She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 57: The yellow hair of fortune


Monster Hunters Association.

Holding the wanted order of Golden Toad, Xiang Zhen was thinking about a mind-wrenching question, that is, should he cancel the Golden Toad's case

Don't cancel the case, this golden toad has been captured by Mi Wan, let's cancel the case, he didn't bring back the golden toad, it doesn't meet the rules for canceling the case at all.

It's really troublesome.

Xiang Zhen really wanted to pretend that nothing had happened, but he couldn't, because the Monster Hunters Association had a rule that the Monster Hunters could not just give up the task when performing the task assigned to him by the association, and he was still in his own task. If it is not completed, if the monster hunter wants to continue to take other tasks to earn points, then the difficulty of the tasks he accepts later must not be lower than the difficulty of the tasks he has not yet solved. Until the expiration of one year, the association revokes the task and reassigns others.

That is to say, if the quest of this sixth-order golden toad is not cancelled, then in the next year, Xiang Zhen will only be able to take on the task of catching monsters of sixth-order or higher. This makes him a little monster catcher who is less than the fourth rank, how can he get along

Of course, under normal circumstances, when the Monster Hunters Association assigns tasks, they generally do not let the monster hunters with low cultivation level catch the monster with higher cultivation level, but Bai Feng, the cautious president, deliberately gave him the He had a non-dangerous but troublesome mission. Although Golden Toad's cultivation base is sixth-order, but every time Golden Toad commits a crime, he only robs money and does not hurt people's lives, so this task is not life-threatening at all. And he only needs to find the location of the golden toad, and then notify the other monster hunters in the association to catch the monster immediately, and when the golden toad is caught, he can close the case.

But the problem is that now the golden toad has been taken away by Mi Wan, and he ran to tell President Bai that the golden toad is in Mi Wan's hands, and the president will definitely not ask for the golden toad. And if Golden Toad doesn't come back, he still won't be able to accept the mission. Even after President Bai found out, he might have the cheek to say to him: "Xiang Zhen, aren't you familiar with Mi Wan? Just go and get the Golden Toad back, and this case can be ended logically. already."

"Shameless, it's too shameless." Just thinking about it, Xiang Zhen couldn't help but scolded it.

"Who is shameless?" Maybe Xiang Zhen's resentment towards Bai Feng was so strong that he summoned the real person. Bai Feng just came out of the tea room with a cup of coffee. When he looked up, he saw Xiang Zhen standing in the hallway in a daze. When he got closer, he heard him swearing again, so he asked a question naturally.

"No... I... I'm scolding the demon clan." Xiang Zhen broke out in a cold sweat.

President Bai glanced at the wanted warrant in Xiang Zhen's hand, and said clearly: "I'm scolding Jin Toad, this guy is really shameless."

"President, have you been in contact with him?" Why does it sound like he knows Jin Toad very well.

"Yeah, this golden toad has been on our association's most wanted list for 30 years, and every year we have to change a monster hunter to catch him. Naturally, I also received this task," said President Bai.

"Then may I ask, President, what was your cultivation base when you took this mission?" Xiang Zhen asked deliberately.

President Bai stirred the coffee for a while, thinking to himself, is this kid Xiang Zhen complaining that he has deliberately arranged such a task for him? Well, he admitted that he did deliberately embarrass this kid a little bit, but it wasn't a big embarrassment. Although this golden toad was difficult to catch, it wasn't dangerous. Xiangzhen at most means that he won't be able to receive other tasks this year, so he only earns less points.

"Hehe... Xiang Zhen, you don't think I'm trying to embarrass you on purpose, right?" As the president, he still couldn't leave such a careful impression on his subordinates, and even if he did, he couldn't justify, "I give Your mission is actually for your own good."

"You asked me to track a sixth-order monster for my own good?" Xiang Zhen sneered.

"You don't understand, this golden toad is a very special monster." President Bai explained with a smile, "Golden toad has always been a symbol of attracting wealth among the people, you know."

"Yeah." Xiang Zhen nodded, waiting to see how President Bai explained next.

"This implication is actually true." President Bai continued, "You don't know, this golden toad has been on our most wanted list for 30 years. An amazing common denominator."

"What's in common?" Xiang Zhen was intrigued.

"As long as you take this mission and have contact with Golden Toad during the mission, you will have a fortune in the coming year." President Bai recalled, "Back then, I went to buy a lottery ticket and won It's half a million dollars."

Xiang Zhen looked at President Bai who had a "Thank you quickly" expression on his face, and really wanted to scold his mother.

"So, you don't have to put too much pressure on it. After all, no one in the association has caught the golden toad for so many years, so you don't have to catch it. During this time, you should try to check his position and try to get in touch." President Bai doesn't care, anyway, the role of the golden toad is to make money for others, and he can't keep it back no matter how much money he grabs. Otherwise, for more than 30 years, why did Golden Toad often rob banks, but they were not caught up with great efforts? The reason is that within a year, the location of Golden Toad will be exposed, and once his location is exposed, the gold and silver jewelry that he stole will be recovered by them. At that time, it will be returned to the country.

At the same time, in the backyard of the pet store, the caught golden toad was spitting out gold and silver jewelry all over the place, and Mi Wan, who was shining, was almost blind.

To be honest, after the rebirth, Mi Wan was actually quite rich, her family was good, and she earned a lot, but money in modern society has completely become a number. She clearly knows how much assets she has, but it is a cold number. Where there are gold and silver jewelry all over the ground is shocking.

"Master, let me go, these gold bars and jewels belong to you." Golden Toad is used to it, anyway, every once in a while, his gold bars will be taken back by the demon hunter. But it doesn't matter, as long as there is still freedom, it can snatch it again next year.

"Where did you get so many gold bars?" Mi Wan asked in surprise.

"I robbed the vaults of a bank and two jewelry stores." Golden Toad replied honestly.

Robbing a bank? Mi Wan frowned, raised his hand and slapped the golden toad flat.

Mi Wan's slap didn't use spiritual power, so Golden Toad just let out a pained cry, but didn't suffer any substantial damage.

"Why... why did you hit me?" Jin Toad was stunned, I already gave you money, why do you still hit me

"My money is also in the bank, so if you rob the bank, wouldn't it mean robbing me?" Mi Wan snorted coldly.

"..." The people all over the world keep their money in the bank. Could it be that people all over the world can beat me? Golden Toad shivered and said, "I... I just gave you all the money back."

"You thought it was 500 years ago. Now the soft sister coins are numbered, and the large amount of property of unknown origin needs to be explained. If I take your gold bars, I will sell the stolen goods, and the police uncle is looking for them. I drink tea." Mi Wan really admires the wisdom of modern people and can find everything.

Thinking of this, Mi Wan looked at the gold bars in the room, and her head started to hurt. How to deal with this? If you can't handle it, you will really be invited to the police station to drink tea. Mi Wan thought about it, and finally took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Quan Juncai.

Mi Wan: I caught a toad, come over and take him to plant trees when you have time.

Quan Juncai first made a surprised expression, and then typed: Master Mi, you got the second gardener so soon

Mi Wan: Well, however, there is a problem.

Quan Juncai: What's the trouble

Mi Wan: This toad has robbed a bank, the vaults of two jewelry stores, and vomited up a whole room of gold and silver jewelry. I don't know what to do with it.

Quan Juncai laughed. He probably knew who this unfortunate toad was. He asked with a smile: Master Mi, what are you going to do with this batch of gold and silver jewelry, do you want to accept it quietly, or return it to the bank

Mi Wan: Of course, it was returned to the bank.

Mi Wan was taken aback. Although she was a bit greedy for money, she was not so mad enough to take money from the bank. The gold bars in this place were the deposits of thousands of people. Although she didn't steal it, it's a shame to eat black.

Quan Juncai replied: Then you just need to inform the Monster Hunters Association, they will send someone to deal with it and return the gold bars to the bank.

When Mi Wan heard it, she felt that the Monster Hunter Association was still somewhat useful, so she closed the chat box of Quan Juncai, opened the chat box of Xiangzhen again, and took a photo and sent it.

At this time, Xiang Zhen was still skeptical about President Bai's so-called fortune-telling argument. Suddenly, a beep sounded from his mobile phone. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it casually. Then he took a sharp breath and widened his eyes. All trembled: Could it be, could it be, am I really going to get lucky

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xiang Zhen glanced at his phone, President Bai looked as if he had been struck by lightning. He couldn't help but glanced curiously. When he saw the contents of the photos on Xiang Zhen's phone, his expression changed. Not much better than Xiang Zhen, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the phone, and Bai Feng carefully looked back and forth several times.

That's right, the squatting toad in the corner of the photo of the pile of gold and silver jewelry is the golden toad.

"Golden Toad was caught by Mi Wan?" The photo was sent by Mi Wan, and President Bai almost concluded his guess.

"Yeah." Xiang Zhen nodded stupidly.

"Did you ask her for help?" President Bai asked again.

"Yes... she took the initiative to help." Xiang Zhen replied.

What? Offer to help? As a monster hunter, but helping the monster clan, Mi Wan's name is also well-known in the monster hunter association. How could such a monster hunter who is close to the monster hunt the monsters for the people

President Bai took another look at the gold on the ground in the photo, and suddenly had a bold guess: she must know that the golden toad is rich, so she deliberately caught it, the purpose is for the gold bars in that place, that's right.

"Xiang Zhen, I have a very important task for you now. The gold bars in this photo were all stolen by the golden toad. These gold bars belong to the country, and you must get them back from Mi Wan." President Bai said.

"She... what if she doesn't give it?" Xiang Zhen asked rhetorically.

"Xiang Zhen, I believe in your ability, you also have to believe in yourself, you will definitely be able to get it back. As long as you can get it back, even if you close the case of this golden toad, the bonus and points will be doubled for you by the association. No, I'll give you three times." President Bai Xu Yu relied.

"Then... I... I'll try it." Xiang Zhen took back his phone and was about to send a message to Mi Wan to test it out, when he saw another line of text from the other side.

Mi Wan: This pile of gold bars is too difficult to handle. You ask the Monster Hunters Association to send a few people over to transport them away.

Xiang Zhen's fingers froze, but only for 0.000001 seconds, then he quickly deleted the conversation just now, and then sent a sentence: "Wait for me to come."

Then he put away his mobile phone and said to President Bai, "I'll go over now and have a face-to-face interview with her. If the negotiation is successful, the President will remember triple the reward he gave me."

"No problem, go quickly." President Bai wished he could send a helicopter to transport him directly. If this year's gold bars cannot be recovered, the relevant state departments will come to find trouble.

"Well, I'm over now, President, don't worry, I will do my best." Xiang Zhen clenched his fist to express his determination to give to the association, and then ran into the elevator, tense all the way, until he ran out. In the association building, after confirming that there are no association members around, they laughed with their hands on their hips.

"Hahaha... This young master is really lucky."

On the other side, Mi Wan saw Xiang Zhen said he was coming over, guessing that he would not be able to go home for a while, so he turned around and sent a message to Butler Ye, saying that he would be going home later today.

Butler Ye asked worriedly, and after confirming that his young lady was not in danger, he stopped insisting. After all, my young lady is also an adult, so she has to have a little life of her own, and the young lady has become beautiful now, so she might have to fall in love after a while. When it comes to falling in love, Butler Ye said that falling in love is okay, but he will never let the young lady spend the night outside before marriage.

With nothing to do, Mi Wan found the specialty dried fish that Jin Mingxuan gave her, and cut the fruit from Han Xiao next to it. One bite of the dried fish and one bite of the sweet fruit, Mi Wan sighed with satisfaction. With a sigh: No wonder so many people grab Jin Mingxuan's dried fish, it tastes really good.

While eating happily, a familiar wave of demonic power suddenly appeared in the sky. Mi Wan looked up and saw a huge fox flying down from the sky. Quan Jun only appears in the pet store twice a day.

"Assistant Quan... Assistant Quan." Jin Chan seemed to know Quan Juncai, and he was pleasantly surprised when he saw the person coming, "Assistant Quan, save me, I am willing to work as an accountant in Wuwu Company."

"Haha... Sure enough, you were caught." When Quan Jun saw Jin Toad, he was amused for a while, and he knew that this guy would be caught one day.

"What, do you know each other?" Mi Wan asked.

"I've seen it once." Quan Juncai explained, "Golden toads are the race of toads that have the talent to attract wealth, so when the company first opened, I thought about finding a few toads to be accountants. I've found this golden toad, but he doesn't seem to like going to work, so we don't force it." The racial talent of the golden toad is attached to their willingness, if the golden toad is not willing to make money for you, you are tough. Kidnapping the past, even if there is occasional wealth, it will not last long. Therefore, when Jin Toad was unwilling, Quan Juncai did not use force to coerce him.

"I'm willing, I'm willing now." He can count the money when he works as an accountant at the Wuxing Company, but if he goes to plant trees, he can only count the leaves.

"Sorry, there are no vacancies in the finance department recently." Quan Juncai said ruthlessly.

"Then take him away, I think his cultivation is good, and give him a bigger piece of land." Mi Wan handed the golden toad to Quan Juncai.

"Okay." Quan Juncai reached out and grabbed the golden toad in his hand.

"No, master, master, my strength is not planting trees, my strength is making money." Jin Toad was struggling, desperately promoting himself, "I think you also open a store, you put me in your store Come here, with me here, you will definitely make a lot of money."

Quan Juncai listened to Jin Chan's words, and persuaded Mi Wan, "If he really works for you, he can really make your pet shop a lot of money."

"I'm sincere, I will work for you, Master, with all my heart." Golden Toad said that he really didn't want to go to the desert to plant trees.

"Then I should send him to plant trees. I can't keep up with the business of my pet store, but my wasteland hasn't made any money yet. I'm still waiting for the wasteland to turn into a park and earn ticket money." Mi Wan looked at Jin Toad with a smile, and said sincerely, "Little Toad, work hard. When the money you help me make catches up with what you robbed before, I will let you go."

What? If he catches up with the money he robbed before, then he will never want to leave that wasteland in his life.

"Help me~~~"

When Quan Juncai flew away with the golden toad, the miserable cry of the golden toad continued to come from the sky. On the ground, Mi Wan began to imagine the days when he collected tickets.

Quan Juncai flew back to the Wuwu Group, found a plastic box and stuffed the original golden toad into it, and then threw it out very skillfully, and the box was caught by a white bird again.

"Or send it to Wasteland No. 88?" Shiratori said, a gentle bass.

"Yeah, you may have to run a few more times recently." Quan Juncai smiled.

"Okay." Shiratori nodded, spread his wings, and disappeared into the sky again.

Send off the No. 2 gardener of Wanwan Park, oh, this Wanwan Park is the name given to the 88th wasteland by Jun Juncai. Since the adults of his family have already given the land to others, after the land is turned into a park, it can no longer be called the Park of Everything, so he chose this name privately. And when he was reporting to his lord, his lord did not refute it. Thinking about it, he liked the name very much.

"Sir, I have already sent the second gardener of Wanwan Park." Quan Juncai immediately reported the progress of the work to his adults.

"No. 2 gardener? Wan Wan found a new gardener so soon?" Perhaps because of the name Wan Wan Park, Fan Chen subconsciously called out Wan Wan when he called Mi Wan, but he didn't find it abrupt .

"Yes, she caught the golden toad that likes to rob banks." Quan Juncai guessed, "I think Master Mi may catch a wave of demons next for his own park. Shall we interfere?"

Although it is said that these monsters violate the regulations of the human and the monsters and belong to the scope of arrest, but if the monster catcher is really allowed to capture all these monsters, it may release a kind of monster to the monster catcher. a weak signal. So to a certain extent, the demon clan also needs to intervene. Fortunately, the Monster Hunters Association has not yet reached the point where they need to intervene, but Mi Wan is too strong. If she really wants to catch the monster seriously, maybe these little monsters outside are dying, really Will be caught cleanly.

Quan Juncai didn't sympathize with these monsters, because he was afraid that the arrogance of the Monster Hunters Association would be too arrogant.

"It doesn't matter." Fan Chen said in a light tone, "Wan Wan's pet shop has already fully stated her position, and neither the monster clan nor the Monster Hunter Association will think much about it. You should communicate these matters with the various clan leaders Just let them restrain their subordinates, and if they still kill themselves, let them go. Besides, the park is so big, and she won't catch too many."

"Okay, I'll talk to the patriarchs later, but..." After talking about business, Quan Juncai suddenly started to gossip, "Master Mi, this park was built for you, sir."

"..." The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, without speaking.

In fact, this question does not need Fan Chen to answer at all. As a human being, Mi Wan can be keen on garbage sorting, can use less disposable chopsticks, can be enthusiastic about environmental protection, and can walk without stepping on flowers and plants, but she will not suddenly decide to build a building for environmental protection. Come out of a forest park. This is no longer environmental protection, it is dedicated to changing the earth's ecology by oneself, and this ambition is exactly the same as that of their adults. If it's not for your own adults, then who else can it be

"Sir, Master Mi seems to be very concerned about you." Quan Juncai smiled.

"En." Fan Chen let out a faint hum, and he naturally felt Mi Wan's concern.

"Sir, do you know what a girl's concern usually means?" A fox smirk slowly emerged from the corner of Quan Juncai's mouth, but it was a pity that Fan Chen, who was on the phone, couldn't see it.

"What?" Fan Chen asked blankly.

"It means she might like you."

"Om~~~" Fan Chen only felt a sudden buzzing in his brain, and then the whole person was stunned. When he came back to his senses, he found that his body temperature had unexpectedly increased a lot. Not like the body temperature of a plant.

"Don't talk nonsense." Fan Chen frowned, and coldly reprimanded the opposite Quan Juncai.

"Sir, I'm just analyzing it for you based on my years of love experience. Of course, it's not 100% accurate. Just listen to it, don't take it seriously." Play: I can't be 100% sure whether Master Mi likes you, but I can be 100% sure that you are interested in Master Mi. One minute, one full minute, sir, you were silent for a full minute just now, is this about the old tree blooming

"Is there anything else? I'll hang up if I don't." Fan Chen suddenly felt a little annoyed, what does it mean to be not 100% sure, are you talking about so much love for nothing? Waste fox.

Wait, what are you thinking about, don't you...

Fan Chen felt that the body temperature that he had just dropped started to rise again, could it be that he was expecting something strange

The author has something to say: Quan Juncai: Sir, when you heard someone like you, you were stunned for a minute. Could it be your first love

Fan Chen's face was flushed red, and with a seal, he sent Quan Juncai to the desert to plant trees.