She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 63: confessed


When Fan Chen took Mi Wan out, Li Hang and the others also found the exit one after another. Although the process was a bit difficult, the success of cracking the maze still made everyone have a great time.

"Jiajia, we must be the first to come out." Li Hang took Peng Jia's hand and said confidently. When he was still in the maze, he had already contacted several other roommates on his mobile phone, and they could not find an exit at that time. But he found the labyrinth less than two minutes after he sent the message, so he was sure that he was the first.

"Li Hang, have you guys come out?" Before Peng Jia could say a few words of praise for her boyfriend, Guan Shu suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. He looked anxious and kept looking behind them.

"Hey, Guan Shu, you came out ahead of time?" Li Hang felt a little slapped in the face, and thought he was the first.

"I've been out for more than two hours." Guan Shu said.

"Wo Cao, your kid is hanging up?" Li Hang was even more depressed when he heard his friend say that he had been out for more than two hours.

"Guan Shu, where is Mi Wan?" Peng Jia, who was on the side, found that Guan Shu didn't have her classmate Mi Wan by his side, so she couldn't help but care.

"I was about to ask you, did you meet Mi Wan inside?" Guan Shu said anxiously.

"No, isn't Mi Wan with you?" Peng Jia asked.

"We got separated halfway." Guan Shu looked annoyed, "I turned inside twice, and I turned it out for some reason."

I don't know how it came out? Li Hang's face was speechless, the feeling of this kid is not open, but a bad luck.

"Then why didn't you call and ask?" Li Hang asked.

"My phone is broken." Guan Shu said depressedly. If the phone was still there, would he have been waiting at the door

"Yeah, I almost forgot." Li Hang remembered, Guan Shu's cell phone broke in the bucket before he came to the maze, "Jiajia, you call Mi Wan to ask." Li Hang motioned to his girlfriend to give Mi Wan Wan call.

"it is good."

Peng Jia was about to make a phone call when the other two pairs also came out of the maze. They saw that Li Hang and Guan Shu were both there, so they asked with a smile, "Everyone came out?"

"Mi Wan is still missing, I'll call and ask." While talking, Mi Wan answered the phone, and Peng Jia immediately asked, "Mi Wan, where are you?"

"I'm still in the maze, I'll be out soon." Mi Wan replied.

"Okay, then we'll wait for you to come out." Peng Jia hung up the phone and said to everyone, "She'll be out soon."

Guan Shu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon Mi Wan walked out from the exit of the labyrinth. Naturally, Fan Chen was also the one who came out with her. Guan Shu originally wanted to rush up immediately to express his concern and apology, but for some reason, the moment he saw Fan Chen, he suddenly had a subtle sense of conspiracy.

Hey, why is this guy in the labyrinth

"Brother Fan, are you also in the labyrinth?" Apparently not only Guan Shu had this question, Peng Jia asked directly.

"Well, I'm adjusting the maze inside." Fan Chen smiled.

"Adjustment? Brother Fan, you designed this maze?" Peng Jia asked in surprise.

"I participated in a small part, and most of them were made by the staff in the park." Fan Chen asked with a smile, "Do you think it's fun?"

"It's fun, it's fun." Everyone nodded in unison, obviously having a good time. Except for the book, of course.

"Mi Wan, I'm sorry, I left you in the maze." Guan Shu walked over to Mi Wan and apologized softly.

"It's okay, you didn't do it on purpose." Mi Wan smiled, "and I didn't come out too."

"It's my fault. If I hadn't gone too fast, I wouldn't have left you alone. In order to apologize, I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow." Guan Shu almost praised his wit. Wrong, in order to make up for classmate Mi Wan, he can invite him to dinner, it is best to invite one meal after another, and his feelings will gradually develop.

Fan Chen, who had been watching the chat between the two, changed his eyes, and the Demon King, who knew Mi Wan's foodie attributes, interrupted at the right time: "Wan Wan, it's getting late, you can go back with me in my car later."

"Ah?" Mi Wan was stunned, she turned to look at the classmate beside her, and said, "But we made an appointment to have dinner together."

"Have dinner." Fan Chen frowned, "Do you want to go back to your school? If you go back to the eastern suburbs after eating, it might be a bit late. Otherwise, I'll invite you to eat, and I'll take you on the way. You go back."

"..." Everyone was silent for a while, wishing they could roar:

Brother, we are in a relationship, in a relationship, how can you be in a relationship with us? As a successful person, don't you even have this emotional intelligence

"Cough... Then what... We originally planned to go back at five o'clock, but we didn't expect to be delayed for so long in the maze." Li Hang said, "Mi Wan's home is in the eastern suburbs, if we go back after dinner Maybe it's too late, why don't we make an appointment next time."

There's nothing wrong with what they said, it's almost seven o'clock at this time, plus the evening rush hour, it's almost nine o'clock when they drive back to school. In fact, it's nothing after nine o'clock, everyone has a late night snack, and they can still catch up with the dormitory access control. And even if Mi Wan doesn't live in the dormitory, he can go to Peng Jia's dormitory and make do with one night. If it doesn't work, you can still K sing all night. But the premise of these is that there is no objection from others and Mi Wan is willing to do so, and it is obvious that Mr. Fan will not agree to this, and it is their first time to associate, and he is not good at saying "Mi Wan" , let's go, let's go all night together" invitation.

He had a hunch that if he really said that, he would definitely be killed by the Mr. Fan in front of him.

"Yes, yes, our next appointment will be the same." Peng Jia quickly agreed.

So the dinner appointment after the flower show was over, and the nine people divided into three cars and left the Park of Everything.

Because Mi Wan was not there, there were only three people in Li Hang's car. He was still driving, but the co-pilot's position was changed to his girlfriend Peng Jia, and Guan Shu sat alone in the back seat.

Guan Shu always felt that he was very unlucky today. He finally met a girl who had feelings. As a result, there was almost no chance to be together during the friendship. The waterproof mobile phone that was obviously waterproof suddenly broke. People get lost. I don't know what Mi Wan thinks of him now, he must have a bad impression of him, alas~~~

"Guan Shu, what's the matter with you?" Li Hang couldn't ignore the sigh behind him.

"I feel very unlucky today, I didn't even ask for Mi Wan's mobile phone number." Guan Shu complained to himself, "I still lost someone in the maze."

"Don't take it too seriously, don't you just have a mobile phone number, next time I ask Jiajia to ask Mi Wan out again, let's have a date with four people." Li Hang comforted.

Guan Shu's eyes lit up, and he suddenly regained some anger: "Really?"

"Jiajia, can I make another appointment with Mi Wan another day?" Li Hang could see that his friend was really interested in Mi Wan.

"I can't guarantee this." Peng Jia suddenly became embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Li Hang asked in confusion.

"Didn't you see it?" Peng Jia asked, "Mi Wan's neighbor brother, he seems to like Mi Wan."

"What?" the two boys shouted at the same time.

"Look back." Peng Jia explained, "That Mr. Fan is just right to lead people and things, obviously he is not a person without emotional intelligence, but knowing that the few of us are in a friendship, he always finds opportunities to bring rice to the table. Why are you taking this away?"

"Isn't it because as a big brother, I habitually hate the idea of others hitting his sister?" Li Hang asked.

"You straight men, he is a neighbor's brother, not a real brother." Peng Jia felt that the boys were too slow in this regard.

"Too despicable." Guan Shu's face darkened and he couldn't help scolding.

"I don't think so." Peng Jia disagreed. "Mi Wan is not your girlfriend. Of course, Big Brother Fan has a chance to chase. Everyone depends on their abilities. How can you be mean."

Guan Shu's face darkened, but he also knew that Peng Jia was right, but it was still very uncomfortable to admit that his skills were inferior to others.

Seeing that his friend's face was not good, Li Hang gave Peng Jia a look, indicating that she should stop provoking Guan Shu.

Peng Jia stuck out her tongue and stopped talking, but she silently took out her mobile phone and pulled out today's small group of four to discuss on the mobile phone.

On the other side, Fan Chen drove to the eastern suburbs with Mi Wan. In the passenger seat, Mi Wan was propping his chin with his hand, looking at him thoughtfully.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Fan Chen asked.

"You seem to be in a good mood." Mi Wan found that Fan Chen seemed to be in a good mood after he came out of the Park of Everything. The most obvious manifestation was that the demonic power on his body was happily rippling in the shape of waves.

"Well." Fan Chen smiled slightly, "This year's greening survey is out. The survey data shows that this year's global greening area has not only not decreased, but has also increased a little."

Mi Wan suddenly realized that this was the reason, no wonder Fan Chen was in a good mood.

"Congratulations." Mi Wan sincerely congratulated.

"Thank you." At the red light ahead, Fan Chen slowly lowered his speed, stopped behind the car in front, and patiently waited for the red light to pass.

"However, why did you stop me and Peng Jia from going to dinner?" Mi Wan suddenly asked again.

Fan Chen froze, the demonic power on his body no longer rippling in the shape of a wave, but all stopped and stopped. Sure enough, has it been discovered yet? But Fan Chen didn't stay stiff for too long. As a demon king, his psychological quality was still very strong.

"Did you see it?" Fan Chen chuckled softly, but also covered it up, and simply admitted it.

"You're worried that I'll go back too late?" Mi Wan laughed, "You forgot that I sneaked out every morning and only came back in the morning, and I turned over your yard every day. I'll probably believe it if others use this reason, you Well... that's just cheating Peng Jia and the others."

"Then why did you come back with me?" Fan Chen asked.

"As soon as I heard it, I knew you didn't want me to go." Mi Wan asked naturally, "Is there anything you need to help me?"

Fan Chen watched Mi Wan quietly for a while, then the corners of his lips curled slightly, revealing a pleasant smile.

It's because I feel like I have something to ask her for help, so I don't even go to the friendship I am very interested in. Although I knew that Mi Wan and the human boy named Guan Shu only met today, but Mi Wan was able to leave the other party to help him, which made the Demon King unexpectedly happy.

The demonic power of the demon king once again swayed into the shape of a wave.

Fan Chen's changes naturally did not escape Mi Wan's eyes. When she was about to ask something in doubt, she suddenly remembered a series of urging horns from behind the car, interrupting her words.

The Demon King returned to his senses, and hurriedly started the car and drove through the intersection, only to stop the urging horn from behind.

"Ding ding, ding ding~~"

When Mi Wan was about to ask Fan Chen what she had to do to help her, the phone suddenly rang. She took it out and found that it was a small group of four girls from the temporary group today.

The news inside was flashing very fast, Mi Wan probably glanced at it, it was a few girls discussing the boys who were in today's friendship. Peng Jia said that she and Li Hang are officially together, and the other two girls said that today's friendship object is not bad, but as to whether they want to be together or not, they have to get in touch again. However, it can be seen from this sentence that they have a preliminary goodwill with each other.

After the three finished expressing their feelings, they started @米WAN.

Peng Jia: Mi Wan, what is your impression of Guan Shu

Peng Jia asked this on purpose. From the perspective of her boyfriend, if Mi Wan had a good impression of Guan Shu, she could consider helping Guan Shu again. After all, it would be good for the four of them to date in the future.

Mi Wan: I don't know, I don't seem to have much communication with him today.

Mi Wan recalled for a moment, it seems that since she entered the park, she and Fan Chen have been together for a longer time, and she doesn't seem to have much contact with Guan Shu. The only thing I remember is that Guan Shu helped her take a lot of photos. But in the end the phone was gone.

This is another message in the group.

Peng Jia: Mi Wan, does your neighbor brother like you

The moment she saw this news, Mi Wan was stunned, she didn't answer immediately, but turned her head to look at Fan Chen subconsciously. Fan Chen was driving attentively, but when he noticed Mi Wan's gaze, he turned his head and smiled.

Fan Chen likes himself? how is this possible! Just as Mi Wan was about to refute, he saw that several messages had already been posted in the group.

Cheng Yan: Peng Jia, you think so too. I also think the neighbor brother likes Mi Wan.

Liu Fen: Me too, me too. My neighbor brother deliberately separated Mi Wan and Guan Shu.

Peng Jia: Yes, yes, especially in the exhibition hall, it is super obvious. He clearly let us visit freely, and he deliberately called Mi Wan away.

Cheng Yan: And we still know that we are in a relationship.

Liu Fen: There is also a labyrinth. Mi Wan and Guan Shu got separated in it, and it was brought out by the neighbor brother.

Mi Wan was looking at a black line. How could they look like they were talking about it? She quickly clarified: No, don't think about it, we just happened to meet in the labyrinth.

Peng Jia: So the neighbor brother not only likes you, but also has a lot of fate with you.

Liu Fen: We can open our minds a bit. Maybe the neighbor brother knew we were in the labyrinth, so he went to Mi Wan on purpose

Cheng Yan: I give full marks to this brain hole. And in the end, he never let Mi Wan go to dinner with us, it was definitely intentional.

It turned out that he wasn't the only one who saw it, everyone else also saw that Fan Chen deliberately didn't let him go to dinner. But even so, the reason is definitely not that Fan Chen likes him. Fan Chen is a demon king, how could she like a demon hunter, and she wouldn't fall in love with a demon.

While Mi Wan was stunned, the group began to chat about who Mi Wan was a better match for.

Peng Jia: In terms of temperament, I think the neighbor brother is better, gentle and mature.

Cheng Yan: But in terms of age, Guan Shu is more suitable.

Liu Fen: I don't think it matters. The key is who Mi Wan likes. I think Mi Wan likes the neighbor brother more.

Mi Wan: Why? (Where did you get this illusion?)

Liu Fen: Do you still need to ask? You are here today to socialize with Guan Shu, but when your neighbor brother called you, he left with them and completely forgot about Guan Shu.

Peng Jia: Yes, and in the labyrinth, you and Guan Shu were separated, but instead of calling customer service, you stayed with your neighbor brother.

Cheng Yan: That's right.

Mi Wan blinked, feeling as if there was such a thing, so she replied: That can only prove that I don't like closing books very much.

Peng Jia: A moment of silence for Guan Shu.

Liu Fen: Silence +1

Cheng Yan: Silence +2


Peng Jia: I'm going to tell Li Hang euphemistically in a while, hoping it won't irritate Guan Shu. (poor face)

Mi Wan felt that this topic was not suitable for him to participate in, so he put away his mobile phone and prepared to continue chatting with Fan Chen about the unfinished question.

"By the way, what are you looking for from me?" Mi Wan asked directly, "Is there another monster who needs me to heal?"

"No, I have nothing to help you with." Fan Chen replied naturally.

"I don't need help with anything? Why don't you let me go to dinner?" Mi Wan was startled.

"Because... I don't want you to go to a friendship." When he said this, Fan Chen didn't dare to look into Mi Wan's eyes.

In fact, if he wanted to, he could have tens of thousands of reasons to fool around, just like the tail of a mouse spirit was photographed by a mobile phone, but when Mi Wan lowered his head to reply to the news just now, Lord Demon King thought for a while. Now that he has determined that he likes Mi Wan, he has to say it sooner or later, so he might as well just say it directly. It also saves an ancient person who is very curious about friendship from going to fellowship to anger him next time.

"Why?" Mi Wan still didn't understand, because she always believed that Fan Chen couldn't like her.

"I don't think you and that boy are suitable." Fan Chen said.

"Why?" Mi Wan asked curiously.

"You are a person from 500 years ago. You are separated from them in terms of ideas and concepts, and there is a generation gap. And you are a monster hunter, he is just an ordinary human being." Fan Chen said, "No matter from Either way, neither of you are suitable."

"What you said makes sense." Mi Wan thought seriously, "But the problem of the generation gap is still easy to solve. After a while, I will completely integrate into my current life, then the generation gap will not exist. But catch This is a bit troublesome for the demon master, I will definitely open a pet shop in the future, and my future boyfriend can't know everything, otherwise it will be too tiring to hide it."

Fan Chen nodded with satisfaction, and when he was about to say a few more words to pave the way, he heard Mi Wan add another sentence.

"It seems that I still have to find a monster hunter to be my boyfriend."

Fan Chen's eyes darkened, he tightly held the steering wheel in his hand, and continued to drive in the direction of home, until he felt that his breath had calmed down, and then he asked unintentionally, "You never thought about finding one. Monster clan as boyfriend?"

"Not at all." Mi Wan replied without thinking.

"Why?" Fan Chen tried to calm down.

"I'm a demon hunter, how can I fall in love with the demon clan?" Mi Wan said as a matter of course.

"Why not?" Fan Chen reluctantly asked why.

Seeing the seriousness of Fan Chen's question, Mi Wan was stunned, and then answered seriously: "The vocation of a demon catcher is to catch demons, although I am treating the demon clan now, when one day humans and demons stand on opposite sides again. At times, I will still stand on the side of the human race. This is a racial conflict that cannot be avoided. Moreover, the lifespan of the demon clan is too long, and a hundred years is only a small part of the long time of the demon clan. I don’t want it when I am old, My husband is still the same as when I first met him. When we go out, people will think that we are grandparents and grandchildren, which is too hurtful."

Mi Wan subconsciously called her husband Xianggong.

Fan Chen fell silent. After that, the two didn't speak anymore.

"I'm home, I'll go back first." Looking at the familiar door in front, Mi Wan unfastened his seat belt and pushed the door to get out of the car.

Fan Chen was sitting in the car, he watched Mi Wan get out of the car, watched her cross the road, and when she was about to walk to Mi's old house, Fan Chen suddenly teleported and stopped in front of Mi Wan .

Mi Wan almost bumped into Fan Chen who suddenly teleported over, she couldn't help but take two steps back before she raised her head and asked.

"What are you doing?"

"I signed a peace agreement with the Monster Hunters Association in order to avoid the same thing that happened 500 years ago. I made laws to allow the Monster Hunters Association to arrest the monsters who violated the laws and regulations, because I wanted to pass the laws and regulations. , let the two clans coexist peacefully. Facts have also proved that under the constraints of the law, the two clans have coexisted peacefully for more than two hundred years." Fan Chen said to himself, "I allow the two clans to marry. For two hundred years, the number of half demons has been increasing, which shows that the marriage and love relationship between female demons is very stable."

"I can't guarantee that this kind of peace between the shemales can be maintained forever, but I am still very confident that it will be maintained for another hundred years. So... in this hundred years, can you consider adding the demon clan to you? Within the scope of your boyfriend's consideration?" Fan Chen looked straight at Mi Wan, the demon power around him began to vibrate irregularly because he was too nervous.

Mi Wan, your neighbor brother seems to like you.

Mi Wan's eyes widened in disbelief, and she asked instinctively, "You... can't be... like me?"

"Yeah." Lord Demon King admitted frankly, he smiled, "I like you."

This time, Mi Wan was stunned, and her brain began to constantly circulate Fan Chen's confession to her: I like you, I like you, I like you...

After countless cycles, Mi Wan finally found a reason for refusal: "I said, I don't like when I'm old, my husband still..."

"I can adjust my appearance, and I can grow old like a normal human being." These are not problems at all. After agreeing to intermarriage between human and demon, every demon in the demon clan has mastered a long-term skill.

"But... I'm going to die. If I die, you will be miserable." That's right, the people who are left behind in the face of life and death are the worst.

"Yeah, the one left behind will definitely be me. If you are not here in a hundred years, I will definitely be miserable." Fan Chen nodded in agreement.

"Yes, yes, so we are not suitable." Mi Wan nodded desperately.

"But it's me who is miserable. This is the result I am willing to bear. Why should you mind?" Fan Chen chuckled lightly.

"But... But..." Mi Wan was at a loss for words asked by the demon king, yes, it's not me who is miserable, why should I mind. Help, what excuses are there for refusing

"Don't think about it." After a long time, seeing Mi Wan helplessly grabbing the corner of his clothes, Lord Monster King couldn't help but soften his heart, "I have a lot of time, you can go back and think slowly."

Mi Wan secretly exhaled, and the whole person suddenly relaxed.

The eyes of the demon king were dim, and his heart was a little lost: "And... I'm sorry, I deliberately destroyed your friendship today."

"It's okay, I'm actually just curious." Mi Wan said quickly, "I didn't really think about it."

"Well, that's fine." Fan Chen smiled slightly, feeling better.

"Then... Then I'm going back?" Mi Wan was embarrassed, she wanted to leave here quickly, so that she could calm down by herself.

"The last question." Fan Chen said.

Mi Wan raised her head and waited for the other party's question.

"In the future... can I call you Wan Wan?" Fan Chen said softly.

"Didn't you call for a day?" Mi Wan raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

The Demon King suddenly laughed softly, and he said good night to Mi Wan with his bright eyes: "Wan Wan, good night."

"Good night."

Mi Wan turned around quickly and ran away as if escaping.

The author has something to say: Mi Wan, who came home, asked questions online

Mi Wan: Ask, how to reject other people's confessions.

Netizen: One sentence I don't love you, lore.

Mi Wan: Why can't I say it? It seems very hurtful.