She Wants To Divorce Me

Chapter 55


An Muyu was always the first one among them to get up. After a few days of adaptation, they found their positions during the day. Among the guests, there is such a chef who takes care of three meals for many people. She also does her part. When she has nothing to do, she can also go for a walk in the countryside of the village and breathe the fresh air.

Bo Yu's long legs were added to the stool, he yawned lazily, and asked, "Did Mr. An get up today?" When he woke up, he had already walked around the kitchen, cooing He screamed alone and urged him to walk towards the place where the aroma of food might be hidden, but the reality of course made him regretful, and also mixed with a little bit of astonishment. Seeing that no one answered, he said to himself again, "Maybe I went to catch the morning market."

"I'm thinking about what Director Zhao said." Jiang Zhaozhi frowned, stretched out his hand and gestured a few times. The guests present are almost all actors, or people who are more or less related to this circle. Apart from the usual gags, their topics can also be discussed together in the drama. "Time Inn" is not just a life-type variety show, the rehearsal of sitcoms at night is the essence for them. The audience should see the jokes from it, and they must understand the essence of the performance from it. Following director Zhao Beiting, this is something that many people can't dream of, and it is a good learning opportunity.

The scene they filmed yesterday was Jing Ke's assassination of the Qin Dynasty. Everyone is familiar with this story. One of the disadvantages of Ke is that it is quite standard, and there is no change or newness. Qin Wangzheng, Qin Wuyang, Jing Ke, Yan Taizi Dan... The composition of the personnel is very simple, and the easiest part to play is the demeanor and words of Jing Ke and others when Yi Shui bids farewell.

"If the scene is divided into small units one after another, just after this scene alone, I don't know how many there are. For example, there is one for Yan Taizi Dan's melancholy, one for wanting to invite Jing Ke, and another for visiting." Jiang Jiang Zhao Zhizhi's expression was quite distressed. Before Zhao Beiting said to split the scene, he didn't have that idea in his mind, but now he seems to be frozen by the scene.

"Why don't you generalize them into one big unit of the same kind?" Ji Yaoguang raised her eyes, and replied lazily, "Please Jing Ke, Jing Ke persuaded Fan Yuqi, Prince Yan cried for his corpse, and a thousand pieces of gold begged for a dagger—" Jiang Zhaozhi understood , Ji Yaoguang's words also stopped suddenly, because after the splitting of the grid, she suddenly realized a scene, which is probably the reason why Zhao Beiting put Jing Ke and Qin Qin in the box. This topic did not tell everyone what to do Change, unlike the previous assumptions such as "if", isn't he testing everyone's thinking? But none of the people immersed in it reacted. Clapping her hands suddenly, she exclaimed in surprise, "I see."

Startled by her shout, Bo Yu put down his long legs, blinked and said, "What does Teacher Ji know? Do you know where Boss An has gone?"

"No." Ji Yaoguang glanced at him, then turned to Chang Yudao, "In the introduction given, there were words such as 'Jing Ke is waiting for you', 'I haven't said anything yet, the prince is late', Jing Ke is waiting Who? Did Director Zhao let us play freely?" In the box last night, no one got the judges' lottery, but some got blank lottery. measures. Seeing Chang Yu nodded, Ji Yaoguang clapped his hands and sighed, "It's careless, we all ignored this."

"Everyone should understand the truth of reading a book thicker and then thinner." Chang Yu said lightly, "Director Zhao talked about the play last night, and gave you a period of time to understand the characters. He said it well Splitting them into small units is to allow you to experience the characters in a more subtle way, but it is by no means to let you stay in this fragmented state forever. When you start creating under the camera, you have to turn them into large units. The number is getting smaller and smaller, only in this way can we grasp the script and the characters. Dissect the script, but can't lose the grasp of the arrangement."

"Chang Yu made a lot of sense." Sun Shaogong, who had been sitting quietly by the side, nodded thoughtfully. He was facing the direction of the entrance, just in time to see the pale An Muyu walking into the hall along his lips. A light cough broke the atmosphere of eagerly discussing the script in the room. As soon as she came in, she was like a fragile flower about to wither in the wind. She walked towards Chang Yu first and said, "Mr. I put it aside, but unfortunately it was too late, it was a little damp."

"Huh?" Chang Yu raised his eyebrows, not understanding what An Muyu was talking about. And An Muyu just smiled slightly, covered her lips and coughed lightly, and bowed to the few people in the hall, "Sorry, I got up late because I was feeling unwell, please wait for me for a while. Just go to the kitchen and make breakfast."

"Boss An, you are not feeling well, you should go back to your room and rest." Sun Shaogong's voice sounded, and his calm eyes lingered on An Muyu, with a deep pain in his eyes. He was extremely down and out when he was a teenager, and his wife never left him by his side, taking care of everything in the family for him, so that he had no worries. He was also busy, and wanted to give his wife a better life if he wanted to be famous. How could he know that he would not be able to wait for that day. His wife died of illness, and he always had a sense of self-blame. Looking at An Muyu who was working hard with a sick body, the feeling of nostalgia in his heart inevitably resurfaced again.

"Brother Sun, are you concerned about Boss An?" Bo Yu teased, and when he turned his head and saw that Sun Shaogong's expression was not right, he quickly changed his words, "Boss An, I think what Brother Sun said is not bad at all, don't you We're busy, we won't starve to death if we don't eat a meal, besides, there is Teacher Ji, right? You go back and rest." Both of them said so, and the rest of them naturally responded.

A little hesitation appeared on An Muyu's face, she looked at Ji Yaoguang and said, "Mr. Ji, do you know how to control the heat?" An Muyu only thought that Ji Yaoguang was familiar with the dishes from books. , after all, this is a young lady from a wealthy family, and she lives a life of "fingers not touching the spring water". She lowered her posture and showed a weak expression, but in Ji Yaoguang's eyes, it was a kind of provocation.

"Our little Yao'er has a huge sum of money, so it's not too much to treat everyone to a breakfast, right? You don't have to worry about this, Boss." Bian Yuting said slowly, "As for Mr. Ji, Chef, I don’t think everyone has this kind of food, and I haven’t eaten it a few times, so I’m afraid only Mr. Chang can enjoy this blessing.” These words avoided Ji Yaoguang and An Muyu’s choking, and also sent An Muyu away. Yu stimulated the face red and white.

"Teacher Ji is very powerful." Jiang Yusheng, who is a serious "brain fan" of Ji Yaoguang, held his face, his eyes seemed to be twinkling with stars. When it comes to matters related to Ji Yaoguang, she tends to blush easily. When she blushes, she can't avoid being teased, but she still enjoys it and can't wait to promote her goddess to the world.

"I raise my hands—no, I have to raise my legs to agree." Bo Yu smiled like a child who couldn't grow up. He rubbed his hair, which was messed up like a chicken coop, and followed it along. Bian Yuting continued, "Mr. Ji, you see we went fishing and hunting wild rabbits. We spent so much effort to get a little gain. You can set up a stall and sit at the door and earn a lot of money. Don't invite us." Don't you feel embarrassed to have a meal?"

Ji Yaoguang really didn't think so. This guy Bo Yu has a lot of private money, right? She had heard from Sun Shaogong and others that Bo Yu was so shameless that he bought his autographed photo at a high price, and his fans were really tricked, after all, his face is really easy to deceive. Although Mengjia Village is located in the countryside, compared with those real deep mountains, Mengjia Village is much better. What the neighboring metropolis brings to it is the process of industrialization and commercialization, which makes the kind of desolation of the four walls disappear. do. Fortunately, it has maintained its simplicity for thousands of years. The people in the village seem to have walked out of the peach blossom garden, and a strong sense of history has accumulated in the country trails that have remained silent year after year.

"Yes." Chang Yu said lightly, she is the one who is really in charge of the finances.

I saw her raising her eyebrows, and there was an aura of calm and prestige on her plain face. Bo Yu, who had a smile on his face, flinched back, his face was listless and his ears were shaking like a student listening to training. In Chang Yu's body, he saw a fierce and majestic aura like that of the teaching director, and a fear emanated from the depths of his soul. Only when everyone teased together, would there be no sense of oppression, but now, when he looked around, he couldn't find anything other than a happy smile in the eyes of those people. Stretching his chest, a smile appeared on Bo Yu's face. Because of Chang Yu, he looked at Ji Yaoguang and felt that his scalp was a little numb. Just as he was about to start a joke, he suddenly heard Chang Yu A voice with a gentle smile sounded: "I will leave the task of buying breakfast to you."

The sense of oppression suddenly disappeared, and Chang Yu changed from a terrifying dean to a goddess-like existence again. Bo Yu's eyes lingered on her face for a moment, feeling a little emotional about the change in his mood. gave a substandard military salute, and shouted loudly: "Design!"

Bian Yuting couldn't understand his Bao Bao, kicked the stool and gave Bo Yu a look, and said lazily: "Boy, why don't you hurry up? Don't wait for you to come back, it's lunch time."