She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 67: They won't give up


Ten p.m.

A video of "animals going down the mountain for help after the earthquake" exploded the entire Internet and Moments. Within half an hour after the video was uploaded, it already had hundreds of thousands of views. Under everyone's strong request, the uploader of the video even temporarily registered an account on a live broadcast platform and started the live broadcast.

After confirming that the animals would not harm them, the rescue team drove the rescue vehicle and turned on the headlights to illuminate the place where the sika deer lay down. In addition to the two rescue team members who are treating the sika deer, there are many animals around the sika deer.

A nearly three-meter black bear was quietly squatting on the left side of the sika deer. It lowered its head and silently stared at the sika deer on the ground. There is a petite Oriole bird on the head of the black bear. The little Oriole chirps and chirps from time to time. Occasionally, it will flap its wings and fly over the sika deer to hover for a while. To the right of the sika deer is a black panther that is almost at one with the night. It leaned down and licked the wound on the sika deer with its tongue over and over again.

There are still a large group of animals behind the black bear and black panther, but the headlights of the car cannot illuminate the forest, and netizens can only distinguish them from the blurred outlines drawn in the lens.

"It's really a bear, a big bear."

"I saw worry in the eyes of the black bear and panther, and it felt like they were going to cry."

"I also saw..."

"The sound of the oriole is so disturbing."

"There are a lot of animals behind them, and I seem to have seen wolves..."

"Did the animals of the whole forest come out?"

"It seems that the forest must have been severely damaged, otherwise these animals would not have escaped by themselves."

In the live video, countless barrages crossed, and netizens were discussing the reasons why the animals walked out of the forest, until the video turned to the sika deer lying on the ground. It was a sika deer that was not strong. It was covered in blood, its limbs were bent, and its abdomen was broken out of white bones. The little sika deer seems to be unable to even breathe, and the rescue team is holding an oxygen mask to inhale oxygen for the comatose sika deer.

"God, it's so pitiful, it hurts so much."

"How did this sika deer come out like this in Shangcheng? Was it sent by these animals?"

"Yeah, the anchor didn't say it just now. Their captain said that they wanted to treat the sika deer, and those animals let them pass."

"Then what are they doing? Why haven't the sika deer been treated for their wounds, their bones are exposed."

"They're not veterinarians, so they probably don't know what to do."

"I'm a veterinarian, although I don't want to say it, but judging from the injury on the abdomen of this sika deer, it should have been hit by a huge stone, and it may have injured its internal organs. It should not be saved."

"Nonsense, I don't listen, I don't listen."

"It's a veterinarian, then you have an idea, don't say those unlucky ones."

"So many animals sent the sika deer down the mountain for treatment. They must really want to cure the sika deer, and they also believe in us humans. The rescue team must find a way to cure the sika deer."

"Yes, yes, is there no veterinarian in Qiyang County? If so, hurry over there."

"Yeah, where's the veterinarian? Is there a veterinarian nearby? Hurry up."

In an instant, the barrage looking for a veterinarian flashed across the screen.

Looking at the picture in the video, Mi Wan suddenly remembered the animals who helped Fan Chen dig her body after the mudslide in Guyuan Mountain. Those animals were grateful for Fan Chen's life-saving grace, so they came out to help spontaneously. Did the sika deer in the video do something similar? The emotions of animals are always the purest, and they will give back what they get.

Unable to bear it, Mi Wan forwarded the video to Fan Chen, and then asked: Are you in Qiyang County? Is this sika deer a demon

Fan Chen: I'm here, it's a demon.

Mi Wan: Then why didn't you bring it back

Fan Chen: Its demon pill has been completely shattered. The reason why it is still alive is because I left a ray of demon power on it.

Mi Wan was startled. She recalled the miserable appearance of the sika deer in the video, and couldn't help feeling a little sad. The demon pill was completely shattered, like a human heart shattering. Even if she tried to save it, she couldn't save it.

Mi Wan: Since it is no longer alive, why do you still leave it with a ray of demon power.

Since it is destined to fail, leaving a ray of demon power to continue life can only make it more painful.

Fan Chen: They won't give up.

Who are they? Of course, they are the animals in the video sending the sika deer down the mountain. Most of the beasts are in the deep mountains, unless they have to, they will not take the initiative to step into the human world. But in order to save the sika deer, they are willing to gather in groups, put away their minions, and come to the human world.

Mi Wan: How long can the sika deer live

Fan Chen: Three days.

Mi Wan didn't ask any more questions, and didn't continue to watch the video. Since it was no longer possible to live, watching it would only add to her troubles. Fan Chen did this probably because he didn't want the sika deer to die in front of these animals. As long as the sika deer didn't die in front of these animals, these animals would always feel that the sika deer was still alive.

At this time, at the railway station in Qiyang County, Xu Zhuang got off. After seeing the news of the earthquake in his hometown, he left the pet store directly, with nothing on him but a mobile phone, which also ran out of power an hour ago. Fortunately, he sent a message to his family before he got in the car, and his brother Xu Heng would drive over to pick him up.

The railway station in Qiyang County is not very big, and there is only one exit. As soon as the people of Xu Zhuang came out of the railway station, they immediately saw their elder brother Xu Heng waiting at the door.

"Brother." Xu Zhuang ran over happily.

"Why is your phone turned off?" Xu Heng asked.

"The phone is out of power," Xu Zhuang explained.

"Let's go, get in the car." Xu Heng didn't ask much, and dragged his younger brother to the white Buick parked aside.

The car quickly came out of the train station and turned at an intersection. Xu Zhuang immediately noticed something was wrong: "Brother, did you drive the wrong way? It doesn't seem to be the direction to go home."

"It's fine at home, don't rush back." Xu Heng replied without turning his head.

"Don't go back? Where are we going then?" Xu Zhuang was stunned. It was almost eleven o'clock. If he didn't go home at night, where would his brother want to take him.

"Daliu Village." Xu Heng replied.

"Daliuzhuang? Where?" This name sounds like the name of a village, but although Qiyang County is not big, there are quite a few villages, and Xu Zhuang has never heard of this name.

"Xiao Zhuang, brother remember you are a veterinarian." Xu Heng suddenly asked again.


"That's right." Xu Heng nodded to himself, and when he stepped on the accelerator, the speed of the car was a little faster.

"..." Xu Zhuang looked confused, and then let his eldest brother pull him further and further away.

At the same time, under the constant calls of netizens, the Qiyang County Government also sent a local veterinarian there. Two veterinarians rushed to the scene, and with just a glance, they knew that the sika deer might not survive.

"No, the injury is too serious." One of the middle-aged veterinarians shook his head and sighed. The moment he shook his head, the bear and the leopard who were standing beside the sika deer turned their heads and looked over. The middle-aged veterinarian whose golden eyes frightened fell to the ground.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage exploded again in an instant.

"Ah, is the sika deer really cured?"

"Do these animals understand human speech?"

"The animal is sharp, maybe it's feeling the veterinarian's mood."

The rescue captain carefully helped the middle-aged veterinarian up, pondered for a moment, and suggested, "You treat the deer's wounds first, and then we will bring the deer back for treatment. It's not a solution to stay here all the time."

The middle-aged veterinarian thinks about it too. He is not talking at the moment. Together with his students, the two carefully treat the wound of the sika deer. While the two were dealing with the wound, the animals surrounding the sika deer all watched silently, not making a sound, not disturbing, and being obedient. However, when the middle-aged veterinarian had treated all the wounds that could be treated and tried to take the sika deer away with a stretcher, the black bear suddenly moved.

"Roar~~" It roared in a low voice, and took a step forward with its front legs. This step alone scared off all the humans who came around and tried to take the sika deer away.

In the live broadcast room, netizens were excited again.

"Has the black bear attacked the rescue team?"

"No, it just moved and didn't hurt anyone."

"It seems that it doesn't want the rescue team to take the sika deer away, but if it doesn't take it away, how can the sika deer be treated?"

"I see, the animals want to cure the sika deer, but they don't want to let the sika deer out of their sight. They want to stay by the side of the sika deer all the time."

"When you said that, I suddenly wanted to cry."

"Me too, but the sika deer is so badly injured that surgery may be required. How can I treat it if I don't take it away."

"Animals don't fully trust humans, but they can only turn to humans."

"Big black bear, just trust us. We will definitely cure the deer. Let the rescue team take the deer away." Someone called on the Internet.

It's a pity that the call of netizens could not be conveyed to the ears of the big black bear, let alone make the big black bear completely trust human beings, and let it give the sika deer to human beings with peace of mind. It is still as majestic as a mountain, standing in front of the sika deer.

The rescue team leader has been trying to communicate with the black bear, using words and gestures, but no matter what the rescue team said or did, as long as they tried to take the sika deer away, the black bear would block it.

The rescue captain was so bitter in his heart that the black bear could not communicate at all. They wanted to take the sika deer for treatment, but the black bear refused, but if they left alone, it is estimated that the black bear would not agree. The woods are full of glowing eyes, and God knows how many animals are watching here.

"Brother Black Bear, the medical conditions here are limited, and we can't treat the sika deer. You ask us to take it away, and we will take it to the best hospital, so that we can treat it." The rescue captain said this sentence. Countless times, but the black bear just looked at him so quietly, without saying a word.

"Otherwise, go to a zoo breeder. Are they better at communicating with animals?" Someone suggested.

Just when the rescue captain was thinking about whether he was really going to get a breeder over, a strange voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Let's go, let's go, my brother is a very good veterinarian. I'll bring him to treat the sika deer."

When everyone heard this, they quickly moved out of the way and let the new veterinarian step forward.

Xu Zhuang had already understood what happened on the way here, and he didn't even bother to speak at the moment. He didn't even subconsciously fear when he saw a huge black bear like other people, but went straight to the sika deer after passing through the crowd. Beside him, he began to examine the wound of the sika deer.

"It's a serious injury, I have to take it back for surgery." Xu Zhuang lightly pressed the sika deer's abdomen, and his expression changed immediately. The internal organs of the sika deer must be damaged, and it must be operated immediately, the sooner the better, otherwise it will be life-threatening at any time.

"Can you do me a favor and bring the sika deer back?" Xu Zhuang turned back and shouted to the rescue captain.

The rescue captain smiled bitterly: "It's not that we don't want it, it's that these animals won't let it."

Xu Zhuang was stunned, as if he noticed that the black bears and panthers crouching on the left and right of the sika deer were the same. Perhaps because of his long-term relationship with animals, Xu Zhuang can keenly perceive the emotions of animals, and he sensed a strong concern from the black bear and the black panther.

"Big Brother Black Bear, Big Brother Black Panther, the sika deer's injury is too serious, we must take it back for surgery." After that, Xu Zhuang assured, "Don't worry, I will do my best to cure the sika deer."

The rescue captain on the side heard it, and couldn't help but complain in his heart: I've said these words eight hundred times, and it's useless.

However, an unexpected scene happened. After Xu Zhuang's assurance, the black bear just stared at Xu Zhuang for a while, then silently retreated back, letting out the sika deer behind him.

"Thank you." Xu Zhuang was overjoyed and shouted back, "Bring the stretcher here."

The rescue team and the millions of netizens in the live broadcast room were all stunned: Why did the black bear step back? Is this agreed? Why did you suddenly agree

"Stretcher." Xu Zhuang couldn't help shouting again when he saw that everyone was still.

The rescue team recovered, the two young men holding the stretcher looked at each other, walked over tentatively, and carefully moved the body of the sika deer. The whole process, they were all worried, for fear that the black bear would suddenly slap a paw. But no, the whole process, until they lifted the sika deer into the car, the black bear and other animals didn't move. They really agreed that they took the sika deer away.


Just when everyone was about to leave with the sika deer, a low roar came from behind. Then one after another, as if the animals in the entire forest were screaming together. Everyone was startled, thinking that the animals had repented, and looked back in horror, and then... they saw a scene that made them unforgettable for the rest of their lives.

Hundreds of different animals, headed by black bears and black panthers, bent their front knees, bowed their heads slightly, and roared in a low voice.

We will do our best to save the sika deer.

Immediately, all the people present and the netizens who saw this scene through the live broadcast all made promises.

We will definitely cure the sika deer.

The next day, Mi Wan got up and found that there were dozens of @messages on her phone. Almost everyone who knew her had @hered her once, and there were even many messages asking to be friends in the address book. Mi Wan was a little confused, what happened

With this doubt, Mi Wan clicked on the class group, and then she found that almost all the people who @her were asking her the same question.

(Mi Wan, was the veterinarian who picked up the sika deer yesterday was Dr. Xu from your pet store?)

Old Xu? Sika deer

Mi Wan continued to scroll down, and then saw a small video. In the video, Xu Zhuang was communicating with the black bear about taking the sika deer for treatment. Then the black bear seemed to understand, took two steps back, and handed the sika deer to him. Xu Zhuang.

Mi Wan was not too surprised when he saw Xu Zhuang in the video. Xu Zhuang is from Qiyang County, and he just went back yesterday. If others come to Qiyang County, they will definitely save the sika deer. It is unreasonable not to go. after all. This is a person who treats his own pet store for bankruptcy in order to treat stray animals.

Mi Wan responded with a message in the class group: It was Xu Zhuang.

Seeing that Mi Wan finally answered, everyone in the class group was so excited that they asked questions one after another, all about Xu Zhuang and Sika deer.

(How is the sika deer now, can it be cured?)

(The sika deer is now in Qiyang County, or was it brought back to your store by Dr. Xu?)

(Is the sika deer in your store?)

Mi Wan thought for a while and replied: (I'll ask Xu Zhuang first.)

Mi Wan called Xu Zhuang, and the call was quickly connected: "Hello, boss."

"Old Xu, are you still in Qiyang County?" Mi Wan asked straight to the point.

"I'm back in Cannes." Xu Zhuang replied.

"You went back to Cannes? Didn't you go back yesterday?" Mi Wan was a little surprised.

"Yeah, but I found a sika deer that was injured after the earthquake yesterday. The sika deer's injury was too severe. Qiyang County did not have the conditions for surgery, so I brought the sika deer back overnight." Xu Zhuang replied, "Now in M In my teacher's laboratory, my teacher and some professors are working together to rescue the sika deer."

"Oh~~" Miwan paused, but asked again, "Can the sika deer be rescued?"

"It's not very optimistic." Xu Zhuang's voice was a little low, "The body of the sika deer should have been squeezed by the boulder, and the internal organs have been damaged to varying degrees. Although the professors have tried their best to repair, but..."

Xu Zhuang didn't finish what he said, but Mi Wan couldn't understand it.

"But there may be hope." After a moment of silence, Xu Zhuang added, "According to normal circumstances, the little sika deer should have died a long time ago with such a serious injury, but it is still alive, which proves that it has a great desire to survive. Strong. Maybe, there will be a miracle."

There will be no miracles, that is what Fan Chen's demon power has long maintained, and it can only last for three days.

Mi Wan hung up the phone and told the classmates in the group about the Sika deer's treatment at M University. The classmates who got the first-hand information immediately forwarded the news to the Internet, and people all over the Internet knew that Sika Deer was at M University for a while.

After changing clothes and going downstairs, Mrs. Zhang saw Mi Wan and couldn't help but come over and said, "Miss, Sika deer is being treated in University M. How is her condition now? Can you ask Dr. Xu?"

Mi Wan was startled, the news spread so quickly? She only said something in the class group five minutes ago, Mrs. Zhang will know now

"Xu Zhuang said that the best experts in their school are doing their best to rescue the sika deer." Mi Wan replied.

"That's good, that's good. With so many experts to help, the little sika deer will definitely be fine." Mrs. Zhang said happily, and then posted the news that the sika deer was being rescued by experts on the Internet.

In less than ten minutes, all the famous experts and professors of M University were @@netizens, with only one content: please cure the sika deer.

"Sister Zhang, why do you care so much about the sika deer?" Mi Wan couldn't help asking, because since she woke up this morning, she found that all the people around her seemed to be talking about the sika deer.

"Of course I care, I promised to bear them," said Mrs. Zhang.

"Who is the big bear?"

"It's the bear guarding the sika deer." Mrs. Zhang was startled and asked, "Miss, you didn't watch yesterday's video, right?" After saying that, Mrs. Zhang pulled out yesterday's live video and pulled the picture to the end For a minute, show it to Mi Wan.

In the video, it is the black bear leading the animals in a forest to bow their heads and pray.

——It is they who refuse to give up.

Mi Wan pondered for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and sent Fan Chen a message.

(Are you free at night? I want to see the sika deer. I want to see if there is anything else I can do.)

(Okay.) Fan Chen replied.