She Wants To Divorce Me

Chapter 77: Extra Story (4)


Chang Yu never thought that he and Ji Yaoguang could still sit here and drink coffee calmly.

She couldn't ask the question "Are you okay?" She could only look down at her own haggard reflection on the glass tabletop, occasionally raising her eyes and avoiding them in a hurry when they collided with Ji Yaoguang's eyes. When did she become so timid and hasty

When the phone rang, Ji Yaoguang looked at the name flashing on the screen and chuckled, her brows and eyes were full of gentleness. In the past three years, another feeling has accumulated in her body, and her willfulness has long been replaced by decent warmth. The gentleness at the beginning belonged to her alone, but now who is she smiling gently for? This thought inevitably came to Chang Yu's mind, her throat was blocked by a sore feeling, and she looked down at the ripples in the cup one after another.

"See you later." Ji Yaoguang ended the call with four gentle words.

"I'll go first." When she raised her head to face Chang Yu again, her eyes shone with a crystal light.

"Yeah." Chang Yu nodded gently.

"We..." Ji Yaoguang hesitated, and when she met Chang Yu's eyes with joy, she continued, "Are we still friends?"

The hand holding the spoon trembled, and she repeated the word again: "En."

Cold, alienated, simple word.

After Ji Yaoguang left, he didn't show up again for nearly half a month.

Capture her dynamics from the Internet, and watch her be in high spirits and smile.

Are you doing well after leaving me? The smile on Chang Yu's face became less and less, as if she had just walked into the sun and was embedded in that gloomy little world again.

The torrential Qingming rain enveloped the whole world in a light curtain. The spring breeze blowing in front of him carried a smell of damp soil. Chang Yu walked on the road in the cemetery holding an umbrella, and his thin sweater seemed unable to resist the chill. The front of the stele is clean as if it has been swept by someone, and the flowers on display still have crystal rain and dew. Standing in front of the stele holding an umbrella, she was left alone in the silent garden. Tears suddenly welled up in her eyes and sank into her collar along her pale cheeks.

Chang Yu didn't know how long she had stood in the cemetery, and she didn't know that someone was watching behind her for a longer time.

Dusk on rainy days came earlier than usual, and it was dark before six o'clock. The atmosphere of this rainy day is oppressive, like a mountain weighing heavily on my heart, wandering the streets like a ray of lonely soul, and finally folded into a bar, there is no way to get rid of the turbulent emotions in my heart except to get drunk expulsion.

In a trance, she seemed to hear someone sighing softly: "Tsk, you are not like yourself at all, of course, what qualifications do I have to say this?"

When Chang Yu woke up, he saw Josie at home. She didn't go back to the bookstore, but was in her familiar old home. There was still a photo of her and her parents in the frame. Rubbing her temples swollen from hangover, she took the water glass that Josie handed over, and asked hoarsely, "When did you come here? You sent me back?"

Josie shook her head and remained silent.

Chang Yu's heart skipped a beat, did something absurd happen after he was drunk? Her face turned pale with fright at the thought of her.

"It's not me, it's her." Josie sighed.

Who this "she" refers to is self-evident.

"You still love her. Since you can't let go, why don't you give yourself a chance? She has a movie in Longxing Film and Television City. I think you should be more familiar with that place than me." Josie said lightly. This bystander didn't understand why they came to this point. If Ji Yaoguang really abandoned Chang Yu completely, how could he come back to this place? The news in the media is true and false, but most people ignore the sincerity in it. At this point, it is considered exhausting, and it depends on Chang Yu's own choice in the end.

"I need to be quiet." Chang Yu closed his eyes, as if the darkness in front of him could melt everything that happened in the past.

She thought that after she quit this circle, she would be completely cut off from the film and television city.

Sitting on a bench in the park opposite, she looked at the strange but familiar place through the light, and the scenes of the past were like a slide show in front of her eyes.

"Don't wait for Ji Yaoguang to chase you, what if she is tired?"

"Do you really think that you are not wrong at all? Isn't three years enough for you to clear your mind?"

"Recognize the reality, Chang Yu, you can't forget her."

Before setting off, I still consulted Josie for her opinion, and she sent one sentence after another, which seemed to be a kind of wavering and a kind of encouragement. The word fate is the most wonderful thing. When she decided to take the first step, she saw people walking side by side under the street lights in the park, talking and laughing.

Ji Yaoguang.

These three words are like a thorn in my heart.

And the young girl who held Ji Yaoguang's arm and even wanted to jump on her back seemed to be pushing the thorn into her flesh little by little. There were no scars on the surface, but the inside was riddled with holes. . This feeling is even more uncomfortable than when I saw Ji Yaoguang have various scandals with others, because now she has no room for questioning even if she cares, and can only watch her being intimate with others.

So... not planning to find a partner is just dealing with a lie from the media? Is this girl with a bright smile and shy eyes the one she wants to protect

When Ji Yaoguang passed by his side, Chang Yu suddenly lowered his head.

"Hey, senior sister, I think that person just now looks like Goddess Chang?" Obviously they had already walked away side by side, but such a sentence came from a distance along the wind. As soon as he raised his head again, he met Ji Yaoguang's bright and calm eyes. The girl who was hanging on Ji Yaoguang's body was quiet and responsible at this time, keeping a not too far or not close distance from her. "It's really Goddess Chang!" There was surprise and surprise in the small voice.

"You ran so far—" Ji Yaoguang's words suddenly changed, "Did you run so far to take a walk?"

After driving for nearly an hour, where can't I go for a walk? Who has this kind of leisure? Chang Yu pursed his lips in a daze.

"Have you had dinner? Let's go together." Ji Yaoguang made an invitation as if nothing had happened.

Pretending to be ignorant while pretending to understand, isn't she Chang Yu this kind of person? The surging emotions subsided in an instant when he glared at Ji Yaoguang, and said "um" coldly, as if agreeing to her invitation was a kind of charity.

"Jiang Yusheng, also from Z University, can be considered your direct junior, and play a play with me."

"Chang Yu, I don't think I need to introduce you to know."

Next, Chang Yu didn't hear a word of Ji Yaoguang's introduction, she just stared at Jiang Yusheng and watched her tell the waiter not to add any coriander and pepper. Seeing that when Ji Yaoguang picked up the wine glass, she graciously snatched it away—it was obviously her business all along, but in the end it became the responsibility of others, and both of them were happy with it, and suddenly they couldn't find a place for themselves , Even if there are all my favorite dishes in front of me, it tastes dull.

Under Jiang Yusheng's persuasion, Ji Yaoguang never drank alcohol.

On the contrary, Chang Yu drank a lot of wine, and with his blurred eyes, in the cold night wind blowing in front of him, he found a trace of the coldness of the past.

"Did you drive here?"

"I came here by car."

"How do you go back?"

"I'll drive back."

"Can you drive now?"

"I can drive back, I'll go back by myself."

Pushing Ji Yaoguang away, Chang Yu, who was wearing high heels, was a little unsteady on his feet, and fell to the ground after a stagger. It seemed that the alcohol had not only numb her heart, but even the pain in her feet seemed insignificant. She stumbled up, stretched out her hand to brush her hair, without looking at Ji Yaoguang, and staggered towards the parking place. Both body and mind began to feel cold, and the drooping hair blocked his blurred vision. Chang Yu controlled the thought of looking back, bit his pale lips and continued to walk forward.

"What do you do if you get caught drunk driving like this?"

"Then get caught."

"What if it is photographed by the media? They will talk nonsense again."

"Then let them talk."

"You fell and don't know the pain, right?"

This sentence stopped Chang Yu's footsteps, she turned her head suddenly, and stared at Ji Yaoguang with some ferocity: "I don't know! I can't die."

"Don't make trouble, I'll take you back." The tone was full of helplessness.

"Whoever is making trouble, you go to send someone else, I don't want you to care."

"Oh, do you think I don't care about you?" Ji Yaoguang snorted coldly, and it took almost a lot of effort to get Chang Yu into the car.

Half awake and half drunk, I don't know that my ridiculous words and deeds, such things as pretending to be crazy by being drunk, have actually done it once. Chang Yu seldom indulged herself. In the car, she listened to the soothing music and slowly closed her eyes. At least at this moment she was by her side. At least at this moment, she could be willful once, right

-Your calm and self-restraint end up being a bondage to your relationship.

Josie said so, even Bian Yuting once mentioned it.

The wine with strong stamina blended with the chaotic thoughts. In a trance, it seemed that someone was touching her forehead lightly. She opened her misty eyes and saw Ji Yaoguang's face not far away from her. Afraid of shattering this dream, Chang Yu hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, a soft sigh echoed in his ears.

The warm touch was like an illusion born of her longing.

The sprained ankle was a little red and swollen, and Chang Yu, who was lying on the sofa, half closed his eyes, watching Ji Yaoguang busily going about from the slightly opened eye slits. is she drunk No, at least at this moment her consciousness is clear, she slowly felt the dull pain in her feet and heart, and the image of Jiang Yusheng holding Ji Yaoguang's arm was always in her mind, which couldn't be lingered.

When Ji Yaoguang approached with a medicine box, she heard her hoarse, pretendingly indifferent voice: "You can go back." Of course Ji Yaoguang ignored her, the ice brought a coolness to the palm, covering the red and swollen skin The ankle slipped little by little, Chang Yu gasped and then remained silent. "Walk carefully." Ji Yaoguang's voice was a bit annoyed, and it fell into Chang Yu's ears at this time, but the taste changed unknowingly. Because of the spirits, the red tide slowly faded from his face, and it turned pale in an instant.

"It's better for you to stay away from me." A sigh overflowed from his mouth, and Chang Yu pursed his lips and continued to speak duplicity.

"Really?" Ji Yaoguang's hand stopped slightly, she looked up to see Chang Yu's expression, curled up on the sofa, her whole body was shrouded in the shadow of the light, and she couldn't see her expression clearly. After these two words were uttered, the two of them stopped talking, and the quiet atmosphere permeated. It was no longer the kind of comfort of knowing each other, but a kind of sadness of wanting to speak.

Chang Yu could feel the right amount of strength coming from her ankle. She closed her eyes and judged what happened by listening to the movement from the room. The sound of thumping footsteps sounded a little anxious, and with the "squeak" sound of opening the door, the empty room fell silent again. There was no sound at all around him, only his low breathing could be heard. Chang Yu suddenly opened her eyes, pressing her hand on the sofa, looking around in panic, as if looking for someone, but in the end she found nothing.

She came and she left, leaving only this cold and lonely room.

Chang Yu hugged his knees with his hands and buried his head in it. After a long time, he raised his head with an ugly smile. Going back in such a hurry, someone should be waiting? Now that she has reached this point, what is she still hoping for? Even if there is a change of heart, there is nothing wrong with it, after all, she was the one who personally pushed it out.

After a long while, her feet stepped on the ground, and the stabbing pain hit her heart one after another. Chang Yu rubbed her eyes, and she walked slowly to her room, which also contained too many memories Is it time to burn everything and cut off all thoughts? Just such a simple action as pushing the door open, Chang Yu has been doing it for a long time, and she kept reaching out to wipe her tears. The silent sobbing slowly turned into a low choked sob, and her body slammed against the door, shutting out everything in the living room.

Unexpectedly fell into a warm embrace.

The person who thought he had already left was actually hiding behind this door.

"Do you think I'm gone?" A soft sigh sounded in my ears.

"Jiang Yusheng is just my elementary school girl, a friend, we have no other relationship. How long are you going to be stubborn?"

"I told you I haven't seen you for a long time, and I just asked you to answer 'I miss you', but what about you? What answer did you give me after hesitating for so long?"

"Actually, I'm not having a good time at all, are you the same?"

The warm breath pressed against the pinna, almost burning her whole body. Chang Yu looked down at the hands surrounding him, and suddenly all the feelings disappeared like smoke. She turned around suddenly and hugged Ji Yaoguang, and the two bodies were tightly pressed together so that there was no room for any cracks.

"I'm sorry, I love you." It's hard to describe in words the mood of ups and downs, and the stubborn person finally chose to be honest once.

"What did you say? I didn't hear it." Ji Yaoguang hooked her lips.

Chang Yu didn't say a word, and there were still tears in the corners of her eyes. Stretching out her hand to hold Ji Yaoguang's face, staring at her was almost greedy, and after a while, she took the initiative to kiss Ji Yaoguang.

The heartfelt confession is expressed in charming and ambiguous.

"I love you."

The author has something to say: The continuation is over in one second, there can be no more.

The line of sub-cp is actually not counted as sub-cp (in the setting, other people are background boards, like people who pass by each other without beginning and end, and what they want to tell is the story of two people), in the future Have a chance to write a short story.

I am a sweet text party, and I am determined not to be.

Finally, the new article "After a Flash Marriage with a Rival in Love" will be published in mid or late April, if you are interested, you can poke into the column and bookmark it~

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