She is the Protagonist

Chapter 35


Tang Hanqiu was really puzzled: "What is the friendship through tears?"

Is it the kind she knows? Otherwise, why are there tears of friendship, can you say unfamiliar?

Yu Rubing nodded and said, "Of course, after all, she was crying alone, I just told her not to cry."

Word by word, it's all true.

However, this fact made Tang Hanqiu, an uninformed person, even more puzzled after hearing this.

Isn't this a cry, a comfort? Can you say that you are not familiar at all

But she quickly reacted, and she must not speculate on Yu Rubing's thinking with the thinking of a normal person.

Tang Hanqiu asked directly, "What happened?"

Yu Rubing smiled and glanced at Lulu who was hesitant to run.

She looked like she wanted to run away, but she didn't dare. The Tang family was not something that their family could compete against. They were just talking in private at first. The other trainees were not familiar with Tang Hanqiu and the Tang family. You can't do anything about yourself.

The most important thing is that Tang Hanqiu may not believe it, after all, they are all strangers.

I never thought that Hua Yao's people would be there, and what was even more unexpected was that Hua Yao's people would have such a good relationship with Tang Hanqiu - they all hugged!

If Yu Rubing continues to sue this situation, Tang Hanqiu will definitely believe it, she will definitely be cold!

Thinking of this, she could only freeze her steps and cast a begging look at Yu Rubing.

She often heard others compliment Yu Rubing for being so close, saying that she had a good personality, someone asked her for help, she would occasionally help, and the popularity was the best in the entire show group.

So she now hopes that she can do this favor to herself, raise her hand, and let herself go.

Yu Rubing received her cry for help, smiled knowingly, and nodded.

Seeing her nod, Lulu felt relieved for a moment, only to see her raise her hand to greet him, and even Tang Hanqiu turned around and looked at her with scrutiny.

Lulu was startled, but under Tang Hanqiu's gaze, she couldn't run away, so she could only hope in Yu Rubing, telling herself: It's okay, trust Yu Rubing, she just promised me to spare my life.

Then he walked over in awe.

Yu Rubing greeted her to her side, and first asked her name in front of Tang Hanqiu, she was like a poor ghost who was strangled by fate, and replied weakly: "Lin Anan... . . . . "

Yu Rubing asked Tang Hanqiu if he had any impressions, and Tang Hanqiu said blankly no.

When Lin Anan was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Mr. Han next to him put her on the fire again in a light-hearted sentence: "Mr. Tang, she is the daughter of Meishu Company, Meishu Company has had several small businesses with our Tang Company. contacts.”

Han Wei used to work for the Tang Group, and she has followed many projects, big or small, including Mei Shu's.

Moreover, she is now Tang Hanqiu's assistant. For major companies and interpersonal aspects, she will do preparatory homework first, in case Tang Hanqiu, who has just returned to China, suddenly encounters some people in the industry who can't recognize it and cause embarrassment to each other.

Tang Hanqiu snorted, not knowing whether he remembered it or not.

Yu Rubing looked at Assistant Han and said, "Okay, as expected of you, Mr. Tang wants to give you a raise when he hears it!"

Tang Hanqiu said ruthlessly, "No, I don't want to."

Yu Rubing: "Okay, as expected of Mr. Tang, rejection is so neat!"

Tang Hanqiu: "..."

Does this give you a chance to play

Han Wei calmly pushed the frame: "This is my job, not within the scope of a salary increase."

Yu Rubing: "So Assistant Han's job scope is very wide."

Last time, I sent her back to the bedroom to prevent her from having an accident.

Sure enough, those who can work more work, the higher the salary, the more work.

Seeing the topic drifting further and further away, Tang Hanqiu pulled a hand without hesitation: "So, what happened?"

Yu Rubing patted Lin Anan on the shoulder and showed a friendly smile: "Why don't she tell you in person why she is crying."

Lin Anan: "!!!"

Wouldn't you mind letting me go? !

She asked subconsciously, "Didn't you promise me???"

Yu Rubing looked at her innocently: "What did I promise you?"

Lin Anxin avoided Tang Hanqiu's gaze vacantly, and whispered, "Promise to let me go."

Yu Rubing became even more innocent: "When did I promise to let you go?"

Lin Anan's eyes widened for a while, and she said in disbelief, "You just nodded, didn't you understand..."

Yu Rubing was innocent: "Ah... so that's what you meant. I thought you wanted to come over and talk to our President Tang."

Lin Anan: "..."

I lost, crushed.

Yu Rubing suddenly laughed and whispered in her ear, "Do you think I won't sue?"

"of course not."

The two hands on her shoulders suddenly tightened, and the words that came out of Yu Rubing's mouth were like a whisper of a demon, making the limbs chill, from head to toe: "Because I want you to sue yourself."

It doesn't matter if it's just an innocuous gossip, but after this gossip, it is mixed with selfishness to belittle the client, taunting wildly, and being caught on the spot. Then the responsibility should not be less.

Yu Rubing is not a virgin, and because they are younger than herself, she will not let them go because they are all children, so there is no need to care about them.

It is to take advantage of the child to beat more.

Learn to be cautious in words and deeds, and learn to be responsible for your inappropriate words. This is something everyone should learn.

Lin An'an was sweating like rain, and her heart was beating like a drum. After realizing that Tang Hanqiu's eyes had been on him, he was even more panicked, and his tongue seemed to be knotted.

She dare not.

No one dared.

Who would dare to say frankly in front of others, "I said you were a dog, but I also said you were a jerk"

Tang Hanqiu soon discovered Lin An'an's guilt and anxiety, and when he saw Yu Rubing's serious face, he reacted as soon as his thoughts changed, and said slowly, "You scolded me, right?"

Unexpectedly, she brought this matter out so directly. Lin Anan was startled, her body was stiff, she didn't dare to nod her head, and she didn't have the courage to shake her head.

Tang Hanqiu's face was calm, and he didn't ask or scold: "Don't have a next time."

Lin Anan looked at her in surprise. She didn't expect that she didn't have the slightest idea of pursuing it, and immediately admired her mind and bearing. Because if she herself was scolded as a bitch and a dog, she would definitely chase after the other party and have to peel off the other party's skin.

She opened her mouth to say thank you.

I saw Tang Hanqiu turn his head and say to Han Wei, "I remember that Meishu has many alternative companies?"

Lin An'an's gratitude stuck in his throat.

Han Wei: "Yes."

Meishu is not the best, but it's not the worst, but it's still not enough for Tang's, but it's only a few small businesses, so Tang's is not so pursuit of the best and must be the best in the industry. Choose Mishu.

Tang Hanqiu nodded and looked back at Lin An'an, like the judge who sentenced the death sentence: "Meishu don't want to have any business dealings with the Tang family in the future. Please tell Ling Zun about this matter yourself."

Knowing that his father has a business relationship with the Tang family, he still insults Chairman Tang's daughter so ignorantly. What is this behavior to make his company lose such a large group customer? What is it that you are not rushing to stop the cooperation of the Tang family

Lin Anan is so "intimate", Tang Hanqiu will naturally not let her down.

Generous? nonexistent.

If others scold you and you continue to cooperate generously, then you are too bullying.

She is not a philanthropist who retaliates with virtue.

Lin Anan was like falling into an ice cellar, feeling cold all over, but when she met Tang Hanqiu's cold eyes, she couldn't say a word - she didn't dare to say it, and she didn't have the confidence to say it.

Tang Hanqiu didn't even ask what she was scolding, but she was already saving her face.

What can she say

I can only remember the lesson, think about how to tell the bad news to my dear father, and finally leave in a hurry.

As soon as Lin Anan left, Tang Hanqiu looked at Yu Rubing: "So, the friendship through tears is that you made her cry?"

Yu Rubing said righteously: "It's not me, it's the show team! The show team has to take full responsibility!"

Tang Hanqiu: "...What does this have to do with the show crew?"

"Rising Star Idol" still abuses trainees privately? ?

Yu Rubing once again asserted: "They confiscated my candy, and my temper was overwhelmed, so I could only be forced to have a tearful friendship with Lin Anan."

It's as if she made people cry, she's actually super innocent.

Tang Hanqiu: "..."

I really believe you are evil.

Tang Hanqiu turned his head slightly, not knowing where he wanted to cast his eyes, but quickly retracted it. Thinking of Yu Rubing's joke that she eats candy to protect the earth, she suddenly thinks that this joke might not be a joke.

If her temper can really make people cry, then she is indeed defending the earth by eating candy. After all, she is such a powerful barbarian.

But why

Can sugar really calm the mind

Better than tranquilizers

Yu Rubing never took the initiative to tell her the reason, and she didn't take the initiative to ask, but today, she suddenly wanted to ask: "Can't you do it without sugar?"

Yu Rubing said without hesitation, "No."

Tang Hanqiu: "Why?"

Yu Rubing: "It will kill people. If you don't believe me, ask Tan Xi."

As one of the witnesses, Tan Xi has an absolute right to speak.

Multi-party verification, in order to prove the credibility of the event. Tang Hanqiu said: "Then you go and bring Tan Xi, and I will take up her time."

For the sake of her own candy, Yu Rubing rushed to Class A, dragged her out after confirming that Tan Xi was free, and said bluntly, "Mr. Tang is looking for you".

Tan Xi: "???"

Although but... Isn't Mr. Tang in Huayao? ?


When she saw Tang Hanqiu standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Tan Xi believed it, although she was still confused as to why Tang Hanqiu came all the way to the training camp...

Tang Hanqiu took her aside and asked about the day of the conflict between Yu Rubing and Lin Anan.

In order not to sully the beautiful ears of the rich and noble in the world, Yan Gou Tan Xi tried to silence the sound, blocked Lin An'an's swearing words, and took it euphemistically.

Tang Hanqiu mainly wanted to understand how terrifying Yu Rubing was that day, so about the part about Yu Rubing's anger that made Lin Anan cry, and scared the people present so much that they didn't dare to speak, Tan Xi explained it word for word.

Finally made a concluding statement: "It's really terrible that she doesn't have sugar."

Tang Hanqiu's expression changed slightly, and he was surprised that Yu Rubing would attack people so ruthlessly. In her impression, Yu Rubing was a bit aggressive, but her firepower was definitely flexible, and she wouldn't be so vicious and aggressive.

Is sugar so important to her

Tang Hanqiu said: "I see, you have worked hard for a trip, go back first."

Tan Xi looked at her, hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "Mr. Tang, about her being downgraded..."

Tang Hanqiu: "I will handle it, don't worry."

She lowered her eyes slowly and said very reliably: "Don't worry, Hua Yao will not let you be bullied."

When she said this, her face was soft and gentle, and the light in her eyes flickered, so unimpressive.

Yan Gou Tan Xi: It's amazing, how can such a face value be said to be "just like that"!

After getting the guarantee and letting her eyes receive a beautiful baptism, Tan Xi left with satisfaction after completing the task.

Yu Rubing stepped forward and said, "How about Mr. Tang, help me to accommodate the program team for the sake of the world?"

"Yes." Tang Hanqiu said, "but you have to tell me why."

Yu Rubing was stunned for a moment, and Tang Hanqiu turned her face away to meet her eyes: "I'm curious why Tang can restrain your temper so easily."

Comparable to sedatives.

Yu Rubing's expression changed immediately, the smile disappeared, and it was as calm as a pool of stagnant water. Her eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she suddenly fell silent.

The room fell silent for a moment, and the sound of autumn outside the room slammed into the floor-to-ceiling windows wantonly, making a "huhu" sound. For some reason, the atmosphere became a little sad.

It was as if someone had stabbed a wound hidden deep inside.

Tang Hanqiu lifted his lips and broke the silence: "Sorry, it's okay if you don't want to say it."

Intuition told her that this was Yu Rubing's secret. Since it is a secret, it cannot be easily spied on by others.

Yu Rubing suddenly laughed: "It's not that I can't say it."

That's not really a secret, after all, in the real world, who doesn't know that her father is dead

Han Wei left temporarily with great discernment.


Yu Rubing has no mother. To be precise, her mother died when she was a baby, leaving only her and Lao Yu to live together.

Lao Yu opened a small shop to make a living, and the most sold is candy, which has all kinds of flavors, mainly because she likes to eat, and Lao Yu also likes to use candy to coax her.

Give me one candy when I'm happy, one candy when I'm sad, two more when I'm angry, and she will accept it every time.

In fact, it was mainly because Lao Yu was soft-tempered. She was embarrassed to be angry with him for so long, and to look at him with a look on her face for so long.

Lao Yu has a soft temper and is also a good person. But she thought she was a bad person, especially stupid. Neighbors, simple and malicious, as long as you ask him to borrow money, he will borrow it.

In fact, it is better to say that it is to lend, because the money often goes and never returns.

But Lao Yu didn't care, because he just wanted to serve the people and help the people.

Yes, that's what he thinks, a man who really wants to dedicate himself to the country and the people, but because Pojiao can't be a soldier and can't dedicate to the country, he can only dedicate himself to his neighbors.

"The neighbors are also part of the people." That's what Lao Yu told her back then.

But she doesn't agree with this practice, she needs to help in moderation and pay attention to having contacts. Dedicated to the people, but also to the people who deserve it. The most important thing is that some people just wear a human-shaped skin bag. It is not known whether they are human or maggots.

Some neighbors did borrow money from their family because of an urgent matter, but some were not.

Among them, the fat aunt who lives next door to their house is the most prominent.

If it weren't for Yu Rubing's presence, Auntie Fatty would be able to empty their house!

What annoyed Yu Rubing the most was that Aunt Fatty borrowed money, and even spoke ill of their family behind their backs, laughing at their old Yu for being stupid, stupid, and idiot. She didn't have a good face on her face, and said that her daughter was losing money. Stupid stuff like that.

Of course, these fat aunties did not dare to speak in front of Lao Yu.

But it also deeply made the young Yu Rubing feel that the borrower was an uncle.

The conflict between Yu Rubing and Aunt Pang has become increasingly intensified. In order to defend her old Yu, she can sometimes quarrel directly with Aunt Pang in front of the neighbors.

It is impossible to have a face.

If you quarrel with shameless people, you will lose if you want shame.

In order to fool the fat aunt, Yu Rubing's skills are also improving day after day and year after year.

Finally, on a snowy day when she was sixteen years old, she managed to slap Aunt Fatty and her useless son, who wanted to date her, to the point where she couldn't speak, so she could only squeeze out two drops. She saw tears that she wanted to vomit.

At that time, she only thought: Why can't you be more aggressive in this weather, and directly freeze two tears into ice and stick them on the faces of these two idiots!

As a result, that night, Lao Yu taught her a lesson about this matter—the stupid fat aunt couldn't scold her, so she moved out of her father!

Also add oil and vinegar!

Yu Rubing couldn't help but shake off how Aunt Fatty scolded him and herself.

But in Lao Yu's eyes, the neighbors are very friendly and will never say these ugly words.

Yu Rubing was furious at the time, and said directly: "How can I lie to you for money without pretending to be kind in front of you?!"

And Lao Yu also has the faults of all parents. When something happens, when the door is closed, he will blame the child first and let the child reflect.

It's like the child is always the wrong one.

When Lao Yu heard her sharp words, he frowned unhappily and asked her to reflect.

She clearly fought with Aunt Fatty to defend him, but he didn't ask about his grievances at all, and focused on those "people" who were not even sure if they were human!

She felt even more aggrieved, unwilling, and annoyed. At the age of her youth, she had a big quarrel with Lao Yu, and finally slammed the door and ran away, running to the park alone and crying with her arms in her arms.

That park was where Lao Yu often came to walk with her, and it was also where she would come every time she was angry. When she was angry, she would run here, mainly because she was rebellious and afraid that Lao Yu would not be able to find herself.

Don't be too careful.

However, she did not expect that this time Lao Yu really did not find herself.

She cried for a long time, her eyes were sore from crying, her face was red from freezing, and she never saw the limping figure that was familiar and worthy of her reliance in memory.

No matter what happened in the past, Lao Yu would definitely come to pick her up as soon as possible, but today it's late, a long, long time, as if he won't come, he will never come.

Suddenly, she felt a strong sense of unease, she stood up ignorantly, stepped into the snow, and after taking two steps forward, an inexplicable impulse surged up, urging her to go back quickly. .

As if inspired, she suddenly ran back on the icy snow like crazy.

She had never been so restless for a day.

Until she saw the familiar red and blue lights, the familiar police uniforms, the tight cordon pulled up, and the curious residents surrounding the surrounding area.

She stopped.

After just looking at it twice, she turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment a boy shouted in a provocative voice: "Yu Rubing, your dad is inside!"

A buzzing sound in my head.

She didn't believe it, but her footsteps seemed to be frozen in place, unable to move away.

In the end, she made a ghostly walk towards the cordon, and the police did not stop her. She walked into the alley in a daze, and at the first sight she saw the familiar figure she had been waiting for—falling under the dim yellow light, In that dazzling pool of blood.

She softly and cautiously called out, "Lao Yu?"

No answer.

She stepped forward, the familiar face came into view, and her mind went blank.

She squatted beside him slowly, pushed his arm gently, and said with low eyebrows, "Why are you lying here, it's so cold on the ground."

"Ah, I see, you're mad at me. I'm sorry, Lao Yu, I won't quarrel with you in the future. Get up and let's go home."

"It's so cold outside, Lao Yu."

At that time, she didn't know if it was because she had cried too much before, but she couldn't shed a single tear when facing Lao Yu who was asleep.

No matter how she pushed Lao Yu, Lao Yu ignored her. She thought to herself that Lao Yu must be angry with her, so angry that she didn't even want to pay attention to her.

He didn't even bring the candy he used to coax her.

Suddenly, someone pulled the corner of her clothes and called softly, "Sister."

She turned her head back stiffly, and saw an ignorant child standing in front of her, still wearing the pink coat she wore this morning. Put it on him, and it looks mopping the floor.

The child was too young to understand or be afraid of anything, just looked at her innocently, then raised a small fleshy hand, spread it out, and said in a milky voice, "Here you are, sugar. "

The candy in his palm was exactly the same as the candy Lao Yu usually used to coax her.

No more, no less, exactly two.


The long-standing events that have been dusty for many years are brought up again, and the emotions are disturbed.

Yu Rubing sniffed and said with a smile: "Later the police told me that Lao Yu was stabbed to death by the trafficker in the process of fighting to save the child. The trafficker ran away in a hurry when he saw that he was killed, and even Xiao No more children."

The stupid old Yu from her family finally dedicated himself to the people he loves.

The tip of Yu Rubing's nose was red, but she still said with a smile: "Although it is, I think it is my fault. If I had a better temper and didn't quarrel with Lao Yu, he would not come out to find me, nor would he If I meet the trafficker, I won't..."

She said that she choked for a moment and turned her head quietly, still not wanting Tang Hanqiu to see the tears that were about to fall out of her eyes.

Tang Hanqiu watched her secretly wiping her tears, and said softly, "Wait for me."

After a while, she came back.

"Yu Rubing." She called out.

Yu Rubing turned back subconsciously, and suddenly there was a lollipop in front of her, she was stunned.

Tang Hanqiu put the candy in her hand, then gently embraced her in his arms, patted her on the back soothingly, and said in a low voice, "It's not your fault."

"Ling Zun is dedicated to the people he loves until the end. He is worthy and brave."

"The most important thing is that he will not be happy to see you blame yourself for this, because you are not at all wrong, it is the people who break the law."

In front of the long-lost gentle comfort, Yu Rubing couldn't hold back and let out a cry, weak and weak, like a helpless kitten.

Tang Hanqiu hugged her tighter, trying to give her more security.

"Cry, I'll accompany you."