Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 34: Can't control my brush


Before "Xu Jing" kisses Yang Qianqian, the comic gives a seductive close-up of Yang Qianqian's lips. When Su Li drew this seductive lips, she was breathing heavily and completely excited, as if she had already Entering the world of comics, watch the first intimate contact between Xu Jing and Yang Qianqian up close.

Similarly, of course, there is a close-up of the dark and deep eyes of "Xu Jing". She stared at Yang Qianqian affectionately, and then when Yang Qianqian asked her who she liked, she didn't speak, just kissed him and entangled with him. together.

It only lasted a short time, "Xu Jing" and Yang Qianqian's lips parted, and then she turned over and pressed on Yang Qianqian's soft body, with her hands on Yang Qianqian's shoulders, supporting her upper body in a posture similar to "bidong" , looking at the confused Yang Qianqian beneath him...

At this time, the room was filled with bright moonlight, and the background was mesmerizingly beautiful. "Xu Jing's" rapid breathing was clearly audible in this quiet night.

If Su Li is extremely provocative and stimulates the readers' senses the most when describing the erotic scenes between the male protagonist and the women, then the Lily scenes between Xu Jing and Yang Qianqian are extremely beautiful, as if The art is so general that all readers can find it pleasing to the eye, and the visual effect is so good that it is explosive.

"Xu Jing"'s face was flushed at this time, and she no longer looked like the "three-no girl" who was speechless, heartless and expressionless. There was no room for anyone in her world, except Yang Qianqian.

The comic still shows a close-up of "Xu Jing's" dark and deep eyes. Yang Qianqian's beautiful cheeks occupy "Xu Jing's" eyes. The confused Yang Qianqian asked doubtfully: "Xiao...Xiao Jing?"

"Are you nervous?" "Xu Jing" responded.

"Yes, of course I will be nervous."

"Why? Because I'm a girl?"

Yang Qianqian covered her blushing cheeks and replied: "Because Xiaojing is a friend..."

When "Xu Jing" heard such words, a trace of complexity flashed in her eyes, and then was replaced by determination. She decisively took away Yang Qianqian's hand covering her cheek, leaned down, and kissed her fiercely again. This time they When our lips parted, she said: "You do this kind of thing with me, but you still can't forget your brother, right?"

When Yang Qianqian heard the word "brother", tears filled her eyes. No matter what, the person she loved most was still her brother! (This is the setting in the "Pure Love" comic. Yang Qianqian is the girl who loves Yang Ming the most in the comic, but the comic world is different from reality. People in reality will easily change themselves, give up the person they deeply love, and choose to be more Real objects, but characters in the comic world will always follow the settings)

"Xu Jing" looked at Yang Qianqian who was about to cry, and she thought with great sadness in her heart: Sissi, she is going to cry, she is going to be made to cry by me, I still can't see Sissi so sad...

"Xu Jing's" expressionless face showed a melancholy and lonely look, and she said: "Just say it if you don't want to, okay?"



"Because... I like Xiaojing." Yang Qianqian said softly.

"Xu Jing's" face became expressionless again, and her eyes became deeper, because she knew that Yang Qianqian's love for her was only limited to friends. She was special in Yang Qianqian's heart, and Yang Qianqian didn't want to lose her, so Can't say no.

If I really can't get your heart, then at least leave your warmth to me, "Xu Jing" thought with a twist in her heart.

"Compensate me well, that's okay." "Xu Jing" said in Yang Qianqian's ear, and then touched her earlobe.

When "Xu Jing" did unspeakable things to Yang Qianqian, Yang Qianqian was still thinking about her brother. No matter what, she could not let go of the love for her brother in her heart.

"Sissi, tell me what you want, say it yourself."

"No, don't, um..."

"Otherwise, forget it. If you don't want to say it, then just forget it?"

"Don't… "

"It turns out you can't resist the pleasure."

"No, there's no such thing! It's Xiaojing's touch that makes me feel... very comfortable, so..."

"Well, that's because I like Sissi. I'm touching the person I like, so you can feel it and feel comfortable. This is love."

"Xu Jing" temporarily stopped her indescribable movements, and just gently hugged Yang Qianqian tightly in her arms, burying her head in her chest. She seemed to be holding the most precious treasure in her life. Just like Yang Qianqian loves her brother no matter what, she will continue to like her brother even if he turns into a scumbag. However, she firmly believes that her brother was only temporarily tempted by that scumbag woman. She is the perfect sister who will always trust her brother. .

And "Xu Jing" can't give up Yang Qianqian no matter what, even if Yang Qianqian only temporarily regards her as a substitute for her brother, one day, Yang Qianqian will choose to leave "Xu Jing".

The warmth a person can give is limited. It's not that I don't understand this truth. However, I was satisfied with Xiaojing, and finally came to a cold place, alone, Yang Qianqian thought.

In reality, she is completely entangled with "Xu Jing", and the scene in the comics shows a peak of beauty. After all, both of them are super beautiful girls.

In her conscious world, she felt as if she was alone, holding an umbrella, walking on a deserted street, with cold rain falling in the sky. She seemed to hear someone whispering in her ear: "Hey, you and the little one are together." If you can't be friends again, it's all your fault. You should have noticed that today you took advantage of someone else's favor for the first time. You are just as scum as the woman who took your brother away. Congratulations! Hehehehe... "

"Why do you like people like me so much? Xiaojing, I don't understand, please forgive me, I really can't understand..."

"Sissi, it's okay. I don't want you to understand. You don't need to understand. I can give everything for you."

How come it doesn't matter, but I can't stop myself. I just covet your tenderness to replace the tenderness of my brother in my memory. Ah, I am indeed a scumbag too.

"Do you think I'm pitiful?" A sad smile flashed through "Xu Jing's" deep eyes.

Yang Qianqian said softly "Huh?"

"I lied to you, I don't ask for more." "Xu Jing" hugged her into his arms again.

Every time the creator Su Li draws the Lily plot between Xu Jing and Yang Qianqian, she feels very emotional, and her whole body feels hot. She feels that if there really is a girl like "Xu Jing" in reality, no matter what, she will We must cherish it and not be like Yang Qianqian in the comics, who only temporarily regards "Xu Jing" as a replacement for her brother.

Wait, if we continue like this, how can "Pure Love" have a happy ending? !

Su Li looked at her favorite masterpiece with infinite satisfaction, but she felt as if she had eaten shit... Well, since she has eaten shit, I ask all readers to give it a try and tolerate her. The pursuit of art.

At this time, how can she take care of the readers' emotions

She can no longer control her paintbrush!

No matter what, she will continue to draw like this for the sake of "Xu Jing" whom she has fallen deeply in love with.


Today’s first update~~~Please collect, reward, recommend votes, recommend votes, recommend votes~~~! ! !

The 515 event is coming to an end soon, because tomorrow is June 1st, and I can celebrate Children’s Day... If you have a ball, you can become my fan, get the title of "So-called Beauty", and search it in 515 Great Theology. Just "Lie drunk and laugh". There is no such shop after passing this village~~~