She Wants To Divorce Me

Chapter 67


City x is located in the southwest, and the spring breeze in March has already brought crabapple flowers. The magnolia and peach blossoms on both sides of the road also fluttered to the ground in the wind. While on the plane, Ji Yaoguang leaned against Chang Yu and fell asleep. When she walked out of the airport, she was still immersed in that grotesque dream, unable to return to her senses for a long time.

The harder it is to distinguish between reality and dreams, the heavier the mountain pressing on her heart, she turned her head and looked at Chang Yu's gentle side face, thinking that everything today might be a dream, her heart felt as if it had been trapped by thousands of people. It was as if a needle had been pricked, and it hurt sharply. A good journey cannot be ruined in such a state of mind, but the more you force yourself not to think about it, the more intense this kind of thought becomes, like a haze covering your heart.

The Temple of the Moon is on the Moon Moon Mountain in the outskirts of X City, some distance away from the urban area. After they got off the plane, they went straight to the hotel to store their luggage. Along the way, Ji Yaoguang didn't speak, his brows loosened and then furrowed, like waves blown by the wind. "Are you having nightmares again?" Chang Yu's fingers gently stroked Ji Yaoguang's condensed brows, as if to smooth out the wrinkles, she sighed leisurely, her face full of distress and powerlessness. She is not a god, she is at a loss in many things, this is one of them. Ji Yaoguang told her about the dream, and besides comforting her in every possible way, she also sought other ways to calm Ji Yaoguang's mind, even though it seemed a little strange in the eyes of others.

"Everything is so beautiful now, like a dream." Ji Yaoguang stretched out his arms to wrap Chang Yu's waist, and whispered in her arms. This is not the first time she has said such words to Chang Yu. Even she can't distinguish the so-called rebirth, she can only turn it into a dream when she mentions it again and again, a beautiful, A dream from which one does not want to wake up.

Insert the fingertips into the smooth long hair, and slowly slide down along the spine. Slightly tapping up and down, as if playing a beautiful song, Chang Yu whispered in Ji Yaoguang's ear: "If it is really a dream, then find a way to keep us trapped in the dream forever, don't Wake up again." But how could this reality be a dream? There is love, hatred, pain, and a world where various factors are intertwined. "Whether in a dream or in reality, I will be by your side."

"You lied." Ji Yaoguang suddenly raised his head to look at Chang Yu, his eyes were full of tears, filled with grievances and accusations, "The reason why this is a nightmare is because you left, you left for three years and you didn't know what would happen How long does it last—”

"I—" Chang Yu was dumbfounded, she couldn't walk into Ji Yaoguang's dream, and she couldn't control the direction of her dream. Looking at those wet eyes, she hated herself and was a little anxious, raising her hands like a curse Said, "I, Chang Yu, swear that I will not leave Ji Yaoguang. If I break my oath, I will die!"

"Don't talk like that!" Ji Yaoguang was startled, quickly grabbed Chang Yu's hand, and poohed several times, "What are you swearing? I didn't make you swear."

"This is not a poisonous oath." Seeing that Ji Yaoguang was a little anxious, Chang Yu also slowed down his tone, and responded softly, "I will not leave you, so how can some assumptions have no possibility of existence, so how can it be a poisonous oath? You dreamed that I left you. To put it bluntly, this kind of panic stems from the uneasiness I brought to you. It is because I did not do well enough. I am not a qualified lover or a perfect partner. Sorry, I—”

"Stop talking, I know it all." Ji Yaoguang reached out to seal Chang Yu's lips, blinked and chuckled, "I'm going to cry if you talk about it again." Probably all the tears in this life were given to Chang Yu , Whether it is sad or emotional, it is just crying for her alone. She hugged Chang Yu tightly, as if embracing the whole world. After the sound disappeared, the room fell into silence for a moment. After a long time, she heard a very soft whisper: "Actually, I am also afraid."

Compared to scenic spots where people come and go all year round, X City is obviously not considered lively, and even on the streets where cars come and go, you can feel the silence and simplicity coming to you. It's not yet the holiday season, and the number of pilgrims to the Moon God Temple is even rarer, and even the shuttle bus to that place has become one every day.

Ji Yaoguang and Chang Yu were preparing to leave on the second morning when they arrived in X City. There were scattered people on the bus, and there were empty seats everywhere. An old lady carrying joss sticks was holding a string of bodhi seeds, muttering something in her mouth, while a woman with a child carefully coaxed the baby into sleep. The men in blue shirts in the car had made an appointment to go out together, and they were chattering endlessly. When they heard the baby's unconscious "ah", they suddenly felt startled and scratched their heads. , smiled naively at the woman, and slowed down his tone.

Ji Yaoguang sat by the window and slept lightly on Chang Yu's shoulder. On the right side of the aisle is a hale and hearty old man with gray hair, chatting in low voice with people around him from time to time. "Girl, did you come to play at the Temple of the Moon? You rarely see devout believers anymore." The old man met Chang Yu's eyes, and he grinned.

Chang Yu pursed his lips and nodded slightly as a response.

"Girl, do you know the origin of the Moon God Temple?" The old man seemed to be very familiar with this area. From his conversation with the driver not long ago, he could tell that he was a frequent visitor to the Moon God Temple. Gu Zi said, "The worship of the moon god should have started in ancient times. At that time, people were afraid of everything in nature. In our Moon God Temple, there is such a legend. In the beginning of ancient times, human beings were first created, and there were gods and gods in the world. The ghosts rule together. Although the gods and ghosts have the same origin, they are a pair of deadly enemies. The world has fallen into endless wars. During the day, ghosts are afraid of the power of the sun god and dare not appear. But in the dark night, they It was when they were carnival, the gods lost their light at this time, and they were not the opponents of ghosts. Later, the gods thought of a way, they created a new god, let him take over the duties of the sun god, and let him share the sun God's light continued to illuminate the world in the dark night, this man was later called Luna."

"Day and night are equivalent to life and death. According to ancient legends, people who dream at night actually go to another world. Their souls return slowly during the day with the crowing of cocks. If you can't hear the crowing of cocks, That means they are trapped in another world, and they will never come back. Look at the waxing and waning of the moon, which represents the power of the cycle, and new life will always replace death again and again. We worship the moon god here, in fact, it is for living longing."

"What about people who went to another world? What kind of life do they live?" Ji Yaoguang raised her head and asked abruptly. In fact, she woke up when the old man just spoke. Could it be that she is a person from another world, wandering here and can't find a way back? But what if one day he was recruited back again? She blinked, full of interest in the topic.

"Old man, I have never been to another world." The old man smiled heartily, and he lowered his voice, "But according to the High Priest of the Moon God Temple, people in another world are very content with their status quo. People may struggle in the so-called reality and dreams, but soon they will adapt to that world and leave these meaningless things behind. Of course, there are also encounters who desperately want to come back."

"Did you succeed in coming back?" Ji Yaoguang asked.

"She can't do it on her own, so the masters have to summon the soul. As far as I know, there is no success. So, let's just wait honestly and go to another world through the reciprocating door opened by the moon god. That is another world." It's a brand new start, so there's nothing to worry about and struggle with." The old man smiled.

Ji Yaoguang wanted to continue asking, but suddenly the baby's sharp and loud cries filled the carriage, and the people who were whispering immediately closed their mouths tightly, with embarrassing laughter on their faces, all feeling ashamed that they woke up the baby. For a moment, there was only the soft coaxing of the woman and the crying of the baby intertwined in the car. Ji Yaoguang blinked half-understood, she leaned on Chang Yu's ear and asked in a low voice: "Do you believe what the old man said? What do you think the other world looks like? Is it the same as we are now? The same timeline? Will people in that world change their identities again? Do they want to come back? How can they come back?"

"I don't know." Chang Yu shook her head. At the beginning, she checked some information about the Moon God Temple on the Internet and asked many friends, but no one said what the old man said. Priests have extraordinary magical powers. Said that she was here for a pilgrimage, she wanted to take Ji Yaoguang to see it, and to sweep away the haze that had lingered in her heart for a long time. She stroked Ji Yaoguang's back, and murmured, "I don't know, I only know that you are in this world, and I am also in this world."

After getting off the expressway, the shuttle bus went along the mountain road, and it took more than three hours of bumps to reach the foot of Wangyue Mountain. This does not mean that they have reached their destination, on the contrary, but that the journey has just begun. The shops on both sides at the foot of the mountain sell candied haws, peanuts and melon seeds, as well as some incense candles for worship. Tall locust trees are planted on both sides, and the red ribbons wrapped around them are fluttering in the wind. There are few tourists, and the voice of the peddler is weak. After getting out of the car, Ji Yaoguang ran to the side to buy two glutinous rice balls, and said seriously: "We haven't exercised for too long, and we can only have the strength to climb the mountain when we are full." After a long while, he muttered, "Why is the Temple of the Moon God built on the top of the mountain?" Come on, how difficult is it for the people inside to come down?"

The author has something to say: The legend is pure nonsense.

The moon represents the cycle, and it is true that it is related to the underworld, the resurrection and regeneration.

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