She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 99: thanks


Looking at the monster catcher who suddenly appeared, the little fry were also a little confused.

As a demon clan, from the time they were sensible, they knew that the natural enemy of the demon clan was a demon hunter, so be careful. But the little fry have grown so big that they have only seen one monster hunter, Mi Wan, who helped them heal. Therefore, the little fry did not have the same hostility towards the demon catchers as the previous generation, but because of Mi Wan and because of the relationship between the popcorn kindergarten, they had a good impression of the demon catchers and humans.

"Are you here to find us?" Xiaohai asked, listening to what the girl in front of her just said, the other party obviously came to them on purpose.

"Well." Liao Tingting nodded heavily and introduced herself again, "My name is Liao Tingting, I am five years old this year, these two are my senior brothers."

"Hello." The two little boys who ran with Liao Tingting also nodded. They were older than Liao Tingting, but they were also five or six years old.

"Hello, my name is Xiaohai..." As a good boy with good manners, when others have introduced themselves, they naturally have to report their name.

The two sides introduced themselves, and the atmosphere quickly became harmonious.

Seeing this harmonious atmosphere, Peng Yan's liver hurt for a while. Under his nose, the demon clan and the demon hunter even became friends. Wasn't he blind for such a war five hundred years ago

"Cubs of the monster hunters, what are you doing here?" Peng Yan looked at the three little human monster hunters under the tree coldly. Cubs shredded.

"Mr. Crow, you look so cute." Liao Tingting praised without hesitation. She wanted to praise the crow just now. She had never seen such a clean and bright bird before.

"Presumptuous!" Peng Yan was furious, and a mere human dared to offend him. And cute, is that the word to describe him

"I'm sorry, if you don't like people saying you are cute, then I won't say it." Liao Tingting noticed the anger of the crow spirit, and quickly apologized, and then asked, "Why don't you change your human form?"

"The teacher is injured and is recovering, but he can't transform into a human form." Yaya replied on her behalf.

"And the teacher has no money, so it takes a lot of money to go to Sister Wan Wan for treatment." Duoduo added.

"..." Peng Yan suddenly felt a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat.

Liao Tingting's face was full of pity after hearing this, and then she suddenly patted her chest and assuredly said: "Don't be sad, Mr. Crow, although I don't have a lot of money, but I know spiritual power. And I'm also learning how to give to demons recently. The family heals wounds, and when I learn it, I will treat you for free."

The outpatient fee of their family's head is too expensive, and her New Year's money for more than ten years is not enough.

Peng Yan snorted coldly, and was about to sneer, but lowered his head to meet the girl's pure and pure eyes, but subconsciously paused, but it was only a moment, and he changed his expression of contempt again.

Humans are the creatures that should not grow up in this world, because the whole nature, only their growth, is accompanied by hypocrisy and insidiousness. The innocence and kindness of human childhood will become greed and hypocrisy in the process of growth.

"Tingting, you will also treat the demon clan?" Yaya looked at Liao Tingting in surprise. Childhood friendships have always been simple, even between two hostile races.

"Well, I just started to learn, but I can already treat simple trauma." In order to test whether the pharmacopoeia compiled by Mi Wan is simple and easy to understand, and suitable for inclusion in the textbook of a child demon hunter, Mr. Wei needs to find a few children in advance. Come to study, and Liao Tingting is one of them. Liao Tingting was born with spiritual veins, and her talent is already strong. In addition, she learned the exercises of Xuanwu Mountain, which is the same as the healing techniques inherited by Mi Wan, so learning is more effective with half the effort. So even though I only studied for a day, I achieved a little.

"Trauma, we can heal the trauma by ourselves." Little Fat Fish was a little disappointed when he heard that it was a trauma.

"But it will take a long time for me to grow up, doesn't it hurt?" Liao Tingting asked.

The little fry were stunned for a moment, and then they all looked at Xiaohai.

Xiaohai was a little embarrassed by his friends, but said bravely, "No... it doesn't hurt."

Liao Tingting is smart with ice and snow. Seeing the movements of the little fry and listening to Xiaohai's answer, she knows that Xiaohai is injured. Liao Tingting's eyes lit up immediately. The healing ability she learned yesterday was not yet tested by the demon clan, so she could give it a try.

"Xiao Hai, are you injured? Let me see for you." Liao Tingting looked at Xiao Hai eagerly.

Xiaohai hesitated. Although his wound was a little painful, he was used to the pain, and it would heal in four or five days. Besides, for the demon clan, a small wound like him can't actually be considered an injury.

"Okay, Tingting, help Xiaohai take a look." When Xiaohai hesitated, Yaya grabbed Xiaohai's sleeve first, exposing the wound to Liao Tingting.

Xiao Hai's complexion was a little darker, and three slender scratches were deeply imprinted on his not sturdy arm. Red flesh and blood came out from the scratches, but the surface of the wound was pale, as if it had been soaked in water. Pasted buns.

This wound is only a small wound to the demon clan, but for a human child who has to put a Band-Aid on the skin, this wound can almost be described as terrifying.

The three little human demon hunters suddenly felt distressed.

"It hurts badly."

"It must be painful."

"It's okay." Xiao Hai looked calm.

"It's okay? You're so injured, why didn't you go to the doctor?" Liao Tingting reprimanded angrily with a puffed face.

"We... the demon clan doesn't have a doctor." Xiaohai was taken aback by Liao Tingting's training, and then answered after a half beat.

In a word, little girl Liao Tingting's puffy face was instantly deflated, her big eyes filled with tears in an instant, and she promised to say in a normal way: "Wu... I... I will definitely study the healing technique, and I will give it to you in the future. family as a doctor.”

"Me too, I also learn." The younger brothers who followed Liao Tingting also replied in unison.

"Heh~~ Can you still remember this ten years later?" Peng Yan, who looked at this scene coldly, asked coldly.

"Of course you remember?!" Liao Tingting was small, but she spoke loudly, "Our head said that in the future, the monster hunters must study the pharmacopoeia and learn to treat the monsters. I will study hard, and then grow up to be a Demon Doctor."

Peng Yan looked at the little girl's serious face, and was still full of contempt in her heart. It was ridiculous that the natural enemy of the demon clan wanted to be a doctor for the demon clan.

After Liao Tingting answered Mr. Crow, she stopped talking to the other party. She lowered her head, grabbed Xiaohai's injured arm, and said softly, "I just learned it yesterday, maybe I'm not very skilled, but I want to show you Zhizhi."

Xiaohai originally wanted to refuse, but she agreed to the girl's tearful eyes.

The little girl Tingting has a lot of small talk, but her movements are very quick. Seeing Xiaohai nod, she immediately moves. Under the watchful eyes of a group of fish fry, little turtles, and a former demon king, she took her first step as a demon doctor.

Bai Nen's little hand held a ball of soft spiritual power, which gently covered the pale wound. Then, the pale wound that seemed to be blistered quickly recovered its blood color at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then an unbearable tingling sensation came from the wound, causing Xiao Hai to groan unconsciously.

"What's wrong?" The little fry asked nervously.

"Itchy~~" Xiaohai frowned.

At this time, Liao Tingting withdrew her hand a little out of breath. After resting for a while, she said, "My spiritual power is not enough, so I can't clean it up for you. I will treat you again tomorrow."

The primary healing technique is to use the spiritual power of the demon hunter to heal the riots at the wounds of the demon race. In fact, this is equivalent to disinfecting the wound with alcohol. After the disinfection is completed, the wound will not be infected and will heal faster. The wound that originally needed two or three days to start growing, entered the healing stage ahead of schedule under the influence of Liao Tingting's spiritual power.

"It's much better, it doesn't hurt anymore, thank you." Xiaohai thanked him.

"You're welcome, I also want to thank you." Liao Tingting didn't forget why she came to find the little fry.

The little fry looked puzzled, thank us for what

"This time about the virus, because of your help from the demon clan, my parents were not infected by the virus, thank you." Liao Tingting thanked solemnly.

A week ago, the Monster Hunters Association announced to all the monster hunters that the virus outbreak this time was controlled by the demon clan’s efforts to purify them. As a human being, we should be grateful for this. Liao Tingting has just learned to be a monster hunter. She doesn't know other monsters. She wants to say thank you to the monsters, so she took advantage of lunch time with two brothers and sneaked to find the little fry in the kindergarten. .

"Thank you." The other two little monster hunters also thanked them.

The parents of the three of them are ordinary people. If it is not for the purification of the demon clan, it is very likely that they will also be infected.

"We... didn't do anything." The little fry were a little stunned. After the virus broke out, they stayed in the water and hardly came out.

The little turtle raised her head and remembered her bucket of bath water, but she only purified it a little at the time, and she didn't seem to be of much help, so she didn't make a sound.

Liao Tingting shook her head and said with a smile: "The head said that as long as you are here, the surrounding environment will be naturally purified. So your existence is the best gift in this world."

"We... Are we so good?" The little fry were exaggerated.

The three little monster hunters nodded heavily.

Peng Yan on the tree was silent for a long time. He looked at the happy cubs under the tree, and his mood was a little complicated. He has lived for thousands of years, and this is the first time he has heard from human beings that the existence of their demon clan is the best gift in this world.

"Mr. Crow."

Peng Yan returned to his senses and looked at the demon hunter cub who was looking up at him under the tree.

"We made an agreement." Liao Tingting stretched out her white and tender little finger towards the crow on the tree, "After ten years, if you haven't changed back into a human body, I will definitely come to treat you."

"Didn't your elders tell you not to make an agreement with the demon clan casually?" Peng Yan asked in a deep voice, "If you can't make the agreement, you will die."

"Okay, pull the hook~~" The little girl didn't seem to understand the meaning of the demon king's words, and insisted on fulfilling the agreement.

Peng Yan lowered his eyes, glanced at the girl's bright red dress, and turned around arrogantly.

Hmph, sinister human being, don't try to lie to me and wait for you for ten years.

The spring of this year seems to be extraordinarily long, with lush vegetation and a long flowering period. When everyone opened the calendar and checked the date, they found that summer had quietly arrived.

"Wan Wan, wait for me outside first." Fan Chen took longer to cultivate than expected, and it took him ten days to stabilize his aura.

"Why?" Mi Wan asked in confusion.

"Anyway, go outside and wait for me."

Seeing that he didn't say the reason, Mi Wan suddenly became a little nervous: "Are you not well-trained? No, I won't go, I have to take a look."

Fan Chen sighed, and the huge branches also made rustling noises, and then asked, "Do you really want to see it?"

"Yeah." Mi Wan insisted.

"Forget it, you'll want to see it sooner or later anyway."

Mi Wan's expression tightened, and sure enough, Fan Chen wanted to hide something from her.

The huge tree body began to sway, Mi Wan concentrated and refused to let go of any moment when Fan Chen transformed himself, for fear that he would miss something wrong and be covered up by Fan Chen.

Immediately, the shade of the tree receded, the sun fell, and the giant tree turned into a human figure in a dazzling light. Fan Chen in human form, his long hair has not had time to shorten, he turned his back to Mi Wan, his long hair spread out with the wind, revealing a thin waist and slender legs, and then, the body cut like a knife, Slowly turned around.

"You... you..." Mi Wan's pretty face blushed, you had no words for a long time, so you could only close your eyes in a panic.

"I didn't insist on watching it just now, why close your eyes now." Fan Chen chuckled, and strode towards the girl he loves.

"Don't come here, put on your clothes first." Mi Wan jumped.

"Quan Jun just forgot to prepare clothes for me, so I told you to go first." Fan Chen explained, standing in front of Mi Wan, lowered his head, and gently kissed the girl's closed eyes .

Mi Wan only felt her eyes heat up and her eyelashes trembled, but she didn't dare to open it.

"Let's go home." Fan Chen chuckled again. He didn't look for clothes to change first, but put his arms around the girl's waist and flew directly into the sky, towards the courtyard in the eastern suburbs.

The dignified demon king, in front of the public, actually... flew naked once.