She is the Protagonist

Chapter 114


The night was mellow, and the white snow was hard to break, falling on the ground and falling into the bright eyes of the woman.

Han Wei stood in front of the window with a light blue cardigan sweater on her shoulders, staring at the snow outside the window without blinking.

Today is Hua Yao's New Year's party, but she couldn't make it because she still had a cough, which made Huo Lianhao work for an extra month. She felt a little guilty.

Especially after Lin Lin sent a message saying that Huo Lianhao helped her win the second prize of one month's unconditional paid vacation at the New Year's party, she felt even more guilty.

Not to mention the hard work, senior brother, he has to give her the prize he drew...

She suddenly sighed, determined to work harder this year and not let Tang Hanqiu and Huo Lianhao be disappointed.

When Wen Yulan brought out the fried Chinese medicine, she happened to hear her sighing, with a trace of worry in her eyebrows, and asked gently, "What's the matter? Okay, what are you sighing?"

Han Wei took the medicine bowl in her hand and said, "My brother won the second prize at the New Year's party, and he was given unconditional paid leave for a month, but he told me to."

"I worked hard for him to work for me for a month, and now I have to take his second prize..."

Mrs. Huo also told her to take medicine on time every day and pay attention to her body.

Wen Yulan stretched out her hand and gently stroked her shoulder, comforting: "Your senior brother will go to Hua Yao to replace you, that's Tang's arrangement, he is obeying the boss's orders. And he works for you, there are also Salary, it's not for you to work in vain. Don't think so much."

The bitter smell of traditional Chinese medicine pierced into people's nose unceremoniously. Han Wei frowned instinctively, then stretched it out and said, "He gets more salary at Tang's than at Huayao."

Whether Huo Lianhao obeyed Xiao Tang Dong's orders to come to Huayao as acting vice president temporarily, or whether he proposed to come, she doesn't know, and Huo Lianhao who really treats her as a family member will not tell her this, it will only make her feel at ease Rest and drink your medicine.

But what she knew was that when Huo Lianhao came to be the acting vice president, the salary he received was her monthly salary, which was a little less than what he received at Tang Corporation.

There is a sense of guilt for hurting people's money.

Wen Yulan smiled: "your senior brother doesn't mind, what do you mind?" She patted her shoulder gently, "your senior brother treats you well and treats you as family, if you think so, then See you outside, he will definitely be unhappy when he finds out."

Looking at her gentle eyebrows, Han Wei suddenly felt a gentle warmth in her heart, and her gloomy mood was soothed by this warmth. She hummed in a low voice and coughed uncontrollably.

Wen Yulan put her hand on the back of her hand and gently pushed the medicine towards her. The tenderness between her eyebrows instantly turned into lingering worry, and urged, "Drink the medicine quickly, your health is important."

Han Wei was quite obedient at this time, she asked to drink the medicine, she took the medicine without hesitation, and finished the whole bowl of traditional Chinese medicine in one breath, and then took the warm water from Wen Yulan's hand and poured it into her mouth and washed it away. A bitter medicinal taste in the mouth.

He was obedient, sensible and self-conscious throughout the whole process. He would not lose his temper and act like a child when he had a high fever, which would give Wen Yulan a headache.

Wen Yulan praised approvingly: "Xiao Han is really good."

Han Wei took out a tissue and wiped the water stains on her lips. Hearing her praising herself like a child, she felt a little uncomfortable, but she didn't show the slightest bit on her face, and said calmly, "Don't treat me like a child."

She doesn't like being treated as a child by Wen Yulan.

Everyone can treat her as a child, but Wen Yulan can't.

Because no one likes a child... She's afraid it will turn into rejection.

Wen Yulan smiled good-naturedly, and said, "Okay, okay, you are Han Da's assistant, not a child."

But because she likes her, she treats her like a child...

Wen Yulan took the bowl in her hand, turned around and walked towards the kitchen. Looking at her slender back, Han Wei felt an impulse in her heart, forcing her to open her mouth and shout, "Yu Lan."

"Are you going home this New Year?"

Wen Yulan said before that she had a conflict with her family, so she moved out by herself. This conflict was not small, and it caused her to have a cold war with her family for a very long time.

Han Wei didn't ask her what the conflict was, because she was very unhappy when she mentioned it, and firmly believed that she was right, so she chose to respect her and trust her, so she didn't mention it much later, for fear that she would be unhappy again. 's memories.

I didn't ask again, so I didn't know if she and her family were reconciled, or if she could leave at any time...

Wen Yulan paused, turned slowly to look at her, and said, "No."

The contradictions have not been resolved, and when they go back, they will see each other's misfortune. The festive and joyful New Year will also turn sour, so it is better not to return.

Wen Yulan remembered that Han Wei had said that she would go to her brother's house for a short stay every New Year, so she said, "If it's inconvenient, I can move—"

"No," Han Wei said, "I mean, if you want, you can stay and spend the New Year with me."

Yes, stay with her.

Wen Yulan was stunned for a while, and then she asked in surprise, "Then your brother's house..."

Han Wei will go to the brother's house for a short stay, that's out of the brother-sister friendship. She's an outsider, she's nothing, she can't go too, can she

Han Wei smiled: "Senior brothers, they asked me to stay there because I was afraid that I would be lonely to spend the New Year alone at home. If someone accompanies me to celebrate the New Year, they will naturally be happy."

"When the time comes, just drop by the door and say hello, don't worry."

To her, Huo Lianhao was like a father and a brother, a family-like existence. Since it's a family member, I'll be happy for her when I see her being accompanied, and I won't blame her.

She believed that Huo Lianhao and Mrs. Huo could understand.

Wen Yulan was elated, but she still looked at her calmly, and said softly, "Then I'll be... respectful rather than obedient?"

Han Wei chuckled and nodded.

The day before New Year's Eve, the first dream girl had a holiday. Everyone carried their suitcases and happily ran to all parts of the country, to the arms of their parents.

Tan Xi and Chi Nuan were locals in Lan City, so they didn't have to catch a plane, so they left a little late, so they stayed to accompany Yu Rubing for a while.

Before Zhou Junwen got on the plane, she came to Yu Rubing specially and asked her if she wanted to go home with her for the New Year.

The whole country knows about Yu Rubing's parents. And Yu Rubing herself has publicly stated that she doesn't want to have any relationship with her parents in the future, so she will definitely not go back to celebrate the New Year with her biological parents and stepmothers.

In this way, when others are reunited with their families, she is alone, which is too distressing.

That's why Zhou Junwen proposed to take her home for the Chinese New Year.

How could Yu Rubing not understand their kindness? It's just that she didn't dare to accept or touch this addictive kindness.

Yu Rubing stretched out her hand and patted her shoulder, and said with a smile, "No need, I have a place to go, don't make me think so badly, okay?"

Tan Xi couldn't help muttering: "But you are really miserable, there is nothing in the lottery..."

Chi Nuan later drew a cell phone.

In Guangying's three-person group, she has nothing, and a group of pure African blood.

Yu Rubing didn't think it was miserable, but was proud: "It is known that the pure blood of the royal family is the most noble. And I already have pure African blood. This rounding up means that I am a noble royal family!"

Tan Xi: "...Dear little nigger?"

"What a nigger!" Yu Rubing said dissatisfiedly, "With my steady luck, don't I deserve to dominate the entire royal family? Call me Lady Queen, thank you."

Tan Xi: "..."

New year, new thinking to fly high

Zhou Junwen felt relieved when she saw how relaxed her state of mind was, but she confirmed it again: "Are you really not going back with me to celebrate the New Year?"

Yu Rubing: "Yes, kiss~"

Zhou Junwen: "... think again."

On such a festive New Year's day, it's better to be more lively...

Seeing that she was a little insistent, Yu Rubing simply put her hands in her pockets and looked at her with raised eyebrows: "Then why don't you go back to Huayao with me to celebrate the New Year?"

Zhou Junwen: "…"

In the new year, she is also a marketing leader who does not forget her original intention.

Zhou Junwen: "Goodbye." After she said that, she turned around and pushed the box away. She simply didn't take any pictures, and never gave the marketing boss the slightest chance.

The three watched her leave, and Tan Xi suddenly said, "Jun Wen, I don't think you can dig her out. Feng Ting treats her well, and obviously intends to train her."

Yu Rubing shrugged indifferently: "Whatever, if you can't dig it, then don't dig it."

Anyway, she has changed from a career fan to a wife fan now. Compared with Tang Hanqiu's career, she prefers to have a beautiful love with Tang Hanqiu.

And Hua Yao's career is booming, and there is no shortage of Zhou Junwen.

It was the first time that Tan Xi was shocked to see her career fans so negative. After sizing her up and down, she took a step back and shouted sharply, "Hey! How dare you get on the gangster!"

Yu Rubing glanced at her: "I am the star of the Subaru. I didn't fly well a few days ago, and I accidentally fell on this person. Now I urgently need a travel fee to return to heaven. Since you discovered my existence, then It means that you and I are destined to pay for the toll! My bank card number is—"

Tan Xi: "Stop, there is a problem with the logic."

Immortals can fly back by themselves and need a fart toll.

Yu Rubing frowned, pretending to be serious: "I am an immortal, I have the final say, why are you a mortal so ignorant?"

Tan Xi: "Then take the liberty to ask, where is this star officer going now?"

Yu Rubing said solemnly, "It's time to go home."

Tan Xi thought for a moment: "Chicken coop?"

Subaru Sun is actually a big rooster, isn't the chicken's home a chicken coop? The logic is damn perfect.

Yu Rubing narrowed her eyes and looked at her, and said very seriously, "You're done."

Tan Xi: "...?"

Yu Rubing: "How dare you say that Mr. Tang's family is a chicken coop!"

Tan Xi: "???"

whose home? ?