She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 77: Recuperate


At 7:11 p.m., all residents of Chuancheng received an earthquake warning message on their mobile phones at the same time: an hour later, there will be an earthquake in Chuancheng, with a strength of about three, and local tremors will be felt. Please don't panic.

"An hour later? Has the earthquake warning been predicted so far in advance?"

"It must be fake. When was the earthquake warning issued?"

"What if there is an earthquake?"

"Whatever, it's too late to run anyway."

"Or don't go home before nine o'clock and stay in the square."

When I received the news, the residents of Sichuan who were eating and shopping briefly discussed a few words, and then they went to do what they should do. It was not until 8:11 that the whole city of Sichuan really began to shake, and it was not until the next day. attracted the attention of the public.

"I'm going, is there really an earthquake?"

"Eight eleven, exactly an hour?"

"I will never scold the Earthquake Bureau for being a jerk again."

"What now?"

"A small earthquake of magnitude 3, just shake it and go, continue to eat."

After a brief panic, the calm people of Sichuan continued to do what they were supposed to do, completely unaware that a devastating earthquake had just passed them by.

On the other side, Fan Chen, who had absorbed most of the demonic power of the large formation, let go of the wooden sword that he had been holding in his hand. The moment he released it, the wooden sword suddenly trembled, and then a powerful demonic force emerged from the ground to wrap the entire sword, and then was absorbed by the wooden sword. Immediately, the body of the sword began to grow taller and longer, the position of the hilt began to sprout, and the shape of the wooden sword gradually blurred and evolved into a towering giant tree.

Rao is like this, the giant tree has not stopped, it continues to grow, the branches grow longer and longer, and the leaves grow from buds to green to yellow and finally fall from the branches, and so on. In just five minutes, the spring, summer, autumn and winter had to go back and forth dozens of rotations on this new giant tree before it stopped.

"What is this?" Mi Wan stared at this scene dumbfounded, and at the same time was dumbfounded by Wei Lao who was rubbing his waist.

"This is the remaining demon power in the great formation." Fan Chen replied.

Fan Chen's voice sounded a little weak, which was completely different from his usual tone of voice. Mi Wan, who was looking up at the giant tree, turned his head strangely, and then she found that Fan Chen was sitting on the ground, his expression pale.

"What's wrong with you?" Mi Wan hurried over.

"It's okay." Fan Chen shook his head, but the state he showed at this time was completely different from what he said.

"Is it because of the earthquake?" When she arrived here, Fan Chen didn't know why he was placed in the center of the formation. Later, Peng Yan was injured and fled. Fan Chen did not leave the formation, but asked himself to inform him. The Monster Hunters Association, tell them the earthquake will happen in an hour, and let them warn the citizens.

The magnitude of the earthquake was only three. Although it was insufficient and caused damage to the city, the three-level earthquake was also an earthquake. That is to say, Fan Chen did not successfully stop Peng Yan before he triggered the great formation. And Peng Yan's goal is to shake the city of Chuan into ruins. He can't only prepare for a magnitude 3 earthquake with little power, so the only possibility is that Fan Chen has used some method to reduce the intensity of the earthquake.

After a while, Mi Wan figured out the whole story.

"I forcibly took back most of the demon power in the great formation. This part of the demon power is utterly useless, and I need time to refine it." The attributes of each demon's demon power are different. Rejected by the demon pill, causing backlash. Even if it devours the demon pills of the same clan, the demon clan must retreat and refine in order to take the demon power in the demon pills as their own. In order to reduce the strength of the formation, Fan Chen forcibly withdrew 70% of the demonic power in the large formation. At this time, in the meridians and demonic pills in his body, the original demonic power and the foreign demonic power were creating a huge collision.

"I'll take a look." Saying that, Mi Wan stretched out two fingers and put them on Fan Chen's pulse, and a gentle ray of spiritual power entered Fan Chen's body. But this time, her spiritual power failed to enter Fan Chen's dantian smoothly, but was strangled by two huge forces the moment she entered the meridian.

Mi Wan's face turned pale, her spiritual power was strangled by these two demonic powers, and Fan Chen, whose whole body was filled with this kind of demonic power, must be in so much pain.

"It's okay." Fan Chen saw the girl's pale face and didn't speak, as if she had guessed what she was thinking, so she couldn't help but reach out and pat the girl's head to comfort her.

"My spiritual power was strangled as soon as I entered, how could you be fine?" With such a powerful lethal power, even if she wanted to use her spiritual power to help Fan Chen heal, she couldn't do it. Mi Wan's heart suddenly ached, and a layer of water mist could not help but form in her eyes.

Fan Chen is not going to die, she just hit him with lightning. If he died, part of the reason was her own.

"You don't want to die~~" Mi Wan couldn't help shouting.

"I'm not going to die." Fan Chen was dumbfounded.

"But your body..."

"I'll tell you another secret." Fan Chen paused, looking at Elder Wei who was not far away.

Wei Lao coughed and turned around knowingly.

"What secret?" Mi Wan took the initiative to lean over.

Fan Chen lowered his head and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "I am immortal. As long as there is a monster alive in this world, I will not die."

Mi Wan's eyes widened, but her expression was still suspicious.

"Have you forgotten? My demon pill can heal itself." Fan Chen had to remind again.

"So, are you really going to be fine?" Thinking of Fan Chen's demon pill that can heal itself, Mi Wan finally felt a little more confident.

The body of the demon clan is extremely powerful. As long as the demon pill is not destroyed, they can automatically repair no matter how serious the injury is. That is to say, although the meridians in Fan Chen's body will continue to collapse under the action of the two demon powers, the power of the demon pill will quickly repair the broken meridians. This cycle repeats until Fan Chen refines this demonic power.

But with such uninterrupted destruction and rebirth, the pain is unavoidable.

"En." Fan Chen assured again.

"Then are you in a lot of pain right now? Is there any way to relieve the pain? Can you take painkillers? I'll buy it for you now." Mi Wan asked eagerly.

"Painkillers are useless unless..." Fan Chen was about to stop talking in the middle of his words.

"Unless what?" Mi Wan said anxiously.

"Unless..." Fan Chen smiled and said softly, "You answer the question I asked you earlier."

"What's the problem?" Mi Wan didn't respond.

"Does what you said still count?" He asked Mi Wan once before. At that time, after Mi Wan said a few words, he perfunctory and did not answer him directly. He was busy absorbing the demon power and did not continue to ask. At this time , he couldn't help but ask again. Even though Mi Wan still wouldn't answer him directly, but seeing her blushing face awkwardly, Fan Chen also found it very interesting.

"I... I..." Mi Wan hesitated for a while, then suddenly showed a look of death, and then nodded heavily towards Fan Chen.

This time, Mi Wan made Fan Chen stunned again. This is... Agree? But what's with that look of dying

"Okay, stop teasing you, I know you haven't thought about it yet." Although he hoped that Mi Wan would accept him, it was definitely not such a coercive promise. He has lived these endless years, and this pride is still there. of.

After hearing this, Mi Wan, who was still looking at death as if at home, raised her head abruptly, and then she pushed hard, pushing Fan Chen who was sitting upside down.

Fan Chen sucked in a breath of cold air, lying on the ground for a long time, unable to get up.

Mi Wan was startled, remembered Fan Chen's injury, and was about to turn back to help him, when suddenly there was a wave of demonic power in the sky, and a fiery red fox was slowly descending.

"Eighth-order fox demon?" Wei Lao said solemnly. As far as he knows, the only eighth-order fox demon in the demon clan is the guardian of the demon king.

"Sir." The fox demon landed from the air, and during the landing process, its body transformed into a human form and landed beside Fan Chen.

grown ups? Wei Lao was shocked again. The only person who can be called an adult by the guardian of the demon king is probably the mysterious demon king of the demon clan. So the guy who seemed to be the suitor of his own head just now was the demon king

Wei Lao's right hand slammed into his left hand, and he figured out a lot of things in an instant. No wonder the head of his family, as a demon hunter, is willing to treat the demon race because she is in love with the demon king? No wonder this time when Peng Yan broke through the seal, the demon king is so active, and he likes his own head? This is a marriage for two shemales~~~

Wei Lao opened his mouth, the huge amount of information made him not know what to do. Although it is said that the two sessions of human and demon are harmonious on the surface, they are still guarding against each other secretly. Although the human race and the demon race also have marriages, they are ordinary demon races and ordinary humans with weak cultivation bases. Marriage with demon clan is prohibited. What should we do now? It seems that the head of the family is about to engage in a relationship with the other party... Cough... It's a taboo love relationship, so should I stop it or not

After thinking for a while, Mr. Wei stroked his bushy beard and sighed softly, "I'm retired, what's up with me."

Yes, he is no longer the head of Xuanwu Mountain. He can't control what the current head wants to do.

On the other side, Mi Wan saw that Quan Juncai suddenly appeared, and naturally stopped her move to help Fan Chen up, she stood by and waited for Quan Juncai to help Fan Chen up.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?" Quan Juncai had never seen Lord Demon King look so weak.

"I absorbed too much demon power just now. It will take me a while to refine it. Take me to the Park of Everything." Fan Chen's injury seemed to be a little more serious, and his lips were completely bloodless.

Go to All Things Park? Are you going to transform your main body to cultivate again this time, my lord? It seems that the adult was seriously injured this time.

"I'll take you there." After speaking, Quan Juncai transformed into his body again, carried Fan Chen, turned his head and said goodbye to Mi Wan, "Master Mi, goodbye."

After speaking, without waiting for Mi Wan's reaction, Quan Jun walked in the air and disappeared in front of Mi Wan's eyes.

"..." Mi Wan, I haven't finished speaking yet.

Seeing that the demons of the demon clan were gone, Wei Lao walked over with the old waist: "Master, were those the demon clan protector and the demon king just now?"

"Yeah." Mi Wan nodded.

"Are you and the demon king having an affair?" Although he didn't intend to care, he planned to gossip.

Mi Wan turned his head and looked at Elder Wei silently.

Wei Lao felt that he might be talking too much, so he quickly changed the subject: "Then what, let's go back to Chuancheng, this tree has to be dealt with by someone from the Monster Hunter Association, or there will suddenly be such a towering giant tree on the top of the mountain. It’s really hard to explain. And the cook lying there, he was brought here by Peng Yan, so he has to find a way to deal with it.”

"You can deal with it." Mi Wan has a bad relationship with the Monster Hunters Association, and this kind of thing should be left to Old Man Wei.

"Okay, then let's go back to Chuancheng first, then rest for a night, and then go back tomorrow?" Wei Lao suggested.

"No, you hand over the person to the Monster Hunters Association, we will go back by helicopter, I have class tomorrow." Mi Wan replied.

"It's all up to you." Wei Lao took out his mobile phone and contacted the people from the Monster Hunters Association. After a while, six uniformed monster hunters rushed over from the foot of the mountain. They took away the fat chef who was unconscious, and sent a car to take Mi Wan and Wei Lao to the apron and let them go back by helicopter.

Two and a half hours later, the two returned to Cannes successfully.

"Master, let the driver take you back." When the two got off the plane, a special car was waiting there.

"No need, I'll just take a car." It's just a car. If you take yourself back first and then transfer back to Xuanwu Mountain, it will probably take one or two o'clock. Old Man Wei is very old and it's not good to stay up late.

"Okay." Wei Lao thought for a while and then said, "Are you free on weekends?"

"Why?" Mi Wan asked.

"Cough... I saw the master's great power today, and the old and new people admire it, so I want the master to return to the sect to give advice to the younger disciples." Wei Lao said carefully, with a look of hope on his face.

Mi Wan thought for a while and thought it was not a big deal, so he said, "Okay, let someone pick me up at the pet store on Saturday afternoon."

"Hey!" Wei Lao didn't expect Mi Wan to agree so readily, and immediately became overjoyed, "I will definitely send a car to take over the sect on time."

After coming out of the airport, Mi Wan used her mobile phone to call a car to go home. After returning home, she subconsciously glanced out the window and saw that the yard next door was dark, and suddenly remembered that Fan Chen had gone to recuperate.

again? That's right, Fan Chen also went to take care of the injury for a while at the beginning of spring. It seemed to take two weeks that time, and I don't know how long it will take this time.

While thinking about it, Mi Wan took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Fan Chen: (How long are you going to cultivate this time?)

Fan Chen's news did not reply immediately as usual, Mi Wan waited for a while and then guessed that Fan Chen might be at the critical juncture of healing, so he did not wait any longer. Putting down the phone, she took her pajamas and went to the bathroom to wash up. When she finished washing up, the phone received a reply from Fan Chen.

Fan Chen replied with a very long message: (Don't worry, I'm fine, I can recover in a week at most. Also, don't worry about Peng Yan, he hit you with a sword this time, and escaped with blood and body. Source, I won't do anything again in a short time.)

"I didn't want to ask you about Peng Yan." Mi Wan poked at Fan Chen's profile picture in the phone unhappily.

The last sword, Mi Wan, used almost all the spiritual power she could use, and the Xuan Tie Jian was a tenth-order magic weapon. In addition, Peng Yan lost a lot of magic power in order to arrange the magic circle, so her She couldn't be more clear about the lethality of a sword. Peng Yan didn't die, but he definitely couldn't take it any longer in a short time, and now that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is thin, it will take a long time to heal his wounds.

"Jiji~~" At this moment, the little squirrel was awakened by Mi Wan again, rubbed his eyes and climbed out of the tree house, shouting dissatisfiedly.

"Sleep every day, when will I be able to cultivate a human form." Mi Wan stretched out his hand to poke the little squirrel's tail, and said as usual.

"jiji~~" (I just went to sleep after practicing.)

Seeing the little squirrel, Mi Wan had another desire to talk: "Today, old man Wei said, Fan Chen and I look like we're having sex."

"Gee!" The little squirrel frowned in excitement. (Human, you haven't given up on your wishful thinking.)

In the early morning, a pitch-black bird fell from the sky and stopped on a leafy plane tree.

Finally back to Cannes.

The pitch-black bird looked around cautiously, and after confirming that there were only ordinary people around, he immediately felt relieved.

This pitch-black bird is the former demon king Pengyan who was injured and escaped. Pengyan was seriously injured and needed a place with sufficient spiritual energy to recuperate. The place with the most spiritual energy. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. Fan Chen would never have imagined that he would dare to come back to Kangcheng to recover from his injuries, and in his current form, as long as he carefully restrained his breath, even Fan Chen would not be able to perceive him.

After a big battle and another night of flying, Peng Yan was extremely tired at this time. After relaxing, it slowly fell into a deep sleep relying on the trunk.

As time passed by, the sky gradually became gray and white, the sun rose from the horizon, and some birds flew between the treetops. They found the dark bird among the trees and instinctively avoided it and did not fall. Then the road not far away also became lively, and human beings woke up from their slumber and started their day's activities. Some are preparing to go to work, some are preparing to open the door to do business, and some are holding children's hands to send children to kindergarten.

The tree where Peng Yan was resting happened to grow in a kindergarten.

At the door of the popcorn kindergarten, children were handed over to the teacher by their parents. The children seemed to have become accustomed to it. They waved goodbye to their parents and ran in happily to play.

More than a dozen children were playing under a big tree in the center of the playground. A three-and-a-half-year-old little classmate, Luo Li, walked unsteadily, her left foot smashed into her right, and she fell to the ground with a clatter.

"Wow~~", a heart-wrenching cry resounded throughout the playground.

A certain demon king who was resting with his eyes closed, was frightened by the magic sound, and then his claws were unstable, and he fell to the ground with a clatter, just in front of the crying little loli.

"Hey, little bird~~" Little Lori grabbed with a small hand and accurately caught a stunned demon king.

"..." Peng Yan.