She Wants To Divorce Me

Chapter 45


For the first time, Ji Yaoguang felt the cuteness of the Siren, and she wanted to hold it in her arms and kiss it hard. Ugly but with personality, this is Ji Yaoguang's cat. After touching several soft nails one after another, An Muyu's face was not very good-looking. She turned her head and said a few words to the frowning Su Ci, while Ji Yaoguang turned around in a corner where the two of them could not see. Roll eyes. He took out a candy he didn't know when he put it in from his pocket and threw it into his mouth. Don't have a sweet tooth? It's just that she doesn't eat what An Muyu sent her.

When seeing An Muyu, the vague outline in his heart was slowly outlined. Many things have changed this time, but this person's covetousness for Chang Yu seems to have never disappeared. Seeing her forbearing and loving eyes, how could Ji Yaoguang not be vigilant? She didn't want Chang Yu to get acquainted with this person, and even complained about Lu Yusheng, but her appearance this time completely broke Ji Yaoguang's fantasy. She used Lu Yusheng to increase her popularity, and then moved from being an Internet celebrity to the entertainment industry, but why does An Muyu think that she has more opportunities than others? Doesn't she know that there are countless people lost in this circle, unable to find their way back, let alone the direction to move forward

Until Su Ci left, Ji Yaoguang didn't say a word to her.

The waiting process was boring. Looking at the shuffled cards, Ji Yaoguang was eager to try, but finally lost in Chang Yu's eyes. She followed Chang Yu to the backyard covering the mahogany veranda. The white walls were covered with withered yellow vines, and the corners were dotted with gray and damp spots. Everything has quietly sprouted. The owner of the inn raised a few spotted cats, and the siren, as an outsider, quickly got along with them, running up to Ji Yaoguang and the others from time to time, as if to attract their attention.

Chang Yu said softly, "You have a strong hostility towards An Muyu."

Ji Yaoguang couldn't tell whether she was asking or blaming at once, and her flat tone was the most likely to attract people's daydream. She frowned slightly, and the corners of her tightly pursed lips showed a hint of stubbornness and embarrassment. She just hates An Muyu, and always feels that her gentleness is just an appearance. Xiao Zhao at the spring banquet that day mentioned a few words, and coupled with the images of her previous life, her malice towards An Muyu still lingers. Could it be possible to repeat the same mistakes this time? Will Chang Yu get close to this woman? But some time ago, she clearly promised herself to stay away from An Muyu.

"What are you thinking?" Chang Yu's tone was a little helpless, and she could more or less see her emotions from Ji Yaoguang's undisguised face. She is not good at expressing, let alone explaining to others, but when facing Ji Yaoguang, she has nothing to do. If the indifference continues, there may not be any ending between the two of them. He raised his hand and wanted to touch Ji Yaoguang's face, but she dodged it, only the twinkling eyes revealed a sense of awkwardness and longing. Chang Yu couldn't help but laugh. She lowered her arms and said after a moment of consideration, "I didn't mean to blame you. I know you don't like her, so naturally I wouldn't get close to her. I was a stranger who didn't know each other, so now After this show, it’s the same kind of relationship.”

Ji Yaoguang snorted, and said rather sourly: "She said she is your loyal fan and expressed her love to you!"

"Isn't Liu Ran also your loyal fan?"

"Can it be the same? Liu Ran is a strong man!"

Chang Yu smiled and said, "Don't you treat him as a human just because he is a strong man?"

"That, that—" Ji Yaoguang hesitated and couldn't say anything else for a while. After a long while, she stomped her feet and stared at Chang Yu angrily.

Chang Yu's eyes sank, she took Ji Yaoguang's hand, leaned into her ear and whispered: "Are you acting like a baby with me?"

"No." Ji Yaoguang blushed and denied it. After covering her lips and coughing lightly, she said again, "Don't change the subject, how did you say that An Muyu was stuffed into the crew? Could it be that Zhao Beiting was also arrested Stomach? Or is it because of Lu Yusheng's push behind it? You must know that An Muyu's public attention is all due to Lu Yusheng. It is the proprietress of the Spring Banquet. I want to help her, but I am afraid of disturbing her. quiet."

Chang Yu shook his head and said, "I've already asked Yu Sheng, and she said she didn't know about An Muyu's joining the program group. She only knew that An Muyu had signed with Sheng Tang." Even in Zhao Beiting's group, it was inevitable There will be a few people who will be forced in, but An Muyu is not as well-known as an ordinary traffic star, and he has no background, so why was he let in

"What's the matter with Lu Yusheng, doesn't she know that An Muyu is not a good person? Is she blinded by food?" Ji Yaoguang complained softly. Not long ago, a photo of Lu Yusheng and Cheng Henian appearing together in Xin'an restaurant was uploaded on the Internet, and the responses below were also varied. With Lu Yusheng's ability to walk around the streets looking for delicious food, it is easy to avoid the eyes and ears of reporters, and it is likely that someone's whereabouts were leaked on purpose.

"She said she knew, but she actually sent me some messages after that day." Chang Yu lowered his eyes, hesitated for a while, and said calmly, "She told me that An Muyu expressed her admiration for me several times and wanted to Introduced us. I politely declined. Afterwards, she brought up An Muyu's signing with Shengtang. She said that she helped promote the peace of mind because the food at that restaurant was really delicious. Let her go. It's just that when An Muyu enters the entertainment circle, if she wants to use her as a springboard or seek her help, she will just stand by and watch."

"What the hell is Empress Lu thinking about?" Ji Yaoguang still had some dissatisfaction in her tone, and after calming down, she said, "According to this, this matter really has nothing to do with Lu Yusheng, does it mean that Did An Muyu find Zhao Beiting or the deputy chief director to recommend himself as a pillow?"

The more you think about it, the more outrageous it becomes. Chang Yu bent his finger and flicked Ji Yaoguang's forehead, shook his head and said, "Even if you don't like this person, don't speculate about her backstory with the greatest malice. She followed Su Ci I came here. Before you said that Su Ci had a newcomer, she should be her? Have you ever thought that it was because of Su Ci that An Muyu was put into the crew through Ji Kaiyang? You have always been good to Su Ci , Ji Kaiyang also knows of her existence, and has always been grateful to her."

"..." Ji Yaoguang thought for a moment, recalling the past in detail. This possibility is still very high. Look at An Muyu, no one else is accompanied by a manager or assistant, but she brought Su Ci with her, why? It seems that there is no need to think about it. Thinking of this, Ji Yaoguang's expression was a bit complicated. She blamed Su Ci a little in her heart, but after thinking about it, it's normal for her to bring new people. Which manager doesn't have three or five people under his command? In addition, she still doesn't know about the entanglement between herself and An Muyu. He sighed secretly, the matter has come to such a point, can't Ji Kaiyang be used to kick her out of the crew? This Beidou entertainment has just been reorganized, and she, Ji Yaoguang, has not been so willful.

I walked around this quaint inn with Chang Yu, talking about some irrelevant things. If it wasn't for filming a show, it would be a romantic enjoyment for two people in this kind of scene. In fact, the shooting time of the program group is still a bit early, and in another month, it will be the season of warm spring and flowers blooming. Under the colorful peach blossom trees, it can achieve the slender and hazy aesthetic feeling required by Zhao Beiting. After walking around slowly, he returned to the original place. Apart from An Muyu, a few more artists came, two of them were the creampie Xiaosheng who had worked with them before, and they could vaguely remember their names.

After saying hello to each other, Ji Yaoguang stretched out his hand to stop Bo Yu who came up to ask Chang Yu for his autograph, and glared at him. Bo Yu is the youngest among them, and he has a youthful breath that has not been polished by society. When Ji Yaoguang co-produced a school idol drama with him, Ji Yaoguang was naturally called a "vase", while Bo Yu was criticized for using too much force, thinking that this ambitious boy would be hit. In front of the media, he smiled brightly and didn't take it seriously. It's not a hit, but I don't have any dislike for him.

Bo Yu blinked at a few people standing beside him, then turned his head and teased at Ji Yaoguang: "Sister Ji, Goddess Chang belongs to everyone, don't stop her."

"Goddess Chang belongs to everyone, but Chang Yu is mine." Ji Yao replied without blinking, "The one standing here is Chang Yu, not the goddess."

As if in response to her words, the siren who was lazily nestling under the stone bench licked its paws and meowed. I hadn't seen the cat before, but as soon as the news came out, Bo Yu immediately lowered his head and said in surprise: "This filming program, the family of three came here?" After Ji Yaoguang started posting cats, many people on the Internet were like this ridicule. Bo Yu bent down, wanting to hug the siren out from under him, but he didn't know that the sharp claws were the first to show, so scared that Bo Yu took a step back, clutching his chest and said: "It's so dangerous! So fierce?"

"The siren is afraid of strangers." An Muyu covered her lips and smiled softly. She took a step forward and greeted the kitten while saying softly, "Be gentle with the kitten, don't scare it." When it touched the Siren's body, the ear-piercing and mournful cry rang out, and the Siren ran out from under the stool with all the hair on end, staring at An Muyu with displeasure.

"Is this cat a sperm?" Bo Yu asked in surprise.