She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 72: car accident


When he got home from get off work, Fan Chen subconsciously looked at the window on the second floor opposite, as if he didn't know when it started, the first thing he did when he opened the courtyard door was to look up at the window.

Without turning off the light, Fan Chen couldn't help but smile, he thought that this time Mi Wan was going to hide from him for another week.

Just thinking about this, the phone suddenly rang, he took it out and found that it was the fox demon Quanjun who sent him a message: (Boss, when is the right time for my Xiaorui to send it to you, so I can be sure travel date.)

Fan Chen pondered for a moment, then replied: (Send it over tomorrow morning.)

After replying to the news of the fox demon, Fan Chen opened the dialog with Mi Wan to mention this matter to her, but when he was half-typed, the demon king suddenly stopped his hand. He turned his head and glanced at the opposite window again, not knowing what to think, suddenly put away his phone and went back to sleep.

The next morning.

After a good night's sleep, Mi Wan stretched out, got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. Just after washing up, Aunt Zhang ran to her bedroom with a nervous and happy expression on her face.

"Miss, why haven't you changed your clothes yet?"

Mi Wan glanced at the pajamas on her body, and then at the wall clock on the wall. She woke up half an hour earlier than usual today. Why did she seem to have been delayed by listening to what Mrs. Zhang said

"Sister Zhang, do you have any special arrangements this morning?" Mi Wan asked suspiciously, did she forget something important.

"No." As Mrs. Zhang said, she dragged Mi Wan to the cloakroom next to her, and began to rummage inside.

"Then why are you in such a hurry?" Mi Wan was even more puzzled.

"Mr. Fan is here." Sister Zhang picked out two pieces of clothes from the hanger, compared them in front of Mi Wan, and then picked out a pink dress that showed her complexion and handed it to Mi Wan, "Miss, this one Good-looking, peach pollen, good omen."

"...Mr. Fan?" Mi Wan was stunned while holding the peach pollen dress.

"Yes, it's the Mr. Fan you like. He suddenly came to visit at home this morning. Butler Ye is entertaining him, so hurry up." Mrs. Zhang pushed Mi Wan to change her clothes.

Even after being pushed into the changing room, Mi Wan was still stunned. What does it mean? Who do I like? Mr. Fan, is it Fan Chen? Why did Fan Chen come to my house

Mi Wan thought it was strange, she quickly changed her clothes, and hurriedly pushed open the door and ran downstairs, ignoring that Mrs. Zhang handed her a matching coat. Sister-in-law Zhang took a step slower and chased her to the door of the room with her coat, but she couldn't stop her young lady, and her face was filled with consternation: Miss, even if you want to see Mr. Fan again, you should comb your hair anyway.

That's right, Aunt Zhang chased Mi Wan not because she wanted her to put on a coat, but because her young lady had messy hair.

Downstairs, Steward Ye made a pot of good tea and brought it over. Just as he was about to speak, there were footsteps upstairs. The footsteps were very fast, and as soon as I heard it, I knew that the person going downstairs was in a hurry. Butler Ye's eyes twitched, he knew that his young lady had a crush on Mr. Fan next door, but he had to be more reserved.

"My young lady is a little excited to hear that Mr. Fan is here." Butler Ye tried his best to honor his young lady.

Fan Chen had already raised his head to look at the stairs, but after hearing Butler Ye's words, he couldn't help but asked, "Wan Wan mentioned me?"

Of course not, we all saw that she had a crush on you.

"My lady, I admire Mr. Fan very much." As the president of the Wuxing Group, a legend in the environmental protection and business circles, there are many people in the world who appreciate Mr. Fan. Butler Ye consciously said what he said, he can go forward or backward. It can be understood that my young lady likes you, or it can be understood as pure appreciation. Yes, this is the professional quality of being a qualified housekeeper.

"Wan Wan she..."

Fan Chen's eyes lit up slightly, he just felt that he really came here today, and he could actually hear this kind of news. When he was about to ask a few more questions, Mi Wan's voice suddenly came from the stairs.

"Fan Chen, why are you here?"

Butler Ye and Fan Chen turned their heads at the same time, then their faces were different.

Butler Ye: Miss, what kind of look are you looking for? Even if you can't wait to see Mr. Fan, you should clean up. I didn't ask Mrs. Zhang to help you, why don't you even comb your hair.

Fan Chen: I didn't comb my hair again.

That's right, because someone often wears pajamas and chats with him lying on the window, so the Lord Demon King has long seen all the images of someone before and after going to bed and when they are asleep. So, in fact, they are already familiar with it in some ways.

"Cough... Miss, do you want to go back and clean up." Butler Ye touched his hair and hinted desperately.

It's a pity that Mi Wan didn't understand at all. She waved her hand and walked downstairs in a few steps. Standing in front of Fan Chen, she asked again, "Why are you here?"

"I have something to ask for your help, so I came to visit." Fan Chen stood up from the sofa with a smile.

"What can't you say on the phone?" Mi Wan was puzzled.

Butler Ye on the side listened to Mi Wan's conversation that could literally kill the sky, and couldn't help sweating. Her own young lady seemed to have a low EQ.

"I think we live next door, it would be more sincere if we came to visit in person." Fan Chen continued to smile.

Butler Ye: Look, look at how well-mannered and self-disciplined Mr. Fan is.

"Oh~~" Mi Wan thought about it and felt that what Fan Chen said was right, but they used to go over the wall and make phone calls, and they never visited in an open and honest way, so she would feel strange when Fan Chen suddenly came over today. But on second thought, normal people should get along with each other by visiting each other. They always feel a little sneaky like they used to. "Then why are you asking me for help?"

"The nephew of the special assistant wants to change the kindergarten. He asked me to come and ask if there are still places in your family's popcorn kindergarten." Fan Chen said.

"Xiao Bai... Rui?" Mi Wan changed her words in time.

"En." Fan Chen nodded.

"Why didn't Quan Juncai tell me directly?" Mi Wan really asked this question.

"He's on a business trip in a hurry. He sent Xiao Rui to me early this morning and left. I'll just bring him here." Fan Chen, who had already prepared the answer, replied calmly.

The little white fox also came, Mi Wan looked around, but did not see the little white fox.

"Xiao Rui hasn't had breakfast yet. Butler Ye was afraid that he would be hungry, so he took him to the restaurant for breakfast." Fan Chen seemed to have guessed Mi Wan's intention.

"Yes, children can't be hungry. The lady hasn't eaten either. I'll prepare it now. You and Mr. Fan will come over for breakfast later?" Butler Ye stared at his lady's messy hair with a look of despair. We've been talking for so long, and it's too late to clean up, so be it.

"I'm bothering Steward Ye." Before Mi Wan could answer, Fan Chen responded proactively.

"No trouble, no trouble, I'll go right now." Butler Ye exited the living room with a smile.

After Butler Ye left, there were only the two of them left in the living room. Mi Wan stared at Fan Chen again suspiciously: "Is this really what you are looking for?"

"Yeah." Fan Chen nodded, then raised his hand and flicked Mi Wan's head, the demonic power overflowed, and wherever he passed, the messy hair seemed to be neat and smooth as if it had been combed by an invisible comb.

"What are you doing?" Mi Wan touched her hair subconsciously.

"My hair was a little messy just now." Fan Chen reminded, "Isn't your housekeeper almost in a hurry?"

Mi Wan thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "No wonder he kept touching his hair just now."

"Butler Ye said just now that you appreciate me very much." Fan Chen smiled and asked with his head lowered.

"I didn't..." Mi Wan was about to retort, when he raised his head, his eyes suddenly fell into a pair of smiling eyes. Those eyes were dark and deep, with a lingering tenderness, and a girl's stunned face was reflected in them, except that there was nothing else, and Mi Wan's heartbeat suddenly began to be uncontrollable.

When did they... stand so close

Mi Wan took a half step back and said embarrassedly, "Eat... I've eaten."

"Okay." Fan Chen nodded and did not continue to press. He only needs to confirm that Mi Wan is not completely unintentional towards him, and he doesn't need to force her to agree immediately, even if it is just so ambiguous, it is a rare joy in his long life.

The two walked slowly to the restaurant. Behind them, at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor, Mrs. Zhang was squatting in the corner with a comb, her hands shaking with excitement: There is a show, there is a show~~

Seeing that Fan Chen seemed to want to send the little white fox to the kindergarten in person, Mi Wan decided to go with him after thinking about it. On the way, he could also ask Fan Chen how to control the cub's demon power. And she just missed the first and second classes in the morning. If it goes well, she will go to the popcorn kindergarten and come back to class in time.

So she called her eldest brother's assistant again, and then got into Fan Chen's car and went to the kindergarten together.

On the way, Mi Wan glanced at the little white fox who was reading a book in the back seat and asked, "Little white fox, were you bullied at school too?"

The little white fox glanced at Mi Wan coldly, but thinking about what his uncle said last night, he had to reluctantly nodded.

"It shouldn't be, you are a ninth-rank celestial fox, and you have a natural charm, so you can be liked by just smiling." Mi Wan said strangely.

"...I don't like to laugh." Little White Fox replied through gritted teeth. And he doesn't have to laugh, even if his demon power is sealed, it's still no problem to fight the weak chickens and cubs in the kindergarten.

"I'd rather be bullied to transfer schools than smile. You are also very persistent." Mi Wan admired the persistence of the little white fox.

"..." The little white fox was a little embarrassed. He turned into a fox and turned his head into his tail. He didn't want to talk to the culprit who caused him to transfer to another school.

Seeing that the little white fox ignored her and was not angry, Mi Wan turned her head and talked to Fan Chen about the demon power seal: "By the way, the little fry from the Shui clan are not very good at controlling the demon power, is there anything you can do? You can also seal their demon power, but I am a demon hunter, and if I seal it, it may affect their cultivation for a long time."

If the demon clan is blocked by the demon hunter for a long time, it will have a great impact on growth and cultivation, so Mi Wan does not want to take action by himself.

"I'll take care of this." Fan Chen replied, in fact, he had already sent the bracelet that controlled the demon power to the little fry of the aquarium.

"That's good." Mi Wan nodded.

During the conversation, the car came to an intersection, the signal light in the distance began to flash, and it was a red light for two seconds. Fan Chen's foot was about to lift and step on the brakes, when suddenly a huge backlash burst out from his demon pill, Fan Chen spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he fell forward, and he was about to step on it instead. The brake foot hadn't been able to leave the accelerator, and as he fell back, the soles of his feet fell back and stepped on the accelerator again.

With a loud humming sound, the car rushed out of the intersection and faced the big truck driving across the road.

"Fan Chen!" Mi Wan looked at Fan Chen in horror, and then the car was hit by a big truck and rolled out.

At the critical moment, countless tiny vines suddenly grew inside the car, and they overlapped and filled the entire carriage. Because the little white fox that was in the ball was not wearing a seat belt, the whole fox was hit by a huge force and flew up, but it only bounced forward less than ten centimeters before it was caught by countless tiny vines, and it was removed after a buffer. all the power. Mi Wan was wearing a seat belt, but when the car turned over, her head slammed into the door uncontrollably. Just as she was about to grit her teeth, a vine wrapped her around and pulled her back, and then another circle. Wrap her tightly in a circle.

After a tragic collision, Mi Wan only felt that he had rolled back and forth with the car several times before the car finally stopped. After a short silence, there was a commotion outside.

"There was a car accident."

"Quick, call 120."

"See if the people inside are still alive, and pull them out first."

A car accident occurred, and the traffic at the intersection was instantly paralyzed. Truck drivers and pedestrians panicked and ran over to the overturned car in the distance. trying to save people.

Inside the car, Mi Wan was wrapped in dense vines and couldn't move. She struggled to look in Fan Chen's direction: "Fan Chen, how are you~~"

Because of the vines, Mi Wan couldn't see Fan Chen's face. She only remembered that before the car was hit, Fan Chen suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and then he fell down.

As the ordinary people outside the car got closer and closer, Fan Chen withdrew the demon power he released with his last sanity. Suddenly, the vines in the car quickly receded and disappeared in an instant. And Mi Wan finally saw Fan Chen's appearance clearly at this time, bloodshot on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were closed, his face was pale, the demon power around his body was looming, and the whole person seemed to have passed out.

"Fan Chen!" Mi Wan's heart palpitated, she pulled the seat belt on her body, and wanted to rush over to check Fan Chen's injury, but the ordinary people who rescued had already rushed to the side of the car. They opened the driver's door and put the Mi Wan pulled out of the car.

"Girl, don't worry, you get out of the car first, someone will save your boyfriend." The passerby comforted.

Mi Wan broke away from the passerby who was pulling her, and ran to the other side of the car. On the other side, Fan Chen was also pulled out of the car by two kind passers-by.

"Have you beaten 120? This guy looks seriously injured."

"Hey, why is there an animal in the back seat, it's actually a fox." The little white fox who couldn't change back into human form after the car accident could only be hugged obediently.

Mi Wan rushed to Fan Chen's side, input her spiritual power and started to check, but just as soon as her spiritual power moved, her wrist was suddenly held.

"I'm fine~~" After a brief coma, Fan Chen quickly woke up. He just couldn't hold back the powerful demon power, and after a while, he stopped Mi Wan and said, "Notify Quan Juncai."

Mi Wan stared at him for a while, and saw that Fan Chen's pale face began to slowly recover, and the weak demon power on his body was getting stronger and stronger, and he felt relieved. She knew that now was not the time to ask more questions, so she nodded and took out her mobile phone to call Quan Juncai.

At this time, the fox demon was at the airport. He bought a plane ticket at 9 o'clock to go to country M and was preparing to board the plane. When he received Mi Wan's call, he was still smartly covering up for his boss: "Hey, Master Mi, I'm at the airport now, I'll be flying soon, Xiao Rui..."

"Fan Chen is injured." Mi Wan interrupted the fox demon directly.

"What?!" Quan Juncai's expression changed greatly, he got up and walked out of the airport.

In the hospital, apart from the little white fox who didn't have time to transform into a human form, Mi Wan and Fan Chen were all examined from beginning to end, and to the surprise of the doctors, their cars had been knocked out of shape. , but the two people in the car did nothing miraculously.

The woman was only scratched, and the man only had a slight concussion. Yes, it was obvious that he vomited a mouthful of blood, but the test result was only a slight concussion. Even if the doctors were not at ease, they checked Fan Chen several times, but the results did not change.

"You are very lucky, there is no internal injury. You will be observed in the hospital for a day. If you are all right, you can be discharged tomorrow." The doctor said to the two.

"Thank you doctor." The two thanked.

"Have a good rest." The doctor nodded and left the ward.

Fan Chen was sitting on the hospital bed, his face had recovered a lot, but his expression was still haggard, he turned his head to look at Mi Wan beside the bed, looked at the scratch on the girl's forehead, a trace of annoyance in his eyes: "I'm sorry. ."

The first time he came back to his senses, he transformed into a vine buffer, but it was still a step slower.

Mi Wan touched his forehead and said indifferently, "It's fine, it'll be fine in a while."

Her bruises were not serious, and if it wasn't for the fear of the doctor's attention, she would have recovered quickly by running her spiritual power twice.

"What happened to you just now, why did you suddenly vomit blood?" Mi Wan asked.

"I was attacked by the demon power, and the demon pill was slightly injured." Fan Chen replied calmly.

"Demon force backlash? What have you done?" Fan Chen is the demon king, his strength was extremely powerful even if it was put into five hundred years ago, how could he be easily hurt by the backlash by demon force.

"I put a seal on it, and it was just broken." Fan Chen replied.

"Seal, what did you seal?" Mi Wan asked curiously.

"Peng Yan." Fan Chen gently spit out a name.

"Demon King Pengyan?" Mi Wan exclaimed.

Peng Yan, the former demon king who started the war between human and demon five hundred years ago. It is also the demon she was determined to kill, but failed to kill.