She Wants To Divorce Me

Chapter 51


When Ji Yaoguang saw Chang Yu walking over with a bag of popcorn, Ji Yaoguang quickly put these trivial things behind him. Whether there is a customer coming to the door is all about fate. Now that the primary school students are getting more and more mature, they may not look down on this old-fashioned way of expressing love.

The two of them walked side by side on the quiet path, and for a while even words became superfluous, just a meeting of eyes was worth a thousand words. Ji Yaoguang focused on solving the bag of popcorn in his hand, and fed Chang Yu a few from time to time. And Chang Yu's expression was quite complicated, as if there were knots in his heart that couldn't be solved. After a while, she pretended to be casual and said, "Did you know Jiang Yusheng before?"

Ji Yaoguang responded: "I don't know, what's the matter?"

"It's okay." Chang Yu frowned and shook his head, "She is a very enthusiastic fan and admires you very much."

Ji Yaoguang nodded. She seldom had contact with fans, but looking at some other artists around her, she encountered extremely fanatical fans, which even affected her life. They rely on fans to maintain their popularity, and at the same time, they hate being prying into their privacy again and again by fans. Ji Yaoguang didn't have a good impression of this group at the beginning, but now, his attitude has slowly begun to change. If all the fans are like Jiang Yusheng—she thought about this possibility, burst out laughing, and she boasted: "The primary school girl is very cute."

Chang Yu responded lightly: "Yes."

Ji Yaoguang clapped her hands, threw the empty bag of popcorn into the trash can beside the road, and looked at Chang Yu eagerly. When she went out, she rarely carried wet wipes with her. She doesn't need to think. Chang Yu lowered his eyebrows, wiped her lips with a tissue, and motioned for her to stretch out her hand. The damp coolness spread from the palms and backs of the hands to between the fingers. Chang Yu's movements were serious and careful. Ji Yaoguang shuddered all over, and her eyes were stained with a moist luster. She licked her lips and looked at Chang Yu's eyes. Face, can't help thinking about it. But this is during the filming of the program group, and Chang Yu must not allow it. Thinking of this, she sighed again with regret.

Director Zhao Beiting, who had disappeared all day, appeared on time at night, and several guests who were getting closer to life suddenly remembered the roles they were going to play that night. Zhao Beiting had two empty boxes on the side of his hand, and he was trying to draw a theme out of them. There is a room in the inn called "Xin Xin Yard", where the staff have finished setting the scene and the lighting engineers are all in place. "I'll do it!" Bo Yu volunteered, he took a step forward, fumbled for a long time in the box Zhao Beiting pointed out, and finally took out a piece of paper slowly.

"What's written on it?" Sun Shaogong pretended to be impatient.

"Yes—" Bo Yu unfolded the note in his hand, and read it word by word, "Yes, if Fan Li hadn't let Xishi into Wu..." The ellipsis means that all the following scenes are freely played by them.

Zhao Beiting smiled and said: "Next, you will choose the roles to play one by one."

"Wait a minute!" Bian Yuting interrupted Zhao Beiting suddenly, and she said, "Director Zhao, I think it's very unfair, since I don't have any acting experience at all, isn't that doomed to lose miserably? Chang Yu and her But the queen of the movies, she wins every time, so aren't we at a loss?"

"Three of them are judges. It's all about luck. As for Chang Yu, let her be the judge forever." Zhao Beiting said, making a final decision.

Chang Yu glanced at Ji Yaoguang, and asked quietly: "Does the judges have any rewards?"

Zhao Beiting replied: "Five yuan for one time."

The stinginess of the program group has been revealed from the very beginning. Zhao Beiting's words made everyone feel dejected. The judges rewarded five yuan, so how many can be named the best in the end? It's just that when I think about my shriveled money bag, I cheer up again. It's better than nothing. The intention of the program group is obviously to let them make a living by the method they came up with during the day.

Ji Yaoguang was nervous and confident, she took a small strip from the box, and held it up to Chang Yu before she saw it—it was King Wu Fucha. She was just a woman disguised as a man. After a strange cry from that side, a more miserable person appeared. "Why am I Xi Shi!" Bo Yu wailed, and he turned to Sun Shaogong, blinking his eyes to be cute, "Brother Sun, how about I change roles with you?"

Sun Shaogong said without blinking, "I am Zheng Dan."

Zhao Beiting opened the mouth and said: "OK, I have got my own role, now let's find a makeup artist and get ready to play."

There were three jury seats in total, only Bian Yuting was lucky enough to get one.

This cross-dressing is also an art, and it depends entirely on your skills. Fortunately, these few masters are not big and three rough. Although they are funny after putting on makeup, they will not immediately make people complain. Before the performance started, Ji Yaoguang kept smiling at Bo Yu and the others, rejecting their suggestion to change roles, with an unkind expression.

The story happened in Zhuluo Village in Zhuji. The doctor of Yue State was ordered to go to various places to find the beauties presented to the King of Wu. Etiquette and tricks to seduce people, I didn't expect to be trapped in it. Between family and country righteousness and love, he resolutely chose the latter, intending to go far away with Xi Shi.

"The cunning rabbit is a dead dog, the king of Yue is a man who cannot be compared with riches and honors, it is better to let go at this time." Fan Li walked in the courtyard with his hands behind his back, with a rather melancholy expression. At this time, he is not the talented and generous Doctor Fan, but an ordinary man who is trapped by love. The choice he faces is like a knife cutting his heart.

"噗—" There was a sound of drawing a sword, Wen Zhong gritted his teeth and said with a livid face, "Fan Li! The country is gone, and you still have love for your children. I, Wen Zhong, misjudged you."

"Yes." Fan Li smiled slightly, and he sighed, "You may not know that Xi Shi is already pregnant with my flesh and blood. If you send her to King Wu's Palace, you should be able to guess the consequences."

"..." Wen Zhong was stunned, not knowing how to continue for a while, before he sighed after a long time, and dropped the long sword path, "You go, I won't stop you."

"Thank you." Fan Li said softly.

Fan Li and Xi Shi are about to leave by car.

The sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded, and they thought it was soldiers and horses from the State of Yue. Unexpectedly, there was a big word "Wu" embroidered on the banner. Lots of beauties. Unable to restrain his lust for a while, he ignored Wu Zixu's advice and came to meet the beauty in person.

Seeing that a battle was unavoidable, Zheng Dan, who finally appeared Yingying, resolved the fight with a few words.

"On the stage, you have to let go, and there is another very important issue. You can't just play yourself, you also need to look at the people around you." After the end of a scene, Zhao Beiting jumped onto the stage and said, " Don't think of the actors on stage as rivals, they are companions, do you understand this? Also, An Muyu, you have many problems where you can't get your words, is it because you are not familiar with this play?"

"In fact, she is not alone in this situation." Chang Yu said lightly, "I suggest that each of the following stories be written with a summary, so that we can learn something new from it after we understand it. Today's performance is quite satisfactory. Yes, some places can even be described as bumps and bumps. In fact, before the show started, Director Zhao said that this time I saw not only your acting skills, but also your consciousness."

"I agree with what Chang Yu said." Bian Yuting has no acting skills, but she has also been an agent for a period of time, and is very familiar with various scripts, and her vision of challenging dramas still exists.

Since tonight is the first performance, there are many problems that can still be forgiven. In the end, Zhao Beiting and the two judges together awarded the best award to Bo Yu, because he played a pregnant woman Xi Shi with a protruding belly. attitude. Before Bo Yu had time to change into his costume, he happily accepted the big red envelope, and opened it carefully. "Twenty yuan?" Bo Yu exclaimed, and after a long while he said to himself, "At least it's money for a takeaway meal." He took out the banknotes and shook them in front of everyone embarrassingly. Deputy swaggering gesture.

"Mr. Ji, have you seen it? Do you think I don't need to go out to move bricks?" Bo Yu said a little proudly.

Ji Yaoguang smiled slightly, just picked up the mobile phone to take a picture of Bo Yu's appearance, uploaded it quickly before he could react, and added the text: Big Belly Xishi Receives Salary Record.

Some small tidbits of the program group leaked out as early as the filming process. It was said to be a live reality show, but the program was broadcast on the next day, giving the video group enough time to edit and edit text. Fans who were waiting for the update finally found one, and flocked to Ji Yaoguang's Weibo.

"Oh my god, why is it so funny? What happened to my campus male god!"

"I'm dying of laughter! Teacher Ji, please post more."

"I can't wait to rush to the filming location of the show!"

"I want to know what this is. Brother Bo played Xi Shi, who are Teacher Ji and the others playing? Can't wait to watch the show!"

"I was laughing like a dog holding my mobile phone. My mother asked me what I was doing."

Ji Yaoguang V: I'm afraid you won't want to see me after watching the show.

She teased again on Weibo.

Chang Yu V: I see you. @Ji Yaoguang V: I'm afraid you won't want to see me after watching the show.

The fans below commented one after another: My God, what happened to this world? Teacher Chang suddenly let go of her calmness and reserve and began to show her affection. Is it because spring is here