She Wants To Divorce Me

Chapter 70


Tao Riji: Happy. 1. Confession is successful. 2. I met the two goddesses Chang Yu and Ji Yaoguang in Wangyue Mountain. 3. Why did none of us ask for a signature

This is a private Weibo account that few people pay attention to, but within a short period of time, this Weibo account was reposted frantically. Originally, it was only known that Ji and Chang were going on a trip, but now they even know the exact location. For a while, Wangyue Mountain became a hotspot of search, and even the small vendors at the foot of the mountain used banners such as "Goddess Candied Haws" and "Goddess Roasted Chicken".

City X is a very distinctive city. It is very different from the H and S cities where he usually lives. The folk customs are simple and simple, like a small town in Taoyuan that is not polluted by the world. Now that he had a long vacation, Ji Yaoguang didn't want to go back so early, and walked around the streets with Chang Yu, experiencing the long-lost freedom and joy.

The moment when the danger happened was beyond their expectation. A man in black suddenly rushed out of the huge shopping mall, holding a knife and stabbed at Ji Yaoguang viciously. Chang Yu stretched out his hand to block it, and the arm was taken There was a gash a few centimeters long, and blood flowed continuously. She held back the piercing pain and turned to look at Ji Yaoguang, only to see that she was attacked by another person with a blunt object, and she collapsed to the ground as soon as her body softened. The security guards in the mall came after hearing the news and stopped the criminals who wanted to escape. After calling the police and emergency calls, the passers-by in the store started pointing and recorded the scene with their mobile phones. Someone has already recognized Chang Yu and Ji Yaoguang, and after an exclamation, it caused a huge sensation.

Chang Yu resisted the feeling of dizziness, her face was pale as paper, and the buzzing in her ears became more and more serious. She pushed Ji Yaoguang, calling her name again and again, and her voice became more and more serious. Small. The wound on her hand needs a few stitches, but seeing Ji Yaoguang unconscious, she was afraid that she would not be able to wake up. As soon as this thought flashed through my mind, my whole body felt cold, as if I was in an ice cave.


Almost at the same time, all kinds of information on the Internet have been spread, and there are various small videos that are not clear enough to record the shocking scene. The blood on the arm was flowing on the ground, and Chang Yu in the video didn't seem to feel the scars on her body. She lost all her indifference and composure, and called Ji Yaoguang's name helplessly.

After receiving the news, Ji Kaiyang was still in a meeting at the company and handed over everything to his partner. He immediately flew to X City. The level of medical care in this southwestern frontier can't keep up with that of S City. While watching Chang Yu's arm stitched, he asked a friend to contact a specialist to transfer Ji Yaoguang, who was unconscious, to another hospital. The knife wound could be stitched up, but the sleeping Ji Yaoguang couldn't find any scars on her body, and the blunt object caused almost no damage to her, but she was still unconscious, and the experts in the whole hospital were helpless after they came to see it.

"I—" Chang Yu's face was full of self-blame, if she hadn't brought Ji Yaoguang here, nothing would have happened. If she had been aware of her surroundings, she might have avoided this danger. She clenched her fists, and after the doctor said to relax, she was still trembling all over, and Ji Yaoguang's pale face was always reflected in her mind. As soon as she looked up, she saw Ji Kaiyang's calm face, the pain and embarrassment in her eyes could not be hidden.

"Ayu, don't blame yourself, calm down, Yaoyao will be fine." Ji Kaiyang's voice suppressed anger, the murderer has been arrested, this is clearly a deliberate long-term wounding incident, but not I know whose heart is so cruel. Taking a deep breath, he said again, "I've contacted good people, let's go back to S City, Yaoyao will be fine."

All the signs were as usual, except that she was drowsy, and finally the hospital came to a ridiculous conclusion: she seemed to have fallen into sleep. But who can't wake up from sleep? All kinds of bizarre scenes in the movie appeared in Chang Yu's mind. She knew that Ji Yaoguang had something hidden in her heart. Could the dream she repeatedly mentioned be the other world that the old man in the car said? Her soul left the present and returned to another place? The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible, and a sense of despair erupted from the bottom of her heart covered her whole body with despair and gloom. She remembered that there was a line in Ji Yaoguang's Weibo account: "Do you believe in rebirth? Anyway, I do." Could it be that she was the role in her dream, and she returned to the existing world after this time? middle? Chang Yu never believed in such fantasy things, but the thought lingered in her mind.

The master in the Moon God Temple suddenly called, and Chang Yu, who was squatting on the bedside, shivered, and a glimmer of hope slowly ignited in his heart. "She will wake up when she solves the dream that has been confusing for a long time. May you all be safe." The old words came from the other end of the phone, as if they had crossed the long river of time, suddenly giving birth to a kind of ancient and remote. Chang Yu's heart slowly settled down, she stretched out her hand to caress Ji Yaoguang's eyebrows, and sighed softly: "I don't know what I look like in your dream? I don't know how long you will sleep for."

After returning to S City, almost all the best doctors gathered in front of Ji Yaoguang's hospital bed, and did a whole body examination again and again. In the end, he could only sigh and shake his head, unable to figure out why. He just suggested staying in the hospital for observation. , it would be convenient if something really happened. Ji Kaiyang returned to the ward with the porridge, saw the food he bought in the morning lying there unmoved, he sighed leisurely and walked out again. There were a lot of patients or family members coming and going on the corridor. He held an unlit cigarette in his hand, and threw it into the trash can after a while. A haggard and pale face was reflected on the glass window. Ji Kaiyang saw Chang Yu's worried face as soon as he turned his head. He said in a deep voice, "The assailant should be a fan."

"Mine?" The pain in Chang Yu's heart became even worse, and he even began to think of quitting the entertainment industry.

"No." Ji Kaiyang shook his head, "You also think this matter is not so simple, right? I will continue to investigate, you are taking care of Yaoyao in the hospital, let me handle the rest."

"Intuition tells me that all these evil things happened because of me." Chang Yu curled his lips and laughed at himself.

Ji Kaiyang was noncommittal, and said after a long while: "You can't control other people's actions and thoughts, and you don't know how bad a person can be, but you have to believe that good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil. Yaoyao didn't feel sorry for anyone. She will be fine." Stretching out his hand to touch Chang Yu's head, Ji Kaiyang signaled her to be at ease, the atmosphere in the hospital made him almost breathless, he smiled and said, "Ah Yu, take care of your body too , you also need to eat."

"Okay." Chang Yu replied in a low voice.

The public opinion on the Internet has not subsided. Many reporters sneaked into the hospital to probe their brains. When they saw Chang Yu walking in the yard, they even rushed up, and seized the opportunity to ask: "Excuse me, Miss Chang, Ji How is the lady doing now? What are your plans for the future? I heard that you were invited by M magazine to travel? What do you think when this happens... "

Being able to sneak in must have something to do with it in the hospital. Chang Yu sneered and listened to her asking a long list of questions. She raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her eyes and brows were filled with a piercing cold light. She was no longer as calm and calm as before: "I'll answer your questions when your dearest relative is lying here." The coldness emanating from her body almost froze people into solid ice. The smile on the reporter's face froze slightly, and he wanted to ask almost, but Chang Yu had already turned and left.

"Following the ruthless crush on the fans, Chang Yu has turned on the reporters again. The goddess you imagined is actually not as elegant, calm, and unworldly." A marketing account called April 1 posted such a Weibo , It was reposted by tens of thousands of points in a short period of time, and the comments below were even more chaotic. At this juncture, even Ji Yaoguang and Chang Yu's black fans dare not speak up. The Weibo that sparked the war is purely here to scold, and the grumpy fans are directly hospitalized. Bloggers go to the hospital to see if they can stay here Give birth to some inexplicable emotion. "There are so many disasters in the world, who knows who will fall on them, why can't we be more kind and tolerant?" This reply is full of blessings, and it is rare that no one criticizes the Virgin between the lines.

After being scolded, this marketing account became angry from embarrassment, and simply kept doing nothing, and sent out all the relevant things in his hand. "Speaking of it, you may not believe it. Are your two goddesses really as loving as you imagined? One of my lawyer friends said that the two of them had divorced. The following is the divorce agreement. If you read it clearly, it is signed The name of your Goddess Chang. Do you think they have a good relationship? It’s just a hypocrisy to attract fans. Maybe even the injury and coma are fake, and only a group of fools are deceived.”

— Is there an end to a fool? Are you blind? The two of them have a bad relationship, and Chang Yu will block the knife? I also hope that someone will do this kind of show on your body, sew ten stitches, no, a hundred stitches, and sew all the holes in your brain so that the water will not continue to accumulate.

—Which family has no contradictions? Are they reconciled now? Does your lawyer friend have professional ethics

Lace Yuting V: @四月一日, do you think I don't know who you are? If you have the ability, don't go out, beware of bumping into ghosts.

Bian Yuting, who had learned about this incident on the first day, was already furious, wishing to catch one jumping clown after another.