She Wants To Divorce Me

Chapter 63


There are a lot of forged evidence on the Internet, laughing and laughing are only used as a spice for a boring life, the perpetrators will never know what kind of impact it will bring to others, they just delete it at the end and attach a few sentences of not-so-sincere apology . Like the screenshots and wishful thinking in that article—I am afraid that anyone with a brain will see some clues from it, but unfortunately many people just want to follow the trend and be encouraged by the intense emotions to act as apathetic spectators.

"The screenshot is real." Ji Yaoguang smiled slightly, and as soon as she said this, the venue immediately became agitated. If the screenshot is real, doesn't that mean that Ji Yaoguang has admitted her crime of plagiarism? Or is there another explanation? All eyes and lights were focused on her alone, and that person seemed to be fine with a relaxed and indifferent face.

"Miss Chang, what do you think of this matter?" The person who had cut a bloody path out of many voices turned his target to Chang Yu, who was curious in his voice.

"I believe in her ability, and even more in her character." Chang Yu's smile was flawless, and she turned her head and looked softly at Ji Yaoguang, serious and focused. Where is the discord like the rumors on the Internet? In fact, as early as after the filming of "Ningchen" started, some things also proved that the gap between them had healed—not to mention the live broadcast of "Time Inn"? It's just that the sensation caused by this kind of plainness is far less than that caused by the rupture, so many people focus on this matter, and they must find clues to prove that their views are correct.

Ji Yaoguang and Chang Yu looked at each other, and smiled as if there was no one else present: "I wrote you a lot of love poems before."

"I still want to ask Ms. Ji, you said that the screenshot is real, but also that you wrote it yourself, and no one wrote it for you. How do you explain this?"

"I think the truth is clearly in front of you." Ji Yaoguang pretended to sigh, looking at the journalists who were full of curiosity, she chuckled and said, "Although I am reluctant to tell you something, but Now that I have come to this point, I have to say that Huaiyu Sanren is my trumpet, which is full of my trivial moods and poems. The reason for this name is firstly because of the homonym of the word "Yu", and secondly Well—I believe you are all learned people, and I don't need to say more."

"Then Miss Ji, how do you prove that this is your trumpet? Can we suspect that you found the original account owner to communicate with her in advance, so as to create a false impression?" A reporter asked sharply, in a moment of silence Afterwards, there were many seconders. At this time, there are countless possibilities of falsification in their minds—but when they see the so-called "plagiarism evidence", they are more inclined to believe that it is the truth. You must know that discovering a shortcoming in others can satisfy one's own "moral sense" and secondly, when similar things happen, there is also a "precedent" and one can act with peace of mind.

"I know that some people will have this kind of speculation. I will log in to my account and post a Weibo for you to see." Ji Yaoguang sighed again, with a smile as light as a breeze on her face, she motioned the staff to turn on the device, first of all A series of numbers appeared on the screen, "This is the login IP address of my two accounts, compare it yourself. If you still have doubts, please ask a question, and I will write it for you on the spot."

Most of the people's doubts have been dispelled, and they began to turn to another question, but some people were still unconvinced, and with some unknown intentions, they shouted in the crowd: "Then ask Ji Teacher, please prove yourself, so I believe that the audience in front of the screen will also be convinced. Regarding today’s incident, do you have anything to say to us? Can you express it in poems? "

"Okay, what I want to say is that the stage of life is undoubtedly a kind of pathfinding, and all kinds of dangers are like snakes and mice encountered when visiting the deep mountains, but these must be overcome step by step, right?" Ji Yaoguang smiled lightly.

"So how long do you need, Ms. Ji?" The reporter asked again.

"I don't have the talent of Cao Zijian to write a poem in seven steps. You have to give me some time to think, right?" Ji Yaoguang replied in a joking tone. She held Chang Yu's hand and laughed again , "I can ask my lover to answer some questions. What she said is what I want to say."

"I would like to know why the screenshot was released? I thought that netizen was actually guided by Ms. Ji, and just told her that it was original—it would inevitably make her suspicious. Her position is to protect the interests of the original creator." A The female reporter pushed her glasses and focused her gaze on the silent Chang Yu.

"Everyone has their own privacy. There are so many people with trumpets. Do they want to be completely exposed to others?" Chang Yu said lightly, "When that person came to ask, tell her that it's not a lie, who knows?" What is her purpose? There are many people who ask for poetry, and many people ask "originality" in order to understand a level and whether they can fulfill their request. The deliberate guidance you mentioned does not exist."

"So Ms. Chang, did you know about Ms. Ji's alias before?" The reporter asked again, "I saw the emotions on the homepage were trivial and sad, and the time period was when there were rumors of your divorce on the Internet. Didn't it prove that something happened to you before that caused Miss Ji to be so depressed?"

For Chang Yu, this question is a bit sharp. She really doesn't know Ji Yaoguang's trumpet, let alone that she has poured so much emotion into it. After she was silent for a moment, she leaned forward slightly. The voice was calm, as if a pool of stagnant water could not make any waves. "It's not just this question. I'm here to answer the previous rumors on the Internet. I don't deny that there have been conflicts between Yaoguang and Yaoguang. May I ask which couple did not quarrel? It's just that we are all aware of our own The shortcomings are changing little by little. I can tell you that our relationship is very good now, and it is nonsense to say that we are divorced."

"Then may I ask why you two got into a divorce? Is it because of the appearance of a third party? I heard that you and Ms. Zhao Qing had a problem when they were filming the movie "Mute Girl". Feelings." After these words spread, the venue seemed to become ambiguous in an instant, and a restless breath emerged faintly under the flashing lights.

"There is no third party, and there will be no third party between us." Chang Yu frowned, with a trace of offended anger, her face was cold and serious, and her voice was slow and firm, "This reversal of right and wrong is black and white The slander is a question of our personality, I hope you can think carefully when you ask a sentence, groundless nonsense is a harm to Yaoguang and me, and it is also an insult to your own profession." The image of Chang Yu in the eyes of everyone has always been indifferent and alienated, with a kind of awe-inspiring sanctity, but within a few days, she said something serious to fans and reporters one after another. Seeing that the inquirer was silent, she slowed down her tone and said, "This is the first and last time I emphasize this kind of thing. I will answer some questions about work in the future."

I can't ask any questions about my personal life, so I can only turn the topic to work with regret. After Chang Yu established a studio, is he going to go behind the scenes or what? What artists are you going to sign? This is something that a lot of people are interested in. "Time Inn" is a joint production of the studio, Beidou and Tianguan, some major productions. Strictly speaking, it is not the first work of the studio. If it keeps silent, it will easily disappear in the circle of blooming flowers. But obviously, neither Chang Yu nor the Ji family would let the studio go to this point.

"Next, I'm going to take a break." Chang Yu didn't reveal too much about her plan, she just replied lightly. Almost everyone in the circle knew that she seldom did night scenes and would go back before seven o'clock, but almost no one questioned her work attitude. As an artist, she has almost reached a harsh point in her pursuit of acting skills. This sentence was like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves, causing the media to ask questions one after another, but Chang Yu remained silent. When she turned her head to look at Ji Yaoguang, the corners of her lips rose slightly, and she said with a chuckle, "Let's leave the rest of the time to the lovely Ji Baobao."

Among the many questions, the questioner may have forgotten it himself, but some people will not. They will interpret this endless thing into thousands of meanings, just like doing reading comprehension when returning to the college entrance examination-many people Everyone thinks theirs is the correct answer. The best thing to do in this situation is to thoroughly address all issues at the venue. Chang Yu has never doubted Ji Yaoguang's talent, she has the capital to be willful.

"The long pavilion is connected to a long way, and the wind and cloud recognize the evening. The steps are dusty, and the short clothes are knotted with pine buds. Snakes and rats in the mountains, and owls are heard at night. Ask the woodcutter on the way, and the woodcutter smiles like a knife..." Ji Yaoguang's articulation is very clear, The words are correct and the accent seems to be singing from the depths of history, with a kind of emptiness and desolation and a sense of melancholy that everyone is drunk and I am alone. There are stumbling roads ahead, there are snakes and mouse night owls, and there are people who persuade you to go back—but how should this road be walked? It's a question to yourself. At the end of "Looking for the Uncle, A Word to Awaken the Idiot", Ji Yaoguang's mood suddenly changed back to briskness, she tilted her head to look at the questioning and asking people in the crowd, and said with a playful smile: "Is there any question?" ? Do you need me to compose another one? Or let me invite an old professor from Z University to testify?"

The author has something to say: I didn’t include the complete Tao-seeking poem in the main text~

The long pavilion connects the distant road, and the wind and cloud recognize the evening dynasty. The dust is blowing on the face, and the short clothes are knotted with loose buds.

Snakes and rats in the deep mountains, owls are heard at night. Ask the woodcutter on the way, the woodcutter smiles like a knife.

Zi Ning Zhong Nan Shi, or Ye Chang An Hao. Wanting to be Xie Gong's place, Qingyan plans to climb high.

The cluster of flowers is deep and fascinating, and there is nowhere to bow to the fragrance. The turmoil destroys human bones, the danger is safe and measurable.

What's more, there are so many evil spirits, miasma and mist hide the light of the sky. It's better to return early, plum blossoms enter the Qi window.

When I ask myself what I want, I always believe in doubt. The six lines are originally fixed, how can the Lord of Heaven be selfless

But the ambition of hatred is not over, how can I decline my way. Yixu is inhumane, sad and self-sufficient.

Always looking for a friend, a word to wake up the obstinate.

In addition, press conference is actually a very serious word, and it is used in a frivolous manner in the article. In fact, I don't know much about the entertainment industry, and I don't pay much attention to celebrity news, so I can't think of other words at once, so I don't change it for now.