She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 95: contract


The day after the pathogen was sent, the vaccine research team announced that the vaccine strain had been successfully extracted, and once the vaccine was produced, it was only a matter of time before the virus was defeated.

In daily life, due to the active cooperation of the masses, the effective measures of relevant departments, coupled with the wind of purification and the purification of the surrounding environment by the demon clan, the infection of the virus has been greatly controlled. New infections have been minimized beyond the original source of infection. People's hearts have been appeased, and shopping malls and hotels have begun to reopen. Although people on the road are still wearing masks, the flow of people is obviously much larger than before.

And because of the long-term self-isolation, the human beings who can go out properly because of the improvement of the epidemic situation have learned to cherish more, cherish freedom, cherish life, and cherish every breath of healthy air.

"Academician Wu, the vaccine research this time is much faster than it was 30 years ago. What is the reason?" On the big screen in the shopping mall, a reporter's interview with the expert group on vaccine research is being played.

"There are two main reasons why the vaccine research this time was so successful. First, the pathogen was discovered quickly. Thirty years ago, it took us three months to identify the pathogen. This time, it was only a week. The pathogen was found. The second is the understanding of nature.”

"What is the understanding of nature?" The reporter asked inexplicably.

Equally puzzled are the viewers who are watching the show.

"Because the substance that inhibits the virus is found around the pathogen, and we extract the vaccine strain based on this substance." Academician Wu sighed, "Although we don't know what this substance is in contact with the pathogen. The only thing that is certain is that this substance comes from the sea. Humans pollute the sea and contaminate the fish with viruses, but the sea also breeds substances that can cure the virus. Isn't this from nature? Do you understand?"

Academician Wu's words fell, and all the people standing in front of the TV fell silent.

"The virus this time is a lesson that nature has taught us, but nature has never thought of killing humans, so we should take this as a warning. Here, I would like to appeal to everyone, please love nature and the surrounding environment. , start with every grass and every tree." The host said solemnly and seriously.

"Mom, let's go buy flowers. I want to grow a lot of plants at home." Some children said to their parents.

"Okay, let's go buy it."

"Manager Huang? I have already told the finance department about the purification equipment of the factory you mentioned before. You can go and buy the best one. When you buy the equipment back, the factory will start working again." The owner of a factory .

"Okay boss, I'll do it now."

"A document is drawn up to thoroughly investigate the environmental protection standards of large-scale manufacturing enterprises in the province and city from this month, and those that fail to pass will be ordered to suspend business for rectification, and those that fail to pass will be directly seized."

This kind of change is happening quietly in every corner of the world. Although it is only a bud, this bud will one day grow into a towering tree.

On this day, the warm wind that had been blowing for more than ten days finally stopped. Mi Wan stood up happily, she knew that Fan Chen was coming back soon, and she was so happy that she jumped over the wall and jumped to the yard next door. But as soon as she moved, she stopped abruptly.

How can I have the face to see Fan Chen

Mi Wan gritted her teeth, clenched her fists tightly, then turned her back to the window and slid to the ground.


The phone rang suddenly, Mi Wan's eyes lit up, grabbed the phone, and when he saw the name of the person who sent the message, the light in his eyes dimmed again.

Not Fan Chen.

Mr. Wei: (Headmaster, the notice to learn how to remove the demon poison has been issued by the Monster Hunters Association. Currently, more than half of the monster hunters have signed up and expressed their willingness to learn.)

Because in this battle against the virus, the demon clan has given human beings great help, so the demon hunters are not so resistant to helping the demon clan.

Mi Wan: (Didn't I say that everyone must learn?)

Mr. Wei: (Master, the relationship between the human and demon clan has a long history, and clearing the demon poison is also a matter of curing diseases and saving people. Naturally, it is better to be voluntary. Otherwise, if the demon hunter is reluctant, the demon clan will definitely not be at ease, so I After discussing it with President Yi, I plan to adopt the principle of voluntary registration. At the very least, in this group of people who signed up, everyone is sincerely willing to help the demon race to heal.)

Mi Wan thought about it for a while and felt that Wei Lao's method was really comprehensive, so he agreed: (Okay, but the method of eliminating demon poison, I want to put it in the textbook of demon hunters. Future demon hunters must learn it this lesson.)

Wei Lao: (Okay.)

"Thank you~~" Suddenly, a very familiar voice came from above Mi Wan's head.

Mi Wan froze, her fingers gripping the phone unconsciously tightened, and her joints were pale, she used all her strength to control herself not to raise her head. Fan Chen is back, when did he come in

"What's the matter? I've been away for so long, and you don't want to see me." Fan Chen chuckled, looking at the girl in front of him with her head down.

Mi Wan shook her head desperately, but still didn't have the courage to raise her head.

"This time I was purifying the virus, I was seriously injured." Fan Chen sighed and squatted in front of the girl.

Mi Wan's back tensed sharply, and guilt came in waves like waves.

"I originally thought, I'll find a place to see you after I recover from my injury, but on second thought, I don't think I should do this, I should show you my wound and let you know how good I am to you. , In this way, you will not leave me in the future." Fan Chen stretched out his hand, hooked the girl's chin, and slowly exerted force.

Following Fan Chen's movements, Mi Wan's face was revealed, with tears all over his face and red eyes, Fan Chen felt extremely distressed when he saw it, and the relaxed smile that originally hung on the corner of his mouth disappeared instantly.

The moment he raised his head, Mi Wan's eyes uncontrollably looked at Fan Chen's chest, looking at the black hole that was indeed much bigger than before, Mi Wan only felt as if his heart had been pierced by a sword.

"Cry." Fan Chen sighed. Before he came, he prepared a basket to ease Mi Wan's guilt, but when he saw Mi Wan's expression at this time, he understood that what Mi Wan needed most at this moment was to cry. one.

He pressed the person directly to his chest.

"Woo woo..." Mi Wan finally couldn't control it, and burst into tears, "The injury on your chest, the injury on your chest, woo woo..."

"It's okay, just cultivate for a while. I do this every spring sacrifice."

"But after the spring sacrifice, nature will give you back, what about this time, is there any reward this time?" Mi Wan asked.

Fan Chen was silent and did not answer, this time the wind was not for the growth of all things, and naturally there would be no more grown flowers and plants to give back to him.

"Five hundred years, five hundred years, you only had a wound the size of a fist in your chest, but because of my words, just because of my words, the damage to you is worth the past five hundred years."

"Nonsense, at most two hundred years." Fan Chen immediately retorted.

"How long have we known each other? I just, I just..." It took five hundred years for the billions of human beings in the world to hurt Fan Chen like this, but she only took half a year and only one sentence.

Fan Chen originally wanted Mi Wan to say what he blamed himself, because Mi Wan's heart would be more comfortable, but after listening, he couldn't bear it anymore, and he stopped him: "Don't talk, listen to me Say."

"You didn't do anything wrong. If it were me, I would have done the same as you. In fact, I indulged you in the beginning and helped you everywhere because I knew you could treat the demon clan." Fan Chen didn't lie. , Not long after we met, Mi Wan discovered the wound on his chest and threatened to help him treat it. At that time, he became curious about Mi Wan. It is also for this reason that he showed strong patience with a monster hunter who frequently broke into his life.

"Afterwards, you cured the sparrow spirit's demon poison, stopped the little eagle from self-destructing, and the dog demon." Fan Chen recalled, "I thought at the time, this human demon hunter can actually cure our demon clan. There is no cure for the demon poison, I must find a way to let this human demon hunter cure all the demon poison of our demon race."

"But you didn't directly ask me to help you at that time," Mi Wan said.

"That's because we weren't a couple at that time. If it were now, I would definitely speak directly." Fan Chen said firmly.

Mi Wan didn't know if Fan Chen would really do this, but after hearing this, she felt a lot better.

"I was thinking about how to get you to treat the demon poison. As a result, you took the initiative to open a pet hospital, and even if you fought against the Monster Hunter Association, you also helped the demon race to treat the demon poison. I was very happy at that time." Fan Chen seemed to be really happy, and when he spoke at this moment, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"But... I did it to make money."

"You can't spend a few thousand on snacks in a month. A monster is a million dollars. You make so much money and don't spend it. Do you need to go to the pet hospital every day, and don't even rest during the New Year?" Fan Chen asked, " I know, you didn't quite believe what I said at that time, but you wanted to save a few more demons, that's why you did that, right?"

Mi Wan lay on Fan Chen's chest and didn't speak.

"You're a demon hunter. It's already good to do this for the demon clan." Fan Chen affirmed Mi Wan's behavior.

"But... But I still don't trust you enough. I still have so many scruples. Unlike you, I can help mankind without hesitation." Mi Wan said guiltily.

"We are different. I have been alive for too long, beyond your imagination, and what I have seen and known cannot be understood by ordinary people. You are still doubting and groping, and I have witnessed it with my own eyes, so There are many things I can do directly, but you can't. As a monster hunter, your mission is to guard against monsters and protect human beings. You can do this, it's already very good." Fan Chen said sincerely, "Also, I saw it just now, for my sake, you plan to teach the method of eliminating the demon poison, and order every demon hunter to learn it. In this way, the demon poison of our demon clan will no longer have to worry about."

"However, none of what I've done will hurt me, and you..." Mi Wan stretched out her hand to compare the wound on Fan Chen's chest, her eyes turned red again, "I originally wanted to heal your wound. "

Not only is it not cured, but it is getting worse.

"I don't want you to heal my injury." Fan Chen smiled bitterly, "I hope my injury won't get better within a hundred years."

"Why?" Mi Wan asked in confusion.

"Because... I'm Jianmu." Fan Chen said suddenly.

Mi Wan was startled, got up and looked at Fan Chen: "Impossible, Jianmu is the legendary sacred wood that cannot be transformed. If you were Jianmu, how could you be transformed into a human?"

As a monster hunter, Mi Wan naturally understands some of the history of the monster clan. Jianmu is the first life in the world and the first monster in the world. However, because Jianmu's power is too large, he is limited by natural laws to the place where he was born. , will never appear in the world.

"Yes, under normal circumstances, I can't transform into a human form, because my power is too strong. Under the suppression of natural laws, I can only instinctively adjust the four seasons in sleep." Fan Chen explained, "I am the only immortal monster between heaven and earth, but my existence is actually no different from death, because only if there is a big change in the world, such as the imminent destruction of the monster clan, or the imminent collapse of the ecology, can I wake up from my slumber. , turned into a human form, and walked in the world. My existence is to save the world, so saving mankind is actually my responsibility."

"Then if your injury heals, and the ecological environment returns to normal, then..." Mi Wan didn't dare to think further.

"I'll fall back into a deep sleep until the next catastrophe." Fan Chen smiled wryly, saying what she didn't dare to say for Mi Wan.

"Then...then you..." Mi Wan grabbed Fan Chen's sleeve, her face turned pale with anxiety.

"Don't worry about it, you humans have only a hundred years of lifespan, I have lived a long time since I woke up this time." Fan Chen said with a smile, "Also, if you are gone, I won't go to sleep, I will be very lonely in life. Yes. Wan Wan, I've calculated, I should be able to hold on for another hundred years, can you live to be one hundred and twenty years old? "

"I work hard." After a moment of silence, Mi Wan replied solemnly.

"It's settled." Fan Chen happily agreed.