She Wants To Divorce Me

Chapter 75: Extra Story (2)


Fragments in the memory, bit by bit, are like a kind of torture called Ling Chi. She saved all the poems left by Ji Yaoguang, and selected nine of them to give to Lu Yusheng. When she was practicing her pen, "Twelve rails are leaning on each other, and the deep alliance is like paper and the edges are like lines" has become a poem. The so-called poetic prophecy, isn't this the ending for them today

"Listen to this "Xijiang Moon"." Entrusted by Chang Yu, Lu Yusheng quickly started to move, and showed her the recorded sound for a trial, watching her suddenly fell into a lonely and sentimental face, and then silently lowered her voice The head doesn't know how to speak. This "Xijiang Moon" was written by that person when he left. It turned out that she knew that she had collected her poems, so she quietly put them in the box.

— How about some leisure time after goodbye, how about singing and drinking? At that time, Yanshi laughed and threw the pot, and won an affectionate look. May you never grow old in the world, and someone treats you as before. Accidentally flipping through the books of old friends, looking back, flying flowers are all over the road.

Apart from her who left, who else could bring back that heart-pounding feeling? Both of them are arrogant and stubborn people, turning around resolutely seems to verify her previous conjecture, all the love has long since been exhausted in the endless quarrels and cold wars, and it is probably no longer possible to write such words. Have you thought about it? Taking a deep breath, Chang Yu's voice had a strong nasal tone: "Okay, I'm not in a hurry here, the bookstore is still under preparation, and it will take at least half a year to complete."

More than half a year is enough to make this era of entertainment to death gradually forget her as a person, but when seeing a similar character very occasionally, people feel a few words that Chang Yu is no longer there. Seeing the completion of the bookstore from scratch, all the layouts are designed according to Chang Yu's wishes. On one side are antique thread-bound ancient books, as if piled in the dark long river of history, and on the other side are warm sunshine like broken gold. Scattered, driving away all the haze. This bookstore was not prepared for profit at the beginning, but more like a landscape design, providing a place for tourists to stop.

"Listen carefully to this music, it's very similar to Lu Tianhou's voice, and this melody..."

"I also think that if you don't ask, I haven't heard any of the songs here."

"Why don't you go to the sister at the front desk and ask?"

There have never been many whispers like this, and art has always been interlinked. There are also many senior fans who come here to read books, and they can accurately identify the tone that belongs to their idol from the thousands of timbres. The news I got was that the name of the album was "Starlight", but the front desk kept silent about the songwriter and producer. I found a lot of albums with the same name on the Internet, but none of them are the same as it. Someone recorded the music and posted it on the Internet, but because it is incomplete, it is only a trace left in the memory of a few people.

Like a falling star from the sky.

Chang Yu spent a long period of time in the room on the second floor of the bookstore. The excellent sound insulation kept her in the embrace of silence, and occasionally there were a few sounds of machine cutting. Putting it on the ancient shelf on the west side of the door, there are more and more wooden trinkets, which inevitably arouse some people's inquiries.

If it is said that Chang Yu was indifferent and alienated at the beginning, and he was looking for a balance point that was not too close or too far in his life, then now he can be described as indifferent and gloomy. I don’t know how long he hasn’t been in the sun , as if to be completely isolated from the world. This state is not only Lu Yusheng, but even Josie is deeply worried. She once contacted Ji Yaoguang secretly, but there was no news, as if she had evaporated from the world. Getting Chang Yu out of the indifferent world has become the common pursuit of both Lu Yusheng and Josie. It's just that all kinds of persuasion are useless, not as good as Shi Guang's gentle hands, at least on the surface, it seems that the scars have been smoothed over.

When Chang Yu took the initiative to invite, Lu Yusheng was still a little surprised. When he saw the pale face in the white sweater standing in the sun, his heart tightened suddenly. Could it be that Ji Yaoguang's departure also brought all of Chang Yu's high spirits and Has the pride been taken away? When approaching Chang Yu, her eyes slipped to her left hand inadvertently. The faint wound seemed to have just healed, but was cut off by another wound.

Sensing Lu Yusheng's gaze, Chang Yu copied his hand into his pocket, and replied lightly: "It's nothing serious if it's left when I was making things." After a pause, she chuckled again, "Isn't it Have you found another gourmet shop? Why don't you take me to see it?"

Even if she found the smell of a strong smile, she still walked out of the room after all, maybe she has already made a decision to change her mood? A year is enough for her to forget many things. Lu Yusheng withdrew his gaze and swallowed a sigh back into his stomach. A small restaurant without a plaque on the facade, deserted and deserted. When Lu Yusheng led Chang Yucai to step in, the proprietress greeted her with surprise.

"Don't look at the lack of people here, the food is many times better than other stores, and the proprietress is also very diligent in researching new dishes." Lu Yusheng chuckled, pointed to the thin woman who came forward, and said, " She is the proprietress, and her name is An Muyu."

"Hello." Chang Yu nodded slightly.

"Eh? Yes, it is often—" A blush spread across her cheeks, like the morning glow when the first sun rises. Because of nervousness and excitement, An Muyu's tongue began to tie up, and after a long while, she managed to smooth out a sentence, "Yes. Teacher Chang Yuchang?" After the words fell, she lowered her head before waiting for a response, and her hands hanging by her side were holding the corners of her clothes uneasily.

"It's me." Chang Yu's voice was very dull, like a glass of tasteless boiled water, but it was enough to make An Muyu, who had seen the goddess, overjoyed, and ran back to a small room slowly. With more pens and paper on it, she glanced at Chang Yu a little shyly, and asked anxiously, "You, can you sign me?"

"You should show off your skills before asking for an autograph." Lu Yu laughed, reaching out and pushing the notebook back, "First, let's have a jar of your home-brewed flowers."

When ordering food, Chang Yu didn't say a word, looking at the wine jars on the table, she didn't know where her thoughts drifted away. At a certain time, Ji Yaoguang didn't know what went crazy, got an ancient recipe and started brewing wine. After several attempts, he succeeded, but the one who was not good at drinking was completely drunk. She didn't know where to get a recipe for "Osmanthus thick wine", and tried to do it twice and three times, but in the end the plan ran aground due to various reasons.

"Boss An's craftsmanship is good. Her parents are engaged in this industry, and she is still studying everywhere." Lu Yu paused, then smiled lightly, "She is your die-hard fan, and she loves every movie you act in." I've seen it, she said that when she heard the news that you quit the entertainment industry, even her eyes were red and swollen from crying."

Chang Yu said lightly: "Why pour unnecessary feelings on a stranger."

"I was a stranger at the beginning, so now I am an acquaintance?" Lu Yusheng snorted softly, "I have traveled to so many places, and there are very few restaurants that let me go back and forth. This is one of them."

"It tastes good." When leaving, Chang Yu left a four-word comment, stood by the door and looked at the sky in the distance, a plane passed by the clouds like fish scales, her lips The corner evoked a faint smile, but it soon fell silent.

There is a magazine cabinet in the bookstore, and most of the people who stay here are looking for some gossip news, but now that the Internet information is so developed, few people look for content from the paper media. Chang Yu spends less and less time surfing the Internet, and she doesn't know and doesn't want to know about the outside world. But when she returned to the bookstore, the latest issue of the entertainment magazine on it unexpectedly ran into her. eyes. There was a contemptuous and lazy smile on that familiar face—as if everything that had happened before had never hit her.

Chang Yu didn't know how he got close to the cabinet, and opened the magazine with trembling hands, browsing the information almost at a glance. Ji Yaoguang answered the reporter's question. She finally saw her name linked to her again. The long content left a faint trace in her mind, leaving only a heavy echo:

Ji Yaoguang is back, she's back!

"Boss?" The people on the side saw Chang Yu's abnormal state and asked with some concern.

Chang Yu took a step back, and put the magazine back on the shelf heavily. She smiled an ugly smile and said, "I'm fine, why should I have trouble?" Isn't she and Ji Yaoguang two straight lines? After interlacing, they ran in their respective directions. Isn't this ending good? The fingertips turned pale, and Chang Yu bit his lower lip, his face pale as paper. He staggered up the wooden stairs, waking up the people who were reading.

Why does the face that flashed by in front of him look so much like Chang Yu

"She came back, and she said that her next focus will be on acting, and many people are waiting for the transformation of 'Vase' Ji Yaoguang." Josie called to tell Chang Yu the news, and she knew Chang Yu's heart She was still thinking about something, but every time she finished speaking, there was a long silence, mixed with a little sigh.

"Oh? Is that so? That's good too." The floating voice didn't seem to come from his own mouth. Chang Yu sat on the bed with his arms around his knees, and the voice from the earphones was mixed with concern, but this warmth But he couldn't drive away the darkness around him.

"Why didn't you contact her?"

When Josie asked this sentence impulsively, Chang Yu suddenly raised her head and wanted to laugh, and she heard her own voice after a while: "She left so resolutely, didn't she just want to completely cut off contact with me? She Coming back is to return to an entertainment circle without Chang Yu, and there will be no cloud over her head from now on."

The author has something to say: The supporting role actually has no emotional lines.

If you want to see it, just leave a message, and it will last for a second at most.