She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 88: little turtle


Whose child

Mi Yan was in doubt when the two police uncles who had been following the little turtle came over in time.

Seeing that the two humans who had been following her were approaching him again, the little turtle shrank back nervously, and hid behind Mi Yan with the turtle shell.

"Are you the father of this child?" The police uncle asked speculatively, seeing that the little girl who had been ignoring no one along the way, trusted Mi Yan so much.

"No." Mi Yan shook his head and added, "I don't know this child."

"You don't know?" The two police uncles looked at each other in surprise, and then said, "I think this child is very close to you, and I thought you were relatives."

"No." Mi Yan shook his head again. In fact, he was also very puzzled. He had never been very fond of children. His own two younger brothers and sisters cried when they saw him when they were young, and even now they are grown up, they don't seem to want to be with him very much.

When Mi Yan answered the policeman's question, the little turtle grabbed the leg of his trousers, carefully stuck out half of his head, and looked at the policeman opposite vigilantly, with a pitiful appearance of being afraid of being kidnapped.

The uncle of the police was suddenly a little sad. They have been police officers for so many years, and they have never been so guarded by others. Didn't the child's parents spread the knowledge to the child about finding the police if they had difficulty, or sang together the song that if they found a penny, they would give it to the police uncle

"Cough, this gentleman, this is a child who has been separated from his parents. We have been with her for a long time, and she has not spoken or gone with us. I think she trusts you a lot, why don't you ask us for help? This child, ask her where her parents are, if they have a phone number or something." The police uncle saw that the little girl trusted Mi Yan so much, if Mi Yan came to ask, Huoxue could ask something.

Mi Yan lowered his head and glanced at Xiao Budian, who was not even taller than his thighs. Xiao Budian was also looking up at him, his big black eyes shaking his heart. Yes, he is usually unsmiling and serious, but who can refuse such a cute thing as a child? Especially when the other party is well-behaved and sensible and does not make trouble.

"Okay, I'll ask." Mi Yan nodded, squatted down, looked at the little girl, and said, "I'll ask you a few questions, will you answer obediently?"

The little turtle nodded obediently.

So nice!

The uncle of the police felt uncomfortable for a while. Why didn't you respond when we asked you just now? We were smiling at the time. It wasn't as serious as this gentleman, like a boss talking to his subordinates.

"Do you remember your parents' phone numbers?" Mi Yan asked.

The little turtle shook his head, and then seemed to feel that his answer was inaccurate, so he added: "I don't have parents."

This is the first time that everyone has heard the little girl speak. The little girl's voice is very soft, and the speed of speech is very slow when speaking, giving people a feeling of being soft and sweet, but the content of what they say makes those who hear it. A moment of distress.

No parents, an orphan

"Then are there any other people in your family?" Mi Yan asked again, at the same time his voice subconsciously softened a lot.

"Grandpa Zeng Zeng Zeng." The little turtle said three Zengs in a row. She had a good memory and would never say one more or one less.

Grandpa Zeng? If it was Grandpa Zeng Zeng, even if every generation in their family gave birth to children at the age of eighteen, it would be difficult for Grandpa Zeng Zeng to live until now.

"Then do you have his contact information?" Mi Yan asked.

"Yes." The little turtle nodded heavily.

Everyone was overjoyed, and finally found a way to contact the parents.

"Can you give me your grandpa Zeng's contact information? I'll help you contact your grandpa Zeng." Mi Yan said immediately.

The little turtle blinked twice, then put his hand into the turtle shell behind him, rummaged for a while, and finally slowly pulled out a conch in the eyes of everyone's expectations. The conch is not big, only the size of the palm of a small turtle, but its shape is exquisite and beautiful. The little turtle handed the conch in front of Mi Yan and corrected: "It's Grandpa Zeng Zeng Zeng. This is the conch shell that Grandpa Zeng Zeng Zeng gave me. You can talk to it and you can find my Grandpa Zeng Zeng Zeng."

The little turtle said it very seriously.

"..." Everyone was speechless for a while, as expected of a child, still living in a fairy tale world.

Mi Yan stared at the little conch for a while, but found no trace of a phone number, and finally took it against his will, but instead of speaking to the conch, he continued to ask, "Is there any other contact information? Like a phone number or something?"

The little turtle shook his head slowly.

Mi Yan frowned, just when she didn't know what to ask next, the police reminded: "Sir, you can ask where she is from, where she came from, and where she got separated from her family, we can Go back and check the surveillance and domicile address."

Mi Yan nodded and continued to ask, "Little boy, where is your home?"

"East China Sea." The little turtle replied.

East China Sea? Is it Donghai City? The police uncle hurriedly took out his notebook and wrote it down.

"What's your name?" Mi Yan asked.

"Little turtle." The little turtle replied.

"Do you have a name? What's your surname? What's your great-grandfather's name?"

"Little Turtle, Grandpa Zeng Zeng Zeng is an old turtle."

"..." Everyone was speechless for a while, and if they asked, they didn't ask. Also, what is this weird name, does anyone like to name themselves Turtle

"Little Turtle, how did you come here, and with whom did you come?" Mi Yan asked patiently

"I swam over from the sea, and then sneaked into a big car." The little turtle explained clearly.

Well, it turned out that the child secretly climbed into someone else's car and was accidentally transported to Cannes. But knowing how the other party came, it will be easier to find.

"Sir, ask her if she remembers where she got off the bus?" the police uncle reminded.

Mi Yan immediately repeated what the police said.

The little turtle is a turtle with a good memory, and immediately nodded to indicate that he remembered: "A seafood restaurant, just in front."

That's right, our little turtle came to Cannes after swimming in a seafood car. At that time, she was very witty and changed back to her original form, hiding in a tank with a group of sea fish.

The uncle of the police thinks that he understands it almost. There are not many seafood restaurants on this road. If you look back and ask, you will be able to ask. So they said to Mi Yan again: "Sir, please explain to her that we are not bad people, and let her stay with us back to the police station."

Mi Yan nodded and said to the little girl, "Little Turtle, these two are police uncles. They are good people. They will help you find your Grandpa Zeng. Why don't you go back with them first?"

The little turtle was stunned? She looked at this good-looking fellow clan in disbelief, and even gave it to a human: "Don't you want me?"

"..." Mi Yan suddenly felt a sense of guilt, as if he was an unscrupulous father who abandoned his children, but the problem was that he didn't recognize this girl at all, "Listen to me, uncle is very busy and has no time. Take care of you, you go with the police uncle, they will take care of you."

The little tortoise lowered her head, she heard it, this fellow did not intend to take her away, but also handed her over to the police. Thinking of this, the little turtle took a step back smartly. Just when Mi Yan thought he had told the little girl, the little girl slammed onto the ground, and then quickly retracted her limbs, and the whole person retracted into the turtle shell.

The movement was smooth and neat, and the surrounding pedestrians were stunned and couldn't help clapping their hands.

This performance is absolutely 100%.

Mi Yan and the police uncles were speechless again. Needless to say, this action will definitely fail the negotiation.

"Little turtle, little turtle~~" Mi Yan tapped the turtle shell, but the little girl didn't move at all. This turtle shell doesn't look very big. Although the little girl is still a child, it must be uncomfortable to curl up inside. Mi Yan can't help frowning.

The two police uncles looked at each other, and one of the older ones asked with consideration: "Sir, this child seems to be against us, and we brought it back and put it in the police station, and the environment is not particularly good. If it's not troublesome. If so, can you take it back to take care of it for two days, and we will find the child's parents soon. But if it's inconvenient, we won't force it."

Mi Yan hesitated for a moment, looked at the motionless turtle shell underneath, and finally took out his business card and his ID card: "This is my business card and ID card, you can register, if you find the child's family, you can contact me anytime."

"Okay, okay, we will definitely find the child's parents as soon as possible." The two policemen were overjoyed.

Mi Yan nodded, squatted down again, and tapped the turtle shell again with his hand: "Come out, I'll take you home."

The little tortoise seemed to be waiting for these words, when Mi Yan finished her words, her head came out of the tortoise shell at once, and she raised her head with difficulty, confirming that she was looking at Mi Yan in general.

Mi Yan was amused by her difficult movements. She really deserves to be called a little turtle, she is just a turtle.

"Come out, come back with me." Mi Yan said again.

After the little turtle confirmed the other party's intention, the limbs stretched out from the turtle shell, and then the little hand propped up on the ground, climbed up, and hugged Mi Yan's thigh again.

The second time he was hugged, Mi Yan suddenly felt a familiar feeling, but it was really difficult to walk while being hugged by his thighs. He wanted to hug the little turtle, but the turtle shell behind the little turtle was really hard to use. , so he could only stretch out one hand and hand it to the little turtle: "Hold hands."

The little turtle retracted the hand holding Mi Yan's thigh, then carefully placed it in Mi Yan's palm, and then smiled happily. That smile, innocent, pure, full of trust,

Mi Yan's heart softened, he nodded to the two policemen, and left with the little girl.

Forget it, wait until tomorrow to send it to kindergarten, anyway, there is a teacher who is not bothering.

On the other side, Fan Chen and Mi Wan took the shark demon back to the backyard of the pet shop.

Fan Chen looked at the shark demon and asked, "This is Cannes City, can you find the little turtle?"

Is this Cannes? The shark demon has no concept of human society, and after hearing what Fan Chen said, he can only believe it. Then he heard Fan Chen ask her if she had any way to find the little turtle, and immediately raised his hand to make a small conch, and said, "Yes, I will call her with this little conch and ask her where she is."

Fan Chen recognized this little conch, which was a sound transmission instrument refined by the old turtle.

The shark demon picked up the small conch, put it on his mouth and blew it gently, and a sound that only the demon clan could hear immediately spread out from the conch. The shark demon waited calmly, but after waiting for a full five minutes, the little conch still didn't move. Suddenly, the shark demon was not calm: "Strange, why didn't the little turtle respond? Did he fall asleep?"

"Besides this conch, is there any other way for you to contact the little turtle?" Fan Chen asked again.

"No more." The shark demon shook his head, "It doesn't matter, it's already in Cannes anyway. I'll find it slowly."

The shark demon behaved calmly, as if it was not a cub that was lost, but an irrelevant stone.

"..." Fan Chen's mouth twitched, he didn't know what to say for a while. He finally knew why the birth rate of demon cubs was low. With such a stocking model, even if the birth rate was high, they could still be fed by them.

"Isn't there another mark? Can you sense it?" Mi Wan reminded.

"The mark was set by the old turtle. I can only sense a range, but I can't sense the specific location." The Shark Demon shook his head and said, "Actually, I sensed it just now, and the little turtle is in Cannes."

Although it is said to be a demon clan, a transformed cub is still very dangerous in human society. In addition, the grandfather of the little turtle has purified the ocean and prevented the virus-carrying sea fish from poisoning humans, although he has never met. , but Mi Wan still feels good about the little turtle. So she looked at Fan Chen and asked, "Fan Chen, can you find the little turtle?"

"If it's in Cannes, it shouldn't be difficult. I'll turn back and let Quan Jun find it." The sea monsters are rare, and the turtle monsters are even rarer. Let the whole Kangcheng monsters pay attention, and they should be able to find them soon. .

"Then I'll wait for your news~~" The shark demon saw Fan Chen's confident look, and immediately became the shopkeeper happily, his heart tickled.

"That's the cub you brought out, so you're not worried at all?" Mi Wan was speechless.

"Don't worry~~" The shark demon said calmly, "The little turtle is carrying the old turtle's shell on its back. As long as it retracts, no one can hurt her. For safety, you can rest assured."

This reason, although very reasonable, but I really want to beat the demon.

"Do you still have any toothache?" Mi Wan asked expectantly, "I can treat it for you."

"No, my teeth are fine, but only one has been broken in thousands of years." The shark demon said proudly, "but thank you anyway."

Do you dare to let me punch you and say thank you