She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 89: Virus


Mi Yan brought a little girl home, but it really startled the Mi family's servants. Fortunately, the Mi family's parents are abroad, and Mi's younger brother also lives at the school. No one in the Mi family's main house dares to discuss in front of Mi Yan. And this little girl is extraordinarily easy to care for. She doesn't cry, she's obedient, she's allowed to eat and eat, she's allowed to take a bath, but the taste is a bit strange, and she likes to eat salty food.

"Eating too salty is not good for your health," Mi Yan said.

"I'm a turtle, I'm not afraid~~" the little turtle said with his head held high.

"..." When he finds the child's grandfather, he must talk to the other party well. It's okay to tell fairy tales, but the sense of substitution should not be too strong.

The little turtle is well-behaved, but he doesn't listen to anyone except Mi Yan. Mi Yan was very busy with work on weekdays, and it was impossible to watch the children at all times, so after thinking about it, he decided to send the little turtle to the popcorn kindergarten. Moreover, the purpose of his establishment of this kindergarten was to help the employees of the company take care of the children.

When he arrived at the gate of the popcorn kindergarten, Mi Yan was afraid that the little turtle would retreat into the turtle shell after leaving him, so he warned: "Uncle has to go to work, so he will not be able to pick you up until six o'clock in the afternoon. Before that, you will stay in the kindergarten. Playing with children, you can't indent into the turtle shell, you know?"

The little turtle looked at the kindergarten behind her. Although there were many humans here, she could feel a kinship atmosphere that was stronger than that of the uncle in front of her. As long as there is a kin, she is not afraid, and the little turtle nodded obediently.

"It's so good." Mi Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He had been worried that the little turtle would not want to stay in the kindergarten.

Knowing that Mi Yan was coming, the principal of the kindergarten waited early at the school gate. Seeing him coming, he hurriedly greeted him: "President, this is the little turtle, it's so cute."

Having said that, the principal of the kindergarten is about to reach out and hold the little turtle's hand.

Although the little turtle usually moves slowly, when she wants to avoid someone, she can always dodge it perfectly.

The kindergarten principal is a little embarrassed.

"She's afraid of life, but she's very quiet. You can just leave her alone. If you have any questions, call me." After a night of contact, Mi Yan understood the little turtle's character somewhat. Extremely afraid of life, when he feels unsafe, he will retreat into the turtle shell.

Looking at the bustling people at the school gate, after thinking for a while, Mi Yan said again, "I'll take her in personally."

The principal of the kindergarten would naturally not object, and immediately led the way. On the way, they met several employees of the Mi Group. They were all shocked and dumbfounded when they saw their president holding the hand of a little girl.

Does your president have a daughter

The employee who had delivered the child decisively took out his mobile phone and secretly took pictures to spread gossip in the company group. Within two minutes, the news that Mi Yan had an illegitimate daughter spread throughout the Mi Group. Of course, this kind of gossip would naturally not reach the ears of the protagonist Mi Yan.

"Why are there so many people?" Mi Yan didn't pay much attention to the kindergarten on weekdays, but Mi Wan rarely asked him for help some time ago, so he glanced at the kindergarten's information, he remembered that there were no more than 60 children in the popcorn kindergarten. , but looking at the past here, it's almost a hundred.

"Oh, a large number of students have been transferred in these two days." The principal of the kindergarten reported.

"A large group? Where did it come from?" Mi Yan frowned.

"It's Miss Mi Wan's friend. It is said to be a private kindergarten. The kindergarten closed down recently. These children have nowhere to go, so they asked Miss Mi Wan to transfer to us."

"..." Mi Yan was a little speechless, didn't he just say a few children? Why did the whole kindergarten come here? However, the reason why the president is the president is that he is always calm when encountering things, and he considers issues more comprehensively than ordinary people. Mi Yan immediately asked, "There are so many children suddenly, is the kindergarten busy?"

"I have already reported this to the company. Our kindergarten is quite large, and it is no problem to accommodate students, but the number of teachers is a bit small." The director of the kindergarten said, "But it is too late to recruit new kindergarten teachers at this time. , so I want to temporarily hire a group of teachers from this private kindergarten, and then consider recruiting new teachers next semester. Look, is this okay?"

Mi Yan nodded and agreed: "Yes, I will ask the finance department to allocate a fund to the kindergarten."

"Thank you, President." The principal was delighted.

Taking the person to the classroom, Mi Yan took out a watch and put it on the little turtle's wrist, and instructed again: "You stay here, if you want to play with the children, you can play together, if you don't like it, just stay alone. I, just press this red button."

The little turtle nodded obediently.

"Let's go." Patting the little turtle on the head, Mi Yan got up and left.

The principal personally sent people out of the kindergarten, and deliberately told the teachers in the small class to pay more attention to the little turtle, and then returned to his office.

In the small class, the little turtle stayed quietly in the corner alone, until five small fry ran into the classroom, and she stood up with a grunt.

Five, five of the same clan as hers, are also full of water vapor, although the smell is a little light.

Huh? new friend

The five small fry also found the little turtle, and they quickly surrounded it.

"Are you new here?" Yaya asked.

"Well." The little turtle nodded, a little happy.

"Are you a turtle?" Xiaohai glanced at the shell behind the turtle.

"Yeah." The little turtle's eyes lit up, but the same clan was different, and at a glance, he could tell that he was a turtle.

"Hey~~ Yaya, are you playing with the new kids? My name is Xiaoyouzi, hello." At this time, a little girl in a yellow skirt and braided pigtails came over happily.

"..." The little turtle looked at her, didn't speak, and didn't run away. She is not afraid now, because there is only one human being, but there are five of her kind.

"She seems to be a little afraid of life." Xiaoyouzi thought for a while, took out a pack of shredded squid from her small backpack and handed it over, "Do you want to eat it? This is delicious. My mother brought it back from Nanhai City. Specialty, my mother said the seafood there is delicious, and the shredded squid is also delicious."

The little turtle glanced at the shredded squid, then stretched out his small hand and patted it heavily, landing the shredded squid on the ground.

"..." Xiaoyouzi was stunned for a moment, and then burst out crying, "I don't want to be friends with you anymore."

The little turtle was startled, and looked at Yaya beside him in confusion.

"Little turtle, you can't beat a little grapefruit if you don't eat it. She gave you something to eat because she wanted to be your friend. It's not good for you." Yaya still likes the children in the popcorn kindergarten very much. They take good care of them. The environment is sensible and polite, and we even prayed for Mr. Crow together.

"But..." the little turtle defended, "she fed me poisonous things, it's her fault."

"Wow~~ I didn't. You lied, you're not a good boy." When Xiaoyouzi heard it, she felt even more uncomfortable. This new kid was not only rude, but also a liar, and framed her squid as poisonous. Little grapefruit was very uncomfortable, so she cried and ran to find other friends for comfort.

"Little turtle, are you saying that this shredded squid is poisonous? Why do you say that?" Xiaohai crouched down and picked up the shredded squid.

"This squid is poisonous. I can see it. When I was in the sea before, I saw this kind of fish. Aunt Shark said that this kind of fish is poisonous. If you eat it, you will get sick and contagious." The little turtle slowly explained.

"Ah~~" The five small fry were stunned collectively.

"Is the little grapefruit poisoned?" Duoduo asked worriedly.

"Well, the human just now has the same virus on his body." The little turtle said with great certainty.

"I'm going to talk to Xiaoyouzi." Duoduo immediately ran to Xiaoyouzi worriedly, and asked, "Xiaoyouzi, are you sick?"

Xiaoyouzi was still sad about being framed just now, but she still answered with red eyes, "No, but my mother has a cold."

Duoduo looked at Xiaoyouzi and felt that she was very healthy, so she ran back and asked the little turtle: "Xiaoyouzi said she is not feeling well and is very healthy."

"She's poisonous, and it's still contagious." The little turtle was very sure, "I can see it."

The little fry looked at the little turtle, and then at the little grapefruit for a while, undecided.

"Why don't we wait, if Xiaoyouzi feels uncomfortable, we will let her go to the doctor again." Xiaohai suggested prudently.

The little turtle looked at Xiaohai and the others strangely. How could these same clans seem to care about the human being just now

On the other hand, within the MI Group, all employees are working hard. Today is Monday, and Monday is always the busiest time, with meetings, briefings, and work piled up on Friday that must be resolved today.

Xia Ning, the manager of the personnel department, is a little uncomfortable, but today she has several important meetings and interviews and cannot be absent.

"Manager Xia, you look serious, do you want to go to the hospital?" the personnel assistant asked.

"It's okay, it's just a cold. It's estimated that the air conditioner was blowing too much when I was on a business trip to the South China Sea." As she said, she packed up the documents on the table and prepared to attend the regular high-level meeting.

"Then I'll help you go to the infirmary to get some cold medicine."

"Thank you." After speaking, Xia Ning turned around and walked to the conference room on the 23rd floor, coughing as she walked, and many people on the road greeted her with concern. At the beginning of Xia Ningqi, she smiled and responded, but as she walked, she suddenly felt a little dizzy.

No, do you have a fever? Xia Ning covered her head, feeling a little burnt, and decided to go to the hospital to make a call after the meeting.

The regular meeting on Monday was mainly to report to the president the work of the previous week and some arrangements for this week. The personnel department was ranked third, and it was Xia Ning's turn soon. Xia Ning took a sip of water, tried to cheer herself up, and then began to report on her work: "The work arrangement of the personnel department this the main...cough...cough...cough..."

Xia Ning coughed wildly, attracting the attention of the entire conference room.

Mi Yan frowned and looked over, and said, "If Manager Xia is not feeling well, go to the hospital first."

"Sorry, I... cough... cough cough..." After another violent cough, Xia Ning suddenly fell to the ground.

"Manager Xia!"

"Xia Ning!"

There was chaos in the conference room, Mi Yan interrupted the meeting directly, and asked Xia Ning to be sent to the hospital before continuing the meeting.

After the meeting, Mi Yan instructed the assistant to pay attention to Xia Ning's condition and see if there was anything in need of help. Assistant Zhang responded and went out to call the hospital.

About five minutes later, Assistant Zhang rushed into the president's office with a pale face: "President, it's not good."

"What's wrong?" Mi Yan looked at Assistant Zhang with a nervous expression, he had rarely seen him so panicked.

"Manager Xia, Manager Xia she..."

"What's wrong with her?" Mi Yan was startled, and a little nervous, could it be a serious illness

"Manager Xia has been infected with a new type of virus, which is contagious. The doctor said that everyone who has been in contact with Manager Xia needs to be quarantined." Assistant Zhang stammered several times before he could speak clearly.

"..." Mi Yan froze and confirmed, "Who did you listen to?"

"I asked my cousin, he is a doctor in the hospital." Assistant Zhang said, "The hospital has brought people to our company, and it is downstairs."

Mi Yan took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down before he said, "I will send a notice immediately, all members of the company, stay in place immediately, don't panic or move, and cooperate with the doctor's work."

"Yes, and..." Assistant Zhang reminded, "Manager Xia has a daughter who seems to be in kindergarten."

Mi Yan was startled again, he remembered the scene when he sent the little turtle to school in the morning, and clenched his fists unconsciously: "Does the hospital know?"

"Should have known." Assistant Zhang replied.

At the same time, Xiaoyouzi, who had been in class for two hours, also seemed to feel a little uncomfortable and began to cough gently.

The little fry who are always watching her, hurriedly asked: "Little grapefruit, are you feeling sick?"

Xiaoyouzi was a little uncomfortable at this time, nodded and said, "I'm a little tired and want to sleep."

"I'll call the teacher for you." Duo Duo immediately stood up and ran out.

At this time, the other children also found that Xiaoyuzi was uncomfortable, and more than half of them gathered around, concerned about it: "Little grapefruit, what's the matter with you?"

"You have the flu?"

"Drink more water~"

The little turtle squatted on the outermost periphery strangely, with only Yaya accompanying her, she asked curiously, "Yaya, why do you all care about Xiaoyuzi so much."

After a morning, she already knew Xiaoyuzi's name.

"Because we are all classmates, we must care about each other." Yaya explained seriously.

care about each other? Grandpa Zeng Zeng Zeng said that after going ashore, she should study more and get along well with the children on the shore. Now, should she also care about that human child

"Little turtle, let's also take care of the little grapefruit in the past." Yaya invited.

The little turtle thought for a while and nodded slowly.

Yaya pulled her happily, ran a few steps to Xiaoyouzi and said, "Xiaoyouzi, the little turtle is worried about you."

Xiaoyouzi opened her eyes wide and looked at the new classmates in the class.

The little turtle paused, then touched the little grapefruit's head with his little hand, and said, "It's okay."

After being touched by the little turtle, the little grapefruit suddenly felt very comfortable, and the feeling of exhaustion just now disappeared.

"Can you touch it again?" Xiaoyouzi begged.

The little turtle thought for a while, then reached out and touched it again.

At this time, the door of the classroom was pushed open, and the principal rushed into the classroom with a serious face, looking at the little grapefruit surrounded by everyone with a look of despair.

At the same time, Mi Wan received a call from Steward Ye: "Miss is not good, the youngest is quarantined."

"What?" Mi Wan froze.