Shepherd’s Secret Continuation

Chapter 68: Assistant coach Aiwass is in charge


In fact, Professor Bud is very open-minded and knowledgeable.

In fact, he's basically Avalon's foremost historian.

It’s just that he is not good at giving lectures - compared to teaching, he is better at studying alone among piles of old papers.

At this moment, an idea came to the history professor's mind.

Maybe... I can hire Aiwass as my assistant coach.

His knowledge in this area is already higher than that of many third-grade students.

But that may not be the case. In principle, teaching assistants can only be selected from outstanding junior or senior students, such as Haina.

Mr. Aiwass is only in the first grade, and this is not in accordance with the rules...

Just as Professor Bud was lost in thought, Aiwass had already easily turned the topic back to the Star Antimony Kingdom, and attracted everyone's attention and expectations:

“This is why the path of wisdom, the path of love, is forbidden within Avalon.

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if they were not banned... but developed in balance with the authoritarian path

"Then what we are going to talk about is the fall of the Helasar Empire."

Aiwass lowered his head and said, comparing the contents on the lesson plan, "Students, please turn to page 241."

The next moment, the classroom returned to calm.

The sound of flipping pages rang out in the classroom, extremely clear.

"The Helasar Empire has a long history and a vast territory... which means that there are transcendents from all walks of life in it.

"It may be difficult for you to imagine that the most mainstream art in the empire is demonology. In fact, that is where the profession of 'demonologist' was first born. People study demons just like we study machinery and physics; they develop new rituals just like our inventors invent new things. And under the Path of Transcendence, the alchemists of the Path of Balance and the artists of the Path of Beauty have their own associations.

"Ritual, alchemy, and art, the balanced development of these three skills made the empire prosperous."

Having said that, Aiwass put down the lesson plan.

He raised his head and began to talk about his own things, and the students all looked up at him: "But just one year before the Rift War began, there was a fierce conflict between alchemists and artists.

"The initial trigger for the war was a painting called "The Alchemist". It depicts the working environment of alchemists. Alchemy was originally closed and confidential, but an alchemist opened his workshop to a painter friend and allowed the painter to sketch his work.

"But the painting caused dissatisfaction among the alchemists. First, the painting was not accurate enough. There were many errors in the movements, placements, and clothing that were caused by distorting the facts for the sake of a good composition. Second, the painting was too accurate, so that a secret painting that the alchemist hung on the wall as a background was clearly drawn - and this painting hinted at the ancient technique of 'using grains and basil leaves to make artificial mice', which was very valuable knowledge."

"…artificial rats?"

Haina, who was beside Aiwas, couldn't help but frown and repeated: "What's the use of this?"

She hadn't heard the story either.

Aiwass's loudspeaker also picked up her complaint, which caused the students to discuss it quietly.

Aiwass smiled and nodded, then slowly said, "Of course, we all hate rats. We hope that rats will become extinct... But in any case, this is a mysterious technique of 'creating life with non-life'. And 'creating life' is one of the three ultimate pursuits of alchemists.

"Because of this serious leak, the alchemist and the artist were sentenced to death for leaking secrets. But the impact had already occurred, and the alchemists, who were still angry, began to denounce the artist, believing that this was because the artist did not notify the Alchemy Association for review when publishing the alchemy painting.

"So the alchemists began to order alchemy shops across the country to stop selling pigments to people who looked like painters - until the artists agreed to accept "creative censorship." This threat was actually powerless because they did not prohibit purchasing on behalf of others, nor did they clarify what the criteria were for people who "looked like painters."

"But the artists believe that this is a long-planned violation of the power of the Alchemy Association against the Art Association. If these things cannot be leaked, then they should not be posted from the beginning, or the painters should be notified in advance. The painters are only responsible for drawing them and exhibiting them to others, and are not responsible for the leak caused by the model's mistakes.

"So they immediately fought back and painted a large number of paintings that hinted at the secrets of alchemy. Because there was no explicit disclosure, but only symbolic hints... In addition, alchemy did not have a conventional professional terminology, but everyone's code was different. Therefore, they had sufficient excuses to show that they did not maliciously disclose the secrets."

At this point, Aiwas looked around and said, "I believe that many of you should have seen those 'paintings that suggest alchemy'? The oldest of those paintings began to appear from this period. And because of the large production and low prices, they quickly flowed into the imperial market and became so expensive that even an imperial lord could easily collect multiple pieces.

"This move broke the Alchemy Association's monopoly on alchemy, and led to the birth of a large number of non-academic folk alchemists. They were not professional enough and lacked systematic alchemy knowledge... But at this time, alchemists from another faction who had been persecuted and suppressed by the Alchemy Association joined them and established a folk alchemy association called "Twelve Keys" that still exists today. They hid among the people and, with the help of the Art Association, made all the most secret alchemy techniques public through the suggestive means of alchemy paintings.

"The furious Alchemy Association demands that the demonologists arrest and punish these traitors, but the Art Association wants to do its utmost to protect the legitimacy of the 'Twelve Keys' and demands that the demonologists not arrest innocent painters. The struggle between the extraordinary associations gradually comes to the fore...

"While the two sides were arguing, a blood-sucking monster called 'Death Cuigo' by the imperial people sneaked into the capital. It means 'predictor of bad omens', and some people also call them 'sons of the moon' or 'sons of the dragon'. They are not phantom demons, but they can devour weak demons to become stronger, and can be reborn repeatedly after death.

"So the demonologists who were at the pinnacle of power became the hunted. Soon their power weakened, and when they became weaker than the Alchemy Association and the Art Association, the two associations that were originally quarreling suddenly stopped quarreling. Instead, they began to work together to seize the political influence of the demonologists.

"These Moon Children are a special race of the Path of Love, a group that Hengwo protects. Among them, newborns can only move under the moon. The extraordinary people of the Path of Love can transform into them, just as the demon scholars of the Demon Path can also transform into demons. When people of the Path of Love are sucked dry of blood and die, they will become 'newborns' after forty days, devouring demons and sucking blood at night. As long as they get enough nutrition within forty days, they can move under the sun after forty days.

"It is said that this immortality originally came from a curse, while others say it is a kind of love. The secret of their ability to prey on demons is related to the blood of the Snake Father, so some scholars believe that Hengwo has a secret connection with the Snake Father. It is as if these two pillar gods are in charge of the mysterious art of 'curse' at the same time. Even the advanced ceremony must always be held under the 'moon', which may be related to it..."

When Aiden heard what Aiwass said on the podium, he was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly thought of something.

An evil spirit that is immortal, sucks blood, and resurrects from the dead...

He subconsciously glanced at Professor Budd and found that the professor did not make any corrections, but looked at Aiwass enthusiastically.

That is to say…

Is everything written in "Dracula" really true

Meanwhile, Aiwass was still lecturing slowly in a gentle and clear tone, as if he were a real teacher: "Students, this is what the book says: 'The weakening of the power of demon scholars has caused the emperor to lose confidence in them, and the demon scholars have become unable to control the increasingly tense political situation in the empire.' I think this should be a key point..."

Aiwass said, looking at Professor Budd to confirm and asked, "Is that so, Professor?"

The more Professor Bud listened, the more shocked and surprised he became.

“…Ah, yes! Yes!”

The old professor was stunned for a few seconds before he reacted and squeezed to the side of the microphone. He said in his stern and flat voice: "Did you hear what Aiwass said? This sentence is the key point. Write it down. Including the following sentence, 'In order to regain their political status, the demon scholars took the risk of holding a new sacrificial ceremony...'"

He read the textbook for a long time, and the students, who rarely attended Professor Bud's history class, actually marked the key points according to Professor Bud's requirements.

After finishing speaking, the old professor did not grab the microphone.

Instead, he stepped aside and patted Aiwass on the shoulder with a smile, motioning him kindly to continue.

The more the old professor looked at this handsome and knowledgeable young man, the more he liked him.

Especially since he himself is not very good at teaching...

I have to say that Aiwass has a really good grasp of the class rhythm!

If he was not a superhuman, but studied history in the humanities department, he would have become a great historian. Or he could have become a very good mentor.

It's just a pity... He will definitely not give up the path of dedication.

But Professor Budd has now made up his mind.

Even if it is against the rules, he must first snatch Evans away and make him his assistant coach!

Whatever "in principle" he said -

Otherwise, sooner or later other mentors will discover Aiwas’ strengths!

In the Royal Law University, there are many instructors like him who are good at research but not good at lecturing.

But they can't beat me because I'm going to strike first!

The old professor squinted his eyes happily and couldn't help but exclaimed: "You are indeed a young man favored by Her Highness Isabel... Seeing is believing."

… ha

Haina was stunned for a moment: "Your Highness?"

"Yes," the old professor explained kindly to his favorite student, "Last night, Mr. Aiwass was invited by Her Highness Isabel to attend a private dinner. He didn't come back until very late... Now the entire upper circle of Avalon should know about this.

"I thought it was a rumor at first, but now it seems to be true. Not only is he erudite, but most importantly, he has such a magnanimous demeanor - it was his first time giving a lecture in front of so many people, and they were students he had never met before, but he was not afraid at all and was able to control the rhythm. He must have the adaptability to the path of authority.

"I now believe that he decisively shot and killed the demonologist. When I saw the news before, I thought it was flattery to Moriarty, and your achievements were attributed to him... After all, how could a disabled mortal take the initiative to attack a transcendent who has resonated with the Tao? The suppression power of transcendents on ordinary people like us is absolute... The fact that they don't tremble to the point of being unable to move already shows that they have an iron will."

"That is true."

Haina subconsciously defended Aiwass in a low voice: "I saw it with my own eyes."

But she still found it a little unbelievable.

Because she had also met Her Royal Highness the Princess and knew what kind of person she was.

That little cutie who looks so autistic... would actually take the initiative to invite people to his house for dinner

And, staying late...

—Is it the late night she was thinking of

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