She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 7: Double repair?


Mi Wan watched helplessly as she got farther and farther from the bed, her body seemed to be pulled by an invisible thread, and she was dragged into a mist-filled room.


A cold male voice sounded, Mi Wan was looking for the owner of the voice, at this time a white and slender palm rushed towards her like lightning. empty.

Mi Wan also took the opportunity to see the appearance of the owner of the arm.

"Hey... How are you... I'm taking a shower... Haha..." Mi Wan laughed dryly, and couldn't help but look down, and found that the other party didn't take off his pants, he suddenly felt weird, this monster didn't take off his pants so early

Fan Chen grabbed the air, and was surprised for a while. When he saw the state of the person in front of him, he suddenly understood that it was the state of the soul. Although their demon clan can practice against the sky, they cannot interfere with the cycle of life and death.

Fan Chen put on the bathrobe he just took off, and then looked at the girl in front of him again. The girl had her hair in a braid, less than two decades old, with a golden beaded flower on her bun, and a tight-fitting short jacket made of animal skins. When she died, it was winter.

"Are you the fat monster hunter next door?" He was dressed in an ancient costume, and he spoke with some familiarity, so he didn't need to think about who the owner of the soul was.

"My name is Mi Wan, the rice of rice, the bowl of rice bowl..." Mi Wan used his old name habitually.

"It's quite... as his name suggests." It matched her current shell very well.

"... This is my previous name. My current body is not the bowl of my rice bowl, but the Wan without radicals." Mi Wan couldn't help but explain.

"Is there a difference?" Fan Chen pushed open the bathroom door and walked to the bedroom. Mi Wan was thinking about following him, but she hadn't moved, that unknown suction force appeared again, pulling her to Fan Chen's side. She felt that she was just a kite now, and the line was in the hands of the big brother of the demon clan in front of her.

"You look like this, what are you doing here?" Fan Chen looked at Mi Wan vigilantly. When this person came over just now, he didn't feel it until the other party came to him. Even if he has been at ease over the years, his alertness can't be so low.

"You may not believe it, but I think you should have brought me here," Mi Wan said.

Fan Chen frowned, showing with his eyes that he really didn't believe it.

"I was addicted to drugs just now, and my physical and spiritual energy were exhausted at the same time. I was thinking of taking a good night's sleep. Who would have thought that my soul would have left my body inexplicably as soon as I fell asleep." Mi Wan explained, "What is even more inexplicable is the sudden appearance of With a force, he dragged me directly to you."

Seeing that the other party still didn't believe it, Mi Wan had to continue to explain: "Really! When you came out of the bathroom just now, I was also dragged in front of you by that force."

Fan Chen lowered his eyes, as if he was thinking about the possibility in Mi Wan's words, then his body gradually disappeared, and then he disappeared into the room out of thin air. Mi Wan was wondering where this person was going when suddenly her soul was withdrawn with force, she went straight through the wall and landed in the courtyard.

And Fan Chen, who had just disappeared, was standing in front of her.

"I didn't lie to you." Mi Wan knew that Fan Chen was testing the truth of his words just now.

He didn't lie to him, he teleported from the room to the courtyard just now, and clearly saw the power connecting him and Mi Wan, that power was connected to Mi Wan's soul and his demon pill at the other end. . It was the power that originally belonged to him and was cut off from his body.

Fan Chen looked at Mi Wan's eyes and sank: "You were killed by Qiankun Veng?"

"How do you know?" He didn't seem to have said the cause of his death in front of this person.

"Because... Qiankun Vine was made by me."

Mi Wan blinked her eyes in shock, and said, "I'm... After five hundred years, I finally found the enemy who killed me?" She was besieged by a group of monsters back then, and it was not difficult to beat her. The reason why she couldn't escape was because of the treasure of the demon clan, Qiankun Vine, which blocked all her paths.

"...You don't have any ideas?" Fan Chen waited for a long time, only to see the girl in front of him in a daze, but he couldn't feel any other breath.

"what idea?"

"For example... revenge?" Fan Chen reminded.

"No." Mi Wan explained to the skeptical eyes of the elder brother of the demon clan, "Really not. When the two clans fought against each other, I didn't kill the demons less often. I thought about it at the time, if one day I was attacked by the demons myself. If you get killed, it is considered a causal cycle, so don’t blame anyone. Besides, although you cultivated the magic weapon, you didn’t use it, so the murderer can’t kill people, so I have to catch the knife seller.”

Not to mention the demon clan that besieged her at that time, she also killed seven to eighty-eight at that time.

"You think so." Fan Chen couldn't help but glance at Mi Wan. Even today, five hundred years later, on the surface, the two clans have already coexisted harmoniously, but the monster hunter has always advertised himself as being just. On the one hand, he didn't feel that his ancestors had anything wrong with killing demons.

"Then... Boss, what's going on with my situation?" The other party specifically mentioned Qiankun Veng and the cause of his death. Obviously, his current situation is inextricably linked with Qiankun Vine.

"The power on Qiankun Vine comes from my original demon power, and its power is absorbed by your soul, so when your soul leaves your body, this power will echo with the demon pill in my body and automatically come to me. ." Fan Chen explained.

"Then how to solve this situation?"

"Return all the power of Qiankun Vine to me."

"Why?" Mi Wan asked.

"The power of Qiankun Vine has soaked into your soul, and you can only let it seep out bit by bit. If I force it, there is only one way..." Fan Chen looked at Mi Wan.

"any solution?"

"Shuangxiu." Fan Chen narrowed his eyes, waiting for the other party's reaction.

"You..." Mi Wan was startled, her soul subconsciously wanted to drift away, but her soul was only one meter away from Fan Chen, and she was forcibly dragged back again. After such a toss, Mi Wan was even more embarrassed. , "I, I, that..."

The corner of Fan Chen's mouth tickled unconsciously, asking the demon hunter and his demon clan to double cultivation, it is estimated that he would rather die than give in.

Mi Wan floated in the air and began to weigh: So, she has only two choices, either to continue floating in the soul state, or to go with this big brother of the demon clan... what? If she chooses to float slowly and wait until all the power of Qiankun Vine is returned to the other party, but even if she is willing to wait, her freshly baked shell can't wait, and it will stink in three days.

This is either die or sleep, what should I do

"Come on." Mi Wan gritted her teeth and decided to close her eyes and let it go.

Fan Chen's face turned green, and he never thought that the stone he lifted would hit him. With a wave of disgust, he withdrew the demon power overflowing from Mi Wan's soul and temporarily cut off the continuity between the two.

Mi Wan still closed her eyes and waited for Shuangxiu, the elder brother of the demon clan, who would have thought that she would go back to the bed in her bedroom in a blink of an eye.

Not double repaired? Wait... You have to have a body for this or something, so the big brother of the demon clan sent himself back first

Mi Wan, who felt as if she had discovered Guan Qiao, was wrapped in a quilt and looked at the window quietly, thinking about how she would react when the elder brother of the demon clan came in through the window. Or, did she go take a shower first

The face is not as hot as it is.

Mi Wan held on, in fact, you don't have to suffer from this, you think, your current shell is not very beautiful, then the monster brothers are different, they are really beautiful. Now that the status of men and women has long been equal, in this way, it is still you who get the cheap.

Mi Wan prepared herself mentally over and over again, and managed to convince herself, but the demon brother who had agreed to double cultivation with her did not appear until dawn.

What's the matter with the sudden disappointment

After having breakfast, he was routinely checked by the doctor, and Mi Wan almost understood what happened to him last night.

It is true that there is the power of Qiankun Vine in his soul, and whenever the power of Qiankun Vine is attracted by the opponent's demon pill, his soul will be pulled by this power and automatically return to the opponent, until the other party absorbs the overflow of his soul. Out of the magic power.

As for the double cultivation or something, the other party deliberately wanted to see a joke about him.

Although Mi Wan was a little annoyed, he thought that in the end, the other party was frightened by his boldness, and suddenly felt that he was not at a loss, so he decided to forgive the other party generously. (I can't help it if I don't forgive. If my soul goes out of my body again in the future, I will beg someone else.)

Of course, at night, Mi Wan climbed over the wall again, planning to discuss the follow-up treatment plan with the elder brother of the demon clan, and then she found that the elder brother of the demon clan seemed to be out.

Not to hide from me.

Mi Wan didn't bother, anyway, the old nest was right next to his house, and he couldn't run far, the worst thing was that he wouldn't be able to float past the next time his soul came out of the body.

Thinking of this, Mi Wan continued to go out for shopping.

For the past half month, Mi Wan has climbed the wall every day to go out to eat supper. She has already figured out the neighborhood of the old house, and her heart has been successfully changed from instant noodles to barbecue. In order to hide from the city management, the owner of this barbecue restaurant opened the store in a somewhat remote location. He had to walk through a long alley to find it at the gate of an old residential area.

Mi Wan was living inside happily, when she suddenly felt a hint of demonic energy.

This is the first time that Mi Wan has sensed such an obvious outburst since she was reborn. The pig demon and sparrow she met before were too low-level, and she only noticed the demonic energy when she got close. And the big brother of the demon clan next door, because his cultivation was too high, he restrained his demonic energy. Mi Wan hadn't met this kind of demonic familiarity for almost five hundred years.

Mi Wan subconsciously wanted to chase, but after running for a few meters, he suddenly calmed down. Now is the era of harmonious coexistence between human beings and monsters. Maybe people just go out and have a late-night snack like themselves? If you go up and grab it like this, isn't this destroying the harmony between the shemales

This doesn't work.

Mi Wan felt that her concerns were very reasonable, so she ignored the demonic aura and continued to move forward.

Walking, walking, and seeing that the barbecue stall was approaching, two people suddenly ran in at the entrance of the alley, each carrying a magic weapon in his hand.

Demon catcher

Mi Wan's eyes lit up, and he was reborn for half a month.

"This..." The people who came were two young men in their twenties. One of them was black-haired. He looked at Mi Wan's body shape and couldn't tell the difference between male and female. He didn't say anything until Mi Wan approached. She asked a lady, "Have you seen any suspicious people or things running past?"

Do you mean the demonic aura just now

"Senior brother, do you think that thing will look for her like this?" Another yellow-haired youth expressed contempt in his tone.

The black-haired youth didn't speak, then nodded to Mi Wan, and continued to walk past her. Obviously... This was because he agreed with the yellow-haired youth and didn't intend to listen to her answer.

"..." Mi Wan, who was about to tell them where the demon clan went.

Forget it, I'll go eat the kebabs.

"Let's eat less, just eat a bunch of mutton kebabs for one person, and let's order vegetarian food. I don't want to get fat like that."

Although there was no name and the other party's voice was very low, Mi Wan's powerful five senses still sensed the girl who had just arrived and glanced at him.

"..." Mi Wan angrily added ten mutton kebabs, and it would not be a matter of minutes for her to lose weight after her sister's detoxification.

When he was full, Mi Wan packed another box and prepared to hide it in the bedroom to satisfy his cravings. When he was about to check out, he saw that the pair of sisters next door also stood up to check out.

"Be careful when you go out of the alley for a while. I heard that the neighborhood is not peaceful recently." Because the owner of the barbecue shop was doing business late, he was somewhat aware of the surrounding movement.

"It's alright, what about the two of us, and we also brought a stun stick." Sister Hua paid the bill and left.

Mi Wan stepped forward to check out.

"A total of one hundred and eighteen, thank you for your patronage." The boss took the money and went back to his own business.

"..." Why didn't you pay attention to the warm reminder of safety when you came to me? Am I spending more than them? The two of them ate only 60 yuan in total.

Mi Wan angrily took a mutton kebab from the packing box and continued to eat it.

Coincidentally, the two sisters were on the same road as her, but Mi Wan hated them for saying she was fat and followed them at a distance. But she didn't plan to pay attention to each other, but the sisters noticed her.

"Are you walking alone? This alley is quite dark, do you want to go together?" said one of the girls. Although they are next to each other, they feel safe walking together.

When Mi Wan was hesitating whether to respond or not, he suddenly felt a demonic force approaching from above.

Mi Wan raised her head, a huge black shadow instantly fell from the sky, and then the black shadow wrapped, and the pair of sister flowers in front of her disappeared.

"..." Is this a robbery? Why don't you kidnap me

Mi Wan angrily carried the barbecue and followed.

The author has something to say: Fan Chen: I never imagined that a woman five hundred years ago would have such a thick skin.

Mi Wan: No, women 500 years ago were not thick-skinned. I have lived for 500 years and have grown thicker.

Fan Chen: …