She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 90: pathogen


As soon as he got the news, Butler Ye contacted Mi Wan and drove to the pet hospital in person.

"Uncle Ye, don't panic." The sparrow essence handed over a glass of water to the anxious butler Ye.

"Thank you." Butler Ye drank water and calmed down a bit before continuing to explain to Mi Wan. He didn't explain it too clearly on the phone just now, "As far as I know, it's the HR manager of the big and young companies, no Comfortable fell ill, and then suddenly fainted during a meeting. After being sent to the hospital, the doctor confirmed that the personnel manager was infected with a special virus, which is highly contagious. It was temporarily closed. All employees who had contact with the personnel manager were temporarily isolated. The young and old and the company's executives were inside. "

"So serious?" Mi Wan frowned.

"Also, the personnel manager's family has a child who goes to the Popcorn Kindergarten, and now the Popcorn Kindergarten is also quarantined. A lot of parents are crying outside the kindergarten, and the school doesn't know what to do." Butler Ye sighed, "Now I just hope that none of them will be infected."

Although so hopeful, the situation is definitely not optimistic for the virus that is severe enough to require immediate isolation in the hospital.

"Uncle Ye, don't worry, my brother should be fine." Mi Wan was not worried at all about Mi Yan's health. He drank the tea brewed by the two flower monsters in a row, and it is impossible that he has no resistance at all. As for the other employees of the Mi Group, Mi Wan didn't know much about the virus, so he wasn't sure.

As for the kindergarten, the demon clan has its own function of defending against viruses, so the cubs of the demon clan in the kindergarten should be fine. The demon hunter has spiritual power to protect the body. It shouldn't be a big problem if there is spiritual power, so the only problem is the ordinary children in the kindergarten. But ordinary people are the biggest subjects in this world.

"Boss, the news is out." Xu Zhuang, who received the push notification reminder, turned on the TV in the pet hospital with the remote control.

On the TV, an emergency news is being broadcast: "It is reported that our city hospital received a female patient with fever three hours ago, and a new type of contagious virus was detected in her. Quarantine was carried out for a while. Experts said that this virus is highly similar to the H6N6 virus that occurred in Donghai City 30 years ago, and is highly contagious. The infected people initially showed fever, dizziness, sore throat, symptoms and A cold is a bit like that."

At this time, the host paused, as if she had received the latest news, and then she re-reported: "I just received the latest news, in Nanhai City, a large number of patients with fever and infection suddenly appeared, most of them are fishermen and seafood market people. Traders. Experts preliminarily estimate that the source of this virus may be fish schools near the South China Sea. The city government is stepping up personnel investigations. In the near future, it is best for everyone to avoid contact with seafood. Citizens who have been to Nanhai City in the near future may find out If you have fever symptoms, please self-isolate in time and call 120…”

After that, the host introduced a lot of prevention methods and knowledge, but Mi Wan was no longer in the mood to listen.

"Nanhai City, that's a tourist city." Although Xu Zhuang is a veterinarian, he is also a medical student. He knows the dangers of infectious diseases best. Moreover, the source of infection is Nanhai City, which is also an important tourist city in China. It receives tens of millions of tourists from all over the world every year. Although there is no follow-up broadcast in the news, Xu Zhuang can already imagine the consequences. This virus It is possible that it has spread all over the world.

"Didn't the news just say that this virus is highly similar to a virus 30 years ago? Maybe a cure will soon be found." Mi Wan said optimistically.

"Boss, the virus will mutate, especially in the early stage. And it is highly similar, so it doesn't mean that the same medicine is useful." Xu Zhuang said not optimistically.

"Do you want to come again? The mortality rate of H6N6 was as high as 10%." Butler Ye was the only person present who had experienced the infectious virus 30 years ago. Thinking about the experience at that time, he still has some lingering fears.

"What was the source of the H6N6 virus back then?" The sparrow spirit asked curiously.

"It's a sea eel, it's a fisherman who caught a mutant sea eel with an extremely delicious taste, and then got infected with the virus." Because of this, Butler Ye has never eaten a sea eel in the past 30 years.

East China Sea, South China Sea, seafood, moray eel, fishermen, seafood market

All these connections made Mi Wan suddenly remember something, she took out her mobile phone and called Fan Chen.

"Hello~" There was some noise on the other end of the phone.

"Fan Chen, is the shark demon next to you?" Mi Wan asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Fan Chen replied.

"Then ask her, is this sudden virus related to the group of fish infected with the virus that she told us about last time?" Mi Wan said eagerly.

"Yes." Fan Chen sighed, "I asked her just now, it is indeed a virus."

"So she really created the virus this time?" Mi Wan said angrily.

"No." Fan Chen explained, "She has been at the bottom of the East China Sea for decades, and has never been to the South China Sea. The group of fish she discovered before was also purified by the old turtle using purification techniques."

"Then why... the virus broke out so coincidentally?"

"Wan Wan, the sea is too vast, and it is impossible for only one group of fish to carry the virus. The old turtle's purification technique only purifies a part of the East China Sea, and it is impossible to purify the entire ocean." Fan Chen said.

Mi Wan fell silent, she knew that Fan Chen was right, the sea was too vast, and even a ninth-order monster couldn't purify the entire ocean. Fan Chen is still the demon king, but a sacrifice of Lichun exhausted all his demon power.

"Then... Then can you ask Lao Gui if there is a way to purify the virus this time?" Mi Wan looked forward to, "I heard Lao Xu say that Nanhai City is a tourist city, and there are tourists from all over the world every day. Contact, if the infection spreads, the consequences will be very serious."

"Okay, I'll ask him." Fan Chen seemed to have some scruples, but he still agreed.

"Then I'll wait for your news." Mi Wan hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Mi Wan and Butler Ye went to the Mi Group. Mi Yan and some employees who had contact with Xia Ning were isolated in the company's large conference room. It seems that because Mi Yan was also quarantined together, everyone was in good condition, not panicking, and actively cooperated with the doctor's work.

Seeing Steward Ye and Mi Wan coming over, they couldn't talk through the glass of the conference room. Mi Yan took out his mobile phone, called Mi Wan, and took the initiative to comfort him: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

"I know, just come and have a look." Mi Wan replied.

"Thank you." After being silent for a while, Mi Yan asked again, "How is the kindergarten? You have introduced so many of your friends' children to go to school. Did they embarrass you?"

Mi Yan didn't expect that there would be an infectious disease in his company, and it would even affect the kindergarten, and he didn't know if this matter would affect Mi Wan. He agreed to transfer the children of Mi Wan's friend's family to kindergarten in order to do Mi Wan a favor, but he didn't think that he had done bad things with good intentions.

"Don't worry, they're all fine." The group of people she introduced in the past are the ones who need to worry the least.

Mi Yan was inside at this time, so he couldn't help, he couldn't tell the truth from Mi Wan's words, he just instructed: "You don't have to worry about me here, just take care of yourself, if you encounter difficulties, Ask Uncle Ye more."

Mi Wan nodded and asked again, "When will your quarantine end?"

"If it is confirmed that they are not infected, they will be able to come out soon. Now everyone is queuing for the test, and it is estimated that there will be news in the evening." Mi Yan said calmly.

"Oh, then you can wait for the test results with peace of mind. I'll go to the kindergarten to see." Mi Wan said.

"That... I put a child in the kindergarten. If she's okay, can you take her back first?" Mi Yan suddenly said.

"Child?" Mi Wan was stunned, Mi Yan didn't seem to be married, she brought the child.

"Yes, a little girl, about four or five years old, doesn't like to talk to people very much. You can ask the principal. She was picked up by me on the way. I will tell you when I go out." Thinking of the little turtle, Mi Yan Another burst of regret, knowing that I should have resolutely left the child to the police in the first place.

"Okay, then when you come out, go pick me up." Mi Wan didn't ask more.

After coming out of the Mi Group, Mi Wan and Butler Ye went to Popcorn Kindergarten again. When they got there, they thought they would see a large number of panicked parents and medical staff on guard. It turned out that when they got there, they found that the Popcorn Kindergarten was peaceful and quiet, as if nothing had happened.

"Didn't you say, was it quarantined?" Mi Wan looked at Butler Ye.

"The news I got is like this." Butler Ye was also stunned, "Let's go in and have a look."

After thinking about it, Mi Wan took out her mobile phone, called the principal, and walked to the kindergarten. The moment she stepped into the threshold of the kindergarten, a crow hidden between the branches quickly hid her breath.

Peng Yan: Why did Fan Chen's woman come here

After receiving the call from Mi Wan, the director of the kindergarten quickly greeted him: "Miss Mi Wan, you're here, is the group okay?"

"The situation is fairly stable, principal, what's going on here? Didn't you say you were also quarantined?" Mi Wan asked.

"Originally yes, the doctor came just now. They tested Xiaoyouzi and found that Xiaoyouzi was not infected with the virus, so they lifted the isolation of our kindergarten." The director's tone was full of happiness, "I I thought there was going to be a big mess in the kindergarten this time, but as a result, little grapefruit is in good health, and she was not infected by her mother. The pathogens are gone, and our kindergarten is naturally safe. "

"Little grapefruit is the child of the parent who was infected with the virus?" Mi Wan guessed.

"Yes, it's Xia Ning's child, but everyone in their family seems to be infected. Only Xiaoyouzi is fine. It was a friend of her mother who came to pick her up just now. Her parents and grandparents were quarantined. "The principal still can't believe it," the doctor said that this is a miracle. Originally, the child's physique was weak. Xiaoyouzi slept with her mother again yesterday. What would have been 100% infected did not happen. ."

That kid is really lucky.

Mi Wan continued to ask, "Have all the kindergarten children been taken back by their parents?"

"Most of them have been brought back, and there are still a few children. The parents are on their way. By the way, there is a little girl who was sent by the president this morning." The principal thought of the little turtle.

"Let me pick her up, where is she?" Mi Wan asked.

"In the small class, I will take you there." The principal led the two of them to the small class of the kindergarten. From a distance, they could hear the chirping voices of several children inside. The children's voices were cheerful and loud, not at all. affected by isolation.

very nice.

Mi Wan and Butler Ye showed relieved smiles on their faces.


The door of the classroom was pushed open by the principal, Mi Wan looked up and looked in, before he could see how many children there were, there were bursts of joyful shouts in his ears.

"Sister, sister..."

"Grandpa, grandpa..."

The five little fry found Mi Wan and Butler Ye, and ran over in a swarm. Butler Ye picked up the little fry who ran over first with a kind face, and then looked at the others happily. He remembered these children, or he suggested them to go to the popcorn kindergarten. Fortunately, it's all right here, otherwise he will die of guilt as an old man.

However, Mi Wan's gaze went beyond the excited little fry to the last girl in the classroom, the little girl who was full of warm and swallowing demon power and carried a turtle shell on her back.

Is it so coincidental? !

Is this the little turtle the shark demon is looking for

and many more! Little turtle, old turtle, school of fish, virus, purification

Mi Wan thought of another possibility. She turned to look at the kindergarten principal and asked, "Principal, when you came in the morning, did that little grapefruit feel uncomfortable at all?"

"No, the doctors said that the little grapefruit is very healthy." The principal looked at Mi Wan strangely, not knowing what the other party meant by this question.

"Yes, little grapefruit caught a cold this morning." At this time, Duoduo, who was held in his arms by Steward Ye, said.

Sure enough, Mi Wan's eyes lit up, and he looked at the little turtle dazed in the corner.

"Have you caught a cold?" The principal's face changed drastically. Could it be that the doctor's examination was inaccurate just now, she immediately looked at the teacher who was standing aside and accompanied the children.

The teacher said hesitantly: "In the morning, Xiaoyouzi coughed twice, but I checked it at the time, and there was no fever. Later, the doctor also took the temperature and tested the blood, and they all said that Xiaoyouzi was healthy."

"That's right, the little tortoise touched the little grapefruit, the little grapefruit is fine, and it's healthy now." Yaya looked back at the little tortoise and found that the little tortoise was still in the corner, she immediately realized that she was too excited just now, I forgot about my new friend. So she hurried back, dragged the little turtle over, and introduced the little turtle to Mi Wan, "Sister, this is our new friend, the little turtle."

"Miss Mi Wan, this is the child that the president put in our kindergarten." The principal also introduced in a timely manner.

Mi Wan smiled, she squatted beside the little turtle, reached out and tapped the turtle shell on her back.

Well, at this strength, there is no other monster except that mysterious turtle.

Mi Wan tested the strength of the turtle shell in order to further confirm the identity of the little turtle, but the spiritual power released when she tested the turtle shell made the turtle instinctively afraid.

The little tortoise immediately took a step back, then lay down on the ground, shrank his hands and feet, and shrank his head in one go.

"..." Mi Wan.

The author has something to say: New Year's Eve this year, I wish everyone a happy New Year~~

Little Turtle: I will cure them~~~ I am the most tired~~~