Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 117: Xiaoyu’s moment of glory


Yu Shengfan is dead.

Died of illness.

The battle is not over yet...but he died in front of the computer.

From the first time she met Lin Feng, she had already laid the groundwork when she said she was sick.

Later, when Rosemary was dragging down the word count, she also added a lot of detailed descriptions. For example, before playing games, she would take many pills, which seemed to be health products, but actually contained painkillers. Fighting against illness all the time.

Her chatterbox and convulsive hand speed may seem unreasonable, but in fact it is because her pills contain stimulant-like drugs that can make people very high...

Of course Yu Shengfan is a super genius, but under the stimulation of drugs, she turned into a monster even more terrifying than a genius. That's why Lin Feng sighed to himself. Even he, who had a golden finger, felt that Miss Yu was too unfair. It was normal. When he looked at Yu Shengfan's fierce operations, he wondered if he was really old.

It turns out that the truth of the matter is that she has such an incurable terminal disease. From the moment she was born, she was destined to live less than 20 years old. Later, she fell in love with games and seemed to have found the meaning of her life. Anyway, she was destined to have such a short life. In life, it is better to devote it all to the game she loves so much.

For the game she loves so much, she is proficient in multiple languages, and can even communicate with players from other countries in that country's language skillfully, making players from that country completely regard her as a person from her own country because she is using that country's language. He is also quite fluent in swearing, and can also use the country's unique slang to troll people.

All in all, her talent in language is not inferior to that of games. Maybe this is related to her being a mixed race? Her father is Chinese, but her mother is a British noblewoman. After all, she is the eldest daughter of a wealthy family.

If she could have a healthy body, maybe she would become an extremely good translator, translate many classics, and promote cultural exchanges. Unfortunately, without it, her illness was destined to be incurable, and her father was still He despises her because her mother died as soon as she was born.

Maybe this is the price of being a genius. God gave her unimaginable talents, but also made her a loner. Apart from not lacking anything materially, she was extremely lonely spiritually. No one loved her. She chose to look for warmth in the virtual game world, or in other words, the game itself allowed her to feel the warmth.

She has been looking for similar people with whom she can identify. She originally thought that she would never find them until she met Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's love for games is unquestionable. Others may just play games to relax their body and mind, but not Lin Feng. Games carry his dreams. For him, playing games is a realization of the value and meaning of life. If this If there were no games in the world, maybe at his current age, he would be just an ordinary salaryman working a nine-to-five job.

Lin Feng was born for games. He believed that he was truly alive when he was playing games. When he wanted to play professionally, he completely fell out with his family because e-sports at that time was not recognized by his parents at all. , parents all think that they are electronic drugs, which can make people addicted and turn them into waste. Children should study hard, go to college, find a good job, and live their lives step by step.

But Lin Feng did not bow to fate. He believed that the reason why people are human should have their own pursuits. The value and meaning of life lies in pursuing the dreams that are most desired in the heart. For the sake of dreams, even if it breaks with the family and goes against the values of the entire society , he doesn’t hesitate to do it, he wants to be the most unique kind of person!

Perhaps, this is the protagonist.

The protagonists are all paranoid.

It's a pity that most people in this world are passers-by like Zhao Youyue. They don't have any lofty ideals, and they can't make such extreme choices as Lin Feng. He really gave up everything for the game. He is a professional Contestant, he wants to become the strongest king!

The "Strongest King" in his mind is not just a title, but a realm that others don't understand at all. It is the embodiment of his personal value and meaning of life. Ordinary people will not understand him at all!

Because he is the protagonist!

Ordinary people are just passersby!

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, he is a game madman. He was an Internet addict when he was a teenager. He was also an Internet addict when he was an uncle. He was also unkind and unjust. He even cut off ties with his parents for the sake of games. Of course, he now sends money to his parents every month. , but he doesn't want to see his parents at all. This way of sending money to his parents is just a "slap in the face" for him. Who said that you can't make money by playing games and you can't support yourself? I make more money than you all combined! Just take the money I earn and live your life well, don't try to persuade me not to play games again! Old fogies!

The encounter between Yu Shengfan and Lin Feng was a fateful encounter.

For Yu Shengfan, games are her only relative and her only choice to relieve the ever-present physical pain and mental loneliness. Without games, she might not be able to live for such a long time. , this is the thing that makes her feel warmest in her short life.

For Lin Feng, games are his lifelong pursuit and the meaning of his existence. Nothing can stop his love and addiction to games. Reality is far less important than games!

Therefore, they are actually the same kind.

Yu Shengfan's keen intuition discovered this, so she had a different attitude towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng gave her a sense of identity. In any case, she would not be venomous towards Lin Feng. Perhaps this was the best way she could express " "Gentle" way...

Lin Feng may also be aware of this. He also uses his unique way to pamper the little fish and spends his efforts to cultivate the little fish. He will eventually grow old. He doesn't know when his golden finger will lose its effect. Maybe it is The moment he completes his obsession.

In his heart, Xiaoyu is the one who can really understand him, because they are truly pure in their treatment of games. Xiaoyu is still so young, and he can definitely inherit the glory team he established and continue to write down their glory!

There is no love between them, but they have the most perfect tacit understanding. They are accomplices.

Yu Shengfan was ranked as the king of the new district. She challenged Lin Fengyan briefly and concisely. She was very anxious because she felt that she could no longer support herself. Except for her hands, her whole body fell into the trap of ordinary people. In unimaginable pain!

If she doesn't fight Lin Feng, the only man she recognizes, she will never have a chance again!

There is not much time left for the little fish...

Lin Feng agreed, but he could never have expected that this would be the last battle in Xiaoyu's short life, and also the most glorious moment in her life!

Before the battle, Yu Shengfan took three times the dose of pills. There was a peaceful smile on his face, but there was an indescribable determination!

She didn't talk, didn't type, and was completely focused on the operation for the first and only time!

Only Lin Feng deserves her to do this!

Only Lin Feng is worthy of her to use all her strength! (Actually she couldn't take it out anymore, her body was on the verge of collapse)

And no matter what, she wants to win!


Today’s fourth update~~~Please recommend and vote for me monthly~~~! ! ! There will be another update before 12 o'clock! ! !