Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 52: I have never seen anyone so shameless


Zhao Youyue has set up "Special Attention" for Su Li. As soon as Su Li, the leader of the dog group, appears in the group, she will be reminded. When she saw the message from Su Li, she couldn't help but purse her lips and chuckle, thinking about Su Li. Li is also very good at deflecting blame. Although this is actually a fact, who would believe it

Anyway, she, Zhao Youyue, will never take the blame.

Today is Monday night, and Zhao Youyue will have her final exam tomorrow, but she can play with her mobile phone with peace of mind, because when she was at school during the day, she had already been addicted to studying for a day, whether it was morning reading class or after class. , she was studying quietly, without even taking out her cell phone.

In fact, students are often more relaxed before big exams such as final exams. Just like this day, the whole day is self-study class. If Zhao Youyue follows her original style, she can have one class time to review carefully. , that’s good, because she took three evening self-study classes seriously yesterday, so today she will definitely feel swollen and feel that she is fully prepared—the final exam? But that’s all!

It shouldn't be a big problem if I get into the top ten in the class this time.

Therefore, she can naturally play with her mobile phone happily all day.

However, Zhao Youyue, who is in the state of "Xu Jing is possessed", will only feel that the review time is not enough, and there are still many mistakes. She must make up for them as much as possible to prevent herself from encountering the kind of things that the teacher has clearly mentioned in the exam, but due to her own reasons. She had to eliminate all accidents and give full play to her potential.

Xu Jing is not a genius, and her IQ is only normal, but she works harder and is more careful than ordinary people. If Zhao Youyue takes the exam in the state of "Xu Jing is possessed", she will never have to worry about making mistakes due to carelessness. Even those questions that made her dizzy after reading them and had no desire to challenge at all, she would be patient and study hard. Even if she couldn't completely solve the problem, at least the simple questions in the problem could be solved. To solve it, after all, the final questions in mathematics usually have several small questions, and the previous small questions are not crazy difficult.

Zhao Youyue, who was in her normal state, became worried and lost her momentum when she saw the big questions and didn't even do it. She felt that it would be better to use the time she spent studying the big questions to check those simple questions. After all, she was good at it. "Abuse of food"...

Therefore, after Zhao Youyue obtained Xu Jing's classic character card, she no longer had to worry about her studies and exams. Therefore, when she did not activate Xu Jing's abilities, she became more playful and had more fun and more fun. Confidence.

When she studies hard, she will work harder than others, and when she plays happily, she will be happier than others.

Anyway, Zhao Youyue's performance during the day surprised many people who knew her well. For example, her deskmate Jiang Qing originally thought that Zhao Youyue would definitely let her look out while playing with her mobile phone, but the other party didn't take it out all day. The phone comes. At the end of class, Wang Yang, who was sitting in front of Zhao Youyue, wanted to go back and talk to her about a certain online novel he had read recently. However, when he saw that Zhao Youyue was still immersed in the lecture notes, exuding the aura of a top student, he I was too embarrassed to disturb Zhao Youyue.

The most important thing is that this is not seriousness in a short period of time, but seriousness that lasts for a whole day. This is very scary. Couldn't she have been time-traveled by someone else? Wang Yang, who had read too many online novels, couldn't help but curse.

Just thinking like this, of course Wang Yang doesn't really think so. He can only explain it by saying that tomorrow is the final exam and classmate Zhao Youyue is cramming crazily.

Jiang Qing naturally thought so too. Under Zhao Youyue's guidance, she rarely reviewed seriously, otherwise she would have been fishing all day long. She was actually very playful and not very self-disciplined.

And Zhou Fang, Zhao Youyue's former deskmate, also noticed Zhao Youyue who was very serious. She was full of sympathy and felt that Zhao Youyue was doing useless work. It's too late to be serious now. The hard work should be spent in normal times!

Although Zhou Fang has a good impression of Zhao Youyue's character and feels that Zhao Youyue is really easy to get along with, she looks down on Zhao Youyue in terms of study. Although she has never shown this in front of Zhao Youyue, in her heart, she has a deep feeling She had a sense of superiority. She did better than Zhao Youyue in all the monthly and mid-term exams in the first semester. Most of them were in the top 10 in the class. One time, she was too nervous because math was too difficult and she failed. Her score dropped to 16th, which made her She secretly cried under the quilt at night, thinking it was a great shame. Zhao Youyue's best test score was tied for 19th in the class, basically hovering between 20 and 30.

Zhou Fang felt that Zhao Youyue was very pitiful and used herself to save others. She thought that Zhao Youyue had always been in shame...

There must be no surprises in this final exam. Zhou Fang decided to rush to the top 5 in the class, continue to consolidate his status as a top student, and then still maintain a sense of superiority to pay attention to Zhao Youyue, and pity the humiliated person. Zhao Youyue.

However, she really wanted to be a roommate with Zhao Youyue, because her new roommate Tang Yan had a much worse personality than Zhao Youyue. She was too stingy. She was ugly but she still felt good about herself. She was making noises all day long. She has such a bad mouth, and her grades are so bad. There are only 40 or 50 people in the class, and she always secretly copies her homework when she is studying in the evening to participate in the chemistry competition training. After she found out about this, she decisively copied her homework Bring your good homework to the chemistry laboratory as well. Are you, Tang Yan, worthy of copying my homework

Her homework would only be given to Zhao Youyue as a "reference". Although Zhao Youyue would go home and do it by herself in most cases. If she didn't know how to do it, she would go directly to the Internet to find the answer. This gave Zhou Fang no chance to give Zhao Youyue a "reference". This was very difficult. have no choice.

If Zhou Fang sympathizes with Zhao Youyue, then she completely despises her new deskmate Tang Yan. At the same time, she is also very unhappy with Zhao Youyue's new deskmate Jiang Qing. This guy and Zhao Youyue are actually talking and laughing. Don't get me wrong, she will never It's not jealousy or anything, she just feels that Jiang Qing is not a serious person at first glance, and her breasts are so big. Although the other party is the literary and art committee member and a class cadre, she doesn't look down on the results of those in the 30s and 40s at all. Yes, she was afraid that Jiang Qing would ruin Zhao Youyue's grades. Wouldn't that make Zhao Youyue even more pitiful

Sure enough, Zhao Youyue's most suitable deskmate should be her, Zhou Fang!

Zhao Youyue, who had been studying all day, decisively turned off the "Xu Jing Possession" state after returning home. Then she instantly became the lazy and deep-rooted eldest daughter of the Zhao family. She went from being addicted to studying to being addicted to mobile phones...

Then she saw Su Li's apology and blame-shifting, and Su Li's fans in the group naturally went crazy -

I have never seen anyone so shameless!


Today’s first update~~~ Please collect, reward, recommend votes, recommend votes, recommend votes~~~ Recommended votes are getting less and less, Yiluo is really crying~~~