She Wants To Divorce Me

Chapter 42


The "chaser" in the alley was already heading in another direction, turning out of the gentle woman's courtyard, Cheng Henian was full of doubts, and she didn't even hear what Lu Yusheng said. Why are journalists flocking to this alley? Obviously their whereabouts are very secretive. The few innocent children I met on the road couldn't possibly be them—in fact, she was suspicious of An Muyu, but Lu Yusheng obviously didn't take this matter to heart. She curled her lips and swallowed all the words. On the way back, she and Lu Yusheng had nothing to say.

Weibo is the source of a lot of news, and it is also a place that she hates. The keyboard warriors wear a mask to point the country and others, and they never put themselves in other people's shoes. After the phone was turned on, a large number of messages flooded in, and Cheng Henian's expression became colder after he glanced at the missed calls. She took a deep breath, restrained her wandering thoughts, and found today's affairs from Weibo. Lu Yusheng, Xin'an Restaurant, and her name, Cheng Henian, were put together together. Many naive fans in the comments said that they would go to that alley, maybe they could meet their goddess by chance. But what surprised her was that there was no news about the overwhelming amount of pornography before, and now there was no information at all, and even some high-rise buildings on some forums were completely deleted.

Who is helping her? Lu Yusheng? Cheng Henian shook his head and quickly rejected this possibility. Although Lu Yusheng has a great status in the music scene and is well received by everyone, but in terms of real power, he may not be able to compete with the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Could it be Bian Yuting? The name appeared in her mind, and she just felt a surge of disgust. She opened WeChat and looked through one by one. There were comforts, inquiries, and even gloating from irrelevant people. Fortunately, there was no Bian Yuting's post Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief when the news came.

"What happened, do you need help?" This is a question sent by Ji Yaoguang, and it has been several hours. She didn't reply, and she never asked questions like those people.

"It's okay, thank you." Cheng Henian replied, and after a while he typed a series of words, "You helped me with those s***s on the Internet?" For the s***s, either show evidence to whitewash the face, or Introduce another thing that is more eye-catching, and lead the trouble to the east, but now this method is more brutal, and the relevant information is directly deleted. Don't you know what kind of virtue the prince of the prosperous Tang Dynasty was? The playboy who has been lingering on the lace news all year round, people are only afraid of the power of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but now someone is showing up, obviously it is an existence that cannot be offended than the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

When Ji Yaoguang saw Cheng Henian's reply, it was already dusk, and Chang Yu came to tell her with her mobile phone. The old books from the study room were laid out in a row on the coffee table, and the eyes swept quickly to prepare for the upcoming New Year's Eve dinner. Many people have looked down on the so-called taste of the year, including Chang Yu, but in Ji Yaoguang's heart, there is an indelible feeling.

"It's not me." Ji Yaoguang was very busy and didn't even have time to pick up the phone, "Can you reply for me."

"Then who is doing this behind the scenes? Bian Yuting?" Chang Yu nodded slightly, and sat opposite Ji Yaoguang. All her eyes fell on Ji, but now, it seemed that she had lost her attractiveness, and Ji Yaoguang didn't even raise her head when talking to her. Raising her eyelids, she leaned forward, most of which were vertical traditional characters, with dots circled to indicate sentence reading. She had also been influenced by classical literature, but she definitely couldn't be as enthusiastic as Ji Yaoguang.

"It's Ji Kaiyang."

As soon as a few words came out, Chang Yu understood. Ji Kaiyang intends to ask Cheng Henian to write an original song for the upcoming variety show. Naturally, he will not let her be entangled in sex. As a businessman, what he wants to pursue is the greatest benefit. The younger sister has a good relationship, so she won't stand by and watch. After Cheng Henian's porn was deleted, what came out was Jiang Liu's stupid things, and Jiang Shoufang's flirtatious, upright beam and bottom beam, all these hints were written between the lines. And the media who saw the wind vane spared no effort to dig out the story behind it, and even the identity of Jiang Huai, the illegitimate child, was picked up. Of course, Sheng Tang followed suit, and these messages were quickly deleted, leaving only sporadic bits and pieces. In a short period of time, I am afraid that I am not in the mood to play tricks on other people.

"I have already sent the words to Ji Kaiyang's mailbox. As for Cheng Henian, someone from the company will contact him. We don't need to say more." Ji Yaoguang suddenly raised his head, his eyes shining brightly. She walked around the coffee table and sat in Chang Yu's arms, put her hand around her neck, and smiled excitedly, "I know what to do!" Her mind was not on Cheng Henian's affairs at all.

"I've grown flesh." Chang Yu smiled lightly, rubbing his hands lightly on Ji Yaoguang's waist. The past few days have been really happy. Under the high-intensity work, I suddenly relax, and even my body sends out signals. For their line of work, maintaining a good figure is extremely important. But Ji Yaoguang obviously didn't believe this - it's just that even if this guy lets go of his appetite and eats, he won't swell rapidly, probably because of the legendary physique of not getting fat.

Ji Yaoguang thought about it, and Chang Yu's tone was a bit joking. She also cast a wink at the words, pretending to be a delicate and delicate woman, and asked: "Is the official comfortable?"

Chang Yu held back his laughter, shook his head helplessly, pushed Ji Yaoguang and said, "Go down quickly." His fingers didn't have much strength, it was more like a refusal to welcome. Ji Yaoguang was just playing around with her at first, but a small flame was ignited by her expression. Fingers slowly slid down from Chang Yu's slightly red ears to the corners of her lips. She squinted her eyes, only to feel that the person in front of her was as jade-like as Kunlun, and her imagination suddenly flowed. It was like the itch that a feather gently scratched in the heart - it must be indulged.

"Aren't you going to try the dishes you picked?" Chang Yu's eyes dimmed, she grabbed Ji Yaoguang's hand, and leaned back slightly to create a little distance. Seeing dissatisfaction on Ji Yaoguang's face, she sighed inaudibly again, and kissed her fingertips lightly, "Okay, let's go."

"Not enough." Ji Yaoguang shook his head.

"You still want—" Chang Yu's voice was silenced by a kiss, and the tip of his tongue was timidly looking for the way. After getting familiar with this soft place, he immediately began to show off his might. This charming and long kiss ended, and both of them blushed. Ji Yaoguang grabbed Chang Yu's clothes, and all his strength seemed to be taken away from his whole body. After a while, he slid off Chang Yu's body, smiling like a child receiving a candy reward.

This sounds clear and logical, but it is another matter to actually operate it in the kitchen. It is difficult to successfully test a new dish without doing it three or five times. There is no New Year's atmosphere in the old house. The aunts in the family went back to their hometown early, and even Tao Bo packed some things and went back to see the children. The two elders who were out on a trip obviously went crazy and forgot about the New Year. As for Ji Kaiyang, he was entangled in various things and said that he would not go home until the New Year's Eve.

Chang Yu went back to his study to write couplets and blessing characters. On the bright red gold-sprinkled paper, each word was like a flying dragon and a phoenix dancing, quite free and easy. Many things only need a phone call, and someone will come to your door, but Ji Yaoguang wants to do it herself, saying that she is here to experience the "New Year taste", so Chang Yu naturally let her. From these seemingly boring things, you can get some wonderful things.

After the last stroke, Chang Yu leaned over and blew the ink on the paper, just in time to hear the sound of footsteps, and when he turned his head, he saw Ji Yaoguang walking over with a small cup and a smile on his face. "What is this?" Chang Yu's voice was mixed with a little curiosity. In the past few days, Ji Yaoguang has tasted new things, some of which can make her eyes shine, and some of the failed products naturally-become one. Something that intoxicates the palate.

"At the beginning of the year, Xintang pears come to wild people's homes. The sweetness and sourness still has the taste of the Central Plains, and the heartbroken spring breeze does not see flowers." Ji Yaoguang groaned softly, looked at Chang Yu, bent his eyebrows, and smiled, "Guess, ah, In fact, the phrase 'cover your body with three inches of brown, store your stomach with a mass of ice' is more appropriate."


"Yes." Ji Yaoguang nodded, and said again, "You should have seen this dish at the Spring Festival. Its name is 'Orange Jade'." Mix vinegar with a little salt and soy sauce, and it can be used with wine. I don’t know how many times I have drank rock sugar pear soup. Most of the pear-related food is sweet, but it is rarely heard of mixing salt and sauce. Seeing that there were still ink stains on Chang Yu's hands, Ji Yaoguang walked up to her in a few steps, scooped them up with a spoon and brought them to her lips.

This dark pear - it doesn't look very delicious, Chang Yu hesitated a little in his heart. But seeing Ji Yao's shining eyes, he couldn't bear to let her down. This entrance is sweet and salty, but it's not that bad. The refreshing taste of Sydney is not covered by the strange sauce. "Not bad." Chang Yu boasted.

"That's it." Ji Yaoguang was a little proud. She had tried it no less than ten times, and she almost ruined all the pears at home, so she made this pot. "Wait for me for a while, I'll go get the wine." The book says that this cup of "Cheng Yu Sheng" is suitable for drinking, but I don't know if it's true or not.

"You—" Before Chang Yu finished speaking, Ji Yaoguang ran out of the study.

The author has something to say: sweet text sweet text sweet text sweet text, trust me!

There will be episodes of previous lives.

There are some more that will be explained later.