She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 92: three requirements


After coming out of the Wuwu Group, Mi Wan planned to go to Xuanwu Mountain in person, because there were some things she had to tell old man Wei in person. It's just that when the car was still halfway, she first received a call from Old Man Wei.

"Master, where are you now, is it convenient for me to find you? I have something to tell you." Old Wei's voice was a bit serious.

"What's wrong?" Mi Wan asked curiously.

"It's not clear on the phone, so let's talk face-to-face." Wei Lao said.

"I'm near Xuanwu Mountain. I'll go and find you. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Mi Wan saw that Wei Lao was hesitant, so she didn't continue to ask, anyway, she was going to Xuanwu Mountain soon.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come." Old Wei said.

After hanging up the phone, Mi Wan thought for a moment, and probably guessed the reason why Elder Wei was looking for her, which should also be for the sudden outbreak of the virus.

Turning to look out the window, Mi Wan found that there were already people wearing masks on the streets on both sides. Compared with five hundred years ago, mankind has made great progress in responding to the virus crisis. They have a way to prevent infection, a team to develop vaccines, and a complete medical system. Unlike in the past, once a plague broke out, they could only close the village, slaughter the town, and burn it down after everyone died.

Mi Wan didn't know whether the past plagues were also caused by human pollution, but she followed her masters and brothers to many villages infected with plague, and she couldn't forget the helpless eyes of those people. All she knew was that if she had a way to cure them, she would definitely try.

Mi Wan didn't think she was a good person, and no one asked her to be a good person. If this virus only infected a very few people, she wouldn't say anything. But this time the virus is highly contagious. If left unchecked, the virus can spread to any corner of the world. It is not the few individuals that were initially infected, but thousands of people, who may be everyone around you. an acquaintance.

Just ask, if there are thousands of people dying, and you know how to treat them, can you let them die just because they deserve it? Mi Wan didn't know what would happen to others, but she... After all, she couldn't do it.

She has no objection that people who do wrong need to pay a price, but does this price have to be paid in thousands of lives? If nature is really so heartless, why leave behind a demon clan that can purify viruses

Mi Wan's mind was in a mess, she thought about it a lot, but couldn't think of a formula. While thinking about it, the car stopped smoothly at the entrance of Xuanwu Mountain.

Wei Ji personally waited at the door and welcomed Mi Wan in.

"Master, is your brother alright." The Mi Group was the place where the first source of infection was discovered, and Elder Wei knew about Mi Yan's isolation.

"It's okay." Mi Wan shook his head, "What are you looking for from me?"

"That's right." Elder Wei seemed to be in a hurry. Seeing Mi Wan's question, he didn't take a detour and said directly, "Just now, Yi Xun, the president of the Demon Hunter Association, called me and wanted me to ask for help. You negotiate with the demon clan."

"Negotiate?" Mi Wan was startled.

"Yes, the virus that broke out this morning was actually discovered three days ago in Nanhai City. At that time, the medical team in Nanhai City could not confirm whether it was a contagious virus, so it was not announced to the public. The incubation period is 8-10 days, so that when the diagnosis is confirmed, the infected people have spread from Nanhai City to all over the country and even the world." Wei Lao sighed, Nanhai City is a world-renowned tourist destination, "Nanhai City is still there. People are constantly being sent to the hospital, and the patients who were initially sent to the hospital have already died, and the mortality rate is as high as 10 percent.”

Mi Wan was silent and continued to listen.

"It would be fine if the source of infection was under control, but this time the source of infection is simply beyond control. Now people have been diagnosed all over the world, and the situation is very serious." Wei Lao said anxiously.

"The Monster Hunters Association is looking for me, what do they want me to negotiate with the Monster Race?" Mi Wan pretended not to know.

"Looking for a pathogen from the demon clan." Wei Lao explained, "Thirty years ago, we also experienced a similar virus transmission. At that time, it was the pathogen found by the demon clan. With the pathogen, experts will develop vaccines much faster. ."

"Since the monsters gave you pathogens thirty years ago, why did you ask me to negotiate this time?" Mi Wan asked.

"Thirty years ago, the demon clan dragged on for three months. After a series of negotiations, they were willing to help us find pathogens. But three months was too long. If it was delayed for another three months, the consequences would be disastrous. Therefore, the Monster Hunters Association would like to negotiate with the Monster Race through you, hoping that this time the pathogen can be found as soon as possible to reduce casualties." Wei Lao explained. On this point, he also agreed with the actions of the Monster Hunters Association, and that's why he agreed to help Yi Xun.

"Through me, why? Because I'm the demon king's girlfriend?" Mi Wan laughed at herself, she was kidnapped by the shark demon just now that she was morally kidnapped by Fan Chen, and now she was also kidnapped by the demon hunters association.

"Sect Master, I know you're in a difficult situation, but..." Elder Wei said with difficulty, "This is the life and death of thousands of people."

Mi Wan smiled, the smile was full of bitterness, yes, this is the life and death of thousands of people, didn't she just use this excuse to persuade herself to ask Fan Chen for help. So in the end, no matter how she dislikes the current Monster Hunters Association, she is actually the same as them in her bones.

"Sect Master, you just need to negotiate. If there is any request from the Monster Race, the Monster Hunter Association will try to satisfy it." Wei Lao said again.

"What are they going to pay in exchange?" Even though Fan Chen had already agreed to help, Mi Wan didn't plan to let Fan Chen help her for nothing. She came to Xuanwu Mountain in person to negotiate conditions with the Monster Hunters Association. Now that the Monster Hunters Association has taken the initiative to come to the door, she just happened to push the boat.

"The demons detained within the Monster Hunters Association can be released by the Monster Hunters Association in exchange for pathogens," Wei said.

"Last time, too?" Mi Wan asked.

"Yes." Wei Lao nodded.

"How many pathogens have been released?"

"Three seventh-order monsters." Elder Wei also participated in this matter, so he knew very well.

"So... the entire Monster Hunters Association knows that pathogens were exchanged for three seventh-order monsters." Mi Wan asked.

"Yes, but this is an equivalent exchange, and everyone has no opinion." Wei Laodao.

Mi Wan didn't hear the slightest thank you in Old Wei's tone, it was full of justice in exchange of equal value.

"Have you ever thought that the demon clan actually doesn't need you to release these three big seventh-order demons, because once they break the law, the Demon Hunters Association can still catch them back. And if they don't do evil, they won't catch them. It's all the same." Mi Wan asked, "And if the monsters are unwilling to give you pathogens, the loss of mankind will be even greater."

Wei Lao was stunned for a while, speechless. When the Monster Hunters Association decided to release the three seventh-order monsters, he really thought so, so he happily agreed to the conditions. Now, after hearing Mi Wan's explanation, he suddenly recalled that, in fact... the demon clan doesn't necessarily need to make a deal with them.

"So... it was the demon clan who wanted to save the human race?" Elder Wei said unwillingly, "If that's the case, why didn't they give us the pathogen in the first place, but waited until three months later, when there were already so many people… "

"Because we need lessons to wake up mankind." Mi Wan understood Fan Chen's original decision. He didn't want to see mankind suffer a devastating blow. He also knew that a virus would not wipe out mankind. He just wanted to give mankind some certainty. The lesson of the degree, wait until human beings realize the importance of environmental protection before handing over pathogens.

He knew that even if he didn't give out the pathogen, after a while, humans would still be able to find the pathogen, but at a higher price. However, Fan Chen still gave the pathogen to the Monster Hunters Association in advance, in order to release goodwill to mankind, but the Monster Hunters Association did not understand the true meaning of his actions. Wishful thinking, I made a fair deal.

In other words, the president of the Monster Hunters Association at the time knew it, but he was unwilling to convey this kindness. They would even be like what Mr. Wei said just now, if you want to save human beings, why don't you take out the pathogen earlier, instead of waiting until three months later, when human beings have suffered great casualties, and then come out to be a good human being

Suspicion, two opposing races, can never trust each other.

"Then... What do you think we should use to negotiate with the demon clan?" As a human being, Mr. Wei knew the truth, but he still couldn't bear to watch thousands of people coldly tortured by the infectious virus for more than three months.

Mi Wan closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and felt extremely depressed for no reason. She couldn't ask the Monster Hunter Association to trust the Monster Race as she trusted Fan Chen, and there was no way for the Monster Race to protect it like Fan Chen. Just like myself, protect human beings. She feels that human beings are selfish, that she is selfish, that human beings are wrong, and she also feels that she is wrong, but she has to do something.

And among the things she had to do, the only thing she could do for Fan Chen was to repay the demon clan as much as possible.

"I can come forward and let the demon clan find the pathogen in advance, and even let the demon clan help reduce the harm of the virus and minimize the death of people, but the Monster Hunters Association must agree to me three conditions." Mi Wan said.

"You said." Wei Lao said excitedly. He thought it was enough to find the pathogen, but he didn't expect that the Yaozu could help reduce the harm of the virus.

"First, I will ask the demon clan some of their needs. If it is reasonable, the Monster Hunters Association must meet them."

"This is no problem." The Monster Hunters Association had this plan.

"Second, when the monster hunters found the pathogen, the Monster Hunters Association must inform every monster hunter to let them understand that this is the goodwill help of the monster tribe to human beings. And it will be recorded in the history of the monster hunters and passed on."

Wei Lao frowned and did not speak.

"Thirdly, I will announce the method of clearing the demon poison. Every demon hunter in the Monster Hunter Association must learn it, and promise that if they encounter a demon clan who has done nothing wrong and needs help in the future, they will lend a helping hand." This last request was what Mi Wan wanted to return to Fan Chen.

Mi Wan had always known that when Fan Chen first discovered that she had the ability to purify demon poison, she had been expecting this method to be popularized. But at that time, she didn't trust Fan Chen enough. She was skeptical of his theory that the more monsters there were, the more monster hunters there would be. So she thought, wait another ten years, wait until she heals the demon clan, and after the monster hunters in the world really become more and better, she will promote this method.

An hour ago, when she asked Fan Chen to help humans avoid death, Fan Chen agreed to listen to her without hesitation. Mi Wan didn't know if the promise was purely for her, but behind the promise was the selfless help of the demon clan to humans. And this decision is her feedback to Fan Chen.

After listening to Mi Wan's three conditions, Mr. Wei was silent for a long time, and after a while he said, "I will convey it."

"Three conditions, none of which can be missing, within today, you must give me an answer." Mi Wan said solemnly.

"it is good."

Mi Wan did not wait for the reply from the Monster Hunters Association in Xuanwu Mountain. After she said the three conditions, she left Xuanwu Mountain. She suddenly wanted to go for a walk alone, blow the air, and take care of what she had just done, whether it was right or not.

She is just an ordinary demon hunter. She just wants to live a good life and occasionally punish one or two demons who harm the world. She doesn't want to get involved in such complicated matters. This made her feel extremely tired, and even walking became heavy when she was so tired.

At this time, a gust of warm wind blew from a distance, this gust of warm air was very comfortable, as if it could penetrate every pore of a person's body and blow away every grain of dust in the depths of a person's heart. Pedestrians on the road couldn't help but stop, then turned around suspiciously, looking at the source of the warm wind, showing expressions of joy.

But Mi Wan staggered and almost fell to the ground. She couldn't believe it, she hurriedly flipped through her mobile phone, and hurriedly dialed the number of Sparrow Jing, and when the call was connected, she couldn't wait to ask: "Little Sparrow, just now That gust of wind, that gust of wind, is it just an ordinary gust of wind?"

Subconsciously, she didn't want to believe her guesses.

"Hey, boss, you can also feel it. The wind just now is very similar to the wind of blessing from the demon clan at the beginning of spring, but the mood is different." Sparrow explained enthusiastically, "The wind at the beginning of spring represents blessings. May the spring return to the earth, and a hundred flowers bloom. The gust of wind just now is a purification, and may the world be pure, and a hundred poisons will not invade."

The warm wind was still blowing, but every time the wind came, Mi Wan felt cold all over her body.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Mi Wan burst into tears with his hands on his knees, his whole body trembling.

"Boss, what's wrong with you, boss? Why are you crying? What happened to you?" The sparrow spirit on the other end of the phone asked anxiously. But there was no echo from this other than a long cry.

Mi Wan knew that what Fan Chen said would definitely have a price, she didn't dare to ask at that time, because she felt that there should be no reason to stop her from saving thousands of lives. And if you ask, it will only be sad.

But now, she suddenly felt that the thousands of lives had nothing to do with her, and why did she hurt Fan Chen in order to save them. Even if Fan Chen can heal himself with the demon pill, even if he is immortal, he will still be injured.

"No more blowing, no more wind."

Pedestrians passing by felt that this girl crouching on the ground crying was very strange, and they were sad, why should they blame this incomparably soft spring breeze.

"Sir, please stop, you forcibly summon the power of nature like this, it will be very damaging to you. Even for Master Mi, you don't have to do this." At the top of Qianwu Mountain, Quan Juncai shouted hoarsely, Trying to stop Fan Chen.

"I'm not just for Wanwan." Jianmu's branches and leaves swayed in an orderly manner, and the boundless power was still pouring out into the world, "I always wanted people, demons, and nature to coexist in harmony. However, five hundred years later, I Besides building a few forest parks, what have I done?"

"You've done enough."

"Humans destroy the environment, the monsters hate humans, and the monster hunters hate monsters. So the monsters are poisoned by monsters, and no one can solve them. When humans are in danger, the monsters stand by. We keep saying that humans are destroying the environment, but we As for the demons of the demon clan, besides the territory where they live, who else has taken the initiative to protect the environment of the earth?" Fan Chen asked.

"That's because, if we protect the environment and humans go on to destroy it, it's better not to protect it."

"Yeah, it's better not to protect it. It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that the ecology of the earth will collapse so quickly." Fan Chen said bitterly, "Those who should not destroy the environment, keep destroying, should protect the environment. The demons, too lazy to guard, everyone has opposing positions and hate each other. If one day the ecology of the earth completely collapses, will our demon clan really have no responsibility at all?"

"We..." The fox demon was at a loss for words, but he just felt aggrieved. It was not their demon clan that destroyed the environment. Are their demon clan passively responsible

"Humans destroy nature for the sake of survival and development. They don't destroy it for the sake of destruction. This is actually the same as when we monsters slaughtered humans for survival. Everyone is for survival." Fan Chen said, "If we are hostile to each other, it will be fine, but it is a symbiotic relationship. I think that only when we truly trust each other and cooperate with each other, our future will be longer."

"How can we trust human beings?" Quan Juncai asked.

"I don't know, but... I'm willing to believe in Wan Wan, and for her, reach out to humans again." Fan Chen replied.

The author has something to say: I know it may be controversial, but I didn't expect it to be so controversial. Let me explain here that although the virus I set up in the article is based on real pneumonia, the treatment plan is not enough for humans.

Because of the need to join the role of the demon clan, my design for the harm of the virus in the text is based on the assumption that if the demon clan does not intervene and wait for the human race to develop a vaccine, many people may die.

Moreover, the setting in the text is a tourist city, and the virus has an incubation period, so when it is discovered, the virus has spread infinitely to every corner of the world. Even if the source of infection is controlled and no longer transmitted to the outside world, there are already thousands of viruses that have spread, so this is a huge number.

If there is a way to save them, why not? So I asked the mistress to save me. And saving people will definitely pay a price, so the male protagonist must make sacrifices. Likewise, humans must wake up.

(Also, I designed the male protagonist to weaken the virus and save lives. In fact, it is a little selfish. I hope that in reality, there will be no more patients who die from pneumonia.)