She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 59: Catch the bat monster


At six o'clock in the evening, Wei Ji arrived at the pet shop on time. He was still wearing his school uniform, and he looked like he had just run out of school.

"Don't you have to study at night?" Seeing his school uniform, Mi Wan suddenly remembered that Wei Ji seemed to be a high school student. High school, she remembers that high school is a very important stage for modern people.

"I'm on leave." Wei Ji replied.

"Don't delay your study." Mi Wan asked again.

"Don't delay, my grades are good, it's okay to skip a few classes." Wei Ji, who boasted, smiled a little embarrassedly.

Mi Wan nodded and didn't ask any further, then took out a stack of wanted warrants from a drawer beside him, flipped through it and asked, "Which one do you want to catch first?"

"You decide for yourself." Xiang Zhen is very clear about his position in this monster hunting operation. He only needs to take a photo after Mi Wan catches the mission target to prove it, and then take it back to the association to exchange for points and rewards. As for which monster to catch first, it doesn't matter to him at all.

"Sister Mi, you can catch whichever one you want. I'm just here to learn." Wei Ji smiled and said that he had no objection.

"Then..." Mi Wan glanced back and forth on the first three wanted notices, and then asked, "Have any of you brought a blank talisman paper?"

"No." Xiang Zhen shook his head, the blank talisman paper was for practice, he usually kept it at home or in the dormitory, and the one that came out to hunt demons was also drawn on the talisman paper, and would not bring blanks at all.

"I brought it." Wei Ji on the side suddenly raised his hand and said, "I would practice drawing talismans when I was in school, so I have a lot of blank talisman paper in my schoolbag. Sister Mi, do you want to draw talismans?"

"Yes." Mi Wan nodded.

"I have it, as well as the pen and cinnabar for drawing talismans, I have it here." As he said, Wei Ji stretched out his hand and took it out of his schoolbag.

The first thing that was pulled out was a stack of test papers. Mi Wan glanced at it casually. She didn't know which subject the test paper was for, but the rows of ticks and the eye-catching 100% made her eyelids jump in shock.

I'm going, it's just good grades, this kid is clearly a scholar.

"Sister Mi, here it is." At this time, Wei Ji finally found a red wooden box under his pile of test papers, and he handed the wooden box to Mi Wan's eyes.

Mi Wan looked up and saw a line of small black italic characters on the red wooden box: The special suit for practicing talismans in Xuanwu Mountain.

Xuanwu Mountain is dedicated to it, these words alone made Miwandun feel intimacy, she reached out to take it, opened it, and revealed the contents inside. The interior of the wooden box is very simple. There are only three things in it, a pile of yellow rune paper, a used rune pen, and a small box of bright red cinnabar.

"Sister Mi, what talisman do you want to draw?" Wei Ji asked curiously.

"I'm going to catch the seventh-order bat demon first. The bat demon's mental attack is a little dangerous, so I need to draw two clear heart charms." Mi Wan explained.

Wei Ji's eyes lit up and said, "Isn't the Qingxin Talisman preventing hypnosis? It can also resist mental attacks?" The sound wave attack of the bat demon is divided into two stages. After the fifth stage, the sound wave only has a hypnotic effect. It can be cracked, but after the fifth order, the sonic attack of the bat demon can directly attack the human brain, forming a spiritual attack, and the clear heart charm is not enough.

"The mental attack is based on hypnosis. Of course, the heart-clearing rune is useful, but the two of you are not enough. I will add a defensive rune to it." Mi Wan said.

"Won't the fusion of two or more runes on a single spell affect the effect?" Wei Ji kept asking questions like a curious baby.

"Of course not. As long as you are designing the runes, the running paths of the two runes do not conflict, and even if the design is good, they can complement each other." Speaking of this, Mi Wan suddenly froze for a moment. , she turned her head and asked, "Why, can't you draw fusion runes?"

Wei Ji scratched his head embarrassedly: "Yes, yes, but once the two runes are combined, the effect will be greatly reduced, so it is better to use them separately."

"Is that so?" Mi Wan thought for a while, then suddenly asked, "Then do you want to learn?"

Wei Ji was startled, and then his whole face lit up: "But... Is it alright?" He had the cheek to follow Mi Wan to catch demons, wasn't it just for learning.

"I only draw it twice, it's up to you whether you can learn it or not." With that, Mi Wan took out a blank talisman paper, ready to start drawing talismans.

"Wait, wait a minute, I'll make some preparations." Wei Ji shouted repeatedly, then buried himself in his handbag and took out a few pencils and a notebook. There is only one rune pen, and he can only make do with a pencil. After taking it out, he glanced at Xiang Zhen on the opposite side, handed over a pencil subconsciously, and asked, "Do you want it?"

Xiang Zhen was stunned for a moment, wondering if he should take it or not. From the bottom of his heart, he naturally wanted to learn how to draw talismans, but he also knew that this lesson was taught to Wei Ji by Mi Wan on purpose, and he was not Xuanwushan. People who are cheeky are always a little inappropriate. Originally, he planned to go out, and wanted to wait for them to finish drawing him before coming back, but when Wei Ji asked this, he suddenly hesitated.

Nima, I really want to learn, what should I do

"No... It's not suitable, it's the unique spell of your Xuanwu Mountain." Xiang Zhen said against his will, and because it was too against his heart, his entire face looked unnatural.

Mi Wan looked at Xiang Zhen with a funny look, and said, "This is not the unique spell of Xuanwu Mountain, it's just some little tricks for drawing talismans."

So, does this mean that you can learn it yourself

After reacting, Xiang Zhen immediately took the pencil that Wei Ji handed over, and asked, "Give me some scratch paper too."

Wei Ji smiled and tore off a few pieces of paper and handed it to Xiang Zhen.

When they were all ready, Mi Wan began to draw the heart symbol. Although she said that she could only draw twice and could learn to look at themselves, she still deliberately slowed down when she was drawing the talismans. When the spiritual power-saturated rune pen fell on the rune paper through the cinnabar, the cinnabar flashed for a while, and every time it reached a node, there would be a wave of spiritual power. Xiang Zhen and Wei Ji quickly recorded, wishing there was something to record Mi Wan's talisman movements at this time.

Yes, can't you record it

So, when Mi Wan was painting the second spell, the two of them turned on the phone shooting function by coincidence. However, the mobile phone shooting can only capture the sequence of Mi Wan's brush strokes when drawing the talismans, but the direction of the spiritual power and the location of the nodes need to be recorded by themselves. But this has greatly reduced the difficulty of their memory. Now they only need to work hard to remember the direction and the node. As for the order of writing, it is better to go back and play it in a loop.

Soon, the second spell was finished, and Mi Wan handed it over by himself.

The two thanked them and accepted it without hesitation.

Afterwards, Mi Wan drew a monster-seeking talisman based on the object provided by the Monster Hunters Association with the scent of the bat monster, and determined the location of the bat monster.

"It's a bit far away?" Mi Wan raised her eyebrows unexpectedly with the response from the Demon-seeking Talisman. Knowing that she was so far away, she would not catch the bat demon. Or change another one

When Mi Wan was hesitating, Xiang Zhen suddenly took the demon-seeking talisman.

"I'll take a test." Said, Xiang Zhen took out another thing from his body, connected it to his mobile phone, and then opened the map that came with the mobile phone to start detecting the location, "The Bat Demon is in the next city, not very far, we You can go there by high-speed train, it only takes half an hour.”

"What's this?" Mi Wan approached curiously, she could roughly determine the distance and orientation of the target through the demon-seeking talisman, but she didn't know which city it was going to, or the back and forth drive.

"This is a demon force locator, which is used in conjunction with the demon-seeking talisman." Xiang Zhen introduced, "As long as the location of the demon clan can be located through the demon-seeking talisman, and then through this locator, the opponent's position can be reflected on the world map. already."

"This is so convenient, can you give me one?" Mi Wan said sincerely, although the current monster hunters are a lot behind in terms of spells and spells, there are also many technological advancements. For example, this demon power locator can directly locate a specific city. Unlike before, in the absence of a detailed map, they could only follow the demonic energy to approach little by little. Many times, after finally finding a place, the demon has already run away. It's exhausting to hunt down.

When Xiang Zhen wanted to answer, he heard Wei Ji say, "Sister Mi, we also have this one in our house. I'll send you one later."

"Okay." Mi Wan suddenly smiled.

Xiang Zhen, who was one step ahead of him, shut his mouth embarrassingly, with a look of annoyance in his eyes, what a good human relationship, so he was preempted like that.

After confirming the location, the next step was much simpler. The three immediately set off to the train station, bought tickets, and took the bus to the next city.

Gaocheng, in the central square, is conducting a personal concert. A white-haired man with thick black eye circles is singing affectionately on the stage. His singing attracts every citizen passing by in the square. This singing seems to have some kind of great attraction. Everyone who hears his singing will automatically gather to the side of the stage, and then they will all show an obsessed expression and stand still.

This scene is very strange. In the noisy central square, thousands of people are silently listening to a man sing, as if this man is some Uranus superstar. But if it is really a Uranus superstar, how can the crowd be so silent

When the three of Mi Wan arrived, what they saw was the scene in front of them.

"The bat demon is hypnotizing!" Wei Ji looked at the crowd gathered around worriedly, "So many people, what if he launches a mental attack?"

"I notified the association and asked someone to come and help." Xiang Zhen was also taken aback. The spiritual attack of the bat demon has always been one of the most feared magic tricks of the association, because as long as he wants, he can destroy an ordinary person in an instant. The brain turns people into fools directly. Although the bat monster in front of him has never had such a case, it is also because of this reason that the Monster Hunters Association has been unable to catch him. Because every time he was about to catch him, he would hypnotize an ordinary human at random, and then threatened the Monster Hunters Association to let him go.

The bat demon hypnotized so many people this time, it seems that the association is going to be troubled again.

"No." Mi Wan waved his hand and stopped, "You activate the Heart Purification Talisman, we'll talk about it later."

The two looked at each other, and finally chose to trust Mi Wan, activating the Purity Talisman on his body. And at the moment when the Heart Clearing Talisman was activated, the two felt a burst of relief in their brains at the same time. Immediately, the expressions of the two changed. It turned out that they had just been unconsciously attacked by the bat demon, but they didn't notice it.


"Let's go." Mi Wan took the lead, the three walked through the crowd and walked towards the stage.

In the huge square, there are countless people standing still. Among them, the actions of Mi Wan and the three are particularly eye-catching, and the bat demon on the stage naturally noticed it. He curled his lips and already guessed the origin of the other party. When a few people approached, he paused singing and said to the three people who came over with a smile: "Is the Monster Hunter Association responding quickly this time? It's only half an hour to arrive?"

"Don't you finish singing?" Mi Wan raised her head and asked the bat demon on the stage when she walked to the front of the stage.

"How did I sing?" The Bat Demon asked curiously.

"It's okay, it sounds pretty good." Mi Wan said sincerely, excluding the hypnotic effect inside, in fact, the voice of the bat demon is really good.

"Have vision." The bat demon was overjoyed, and he suddenly liked the demon hunter in front of him to stop him, "Little sister, this sentence to you, when I finish singing this song, I will release their hypnosis. Technique, I won't make it difficult for you."

You must know that in the past, after a concert, he ran away in style, and then left it to ordinary humans who were hypnotized by the Monster Hunters Association, waiting for the next day's news headlines to see the Monster Hunters. The association is struggling to find various excuses to explain.

"Okay, you continue to sing." Mi Wan was also overjoyed when she heard it. The Bat Demon had to unravel the hypnosis of so many people by herself, which saved her energy.

The bat demon liked Mi Wan one more point, he gave Mi Wan a thumbs up, and then continued to hold the microphone and sing affectionately.

This scene of harmony and friendship fell in the eyes of the other two monster hunters. It was a strange thing, and they couldn't help but suspect that they might not come to catch the bat monster, but to listen to the concert.

Both of them saw shock in each other's eyes, but they didn't speak. They wore the Qingxin Talisman and Mi Wan listened to the Bat Demon singing together. Listening and listening, the two suddenly found that this bat demon can really sing, much better than the streaming songs on the current player.

After a song, the bat demon sang very happily, he even bowed to the audience quite into the play, and then said gratefully: "Thank you for coming to my concert."

"Crash..." Then a series of uniform applause sounded in the square, and all the hypnotized people clapped mechanically.

"Thank you, thank you." The bat demon thanked him affectionately, as if the applause was not hypnotized by him, but from the heart of these people.

At the end of a "moving" concert, the Bat Demon waved in the direction of Mi Wan contentedly, and said, "I'm leaving, and in five minutes, the hypnosis of these people will be automatically released."

"Oh." Mi Wan nodded, indicating that he understood.

The bat demon grinned, with a hoarse sound, a pair of black wings stretched out from behind, he looked up at the sky, and then flew up. It was just that he hadn't yet flew out of the stage, when a black black iron sword suddenly jumped up from the ground and hung over his head with a buzzing sound.

"You..." The bat demon froze, looking at Mi Wan on the ground in disbelief.

"Because you took the initiative to relieve everyone's hypnosis, I don't have to hurt you, just follow me." Mi Wan raised her head and said with a smile.

The bat demon felt the pure spiritual power on the black iron sword above his head, and measured the strength gap between them. He couldn't help but feel a little shocked: he is a seventh-order cultivation, but the breath on the black iron sword in front of him, It made him tremble faintly. Could it be that the girl in front of him is an eighth-order monster hunter

"Who are you?" the bat demon asked in a voiceless voice.

"Mi Wan." Mi Wan said his name with a smile.

"Are you the monster hunter who stabbed the flower clan's patriarch with one sword? Aren't you with our monster clan?" The bat monster said in shock.

"I'm a monster hunter, who's with you." Mi Wan couldn't help but feel annoyed for a while, she was also a monster hunter, why did she join the monster clan

"Aren't you the doctor who helped our demon clan heal?" the bat demon asked.

"I did it to make money, to make money." Mi Wan was angry, she was such a profiteer, how could she sound like a good person who made selfless contributions

"Then I'll give you the money, and you let me go."

"Unfortunately, I arrested you for planting trees, not for making money." Mi Wan refused, "Are you going back to your original form and follow me obediently, or will I beat you back to your original form and then come with me."

Seeing that the negotiation failed, the bat demon gritted his teeth. He raised his finger and pointed at the humans who had not woken up from hypnosis, and said coldly, "You are not afraid that I will destroy the brains of these people."

"Try." Mi Wan narrowed her eyes and encouraged loudly.

"Don't regret it." The bat demon gritted his teeth and released a mental shock, pointing to the few humans closest to him. At the moment when he released the spiritual attack, the black iron sword above his head suddenly increased in aura, turning into a transparent light curtain to directly block the spiritual attack of the bat demon, and bounced back.

The bat demon suddenly screamed, and then the whole person fell straight from the air, and slammed on the stage with a bang, showing its original shape.

Mi Wan walked over, picked up the bat demon with a splitting headache, and raised his hand to recall the black iron sword suspended in the air. The black iron sword was summoned and flew back into Mi Wan's hands, and then kept shrinking until it became the size of a finger, and was stuffed into his pocket by Mi Wan.

No way, metal objects are too big to pass the security check.

Is this the end? Xiang Zhen and Wei Ji looked at each other.

"Let's go." Mi Wan turned and walked out of the square.

Not long after the three left, the people in the square gradually woke up, they looked at each other blankly, and then they went to do what they were supposed to do.

Back in Cannes, it was less than nine o'clock, and the three parted ways and went home.

When Mi Wan returned home, the bat demon had also eased from that headache, but his body was sealed by Mi Wan's ban, and his demon power could not be used at all, and he could not transform into a human shape, and his body was even more affected by a The pink rubber band was tied up, shameless.

"What do you want to do to me?" the bat demon asked angrily.

"Didn't I tell you, I'll send you to plant a tree." While speaking, Mi Wan sent a message to Fan Chen.

Mi Wan: Are you coming back today? Come to my room when you come back.

She suddenly realized one thing recently, that is, it is clear that Fan Chen is a demon, and she is a human. Fan Chen can teleport to his room with just a single thought, but every time he has something to look for, why does he always go over the wall in a miserable way? Well, it must have been a bad habit formed when I first woke up and walked over the wall every night. This habit will have to be changed in the future.

Fan Chen, who was driving home, suddenly saw the news, and he braked suddenly in fright, almost knocking over a trash can on the side of the road. Although Fan Chen is a demon, except for special occasions, he also commutes to and from get off work strictly according to the living habits of ordinary people. Otherwise, if he used demon power every time he went out, it would be hard not to attract the attention of the neighbors around him.

After staring at the news on the phone for a while, Fan Chen replied with a strange expression: What's the matter

Mi Wan: I caught another gardener. You will take it to the company tomorrow to give it to Quan Juncai and let him plant trees.

I see.

Fan Chen exhaled heavily, and returned a good response, then restarted the car and drove home.

On the other hand, after Mi Wan sent the message, he ignored the bat demon and took his pajamas to the bathroom to take a shower.

About fifteen minutes later, there was a sudden wave of demonic power in Mi Wan's bedroom. The bat demon who was lying on the table pretending to be dead was excited and looked up hard. After he saw who the person who appeared in the bedroom was, he widened his eyes in shock and shouted, "Lord Demon King."

As a seventh-order big demon, he once met Fan Chen with the clan chief of his own clan a long time ago.

"You know me?" Fan Chen didn't see Mi Wan after he came in. He was wondering when he heard someone calling him, and only then did he find the bat demon beside him.

"More than two hundred years ago, I accompanied the patriarch to meet you once." The bat demon respectfully said.

"Oh." Fan Chen nodded and asked, "What did you do to get caught by Wan Wan?"

"I... When the little demon is free, he likes to sing in the crowd." After the bat demon answered, a hint of doubt flashed in his heart, Wan Wan, is that the demon catcher who just caught him? He remembered that the demon hunter was Mi Wan.

"You bat demon clan have hypnotic sound waves in their songs, so they are not suitable for singing." Fan Chen frowned. The bat demon speaks well, but once it sings, the special melody will form a sound wave, with its own hypnotic effect, and even the bat demon can't control it.

"Little demon... The little demon knows what's wrong." When the demon king convened the major patriarchs of the demon clan for a meeting and prepared to sign an agreement with the demon hunter association, the bat demon also knew something at that time. So he knew that this armistice agreement, the demon king really wanted to facilitate. This is also the reason why for so many years, although he often used sound waves to hypnotize humans, he did not kill people. Because he knew that for a small death, the demon hunter couldn't do anything about him, but for a big death, the demon king might personally take care of him.

"Since you've been caught, let's plant trees." Fan Chen nodded.

Plant trees well? The bat demon was stunned, why is the tone of the demon king so familiar? Oh, remembering it, this is exactly the same tone as the monster hunter named Mi Wan just now.

At this moment, Mi Wan, who had taken a shower, came out of the bathroom. She was wearing pajamas and was wiping her hair with a towel while walking towards Fan Chen. Fan Chen didn't restrain the demon power when he came over, so she already felt it when she was in the bathroom, but at that time she was still washing her hair, so she came out a little late.

"Fan Chen, you're here." Mi Wan loosened the towel wrapped around her hair, and her hair naturally fell from the top of her head and draped over her shoulders. As she approached, a faint scent of shower gel mixed with the scent of shampoo spread out in an instant, filling the entire room, causing Fan Chen to suddenly feel a sense of crampedness with nowhere to hide.

"You... did you take a shower just now?" Fan Chen froze.

"Yeah." Mi Wan nodded, "Have you seen the bat demon? It's on the table."

"I see, I... I took it away, good night." Fan Chenyou turned around, reached out and quickly picked up the bat demon on the table, and disappeared in front of Mi Wan's eyes in an instant.

"..." Mi Wan wanted to say something but couldn't find anyone.

The author has something to say: After being captured by the demon king back to his yard, he found that his demon king's demon power fluctuated.

Bat Demon: My lord, I was wrong. I must plant trees well and never go out to sing again. You should collect your demon power.

Fan Chen was startled, turned his head to look out the window, and sure enough, a yard of flowers bloomed again.