink, but also a little turbid." Seeing the sea again after five hundred years, the old turtle couldn't help but sigh, "The sea is so vast, my sea people have lived in this sea for thousands of years, and they have not It can change the sea by one ounce, so why can humans do this in only a few hundred years?"


A big wave came over, and the old turtle's body suddenly became bigger under the beat of the sea water. In the blink of an eye, the body expanded dozens of times. At this time, it looked like a huge round pot.

"Pa-ta, pa-ta~~" The sound of fish tail flapping on the beach suddenly came. The two turned their heads to look, and saw a snow-white dolphin the size of a person, flapping its tail desperately on the beach.

Fan Chen frowned, he took a few steps in the direction of the little dolphin, then crouched down, and ripped off the fishing net that bound the little dolphin's head with his hands. Yes, this snow-white little dolphin's entire head was tightly bound by a green fishing net, and countless small wounds were rubbed around the lips due to the hard struggle.

"Ou~~ou~~" The little dolphin found that the thing restraining his mouth had been torn apart, and let out a happy cry, and then gently pressed his head against Fan Chen's body.

"It's thanking you." The old turtle crawled over at some point.

"En." Fan Chen stroked the dolphin's injured mouth. Wherever the palm of his hand passed, all the wounds on the little dolphin's mouth were healed.

"It also said, could you please tell other humans to stop throwing things into the sea in the future. Its mouth was bound, and it had not eaten for three days. It was very uncomfortable." The old turtle continued to translate.

"...I understand." Fan Chen said with a complicated expression.

"Yes, you have the ability to listen to the voices of all things." The old turtle sighed as if he had just remembered it. Fan Chen has seen the changes of these five hundred years step by step, and he knows and understands better than himself. There are many, where do you need to mention it yourself.

"Take it back with you, it was washed far away, and the waves couldn't bring it back." In front of him was just an ordinary little dolphin, whose intellect was not yet opened, and he probably regarded himself as an ordinary human being.

At this time, a sea breeze blew from the sea, and in addition to the salty smell of sea water, there was also a warm atmosphere.

"Spring is coming soon." The old turtle asked suddenly, he could smell the smell of spring in the wind.

"En." Fan Chen hummed lightly.

"Hopefully have a good spring this year."

"Yes." Fan Chen replied with a smile, as if he was guaranteeing something.

"I'll leave you a tortoise shell. If you have something to ask me, take it to the beach." After that, the old turtle's shell moved with a demonic force, and then a huge wave slammed over from the bottom of the sea, covering its head and face. He fell, rolled him and disappeared on the beach with the little dolphin just now. The sea quickly receded, and where the old turtle disappeared, a tortoise shell the size of a palm was exposed.

Fan Chen picked it up, turned around and disappeared on the beach, leaving only two shallow footprints, which were quickly smoothed out by a new wave of waves.

Mi Wan was sitting on the swing in the backyard of the pet store, with pine nuts that had been sleeping for more than a month on her shoulders. The little squirrel, pine nuts, slept for more than a month because of drinking the scented tea brewed with the camellia flower demon. In order to prevent Butler Ye from seeing the abnormality, Mi Wan temporarily put the small pine nuts in the pet shop. When I came here early this morning, Xiao Song Nuo woke up and was holding a nut on Mi Wan's shoulder.

"Fan Chen suddenly went out in the middle of the night last night." Mi Wan murmured to herself, she happened to sleep late yesterday, and at about twelve o'clock, she noticed that Fan Chen had gone out, and when she woke up in the morning, she noticed Fan Chen again. Back, "Did you go to see the ninth-order big turtle?"

Yesterday, Fan Chen asked where she saw the ninth-order tortoise monster, but Mi Wan didn't hide it, and gave him the address that the sparrow spirit found out. Then Fan Chen sneaked out at night, and Mi Wan guessed that he must have gone to see him. Turtle demon.

"Does this count as helping the demon clan find a big demon out?" Mi Wan touched his chin, "And the sisters of the Liao family, although the sister has already missed the best time for cultivation, she still has time. Ah, it would be a pity to leave it alone."

The moment she saw Liao Tingting, Mi Wan was moved to cherish talent. She had no idea of accepting apprentices, but felt that it was a pity that such a good piece of jade was so dusty. Moreover, if this sister of the Liao family is the balancing force of the ninth-order monster, if you let it go, wouldn't it break the balance between human and monster.

After thinking about it, Mi Wan felt that she still had to try to guide this little girl to practice. But this is a bit difficult to handle. If it was five hundred years ago, she only needed to put on a stance and go up and say something inscrutable to the other party's parents: "I see that Ling Qianjin's bones are exquisite, and she is really a good seedling of cultivation. Why don't she follow me back to the mountain to practice."

With just one sentence, Bacheng can abduct people away. But this is 500 years later. Humans will never return on the road of breaking feudal superstition. If I still say that, 80% of the parents will call 110 and ask the police uncle to do ideological work for me.

I don't know how the current Monster Hunters Association accepts apprentices, sigh, no matter, this kind of thing should be left to professionals.

The so-called professionals are naturally modern monster hunters with experience in apprenticeships. Thinking about it, Mi Wan took out her mobile phone, flipped through it, turned to his disciple Sun Weiji, and made a phone call. As the saying goes, fat and water do not flow into the fields of outsiders. If this little girl can really be absorbed in, she will naturally be close to her teacher's door first.

"Senior sister in charge." Wei Ji quickly answered the phone.

"What are you shouting, who is your head of the world." Mi Wan raised her eyebrows.

"Mi... Sister Mi." Wei Ji quickly changed his words, "What are you looking for from me?"

"Ask you about something."

"You say."

"I ask you, how did your grandfather accept apprentices?" Mi Wan asked.

"My grandfather?" Wei Ji was stunned, "My grandfather is an eighth-order monster hunter, and many monster hunters are crying and begging to be his apprentice."

"That's not what I meant, I'll ask another question." Mi Wan thought about it and asked again, "I want to ask, how do you usually find good seedlings of monster hunters among countless ordinary people, and then absorb them? Come in and train to become a monster catcher."

"Oh, you are asking about recruiting new recruits from the sect." Wei Ji understood, "Our sect recruits new recruits through two channels. One is the awakened children of the demon hunter family. Usually, if there has been a catcher among the parents or mothers. If you are a demon master, then their children have a high chance of awakening a demon hunter. Just like in our family, more than half of the children are demon hunters every year. We usually pay attention to such families with newborns. There is also a The method is through the spiritual power detector within the Monster Hunters Association."

"Spiritual power detector?" Mi Wan heard of this kind of thing for the first time.

"Yes, it's the same thing as a demon power detector. The difference is that this device is responsible for detecting the spiritual power in the air." Wei Ji explained, "The difference between a demon catcher and an ordinary person is that it can convert the spiritual energy in the air into Spiritual power. Therefore, where there are monster hunters, the spiritual power in the air will be stronger than in other places. And the best training age for monster hunters is about three years old, so every year when a small kindergarten class enters the school, all sects will According to the spiritual power ranking table of major cities given by the Medicine Hunters Association, we will send people to the kindergarten to screen for suitable ghost hunters. Lay a solid foundation."

"You still have your own kindergarten?" Mi Wan asked in surprise.

"Yes, not only we have monster hunters, but also monster clan. They not only have kindergarten, but also their own elementary school, junior high school, and high school. Most of the monster clan only let the monster clan come out with us when they are in college. Humans go to school together. We are okay, we can go to ordinary schools in basic junior high schools." Wei Ji introduced.

"Oh, what if a child with particularly good qualifications doesn't go to kindergarten, or goes abroad?" Mi Wan asked again.

"This... some seniors will occasionally visit the mountains, and they will bring out good seedlings when they see them. As for those who go abroad, I don't know." Wei Ji said, "But with our current method, nearly 100% of the census can be obtained. Ninety-year-old children, there are very few that can be missed."

rare? I saw two geniuses you missed yesterday, Mi Wan couldn't help sighing.

"Sister Mi, why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Wei Ji finished answering all the questions before he remembered to ask Mi Wan the reason.

"Oh, nothing, I just saw a good seedling yesterday and wanted to ask if you are interested in taking it in and cultivating it well." Mi Wan said.

"Good Miaozi? Sister Mi, did you find Miaozi, a demon hunter who is very qualified?" Wei Ji said excitedly, "We definitely want it. When we recruited students last year, we didn't recruit a very good Miaozi. My grandfather sighed for a long time. What qualifications, how old are you, and where are you?"

"It's in Cannes, about six or seven years old, and there are natural spiritual veins in the body." Mi Wan introduced.

"Hea... The natural spiritual meridian?" The other end of the phone paused, and then Mi Wan heard Wei Ji's excited, wailing, loud voice, "Grandpa, the senior sister in charge said that she found a natural spiritual meridian. Good seedling~~”

"Who is your senior sister?!" Mi Wan roared, but unfortunately Wei Ji on the other end of the phone was completely distracted.

The other end of the phone panicked for a while, and it was very noisy, and then someone else answered the phone. Old Man Wei's somewhat hoarse voice rang on the other end of the phone: "Master."

"I'm not your head." Mi Wan said with a black line.

"Oh ... haha ... the head, where did you find such a good seedlings?" Wei Lao seemed to have not heard Mi Wan's words.

"..." Mi Wan was speechless, and it seemed that he had to return the black iron sword to Old Man Wei as soon as possible, "I'll send the address to Wei Ji, you can get in touch with yourself. By the way, first ask people if they are willing to be Demon catcher, if you don't want to, forget it."

"Understood, we, Xuanwu Mountain, never do anything reluctant." Old Man Wei said.

"Oh, then you find someone to come and take back the black iron sword."

"Oh hehe... Sect Master, what did you just say? Oh, get in touch as soon as possible, right? Don't worry, I'll arrange someone to go there, and promise not to force that little girl." After speaking, he didn't speak to Mi Wan Opportunity, Wei Lao directly hung up the phone.

"..." I believed you, you bad old man, pretending to be deaf for me.