She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 58: Fan Chen came back


After Quan Jun just left, Xiang Zhen also took a taxi to the door of the pet store. Sparrow Jing knew Xiang Zhen, so he didn't stop him and let him go to the backyard.

Walking to the door of the backyard hut, Xiang Zhen was shocked by the gold and silver jewelry in that room and did not dare to enter.

"This... so much?" Xiang Zhen asked subconsciously, feeling that the photo Mi Wan sent him just now wasn't taken at all.

"You're the only one here, can you move?" Mi Wan asked.

"You really want to give us all of this...?" Xiang Zhen was still a little unbelievable, after all, being so generous doesn't fit Mi Wan's usual character.

"No~~" Mi Wan raised her eyes.

"Yes!" Xiang Zhen nodded decisively, for fear that if he slowed down, the conscience that Mi Wan suddenly discovered would disappear again.

"What nonsense." Mi Wan was speechless.

"Then... Then I'll notify the people of the association to come and move." Xiang Zhen carefully confirmed again, he always felt that Mi Wan couldn't return the gold bars all over the ground to the association so easily.

"Wait a minute." Mi Wan said fiercely.

I knew it!

Xiang Zhen was not disappointed because of this sentence, but instead showed a look of expectation. It was as if Mi Wan wouldn't dare to take the gold bar if he didn't add any conditions.

However, Xiang Zhen's expectant expression made Mi Wan bewildered. What is this operation? What do you expect yourself to do

"What do you want?" Xiang Zhen asked impatiently.

"Oh, it's nothing." Mi Wan smiled slightly, "I mentioned it to you during the day, I want a list of the most wanted list of your Monster Hunters Association, or you can organize a batch for me, I probably Just another ten or so will do."

"Do you still want to continue catching demons?" Xiang Zhen was stunned, then suddenly remembered that when Mi Wan caught the golden toad, he seemed to have said that he wanted to send him to plant trees, so he asked, "Do you really want to catch the golden toad? Go and plant trees."

"Yeah, I recently got a piece of land. I think it's a pity that it's deserted. I plan to turn it into a forest park." Mi Wan told of his ambitions.

"Reconstructed into a forest park?" Xiang Zhen always felt that this operation was a bit familiar, and soon he found a similar case, "Are you going to follow the practice of the Park of Everything?"

Everything Park is a company owned by the monster clan, and most of the employees in it are monsters. As a monster hunter of the Monster Hunters Association, Xiang Zhen naturally knows this. In fact, before Mi Wan appeared, the Park of Everything was even the favorite place of the degenerate monsters. Because only the Park of Everything will still provide work for the degraded demon clan, and even after the demon clan is completely degraded, those completely degraded demon clan can still live in the forest park built by themselves as ordinary animals.

Regarding the Park of Everything, the Monster Hunters Association has been paying close attention to it, but after paying attention for many years, they found that the other party does not seem to have any other purpose other than buying land and planting trees. Even because the other party is committed to planting trees, it can be rated as the most environmentally friendly company of the year by the country every year, and because of these, the country's various policies have tended to be parks of all things. It is said that from the opening to the present , they have not paid a penny of tax in the Park of All Things.

It's simply better than state-owned enterprises.

"Almost." Mi Wan nodded, he was more than imitating, the land was given by the owner of the Park of Everything.

Xiang Zhen thought about it for a moment, and he felt that Mi Wan's conditions were not harsh, not to mention that planting trees was a good thing, he said that the monsters on the wanted list were not good monsters anyway, so it would be better to let them out to harm the world. Let Mi Wan catch him and plant a tree. Such a good thing, even President Bai should agree.

"Then I will discuss with President Bai first?" Xiang Zhen said.

"It's still to be discussed." Mi Wan frowned, "I originally wanted to pick a few monsters on the wanted list, and then ask you to take over their tasks. After I catch them, you can Going back and handing in the task is to repay the favor you lent me the magic weapon last time."

Then you gave me the demon you caught. What's the matter with you going to plant a tree

Wait, maybe it works. Xiang Zhen suddenly had an idea, his expression changed, hehe smiled and leaned in front of Mi Wan, and said, "Sister, you really intend to repay my favor."

"Nonsense, otherwise I can ask Bai Feng directly for the wanted order, what are you looking for?" Mi Wan rolled her eyes, she didn't have Bai Feng's WeChat, even if her relationship with Bai Feng was not very good, but she helped the Monster Hunter Association Bai Feng would not refuse her for such a good thing as catching monsters.

"But... in our Monster Hunters Association, when we hand in the task, we have to bring back the captured monster at the same time." Xiang Zhen said.

"That's it, that's fine, then I'll just ask Bai Feng for the wanted list." Mi Wan said and took out his phone.

"Don't, don't, Senior Sister, aren't you repaying your favor?" Xiang Zhen quickly held Mi Wan's hand that wanted to make a call.

"My main purpose for catching demons is to plant trees. The demons definitely can't be given to you. I'll pay you back next time."

"Don't, don't next time, there is a way." Xiang Zhen said hurriedly, "You can tell President Bai like this, just say that you want to catch a few evil demons to plant trees recently, and you need a demon hunter. The association provides the list, but all the points and bonuses from this list belong to me.”

Mi Wan blinked, and she heard it: "Huangmao, do you have an opinion on Bai Feng?" Otherwise, you can't unite with the Monster Hunter Association.

"Also... No, it's just that I recently wanted to use the points to exchange points for magic weapons and treasures." Xiang Zhen coughed awkwardly.

"Okay." Mi Wan didn't have a good impression of Bai Feng at first, and she would be very happy if she could cheat on him. "Then just say it, Bai Feng asked me, and I'll take it."

What Xiang Zhen wanted was Mi Wan's words. There was nothing to worry about now. He happily took out his mobile phone and made a video call to President Bai. During the video call, Xiang Zhen showed his superb acting skills. He repeated what he said just now, and at the same time expressed that he didn't really want to take advantage of the association, but Mi Wan insisted on repaying other people's favor. is helpless.

Mi Wan watched Huang Mao's performance silently, until the camera turned to him, and nodded silently, even if it was to cooperate with the performance.

"Okay, I'll prepare the list tomorrow." As Mi Wan expected, the Monster Hunter Association was happy to see her suddenly wanting to catch a monster. Compared to the demon who is about to be arrested, the points given to Xiang Zhen are nothing at all. It's just... President Bai thought that he had just told Xiang Zhen that he might have a fortune, and the back foot came out like this, and he couldn't help but sigh: Is this Golden Toad's cultivation level more refined? I always feel this way. The boy's fortune is much stronger than he was back then.

After the conditions were negotiated, Mi Wan was very satisfied. She left the room full of gold to Xiang Zhen, and then went home to sleep with the special product, leaving only a sparrow to guard the door of the store, and lock it after the gold was moved. Door.

When Mi Wan returned home, the members of the Monster Catchers Association also happened to arrive at the pet shop. The sparrow spirit, who was left behind to guard the gate, saw so many monster hunters, and suddenly felt a little weak. He quietly sent a message to his boss: Boss, there are a lot of monster hunters, they look at me so scary, wouldn't they want to accept me

Mi Wan comforted: Don't worry, they won't.

Sparrow Jing: But I'm still scared, can I leave first, and then lock the door when they're done moving

Scared like this? The people of the Monster Hunters Association wouldn't really take advantage of themselves to stop bullying the sparrow spirits. Mi Wan thought for a while, and then made a phone call to Bai Feng.

"Hey, classmate Mi Wan, what are you looking for from me?" President Bai laughed and said, "Do you have any requirements for the list?"

"No." Mi Wan said.

"What's that?"

"That's it, our little sparrow was frightened by your people, please don't scare him, or they won't be moved." Mi Wan reminded.

"..." President Bai was speechless, your sparrow is timid, and we are to blame for that? However, there is nothing to say, the gold still has to be moved, so President Bai can only open WeChat and send a message to all the monster hunters who are moving the gold: Don't scare the sparrow in the store.

"..." Everyone who moved gold can only do the same.

Soon, the sparrow spirit discovered the changes in the store: Hey, why are these monster hunters not looking at him, and still walking around him

She didn't continue to receive news from the sparrow spirit, Mi Wan knew that her reminder should have worked, but she didn't go to bed immediately, but waited until the sparrow spirit told her that the people from the Monster Hunters Association had moved the gold, She just turned off the light and fell asleep.

Spring is the most suitable season for sleeping, and Mi Wan fell asleep shortly after putting on the quilt. At this time, the moonlight outside the window was extremely bright, and it even covered the dim street lamps, illuminating everything on the earth.

In the moonlight, a vine grows silently in the courtyard next door, and slowly grows into a human shape. This is someone returning home.

The first thing Fan Chen did after returning home was not to open the door and go back to the room to take a hot shower, but to stand in the courtyard and look up at the window on the second floor next door. Unfortunately, the window was dark. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, looked down at his phone, and determined that it was half past eleven, not even twelve o'clock.

Mi Wan slept a little early today.

A touch of disappointment flashed across his eyes, but Fan Chen didn't struggle for too long, he withdrew his gaze and walked into the living room. As soon as he entered the living room, a faint wave of spiritual power permeated, Fan Chen raised his eyebrows in surprise, then reached out to turn on the living room light, and then a light blue thermos cup fell straight into his eyes.

This is the medicine Mi Wan made for him.

Walking over and unscrewing the lid, he found that the medicine in the thermos cup was already cold. Obviously, the thermos cup had been here for some days.

Did you train for yourself after returning from Qianwu Mountain that day

"Obviously, these medicines have no effect on me." His injury came from the collapse of nature. If the natural environment cannot be repaired, his injury will not heal, so the medicine Mi Wan gave him could not heal. Repairing his injury can at best ease some of his pain.

Even though he said that, Fan Chen still raised his head and drank the medicine in the cup, and then a warm current surged from his stomach instantly, soaked through Fan Chen's limbs, and finally converged on his chest, forming a faint burst of light. The golden aura of aura was trapped on the black wound. The golden aura seemed to want to fight against the power of black, but it was like a summer firefly, extremely small, and was swallowed by black in just a flash.

But small and small, but still ignited a warmth.

In the early morning, Mi Wan was awakened by a faint fragrance. This fragrance is very special, light and distant, and it smells better than the perfume in the perfume cabinet that Mi's mother gave her. More importantly, there seems to be a breath of life in this fragrance, which makes people smell very comfortable.

It took Mi Wan a second to determine the direction of the aroma, and when she was determined, a touch of joy climbed up the corner of her eyes, she happily ran to the window, and slammed the curtains open. Pots of pale pink unknown flowers.

Fan Chen is back

Mi Wan opened the window, so excited that she didn't even bother to go back to get her phone, she just threw another cup over there. Sure enough, the glass smashed into the opposite glass window, the vine that had not seen for a long time caught the glass again, and Fan Chen's figure immediately appeared by the window.

Losing the cup again, it seems that the mobile phone is definitely not at hand, Fan Chen didn't ask anything, and a lilac flower appeared by Mi Wan's hand in a tacit understanding.

Mi Wan reached out and picked up the vine, directly holding the purple flower to his mouth, and asked happily, "Are you back? Are you healed?"

"Well, much better." Fan Chen smiled and nodded.

"When did you come back? I didn't find out last night."

"You were already asleep when I came back."

"Oh, I seem to have slept a little early yesterday, maybe it's because I'm easy to get sleepy in the spring." Mi Wan chuckled, "By the way, have you seen the medicine I put in your living room?"

"I saw it, and I also drank it." Fan Chen nodded.

"That's good. Although the medicine I made may not help your injury very much, it can relieve the pain. A little effect is a little effect." It's good to drink it, so she doesn't have to tell her.

Fan Chen's heart warmed. He originally wanted to say that since the effect is not great, don't waste the medicinal materials, but suddenly he froze in his mouth, and he couldn't say anything, and he suddenly felt a little reluctant.

"Okay." Fan Chen replied in a low voice.

"By the way, is this flower for me? What kind of flower is this? It smells pretty good." Mi Wan asked Fan Chen while holding the potted plant on the windowsill.

"Well, this is Mingxin grass."

"Mingxin grass?" Before Fan Chen could finish introducing, Mi Wan's eyes lit up, "It is said that Mingxin grass can be calm and help cultivation? But is Mingxin grass not a grass? How did it bloom? ."

"Bright Heart Grass blooms once every ten years, but the flowering period is only one night, so few people know that it will bloom." Fan Chen explained.

"One night, why is it still open?" Mi Wan just finished asking, and he guessed the answer, "You specially left it for me to see?"

Mi Wan asked directly and frankly, there was absolutely no other meaning in her words, it was just a literal meaning, but Fan Chen's ears reddened uncomfortably, and explained in a condescending manner, "I came back yesterday. Didn't you sleep at that time? So I just... extended the flowering period a little."

"Thank you." Mi Wan thanked him loudly, her bright smile dazzling in the spring.

"Sir, do you know what a girl's concern usually means? It means that she might like you~~" Suddenly, Quan Juncai's speculation suddenly sounded in his ear, Fan Chen was startled, and his thoughts were not clear. I feel chaotic.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Fan Chen clutched his chest, his face full of disbelief, it was early in the morning, there were all the chirping of insects and birds outside, as well as office workers who got up early, the engine of the car, how could he suddenly hear his own heartbeat in such a noisy environment?

"Hey~~" Mi Wan's exclamation suddenly came from the opposite side, "Fan Chen, what are you doing? Stop it."

"I, I'm fine." Fan Chen hurriedly returned to his senses, then was stunned by the sight in front of him.

I saw that the window sill of Mi Wan was crowded with small purple flowers at this time, and the flowers were stacked one after another and directly filled the whole window. At this time, Mi Wan was directly squeezing his head from the flowers. Come out and yell at him. And not only these, all the plants around him have grown dense branches and leaves, and the flowers and plants in the garden are all in full bloom. Even the creeping tiger on the opposite side of the road, originally only sparsely half-grown leaves, are now layered on top of each other. Stacked up the wall.

"Hey, Xiao Wang, why did the turf grow so much in the yard overnight?" The conversation between Butler Ye and the gardener Xiao Wang came from far away in the yard.

"Impossible, I only grew half of it when I watered it in the morning." Xiao Wang seemed to run out of nowhere, "Yeah, why is it growing so fast?"

"Are you dazzled in the morning?"

"But... maybe."

"..." Fan Chen looked at all the things in front of him speechlessly, the mutation had already been discovered, and he couldn't do it even if he wanted to recover his demon power.

"What happened to you just now? Why did the demon power suddenly get out of control?" Mi Wan's face was full of worry, "Is the injury still not completely healed?"

"No, I just walked away suddenly." Fan Chen was so embarrassed, he wished that a bunch of flowers would grow out and bury himself in it.

"Wandering? What are you thinking, wandering is so serious." Mi Wan asked curiously.

"Cough... Just some things about the company." Fan Chen didn't dare to go to see Mi Wan anymore, he couldn't say, I thought you liked me just now, so when I was happy, I was... elated

"Oh, then go to the company and get busy, I'm getting ready to go to school." They were so worried that they lost their minds, it must be a very important matter, Mi Wan decided not to delay Fan Chen's time, and waved his hand to say goodbye, Then the whole person withdrew into the room.

Fan Chen was speechless for a moment, then tapped his fingertips and sent a ray of demon power over, scattering the flowers that covered the windowsill into countless petals. At the same time, there was also the redness of his face.

At noon, Mi Wan asked Xiang Zhen to meet at the pet store, because the wanted list given to her by President Bai was ready. After the two met, Xiang Zhen explained the wanted list to Mi Wan.

"The monsters above are some difficult habitual offenders." Xiang Zhen said, "Most of the cultivation bases are above the sixth rank, and many of them have racial talents. For example, this seventh-order bat demon not only has the ability to fly, but also The ultrasonic waves he emits can directly attack the human brain."

"I guessed it. When I asked you for the wanted list, I knew that you would not give me a little demon with a weak cultivation base." Mi Wan glanced at the wanted list and said with satisfaction, "But it's just right, the higher the cultivation base, the more The more you can plant trees.”

Seeing that Mi Wan had no opinion, Xiang Zhen didn't say anything.

"Okay, just follow this list one by one." Mi Wan looked at them one by one, and there was no difficulty. In the current demon clan, apart from Fan Chen, it is estimated that only the mysterious turtle can make her fearful. Of course, if her strength has not fully recovered, she also does not need to worry about the ninth-order mysterious turtle. Therefore, it is basically not difficult for her to catch this kind of little monster of the sixth or seventh rank.

"Then when do we start?" Xiang Zhen asked.

"Tonight, after my afternoon class is over, I'll see which one to catch first." As soon as Mi Wan finished speaking, the phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and saw that it was Wei Ji calling.

Wei Ji, is there something wrong with Xuanwu Mountain

"Hello?" Mi Wan answered the phone.

"Sect Master... That Sister Mi." Wei Ji's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What's wrong?" Mi Wan had another headache when she heard the word "Sect Master", but she didn't have the initial violent reaction, as if she was used to being shouted. Speaking of which, getting used to is really a terrifying thing, but just shout, she is determined not to interfere in matters related to the Sect Master anyway.

"That's it, I heard that you recently asked the Monster Hunters Association for a wanted list, and you plan to hunt monsters, is that true?" Wei Ji asked cautiously.

"That's what happened." Mi Wan nodded.

"Then... can you take me with you when you hunt monsters?" Wei Ji asked expectantly.

"Take you?"

"Sister Mi, don't worry, I will definitely not cause trouble for you. I just think that Sister Mi, your technique is very powerful. I just want to study it by the side." Wei Ji said.


"Can you?" Wei Ji asked cautiously, as if afraid that Mi Wan would reject him.

"Okay, then come over at night." Mi Wan thought for a while and agreed. In any case, Wei Ji is also a descendant of Xuanwu Mountain. As a senior of Xuanwu Mountain, he should actually give pointers to the younger generation. Exactly, let's take this opportunity to give Wei Ji some pointers.

"Okay, I'll definitely come over at night, what time is better for me to arrive, Sister Mi?" Wei Ji's voice suddenly became excited.

"Six o'clock, let's start after dinner." After setting the time, Mi Wan hung up the phone, and explained to Xiang Zhen, who was on the side, "Wei Ji also wanted to go catch demons, so I asked him to come over at night, By the way, do you know Wei Ji?"

"Of course I know the descendants of the next generation of Xuanwu Mountain." Xiang Zhen glanced at Mi Wan, thinking about a recent rumor in the Monster Hunter Association, he couldn't help but ask curiously, "That... Senior Sister, you too A descendant of Xuanwu Mountain?"

"How do you know?" Mi Wan looked at Xiang Zhen in surprise, but she never said anything about her teacher's inheritance.

I wipe, it really is.

After being surprised, Xiang Zhen explained: "Because Wei went to the imperial capital before the old age, he said that you are also a descendant of Xuanwu Mountain, and publicly stated that if the Monster Hunter Association targets you again, it will be difficult for them to get along with Xuanwu Mountain. "

"..." This old man!

Mi Wan was not surprised that Wei Lao was able to find out that her teacher was from Xuanwu Mountain. After all, she had never concealed her practice. Others might not be able to guess her practice. may not be visible. In fact, when they saw Old Man Wei for the first time in the main hall of Xuanwu Mountain, the two of them had already tacitly understood. Otherwise, Mr. Wei would be unreliable, and he would not be able to send his own sword to the head of the family. He was sure that he was also the inheritor of Xuanwu Mountain's exercises.

But he didn't want the old man to stab him in front of him, and the whole world would know if he went out.

The author has something to say: Fan Chen: What should I do if I get excited

Quan Juncai: Then don't get excited.

Fan Chen: Get out!

Quan Jun just got out and didn't know what he said wrong.