She Wants To Divorce Me

Chapter 44


Compared with going out to explore and break through levels, "Time Inn" is obviously a variety reality show that is partial to life. The eight guests in this episode were sent to an inn called Time, and they will start a half-month common life . Ji Yaoguang didn't quite know who the invited guests were. According to Ji Kaiyang, the chief director Zhao Beiting was solely responsible for all of this, and he didn't care about the people who came in.

It took more than half an hour to drive to the location of Mengjia Village. Ji Yaoguang turned his head to look at Chang Yu's side face, and pretended to be casual and said: "Today "Ningchen" is released in major theaters." I have never been so nervous like now , She has also filmed a lot of dramas before, even if she got terrible reviews, she was indifferent. Everything after the wrap-up banquet has nothing to do with her, let alone when it will start broadcasting. Many people on the Internet believe that there is Ji Yaoguang's movie, even if there are famous directors and actresses, they can't resist it being a bad movie. Ji Yaoguang has expectations in her heart, and she hopes that the final effect can slap these people in the face severely.

Chang Yu naturally knew the time of the show. She turned her head and stared at Ji Yaoguang's pretendingly calm face, and asked with a chuckle, "Are you nervous?" The hands folded on her legs clenched into fists, and her fingers rubbed intentionally or unintentionally. , I am afraid that a turbulent wave has already been set off in my heart. It seems that the choice of this program is not the time, otherwise you can go to the cinema to experience it for real.

The words of rebuttal reached her lips and swallowed, Ji Yaoguang smiled and said frankly: "Yes."

"It shouldn't be too bad." Chang Yu snorted softly, "You used to be too bad, maybe you can't get rid of the inherent labels of 'vase' and 'poor acting' with this movie alone, but you can also Because this solidified label will make people feel that you have made great progress."

Ji Yaoguang turned sideways, she let go of her hand, and said with a chuckle: "You mean everything is because of the contrast? This is vertical, so what about horizontal? When we appear in the same movie, I will I don't believe they won't criticize me when they mention you. You must know that some film critics are also your true fans, and they hate our relationship even more."

Chang Yu pondered for a moment, and her tone began to become cautious: "Other people compare you with me, are you very unhappy? Do you feel a lot of pressure?"

Ji Yaoguang chuckled, her clear eyes lingered on Chang Yu's face, she put her hand on Chang Yu's leg, and gently drew the word "ten". She asked back: "Is my psychological quality so bad in your mind? If it is really like this, I'm afraid I can't bear it long ago." To know the difference between acting skills, her puddle of mud has already It was so bad that no one wanted to put her and Chang Yu together. After saying this, Ji Yaoguang fell silent. She suddenly remembered that she had mentioned this matter when she was arguing with Chang Yu. It was a random slander after losing all reason under anger. Chang Yu looked indifferent, but sometimes her mind was delicate and sensitive, and in this regard, the two of them seemed to be carved out of the same mold. Sighing slightly in his heart, Ji Yaoguang grabbed Chang Yu's hand, and was about to say a few words when a "thrilling" sound came into his ears.

The car stopped and they had arrived at their destination.

Chang Yu squeezed the back of Ji Yaoguang's hand, said with a light smile, "Go, get out of the car."

Mengjia Village is an quaint small village. The resources brought to it by the rapid development of H City are biased towards the development of tourism. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is quite beautiful. Almost every household in the village has been renovated into a homestay, and Time Inn is one of them. Pushing open the concealed door, there is a large yard with several peach blossom trees planted on both sides, facing the black tiles in the corner, and there are a few chirping sparrows jumping on it. Passing through the courtyard is an arched hanging flower door, and the mahogany verandas on both sides lead to the wing rooms. The entire time inn is an antique-style building, and walking in it seems to be able to travel through thousands of years.

The staff of the program team had already arrived at the inn to arrange everything, probably because the process of waiting for the guests was a little boring, they were sitting around the stone table playing cards. "Liandu", "□□", "Zaibo"... They were too immersed in it, and they didn't notice Ji Yaoguang's arrival for a while, until a cat meow came to their ears, and they suddenly came back to their senses.

"Mr. Chang, Mr. Ji, are you here? Please sit down quickly."

"It's okay, you guys continue to play, what about Director Zhao?" Ji Yaoguang blinked, and her eyes fell on the poker cards. Her card skills are not very good, but she can't help but point out Jiangshan when she is watching. Because of their arrival, the staff of the program group were embarrassed to continue to play around, chatting with each other, but they kept silent about the names of other guests, and only said a paragraph Time will be able to know.

"Hey, Mr. Ji, is this your family's siren?" Suddenly a deep voice sounded, and Liu Ran from the photography team asked curiously. He stood up, and a tall and thick old man started chasing a black and white kitten in the yard. Liu Ran is Ji Yaoguang's face fan, and also a qualified excrement shovel officer. When he saw Ji Yaoguang's Weibo posting photos, he wished he could scream like those little girls. Ji Yaoguang, the filming guest of these program groups, has made him happy for a long time. He didn’t expect Ji Yaoguang to bring the Siren over—he always wanted to know whether the black hair on the Siren’s face was natural, or whether it was deliberately dyed to have such a personality. .

Relying on its dexterous figure, the siren moved at the foot of the spring-like wall, stepping on the wet moss like a king patrolling his territory, and his meowing was full of contempt for Liu Ran. I saw it wandering around, and finally jumped into Ji Yaoguang's arms covered in dirt. It was obvious that the master had the worst attitude towards it. If cats can also express themselves, probably the Sirens want to conquer Ji Yaoguang with their own pride.

Ji Yaoguang didn't think it was dirty, so she stroked the soft cat fur and let it go. She didn't like cats, but she couldn't resist the feeling and temptation. On the one hand, I am thinking that it is an ugly cat, so even if I really want to suck cats, I can’t suck it anymore. On the other hand, I am regretful. If it is a beautiful cat, will it feel better? When the siren jumped out, her arms were suddenly empty, and she lowered her hands in a sense of loss. And Chang Yu, who had been silent all the time, took out a wet towel and wiped the dirt on her clothes.

Don't open your eyes, Liu Ran, the rumors on the Internet are all fake, right? The two masters began to show their affection when they arrived at the inn, what will happen in the future? The big boss invested in this show, wouldn't it be to let the audience across the country eat dog food together

A loud horn sounded, indicating that other guests had also arrived at their destination. Ji Yaoguang looked up, and a familiar figure broke into her eyes. She blinked with some doubts, and was about to go forward to ask, but Chang Yu suddenly grabbed her arm. It was agreed at the beginning that she and Chang Yu would come here by themselves, so why did Su Ci come to this inn? Before I could figure it out, another woman with a sweet smile came slowly, carrying a food box. If it was just doubt before, then what flashed in his eyes now is shock and disgust. He gave the woman a vigilant look, then turned to look at Chang Yu's expression.

A heart was beating suddenly, and the palms were pinched with cold sweat. She seldom pays attention to the dynamics of other artists in Tang Dynasty, but she vaguely remembers that Su Ci said that she has picked up a newcomer. Could it be An Muyu, the popular gourmet anchor recently? But why was she able to win Zhao Beiting's favor and be sent to the program group? Is it Su Ci or Lu Yusheng behind the push? Excessive tension even blurred her vision, and there was a buzzing sound in her ears. It was not until Chang Yu's concerned question reached her ears that she shook her head with a pale face and said, "It's nothing." If there is no way to overcome the inner demon, the rift between her and Chang Yu may reappear one day.

"Hello, teachers, I brought some desserts." An Muyu's appearance has a kind of delicacy and exquisiteness of a Jiangnan woman, and her gentle smile immediately wins everyone's favor. In addition to his reputation, he also knew a little bit about it, and after thanking him, he unceremoniously went to taste the exquisite dim sum.

"Mr. Chang." After a long pause, An Muyu called again, "Mr. Ji."

"I have admired you for a long time. It must be a kind of fate to meet you in the program group. I also prepared some snacks for you. Do you want to try them?" He glanced at Ji Yaoguang for a while, and then stared at Chang Yu intently. Chang Yu is probably the only one who admires and covets this, right? Ji Yaoguang sneered secretly in her heart, the memories she brought back from the past made her unable to develop any good feelings even if she knew that this woman had not met Chang Yu at present. Showing a polite smile, Ji Yaoguang politely refused: "Thank you, I don't eat sweets."

An Muyu said again: "What about Teacher Chang? I remember you like desserts."

"Remember?" Chang Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

An Muyu covered her lips and smiled: "I saw it from the Internet. I am a loyal fan of yours, and I have watched every single one of your videos."

"Thank you for liking." Chang Yu responded lightly, "But like Yao Guang, I don't eat sweets."

An Muyu's smile froze after Chang Yu blurted out his refusal, but soon eased over. The siren circled around the feet of the three of them. An Muyu lowered her eyes, broke off some pastry crumbs and threw them on the ground, and praised unconscionably: "A very beautiful kitten." The praised siren With a meow, he lowered his head and sniffed the pastry, then turned his head and ran away arrogantly.