She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 68: Willingness


After making an appointment with Fan Chen, Mi Wan went to school as usual.

In school, because of Xu Zhuang's relationship, Mi Wan was surrounded by classmates and asked questions for a while, and even their professional teachers asked one question after class: "Mi Wan, how is Xiaolu? ?"

Unable to resist the enthusiasm of the masses, Mi Wan had no choice but to call Xu Zhuang again, but the answer he got was similar to the one in the morning.

At eight o'clock in the evening, in the backyard of the pet store, Mi Wan was sitting on the swing and listening to music bored. He wears red earphones on his ears, his long hair is tied into a ponytail, and he wears a white hooded sweater. He taps the ground with his toes, and his body swings rhythmically with the swing.

Suddenly, a familiar wave of demon power came, Mi Wan opened his eyes subconsciously, and the sight was Fan Chen's tall figure.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Fan Chen apologized in a low voice, there were still green vines under his feet that didn't have time to retreat.

"No." Mi Wan shook his head, and couldn't help but glanced at Fan Chen's chest.

It didn't worsen, but fortunately, Mi Wan subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the sika deer." After speaking, Fan Chen stretched out his hand to Mi Wan.

It was a very good-looking palm, with well-defined joints, fair and slender, with five fingers slightly open, making people unable to help but want to put their hands in, and Mi Wan did the same.

When her hand was wrapped by a wider palm, Mi Wancai realized something was wrong and wanted to withdraw, but Fan Chen had already pulled her up from the swing and brought her with him. She escaped into the ground with her and walked to the place where the sika deer were.

When the two of them got out of the ground together, Fan Chen immediately released Mi Wan's hand, pointed at the deer lying in the isolation room and said, "The deer is there."

Mi Wan was instantly distracted, and she turned her head to look in the direction of the sika deer. In the isolation ward, the sika deer was covered with white gauze all over its body, and its original fur could hardly be seen. With its eyes tightly closed, it was lying lifelessly on a small bed covered with white sheets. There were various electronic instruments around the bed, and various signs and numbers were displayed on them, but Mi Wan couldn't understand any of them.

"Can you go in and have a look? I want to use my spiritual power to check its injuries." With a layer of isolation glass, Mi Wan couldn't do anything.

"It's a sterile ward. If you want to go in, you have to disinfect it first." Fan Chen said.

"How to disinfect?" Mi Wan asked immediately.

"The disinfection room is outside, but we sneaked in, and the disinfection will be discovered in the past." Fan Chen reminded.

"Ah, didn't I come here for nothing? Is there no other way?" Mi Wan frowned in confusion.

Fan Chen looked at Mi Wan's distressed look, and said with some embarrassment: "There is a way, but... I'm afraid you won't agree."

"You didn't say anything, how do you know I don't agree?" Mi Wan asked curiously.

With a chuckle, Fan Chen didn't continue to sell off, and said directly: "Plants have the effect of absorbing bacteria and purifying the air, my body is a tree, as long as I want, I can absorb the bacteria from your body, and the effect is no worse than this sterile ward. ."

"Then you suck." Mi Wan said, and took the initiative to open his arms in the direction of Fan Chen, with an expression of ink marks or something since you have this kind of operation.

"Are you sure?" Fan Chen's eyes sank slightly.

"Come on, people from outside will come in in a while." Although even if someone came in, they could find out in advance and escape, but she couldn't be interrupted when she checked the body of the sika deer. If it breaks, she has to do it all over again.

"Okay." Fan Chen responded, then turned to face Mi Wan, and took a step forward.

Mi Wan thought he was going to disinfect himself, so he straightened up and looked at Fan Chen, waiting for him to absorb the germs on his body.

Fan Chen hooked his lips, he was delighted by Mi Wan's gesture as if he was begging for a hug, he couldn't help leaning down, stretched out his slender arms, and under the girl's surprised eyes, he hugged the girl in his arms .

"What are you... doing?" Mi Wan's face turned red, and she reached out to push.

"Don't move, I'm disinfecting." Fan Chen's voice sounded in Mi Wan's ear, and then, a gentle demonic force overflowed from Fan Chen's body, layer by layer, covering Mi Wan's body layer by layer. .

"How long will it take?" Mi Wan stiffened her neck and dared not move.

"It'll be fine in a while, I didn't mean to take advantage of you." As if knowing what Mi Wan was thinking, Fan Chen explained it deliberately. As for whether he really didn't take advantage of it in his heart, only he himself knows.

"Who... I... I didn't say you took advantage of me." Mi Wan's face was red and hot, but her chest was cold. She instinctively used her hot face to touch Fan Chen's perennial cold body temperature. to relieve the heat on the face.

From an angle that Mi Wan couldn't see, Fan Chen smiled again, he tried hard not to let himself laugh out loud, for fear that his chest would vibrate and a girl who blushed in his arms would notice something.

"Okay." After a few seconds, Fan Chen let go of his arm.

Mi Wan stood up straight and turned around, not daring to let Fan Chen see her red face.

"I'll take you in." Fan Chen didn't reveal the girl's embarrassment, he stretched out his hand again, motioning for the girl to hold her.

Knowing that Fan Chen was going to teleport him in, Mi Wan didn't think about it any more, and handed it over naturally. Fan Chen clenched it tightly, then the demon power turned, and the two disappeared in place and teleported into the sterile ward of Sika Deer.

As soon as she entered the ward, Mi Wan let go of Fan Chen's hand, and she stepped to the side of the sika deer in two steps, without delaying for a minute, she directly placed her hand on the brow of the sika deer, carefully inputting her spiritual power.

When the spiritual power entered the body of the sika deer and flowed into the meridians of the sika deer, Mi Wan furrowed his brows. The body is a dry riverbed. There is not a trace of demon power left in its meridians. The meridians are fragile like weathered paper and will shatter when touched, and the dantian that originally stored the demon pill is now empty, and only a cloud of blue demon power is barely maintaining its life. .

This group of demon power was left by Fan Chen, and the demon pill of the sika deer has disappeared~~

The demon pill is cracked, damaged, injured, as long as it is still there, she can do her best to repair it. But the sika deer's demon pill has been completely shattered, and there is not even a trace of remnants. What should she do

"Her demon pill is gone." Mi Wan murmured, her voice full of regret.

"If the demon pill was still there, I would take it to find you yesterday." Seeing the first sight of the sika deer, Fan Chen didn't think about taking it to Mi Wan, but at that time the demon pill had already fallen apart, and he Knowing that it would be useless to find Mi Wan, so I didn't bring it back. It's just that Mi Wan didn't believe it and insisted on seeing it for herself, so he brought her to confirm it again.

"How did your demon clan condense the demon pill? Is there a way to condense another one?" Mi Wan suddenly asked.

"The demon pill is formed by the demons' self-cultivation. Ordinary animals have to go through thousands of years of cultivation, plus special opportunities to condense the demon pill fortunately. This little deer can only live for two more days, even if she is given enough Demon power, it can't condense the demon pill." The implication is that it is properly hopeless.

"Isn't it possible that there is no way at all? Is it not enough to be an ordinary sika deer?" Mi Wan asked reluctantly.

Fan Chen shook his head slightly.

"Sister~~" Suddenly, a soft and waxy child's voice suddenly sounded in Mi Wan's mind.

"Little Fanyin Tree?" Mi Wan raised her head in surprise. She looked left and right, and then saw a small golden light spot above the sika deer. It was a mung bean-sized, twinkling spot of light.

"It's really my sister and adults, I didn't feel wrong." Xiao Fanyinshu said happily.

"Little Fanyin Tree, why are you here?" Mi Wan asked strangely.

"I'm here to send my blessings," the little Sanskrit tree explained.

"Blessings?" Mi Wan looked at the slowly falling light spots and seemed to understand something.

"Today, a lot of people went to me to make a wish, and they all made the same wish. I saw that everyone was so urgent, so I gave priority to this wish." Xiao Fanyinshu explained in detail, "Because there is a lot of wishing power, I will I distributed a ray of spiritual power to escort me here, I didn’t expect to meet adults and sisters here.”

As soon as the voice of the Xiaofanyin tree fell, a lot of light spots suddenly appeared in the sky above the sika deer. The light spots were very small, like sesame seeds, but there were a lot of them. They appeared one by one, and the speed was very fast. , in a short while, a small light curtain gathered in the sky above the sika deer. At first glance, there were about a thousand.

"Little Fanyin Tree, can your blessing power cure the sika deer?" Mi Wan couldn't help asking.

"No, it hurts too badly." Xiao Fanyin tree said, but all these sesame-sized light spots fell on the sika deer. This is the wish of the praying person, and it must be conveyed.

Thousands of light spots, the wishes of thousands of people slowly submerged into the body of the sika deer, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, silently, the sika deer did not even fluctuate in the frequency of breathing.

Mi Wan's eyes that had just brightened a little dimmed again.

"Sister, you have a very strong desire in your heart." Xiao Fanyin Tree suddenly said.

"Wish?" Mi Wan was startled.

"Well, I can feel your wish, and your wish is about to overflow from your chest." The light spot transformed by the small Sanskrit tree swayed slightly, and then, a light spot about the size of the sika deer that had just entered the body of the sika deer came from Mi Wan's chest floated out.

Mi Wan stared at this scene dumbfounded: What was that just now? What's coming out of your chest

"It turns out that my sister also wants to cure this sika deer." Xiao Fanyin said suddenly.

"I didn't make a wish for you, how did you know?" Mi Wan asked in surprise.

"I am a wishing tree. My instinct is to perceive the innermost wishes of others. As long as your wish is strong enough, I can perceive it." Xiao Fanyin tree said proudly, it is a wishing tree, if you can't sense it Wish, how can it still cultivate

"You're reading minds." Mi Wan couldn't help but stunned.

"It's not that exaggerated, I only feel strong desires. For example, you specifically hoped that the sika deer will get better, such as adults..."

Fan Chen smiled and glanced at the Fanyin Tree, the little Fanyin Tree froze and silently shut up.

"What's the matter? Why don't you speak?" Mi Wan asked strangely, half of what to say.

"I... I just sensed more vow power, such a huge vow power, I haven't sensed it for a long time." Xiao Fanyin was suddenly a little excited, and the light spot representing it jumped up in the air, "Sister, my lord. , I'm going back, I'm going to collect the wish."

After finishing speaking, the golden light spot representing the Little Sanskrit Tree disappeared from the ward in a flash.


At the same time as the Sanskrit tree disappeared, there was a sound of someone opening the door outside the isolation room. Just as Mi Wan was about to move, Fan Chen grabbed her body first, and then she felt dizzy. When she came back to her senses, they had already left the laboratory and floated above the campus of M University.

Fan Chen still held her hand, so as not to let her fall.

"Let's go down." This feeling of not stepping on the ground made Mi Wan a little uncomfortable.

"Wait a minute, I'll show you something." Fan Chen said, and took out a branch from his pocket.

"Branch of the Sanskrit Tree?" Mi Wan recognized it at a glance, the branch in Fan Chen's hand had strong blessing power, but it didn't have the aura of demon power and spiritual consciousness, it was a real Sanskrit tree branch." Didn't you say that with the current spirit of heaven and earth, the Sanskrit tree has no branches?"

"It was given to me a long time ago," Fan Chen explained.

"Oh~~" Mi Wan knew it, too, Fan Chen is an old goblin of thousands of years, it is not surprising to have a branch of the Sanskrit tree, "Why are you showing me the branch of the Sanskrit tree?"

Fan Chen smiled and said, "I'm not letting you see the branches of the Sanskrit tree, I'm letting you see other things through it."

something else

While he was in doubt, Fan Chen had already used his demon power to change the shape of the Sanskrit branch. In a flash, the Sanskrit branch turned into two pairs of wooden glasses and floated quietly in front of the two of them.

Fan Chen picked up one of them and put it on for himself, and then picked up the other and handed it to Mi Wan.

No need for the other party to remind her, Mi Wan took the glasses and put them on herself, and then she saw a fantasy world. Countless light spots are slowly rising under their feet. The light spots are very small, only the size of a sesame grain, but their number is too huge. They gather from all corners of the city and condense in M-big hovering over the sky. Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a nebula in the universe, very beautiful.

Fan Chen glanced at Mi Wan, who had already looked stupid, and flew higher. Then, the vision of the two of them became wider. Mi Wan found that outside Cannes, on the edge of the city, in the farther darkness where the neon lights were no longer visible, there were still countless light spots floating and gathering towards this side.

"Is this... the wish that the little Sanskrit tree said?" Mi Wan asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Fan Chen nodded.

"Then... why can't these vows hover in the sky?" Mi Wan was a little strange, after all, the vows brought by the little Sanskrit tree had already been sent to the body of the sika deer. But in the sky above M, there is much more wishing power than the small Sanskrit tree just now, why didn't it fall

"Because it's not enough." Fan Chen explained, "The reason why the little Sanskrit tree can send the vows into the body of the sika deer is because those vows are the wishes that people make directly to the Sanskrit tree. Through this contract, the little Sanskrit tree can directly Transferring the power of vows to the body of the sika deer, even if the wish cannot be fulfilled, it will not prevent the blessing of the Sanskrit tree. But this huge power of vows is different... "

Fan Chen pointed to the more and more light spots under his feet and continued: "This kind of huge willpower is self-conscious, if people's desire is to cure the sika deer, then only when the power of these willpower is accumulated enough, it will will fall."

"You mean... As long as there is enough willingness, the little sika deer can still be saved?" Mi Wan looked at Fan Chen in disbelief.

"Those animals don't want to give up, so... I gave them three days to wait for a miracle." Fan Chen chuckled, "So far, they're doing pretty well."

The Demon King didn't expect that those animals could really make so many humans sincerely pray for the sika deer.

"Can the prayer of human beings reshape the little sika deer demon pill?" Mi Wan asked, and then answered by herself, "Yes, you told me before that the power of human faith can increase the cultivation of the demon clan. Power is also a kind of power of belief, so it is also useful. Yes, yes, Shenmu was also preserved because of the villagers of Guyuan Village before."

"But these vows are not enough." Fan Chen frowned, if he can't accumulate enough vows in three days, the little sika deer will still die, and these vows will dissipate between heaven and earth.

"I have a way." Mi Wan's eyes lit up, "Let's go back to the pet shop first."

Fan Chen didn't ask any more questions, he supported Mi Wan and swooped down from the air, landing in the yard of the pet shop.

Landing on the ground, before Fan Chen could ask, Mi Wan took out his mobile phone from his pocket and explained, "There are many people on the Internet who are concerned about the sika deer. We can hold a blessing ceremony."

While speaking, Mi Wan dialed Xu Zhuang's number, and soon Xu Zhuang answered the phone.

"Hey, boss, are you here to ask about the situation of the sika deer? The situation of the sika deer is still not getting better, and the various indicators of the body have not changed at all." The people who have called him these two days have come to ask about the situation of the sika deer. Xu Zhuang After answering the phone, it was almost a customer service. When I picked it up, I would first talk about the situation of the sika deer.

"Old Xu, do you have Weibo?"

"Huh?" Xu Zhuang was stunned for a while, the boss didn't come to ask the sika deer, "No."

"Then you go to open one now, it's better to get a certification, the sooner the better." Mi Wan ordered.

"Why... why?" Xu Zhuang was a little stunned, it was this time, he didn't have the heart to engage in Weibo.

"Didn't you say that the situation of the sika deer is very bad, you have done everything you can, and the rest can only be prayed?" Mi Wan said, "Then you open a Weibo, take a video of the sika deer, and post it online. , let everyone pray together."

"No... No need, I feel like I'm taking the heat." Xu Zhuang is a low-key and introverted person who doesn't like to be an Internet celebrity. The reporters have not been there to interview him these days.

"How can this be rubbish? The little sika deer was brought back by netizens across the country watching you, and of course netizens across the country have the right to know about the treatment of the little sika deer. Instead of waiting for us to ask you through various methods, it's not as good as you. Take the initiative to explain yourself.”

"But..." Xu Zhuang was still hesitating.

"But what is..." Mi Wan was angry, why did Xu Zhuang write so much, "Now, immediately, go to Weibo immediately, or you will be fired."

"I'm going to open it right now." Xu Zhuang agreed decisively. If he didn't open Weibo, he would be fired, so he had to open it.

"I'm so pissed off, why are you so stupid." Mi Wan hung up the phone angrily, and then followed a WeChat message uneasy: Send a Weibo @me within ten minutes, and I'll forward it to you.

Fan Chen smiled and asked, "The person you called just now was the veterinarian who brought back the sika deer from Qiyang Mountain?"

Although Fan Chen has been to the pet store several times, he has never met Xu Zhuang, so he doesn't know him.

"Yeah." When it comes to Xu Zhuang taking the sika deer from the black bear, Mi Wan asked a question that people all over the country are curious about, "Why do the animals disagree when other veterinarians want to take the sika deer, but Xu Zhuang Once they do, they agree."

"Does this Xu Zhuang like animals very much?" Fan Chen asked.

"Yeah." Mi Wan nodded.

"People who often help animals and love animals will have a special aura on their bodies, which will be perceived by animals and can easily gain the trust of animals." Fan Chen explained.

"I see." Mi Wan nodded suddenly.

At this time, Mi Wan's cell phone rang, and it was Xu Zhuang who had completed the registration, and posted the first Weibo about the sika deer and @ her at the same time. Mi Wan did not hesitate, and immediately clicked forward, and then forwarded this Weibo to his circle of friends and WeChat group.

As soon as Mi Wan's news came out, no extra language was needed, and the students in the group opened Weibo and started to forward this Weibo about the sika deer.

#The operation of the little sika deer has been completed, but the injury is too serious, whether it can survive depends on itself, the only thing we can do is pray#

Attached below is a two-minute video of the sika deer in the ward.

Suddenly, Xu Zhuang's Weibo began to be followed, liked, and forwarded ~~~

At ten o'clock in the evening, the number of retweets of this Weibo about the sika deer has exceeded 100,000, and the number of comments has exceeded 200,000, and the number is still increasing.

At 10:30 in the evening, the Weibo staff contacted Xu Zhuang and made an official certification: the man who took away the sika deer. (Xu Zhuang black line.)

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Weibo reposted more than 500,000, commented more than one million, and liked more than ten million.

At this time, Mi Wan had returned home, she was lying on the window sill, looking up at the starry sky with glasses, watching more and more light spots gathered, she couldn't restrain her excitement: "Fan Chen, look, there are a lot of wishes. ."

"Yeah." On the other side of the courtyard wall, Lord Demon King was lying on his stomach in the same posture.

"Is the sika deer saved?"

"If the willpower can continue to increase~~"

"Then let's wait and see, I think it's okay." I don't know why, as long as I think of the animals headed by black bears in the video, the continuous prayers, the knees bent, please, there is a voice in my heart. Urged Mi Wan: think of a way to save the sika deer.

She thought, this is probably what other people think.

The Demon King may not have seen so many wishes for a long time. He likes these wishes because the human beings at this moment are the purest. Human beings have always been a contradictory race.

The author has something to say: Xiaofanyinshu: It scared me to death, it turns out that adults have a crush on my sister.

Fan Chen: Death Gaze~~