She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 93: Change


This spring breeze came suddenly, and it was not violent or frequent. It was just in bursts, as if conscious, and when you felt the need, it suddenly blew to your side.

On the branch of the popcorn kindergarten, Peng Yan looked at his feathers being blown by the spring breeze with a very complicated expression.

"Fan Chen, what are you doing?" All the demon clan thought that the wind at the beginning of spring was nature's blessing to the demon clan, but as the former demon king, Peng Yan knew clearly that every gust of wind actually caused the demon clan. The origin and assistance are the original power of the sacred tree.

Jianmu is the first tree to grow from the earth when the heaven and the earth first opened, and the first monster on the earth. Jianmu is here, the demon clan is there, Jianmu is dead, and the world is deserted.

Every demon knows the existence of Jianmu from birth, which is a mark carved in the depths of the soul. In the demon clan, every demon is grateful for Jianmu's grace, but every demon does not want to see Jianmu. Jianmu is the consciousness of the power of nature. His power is too huge, so that he can't appear in the world at will. Only when the monsters are in trouble can Jianmu be awakened, turn into a human form, and walk in the world. Protect the monsters.

According to the historical records of the demon kings of all dynasties, from ancient times to the present, Jianmu has only awakened three times, and each awakening does not exceed five years. After the crisis is resolved, Jianmu will leave the world and go back to sleep. Until five hundred years ago, he felt something in his heart, and Jianmu turned into Fan Chen and came to him. As soon as they met, Fan Chen criticized his actions, saying that he was speeding up the demise of the monsters by fighting the human race.

He refused to accept it at the time, and tried his best to prove that it would be better if there were no humans in this world, so he insisted on using magic to kill those annoying humans, but his strength was not Fan Chen's opponent at all. In one move, he was sealed by Fan Chen, and this seal lasted five hundred years.

Five hundred years is not long for the monster clan, but it is very long for the humanoid Jianmu. He thought that when he came out of the seal, Fan Chen should have re-entered sleep, but he didn't. Not only did Fan Chen not go back to sleep, but he became even weaker. Fan Chen is Jianmu, the embodiment of natural consciousness, what does his weakness represent? It represents the weakness of the natural ecology, and it represents that the crisis of the demon clan has not passed, but has become more and more dangerous.

Peng Yan wanted to know what he had been doing for the past five hundred years? If you kill all the human monsters, you will also perish. Wouldn't it be good to kill half of them to give the earth a chance to breathe? Wouldn't it be nice to destroy human civilization and keep human beings in a primitive society that drank blood

"Human beings are so good, do you not hesitate to deplete your own origin? You know that you are too weak and will fall asleep again. When I want to do what I want, no one can stop me." direction, Peng Yan murmured in a low voice.

Even with the blessing of the wind of purification, the harm of the virus is weakened, but the infection still continues. After the first incubation period, a large number of patients emerged, and a large number of people who thought it was just a cold and fever were diagnosed with the virus.

The hospital's medical resources could not support such a huge number of patients. In addition, the reasons for the need for isolation, the patients were not allowed to move around casually, and people were panicked for a while. In the world that should have been bustling and prosperous in the late spring and early summer, it became abnormally depressed. And many people who thought it was none of their business gradually discovered that his classmates, colleagues, friends, and even the next-door neighbors had quietly become potential infected people without knowing when.

Some people are very optimistic. They feel that as long as they stay at home and stay at home, the virus cannot reach them. He just needs to keep hiding like this and support it until this wave of infectious diseases passes, then the world will return to normal again. But they seem to have forgotten that people are social animals, and even if you can stay at home alone, you still need food, clothing, shelter and transportation. Even if you eat and order takeout, you can be sure that the person who delivers the takeout will not be infected. You want to stay at home all the time. Are you sure that the water, electricity and gas at home will not be broken, and you don’t need to find someone to fix it

Some people will say that it is only a few months at most. After a few months, experts will definitely find a vaccine and cure the virus, but you are not experts, why are you so sure? Is it because of the propaganda on TV, the speeches of relevant experts, or the past combat experience of mankind

At this time, the more people who know the inside story, the more afraid they are. Even the monster hunters who will not be infected by the virus are still afraid. Although they have spiritual power to protect their bodies and will not be infected by the virus, their family and friends are ordinary people, and there are even infected people in the family members of many monster hunters. At a time when most patients had hope in their doctors, only they knew that humans had not even found the pathogen.

"President, can you communicate with the demon clan and ask them to help find the pathogen. The demon clan is close to nature, and it will be much easier for them to find it." You mainly gave advice to the president.

"The monsters have always hated humans for destroying nature. Now that this virus is caused by pollution, they may not help easily." Yi Xun replied.

"We know that although human beings are at fault, pollution has already occurred. We can't just watch so many people die in vain."

"That's right, even if you want to change it, let's save people first."

"Yeah, yeah, the traffic outside is almost paralyzed now, people can't live a normal life at all, and they can't even find a vendor if they want to go out and buy a tofu brain."

"If the demon clan did nothing at this time, it would be too inhumane."

In everyone's values, life and death are important matters. When a person is about to die, if you can save you, you must save it. If you don't save it, you are wrong, cold-blooded, and inhumane. But why should I save? Because I can save? Because if I don't save me, I will be rejected by the world, and I will be labeled as cold-blooded, so no matter how much I hate this person, I must save him

What's more, this is not one person, but thousands of people.

This is human nature.

When this happened to everyone, how many people would righteously say to the person who could save you: It doesn't matter, don't save me, I deserve to die.

Under this huge moral kidnapping, no amount of kindness has become a responsibility. Like the medical staff who are struggling on the front line, they are actually just like ordinary people, just one person. They are on the front line of infection just because they have the ability to treat, and there is little reason to back down.

Everyone knows in their hearts that health care workers have the same right to self-isolate at home, but they can't, because if they don't do anything, the world is over. Therefore, people can only be titled as their heroes, but how many people are willing to be heroes

"Elder Wei, the demon clan can put forward any conditions, but in the annals of history, asking the demon hunter to treat the demon clan in the future, will this help the demon clan's strength?" old call.

"President Yi, I'm old. Although I don't have any special achievements, I have seen a lot of things." Wei Lao sighed, "We all know in our hearts that the demon clan has no reason to help humans. They are willing to help humans find pathogens. It is a huge merit for human beings. Why do we have to put the name of a transaction on this merit, instead of fully conveying the goodwill of the demon clan to our younger generation?"

"I know, you are worried that the demon clan will grow and threaten the status of human beings. But have you ever thought that if the demon clan really has this intention, you should just stand by and watch at this time." Wei Lao said, "Humanity It has been developed for so many years, has experienced countless natural and man-made disasters, and still survives to this day, will it be destroyed by the goodwill released by the demon clan? Don't let a great goodwill become a moral kidnapping, and people will be chilled. "

Yi Xun's thoughts returned to the cage, and he looked at the eyes filled with righteous indignation. He had gradually regarded the inaction of the demon clan as cold-blooded demon hunters, and suddenly he was startled. Yi Xun suddenly understood why the demon race had hated humans so much over the years. The existence of the demon clan is to maintain the balance of nature. In other words, their existence is a kind of wealth to human beings, but human beings only see their evil side. The Monster Hunters Association also supervises the side of the monsters that harms human beings. It seems that finding out each other's mistakes is the meaning of their existence.

As for kindness and giving, it seems that people are always inadvertently ignored.

Yi Xun looked back at the hundreds of years of the Monster Hunters Association's history. What have they done for the Monster Race? Until recently, he found one thing, and that was Mi Wan's pet hospital. And this hospital was once an existence that he strongly opposed.

"The chief asked me to tell the president that if the three conditions are not met, then instead of negotiating the pathogen, she will prevent the demons from helping." This was the last word Wei Wei told him. When Yi Xun first heard it, he felt that Mi Wan was simply unreasonable. As a demon hunter, he actually stood on the side of the demon clan when the human race encountered a catastrophe, but at this time, he felt ashamed.

Ordinary monster hunters can't get in touch with the top level of the monster race. Under the intentional guidance of the top level of the association, they naturally thought that the monster race hated humans, so they were unwilling to help. The rift is slowly growing, and it will be difficult to repair after that.

Or should he switch to a different way of guiding

Yi Xun looked at the noisy conference room, and patted the table heavily to signal everyone to be quiet. After that, he said, "Actually, the monsters have already gone out to help us find pathogens."

"What? Really? The demon clan has already helped us find pathogens?" Some people dared not believe.

"In fact, thirty years ago, it was also the pathogen that the monsters helped to find."

"We know this. We exchanged three seventh-order monsters. What conditions did the monsters put forward this time?" Someone asked.

Yi Xun was silent for a moment, then said: "Actually, thirty years ago, the demon clan took the initiative to help us find the pathogen, and our demon hunters association released three seventh-order demons to express our gratitude, not for exchange. It was the same once, at the same time that the virus broke out, the demon king had already asked the demons of the sea tribe to help us find the pathogen, but the sea is vast and it takes time to find it."

"It turned out to be like this? That demon clan is helping us? Isn't it to rescue our companions?"

"That's right, those captured demons are all bad demons. Even if they are released, if they commit another crime, they will be caught again. There is actually no loss to us demon hunters. In this way, the demon clan is real. helping us."

"So, although the demon clan is opposite to us on the surface, when it comes to the big right and wrong, the demon clan is actually not cold-blooded."

"So, the demon clan doesn't seem to be bad."

"The human race and the monster race are actually like two neighboring countries. They are wary of each other on weekdays, but in the face of huge disasters, they will still lend a helping hand to each other."

"And for so many years, in fact, most of the monsters have not hurt humans very much. As for those bad monsters, it is unavoidable. Don't we have bad people in the human race?"

Once people get out of prejudice, they will be much more objective when thinking about problems, but with just a few words, the monster hunter's impression of the monster race is instantly reversed. Yi Xun didn't know how this change would affect the future Monster Hunters Association, but he felt good now. At least his heart, which had been cold because of his cold heart, warmed up again.

That's it, at least during his time as president, that's how it went.

At the same time, feeling the consciousness of the spring breeze, all the demon clan acted spontaneously.

The clan leaders of the demon clan told the clan demons: "Although I don't like the human clan, since Chunfeng wants the world to be pure, let's help purify one or two. All clansmen, do your best to purify the surrounding environment."

In a dilapidated community in the eastern suburbs, the old man bought a box of masks and handed it to his grandson who was going out: "Maomao, there is an infectious disease outside, please put on a mask."

"Grandpa, I didn't tell you, I'm a demon and I won't be infected." The boy said helplessly.

"Why don't you wear it, even if you won't be infected, people will still be afraid when they see you without a mask. I wear it when I go out to collect garbage." After that, the old man coughed lightly.

The teenager frowned, he knew that the old man just had a common cold, but if there were viruses around, the old man would be infected sooner or later. At the moment, he made a decision. He wanted to purify the places where the old man often walked so that he would not be infected by the virus. There is also that supermarket. People coming and going in the supermarket will definitely have the virus. He should go there every day, even if he is grateful to the supermarket owner for his help to their grandchildren.

In every corner of the world, there are many monsters like Mao Mao. They live in seclusion in a certain community of human beings. There will always be one or two neighbors who have a good relationship. The neighborhood was cleaned up.

These subtle changes cannot be seen in the eyes of ordinary people, but the demon hunters can see them clearly. In all recorded areas where demons live, the air in that area is always particularly clean. In fact, the demon clan will not be infected by the virus, and the only reason for them to do so is... they want to help humans.

Then many demon clans also found that when they were walking on the road, in the supermarket, in the shopping mall, and when they met the demon hunter unexpectedly, what they encountered was no longer a wary look, but a smile.

Is the monster catcher infected with the virus? !

The author has something to say: Monster catcher: We blame you all wrong.

Yaozu: If you are sick, remember to see a doctor.