She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 9: Old man and dog


"After I recover my spiritual power, I will try to use my spiritual power to repair the wound for you."

Mi Wan had left the yard for a while, but Fan Chen was still standing in the same position, thinking about the words she left behind when she left, the tingling in his chest gradually subsided, he couldn't help lowering his head and taking two more sips of milk tea.

In fact, this junk food is quite delicious.

Mi Wan went to the convenience store with her grocery bag on her back. She had recently run out of snacks a few days ago, so she had to buy another batch. Recently, the interval between her drug addiction attacks is getting longer and longer. Butler Ye said that as long as she persists for another ten days, she can complete the first step of detoxification, which means that her body will no longer be irregular as before. Happened.

Also because of her good performance, Steward Ye's attitude towards her is getting better and better. Mi Wan feels that if she continues to keep it like this, it may be possible for her to be released early.

Before entering the convenience store, Mi Wan went to the garbage collection point next to the convenience store to throw away the garbage in her bag.

"Packaging bags are dry garbage, beverage bottles are recyclable, melon seed shells are... This seems to be wet garbage, and this should also be recyclable... "

"It was wrong."

Mi Wan was startled by the sudden voice.

"You went to work so early?" When he turned around and looked at the person, Mi Wan was helpless. It was only one o'clock in the morning, so the old man was going to work

The old man in front of her was the sanitation worker she met that night when she and the sparrow drank alcohol. Mi Wan was caught by him and spent half an hour sorting garbage, which had a deep impression on him. But today the old man was not wearing the sanitation worker's eye-catching overalls, but a dark gray patched coat.

"If you don't go to work, I can't take care of you sorting garbage?" The old man glared, how could this girl not even be able to distinguish garbage at such a young age.

"No, no, where did I make a mistake?" Mi Wan humbly asked for advice.

"Is the glass you threw away unwashed?"

"Do you still need to wash it? I've finished eating the strawberry jam in it." Besides, the garbage has to be washed and then thrown away, which is too much.

"Where did I finish eating, I clearly saw a red circle at the bottom of the cup. As long as I can eat it, it is wet garbage." The old man stared at Mi Wan.

Mi Wan was silent for a moment, very knowledgeable about current affairs, reached out and picked up the glass with strawberry jam from the trash can. He was about to take it to the sink next to him to wash it when he heard the sound of chasing and beating suddenly from behind. Mixed with a few dog barks.

Mi Wan just glanced at it curiously, and didn't plan to go over to watch the fun. But the sanitation old man who didn't want to supervise her suddenly changed his face and ran tremblingly in the direction of the dog barking. The old man is very old, and his thin body trembles when he walks. Seeing him running like this, Mi Wan is really afraid that he will fall in the next second.

"Stop, you don't hit it." The old man shouted as he ran.

Mi Wan was stunned for a moment, threw the washed glass tube, and ran after him. As she got closer, she realized that the noise just now was three strong men chasing and beating a stray dog. The stray dog has been subdued at this time, its body is caught by a net bag, its body is covered in blood, and its breed cannot be seen. Its two front legs have been beaten and deformed, and it can't stand up at all. The only one pair of eyes is unyielding. Human who hit it.

"No, this dog is too evil and must be killed." One of the men in striped clothes was stunned by the dog's stare.

"Don't hit it." The old man threw himself on the dog and stopped the sticks of the three. When he saw the miserable condition of the stray dog, his angry voice trembled, "Why did you hit it?"

"Old man, stay away, this dog is evil, maybe he has rabies." One of them stretched out his hand to pull the old man who suddenly stopped in front of the stray dog.

"Nonsense, Mao Mao is very good, he is obedient and healthy, he does not have rabies." The old man put the blood-covered dog in his arms, in a protective gesture.

"Master, is this your dog?" Someone saw it.

"Why are you chasing it?" The old man was angry and distressed.

"Father, this dog bit one of my employees, and it also bit a lot of our stuff."

"That's right, we're still picking expensive bites. We've been squatting on it for several days. Since it's your dog, you lose the money, otherwise, we'll have to kill it."

"I pay, I pay, don't hit it." The old man just said he wanted to pay when the big dog that had not barked since the old man appeared suddenly struggled fiercely, barking non-stop.

"Don't move, Grandpa will take you to see the doctor in a while." The old man patted the big dog on the head gently, signaling it to calm down, "How much?"

The three of them looked at each other, and finally the man in the striped clothes said, "We run a supermarket, and your dog sneaks into our supermarket every once in a while and bites a lot of things. It's just the quilt. It bit down three beds, and some clothes and shoes... We don't have any statistics on the specific losses, but there are at least seven or eight thousand."

"Seven or eight thousand?" The old man's expression changed.

"Wang Wang..." The big dog tried hard to stand up, but his injury was too severe and his leg was broken again, so no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stand up.

The old man heard the big dog's whimper, and his eyes were firm: "I only have two thousand yuan on me now. When the salary is paid next month, can I supply you again?"

"Wang! Wang Wang!" The big dog hit the old man with its head, but the old man held it down, and even patted it gently to signal it to be quiet.

"I can show you the passbook." The old man took out the passbook from his pocket, and even took out his ID card, "I can also give you my ID card, and I'm doing sanitation on this street. Workers, you can come to me at any time, I promise not to default on the bill. Also... I still have a few hundred dollars on me, and I can give it to you, that is... Can you leave me two hundred dollars so that I can use it for Maomao's treatment. "

"..." Looking at the passbook and ID card dragged by the old man's skinny palm, the three of them were a little complicated.

The old man's clothes were covered with patches, and his age seemed to be in his 60s, and they could tell from the old man's calloused hands that the old man should not have lied to them, and he really had no money.

"Old man, we don't need you to pay for this money. We'll just treat this dog as not yours. Can you see?" They can't afford this money, and there are still outsiders watching at this moment.

"Then... can you let me take Mao Mao away?" the old man asked tremblingly.

"No, this dog can't be kept." The blue and white striped man always remembered the look in the eyes of the big dog, as if as long as it was alive, it would definitely come back for revenge in the future.

"I'll pay, I'll pay you all, I'll pay you all the money, don't hurt it." The old man held the dog tightly in his arms, for fear that if he didn't pay attention, the big dog in his arms would be caught in front of him. were beaten to death.

"Master, you have no money at all."

"I have it. I'll borrow it. I sold my mobile phone. I can still advance my salary. In two days, my retirement salary will come down. I'll give it to you."

"Wangwang~~wangwangwang~~~" The big dog in the old man's arms began to struggle fiercely again. It broke free from the old man's arms with a violent force, and then dragged its bloody body to the nearest man. past.

"Wang Wang..." (You beat me to death, don't take the old man's money.)

This is... Mi Wan, who was quietly watching, looked at the blood-stained dog thoughtfully. She didn't realize it just now, is this a demon

When the man saw the dog crawling over, he thought the dog was going to bite him again, so he picked up the stick and smashed it down at the dog's head. Seeing this, the old man instinctively rushed to block it. Mi Wan was startled and hurried over to stop it, but still only had time to unload half of the opponent's strength, and the stick landed firmly on the thin shoulder of the old man.

"No!" the old man exclaimed.

"Wang!" (Old man!)

"Old man." The man didn't expect the old man to rush over, and he was suddenly lost, "You... It's okay, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay, it's okay." The old man didn't care about checking his injuries, but kept the barking big dog in his arms, "Don't hurt it, I will pay you the money, I... My five hundred I'll give you the bucks too." The old man pulled out all the pockets on his body, collected about 500 bucks in pieces, and sent them to the other side together.

"Master, why do you treasure this dog so much?" the man who accidentally hit the old man asked inexplicably.

"I don't have any other relatives by my side. Usually, Mao Mao accompanies me. It is equivalent to my relatives." The old man explained.

The old man raised the dog as his own grandson, and the three of them looked at each other. In the end, the man who accidentally hit the old man said: "Master, it was my fault that I accidentally hit you just now. You can do it this way. Well, you don't have to pay for this money, just treat it as compensation for the blow I hit you."

"That furry?"

"You also take this dog, but there is one. You can't let it come out and bite things in the future," the man said.

"Okay, I'll be optimistic about it." The old man quickly agreed, "Thank you, thank you so much."

Apart from the fact that Mi Wan came out to block the stick just now, she kept silently observing the dog in the old man's arms. At this time, she also heard the big dog growling angrily at the man: (Wait for me, look at me I won't bite you back.)

"That... you're all right." After solving the old man's matter, the man went to ask Mi Wan again, he remembered that if the girl hadn't blocked it, the stick would have landed on the old man. He was desperate at the time. If it was smashed out, it would be enough for him to drink a pot.

"Oh, it's fine, it's just that my hand hurts a bit." She was in a hurry at the time, the posture of blocking the stick was wrong, and her wrist was twisted.

"I'm sorry, look at me..." The man took it out of himself, and collected it from the other two friends, barely collecting a thousand yuan, and handing it to Mi Wan, "This is the money Buying supplements for you, I'll leave you a phone call later, if you have anything to do with it, feel free to come to me at any time."

In fact, he could see that Mi Wan's hand was okay, and he saved the thousand yuan just to thank Mi Wan for helping him block it.

Mi Wan originally didn't want to accept it, after all, she just twisted it, and her spiritual power was restored as soon as she turned. But seeing one person and one dog on the ground, she suddenly changed her mind and took the money.

After the three of them left, the old man planned to leave with the dog in his arms, but his strength was too weak. He was hit on the shoulder again just now, and he failed to pick up the dog several times.

"I'll come." Mi Wan said.

"Mao Mao is very heavy." His big dog is not particularly big, but his tendons are very heavy.

"Look at my size, can it be that I have no strength?" Mi Wan didn't wait for the old man to speak, and passed his hands under the big dog's body, and then picked up the big dog with ease, "Where are you going? "

"Chengbei Road, there is a pet hospital there." The old man hurriedly got up and led the way.

"Wang Wang~~" (If you don't go to the hospital, it's expensive, old man, where do you get the money.)

"Shut up!" Mi Wan couldn't help but let out a low drink. The dog was so noisy, the old man couldn't understand what it was called.

"What did you say?" The old man turned around.

"I'm not talking to you." Mi Wan replied.

"..." The big dog raised its head sharply.

And the tail.