She is the Protagonist

Chapter 125


Yu Rubing was stunned for a moment. Although she didn't know what went wrong, she was still very happy. Now is not the time to worry about why, let's talk about it when things are resolved.

Tang Hanqiu was sitting in the car. With her superb driving skills, she would definitely be able to kill Tang Shenghe, but if she got out of the car, it would be dangerous.

The thin body cannot withstand the impact of a car.

It was only after this incident that she realized more deeply that it was too difficult for Tang Hanqiu, who was still a supporting actress, to not have the aura of the protagonist.

The world is real, and you will die if you hit it. Having the protagonist's halo can also trigger various adventures and survive steadily.

Therefore, she felt that Tang Hanqiu's shining value must be improved as soon as possible, and he must break through the 100 mark quickly and snatch the halo of the heroine on her head!

But the matter of shining value needs to be postponed and discussed later. The main task now is to help Tang Hanqiu escape Tang Sheng and this disaster.

So Yu Rubing didn't yell at the big man with the knife this time, but hurriedly shouted: "Tang Shenghe is driving the car behind, don't get down, he's going to hit you!!!"

Then she was gagged again, and the kidnappers were obviously a little panicked - how did she know who the boss was

Sure enough, when the time came, Tang Shenghe appeared in his car, still as fast as lightning and aggressive, heading towards his second sister Tang Hanqiu.

But this time Tang Hanqiu was not outside the car, but inside.

The plot line has already opened the second one.

Tang Hanqiu's car hummed like a ghost. In front of everyone's eyes, it gently and skillfully avoided the bull-like collision in the rear.

This time, she didn't have the restraint and forbearance that she did with the robbers' car, but obeyed the madness that spread in her heart when she touched the steering wheel.

Tang Shenghe.

If you are not benevolent, then don't blame the injustice of being a sister.

Tang Shenghe turned the steering wheel and was about to bump into her again. He is now like a madman, with a savage face and red eyes like a man-eating demon.

There was a voice deep in my heart screaming.

- to kill her.

- She stole your stuff, go kill her! ! !

—You are the blood of the Tang family! ! !

Growing up, what did he want

From childhood to adulthood, among the three children, his parents loved him the most.

But why did Tang Hanqiu rob his toys? Why did Tang Hetian and the others let him learn those bad manners? ! Why did Yu Rubing come to show off his might in front of him!


Disgusting gay!

It's all her fault, it's Tang Hanqiu's fault! !

Without her, his toys would not be robbed, his parents' love for him would remain the same, and he wouldn't have to swallow his voice and be as free as before - if only she didn't exist, if only she died! ! !

Tang Sheng had no sense of reason, his mind was full of resentment towards Tang Hanqiu, and the strong killing intent blinded his eyes, leaving him only seeing Tang Hanqiu's car at this time.

Ruin this car - Ruin Tang Hanqiu!

And then ruined Yu Rubing!

What I can't get, none of you can get it!

Tang Hanqiu could no longer bear him at this time.

The war between the two was about to break out. The wheels rubbed against the ground, sporadic flames splashed out, and a cloud of flying dust was thrown up. The exhaust swept Yu Rubing and the others on their faces.

The Tang family soon also came, the second elder of the Tang family.

Tang Hetian hurried forward, and was stopped by the police again. He could only stand in the police's protection circle, looking anxiously at his two children as he drove his car to and fro on the viaduct.

Both of them are like crazy.

Especially Tang Shenghe, who seemed to be eating Tang Hanqiu.

Tang Hetian couldn't understand the current Tang Shenghe.

What's wrong with this kid

He had promised them not long ago that he would change his mind, get along well with his brothers and sisters, and work hard and not be as naughty as before.

They thought of giving him a chance before they agreed to let him out of the Tang family mansion. His performance in the first two days was really good. How could he have recovered his stubborn nature today

He actually pretended to be a brother, kidnapped his sister's girlfriend, and even wanted to kill his sister so viciously!

What the hell happened to this kid!

The two cars were stuck, and they refused to give in to each other, and the offensive became more and more crazy.

The police had no way to intervene, because Tang Shenghe was too crazy, so they chased Tang Hanqiu to bite, even if the front of the car was hit and smashed, they would continue to bite. Moreover, those robbers also held Yu Rubing hostage, for fear that they would tear up the ticket on the spot.

The car scraped against the ground, making a very harsh sound. The place where the robbers and Yu Rubing were standing was close to the battle, and they were caught off guard by Tang Shenghe's car and swept back again and again. The knife in the hand of the big man with the knife accidentally hit the ground.

He watched in confusion as Tang Shenghe's car rushed back to the battlefield like a madman.

Damn, the boss suddenly went crazy? ! Don't care about our lives!

Taking this opportunity, the police quietly rushed forward to restrain the robbers, and successfully rescued Yu Rubing.

The robbers were dumbfounded and speechless.

Shit, what's the matter! ! !

Tang Sheng and the idiot! ! !

How could the kidnappers be so miserable and so useless today

The hostages are wild and mad, the boss's sister has high and dazzling driving skills, the boss is rich and mentally retarded, and the worst thing is that they were robbers, and they overturned the car here for no reason and fell into the hands of the police.

They cursed again in their hearts: Really, Tang Shenghe is a fool.

Crazy, he made it himself, why did he drag them, fuck!

Yu Rubing was brought back by Liu Wenqing, her eyes still tightly locked on Tang Hanqiu's car, which seemed to be walking a dog.

Although... Her Qiuqiu driving skills seemed more than one degree better than Tang Sheng and this grandson, but she was still very worried. Dare to kill my sister in the street, Tang Shenghe is a total lunatic now!

Just when the police finished dealing with the robbers and were about to send a police car to forcibly stop Tang Shenghe, the situation of the battle changed suddenly.


A bang rudely hit everyone's nerves.

One of the cars was clinging to the side of the viaduct in defeat, dying. The front of the other car was slamming violently into its back compartment, as proud as a winner.

Yu Rubing shouted anxiously, "Qiuqiu!"

"Don't go there, be careful he has a knife or something!"

The winner, Tang Hanqiu, paused before opening Tang Shenghe's car door, raised his eyes to look at her, gave her a "don't worry" look, and pulled the white-eyed wolf Tang Shenghe out of the driver's seat with awe. come out.

Bright red blood oozes from his forehead, but Tang Shenghe still refuses to admit defeat, and when he wants to get up and continue to bite Tang Hanqiu again, Tang Hanqiu gives him two loud slaps on the spot.

While he was still in a daze, before he regained consciousness, Tang Hanqiu's hand had already passed through his hair, grabbed his scalp, and smashed his head to the ground!

When he looked up again, blood was dripping from his forehead.

Tang Shenghe's head was dizzy and dizzy, and he didn't recover for a long time.

Tang Hanqiu was like a ruthless judge, tugging at his scalp, his eyes narrowed, his voice low, as terrifying as the devil's whisper: "Where do you want to take my girlfriend?"

Tang Shenghe gritted his back molars and said bitterly, "Tang Hanqiu, you are disgusting—"

"Crack!" Another slap in the face.

Tang Shenghe's tears came out immediately: "Tang Hanqiu, you should be damned—"


Tang Shenghe endured the bloody taste in his mouth, and brushed his tongue over his teeth, as if some teeth were loose. He was stunned for a moment, and turned his eyes to the second elder of the Tang family. The previous arrogant madman disappeared, but now he wows like a child. Crying loudly: "Dad, Mom, she hit me—"

The second elder of the Tang family had no intention of protecting him, and even Tang Hetian, who loved him the most, turned his back in disappointment.

Tang Hanqiu tightened his hair, forcing him to raise his face to look directly at himself, and said word by word, "But you are trying to kill me."

"You deserve more than everyone else," Tang Hanqiu said, "Zhong, Sheng, and He."

Tang Shenghe was stabbed in a sore spot, and his whole body exploded.

Tang Hanqiu pressed him firmly, listening to him roaring helplessly on the ground: "My surname is Tang! My surname is not Zhong, my surname is Tang!!!"

Liu Wenqing politely said to the police, "Please go and help my daughter." Then she turned to call the lawyer, "Come with me."

Yu Rubing didn't care about the blood on her neck, and immediately ran towards Tang Hanqiu with the police.

The police quickly controlled the scene, Yu Rubing held Tang Hanqiu's arm with lingering fears, and took her away from Tang Shenghe.

The two looked at Liu Wenqing and the lawyer who walked over calmly. Liu Wenqing cared for Tang Hanqiu, and after confirming that she was all right, he calmed down, looked at Yu Rubing, and asked her to deal with the blood on her neck.

Before Yu Rubing could react, Tang Hanqiu raised his sleeves and wiped away the blood for her gently and carefully, then held her hand tightly, as if afraid that she would run away.

Only then did Liu Wenqing look at Tang Shenghe, who was subdued by the police, and called out softly, "Shenghe."

Tang Shenghe looked at her, and tears began to fall down in a rustling manner, acting aggrieved.

He wanted to destroy Yu Rubing at first, but Tang Hanqiu's appearance disrupted all his plans.

He was annoyed by this, and all his hatred for Tang Hanqiu emerged, so he lost his mind and wanted to kill Tang Hanqiu.

But he didn't destroy a single one, instead he was taught a lesson by Tang Hanqiu, and his arrogant aura was also broken up with a slap by Tang Hanqiu.

He lost.

He couldn't compare to Tang Hanqiu.

Originally, he wanted to destroy them before committing suicide, but now that none of them have been destroyed, he has already begun to fear death - the moment Tang Hanqiu smashed his head to the ground.

He is afraid of pain.

He is afraid of death.

He was also afraid of being evicted.

So he has to admit his mistake and sell his pity, just like a few days ago - my parents love me so much, and they will definitely forgive me.

He called out pitifully: "Mom, I know I'm wrong..."

Liu Wenqing didn't smile, her tone was gentle but with a very obvious alienation: "Well, Auntie knows that you are wrong."

Tang Shenghe was stunned for a moment.


Liu Wenqing ignored the change in his expression and continued: "But you are also a big kid, and you know that you will be punished if you are wrong. So," she pointed to the lawyer, "Auntie specially brought the lawyer out."

From the moment she knew that he had kidnapped Yu Rubing, she had made this preparation.

Liu Wenqing said word by word, "Auntie has decided to terminate the adoption relationship between the Tang family and you."

"Take back the 'Tang' surname and return you to the Zhong family."

Tang Shenghe was struck by lightning on the spot, shaking his head desperately: "No, no—"

Tang Shenghe said with heartbreak: "Why do you take back my surname, my surname is Tang! My surname is Tang!!!"


Liu Wenqing slapped him.

This was the first time he was beaten by someone from his father's generation, and he was stunned for a while, unable to say a word.

Liu Wenqing's expression was solemn, awe-inspiring, and his majesty was inviolable: "My Tang family has a bottom line."

The benefactor's kindness must be repaid, and the bottom line must be guarded, and the bottom line of the Tang family is their children.

For the grace of her benefactor, can she wrong the child

Impossible, she Liu Wenqing will never allow anyone to hurt her child, never!

Liu Wenqing lightly dropped a sentence: "I hope you can reflect on yourself in prison for the rest of your life."

Be a better person in your next life.


Tang Hanqiu and Yu Rubing were brought into the hospital by the second old man, and they also got a high-level ward. It is necessary to check the inside and outside of the two of her, and it must not be hurriedly bandaged!

It's normal for parents to be nervous about their children, and the two of them won't say anything, they just follow along.

The result of the inspection was that Yu Rubing wanted to bandage the wound on his neck, and Tang Hanqiu, who had been playing bumper cars for a long time, was fine.

Yu Rubing felt that this was probably the blessing of the car god.

If it was her, her brain would have been knocked out of the way just now.

Seeing that they were really all right, Er Lao felt relieved, and asked them to take a break before going to the police station to take notes, and wanted them to observe for a while, lest any emergencies arise later.

They responded one by one, and the ward was immediately empty with only the two of them left.

When Yu Rubing was about to say something, a shadow suddenly fell in front of her eyes - Tang Hanqiu hugged her.

Just like holding her hand just now, it was very hard, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

Yu Rubing thought that this was her escape from death, she smiled and hugged her back, and said warmly, "It's all right, we're all still alive."

Yes, they are all still alive.

"Don't do this again." Tang Hanqiu's voice was hoarse.

Yu Rubing smiled and said: "Okay, I will definitely improve my precautions in the future, and I will never get on the bus!"

"I saw you jump off the viaduct." Tang Hanqiu said suddenly.

Yu Rubing was stunned.

Her memory has not been erased? ?