Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 60: A low-key creator


Without any hesitation, Zhao Youyue directly rewarded an alliance leader for "The Strongest King", only to discover that this book already had seven alliance leaders. Similarly, although it was not as popular as the previous League of Legends novels written by the author, it was also It has entered the boutique channel, and with this new book and his old books, it is not a big problem for the author to earn tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Obviously, this Chinese god author whose pen name is "Rosemary" wants to prove his truth through the new book "The Strongest King" and obtain a starting point as a great god or even a platinum contract, so he must break away from the game "League of Legends" He has to create a game by himself, so that his work can have copyright value. Whether it is publishing or creating a super IP, it will be easier.

However, this naturally has a negative effect, that is, this book was not as popular as the previous League of Legends e-sports novels in its early stages. In addition, the author himself is too low-key, rarely communicates with readers, does not ask for votes, and is too lazy to collect votes. This leads to the fact that "The Strongest King" is obviously a good book with great potential, but it can only remain as lukewarm as it is now.

You know, in this world's Qidian website, the phenomenon of ticket fraud is also very serious. Whether it is the new book list, click list, recommended ticket list or even monthly ticket list, there are a large number of brushers. Even the top ten positions on the homepage are occupied. Well, if you really make it to the top ten on your own strength, you will be kicked down in less than a day, so most old readers have experience that the really good books are all in the 20s or 30s, and the top ten books, unless they are that This kind of supreme god has extremely high fan cohesiveness, otherwise even the books of great gods will be brushed up. Some great gods or ancient gods clearly know that the new works are not as good as their previous works, but they insist on spending money to copy their works. To be on the list, for novice readers, the quality of the new work is enough to attract them.

"Rosemary" was crushed by the brushes. It was ranked eleventh on the new book list every week. After it was put on the shelves, it was also ranked eleventh on the monthly new book ticket list. It just couldn't be on the home page. This obviously affected it greatly. His "The Strongest King" has achieved good results, but the author's mentality is indeed good. He still maintains a stable update of 6,000 words every day, and it is scheduled at 5 p.m., and it will continue to be updated without interruption.

Because the author is too low-key and mysterious, his pen name "Rosemary" has a very artistic conception, sounds very feminine, the writing style is also very delicate and beautiful, and the male characters are well portrayed, so many readers think that "Rosemary" "Dada is a female author who is nicknamed "Literary Girl". Many readers regard her as their "goddess". They lament that as a female author, Rosemary has a hard time getting along in male channels. It is even more difficult to write a very niche e-sports novel, so the rewards for his novels are always very high, and his fans are very die-hard. If he chooses to ask for votes, he will even create a "Green Alliance" like other great gods. " Fan organizations like " are definitely very powerful. After all, sometimes readers are very strange. If they don't open a single chapter to ask for recommendation votes, they will never vote consciously...

However, the mysterious and low-key Rosemary probably finally discovered that he was regarded as a "goddess" and a "literary girl" while browsing the book review section, so he hurriedly issued a statement related to the work, saying that he was actually a male author. Rather than being a "literary girl", she also laughed at herself and said that if she were really a female author, she wouldn't be so hard at portraying female characters and writing emotional dramas.

In fact, Rosemary herself chose to exploit her strengths and avoid her weaknesses, so the new book "The Strongest King" simply did not portray a single female character, and only female fans who shouted "666" to the male protagonist appeared.

After Zhao Youyue finished reading "The Strongest King" in one sitting, she felt instantly attracted to this low-key and mysterious Rosemary Daddy who concentrated on writing books, because the book was really well written, and although the name of the male protagonist Lin Feng was very uncharacteristic, it seemed that In all five of the ten online novels, the male protagonist is called "Lin Feng", but this Lin Feng is portrayed as a male god, a man with high IQ and a dark side, and has the demeanor of an e-sports god, even if he is on the top At his age, when he was about to retire, he could still use his IQ to make up for the decline in skills and compete with the top players in the professional circle, but by then he was already mentally tired and felt that his body could not keep up with the young players. Well, e-sports is about youth, and you can’t accept old age. Then he won the golden finger, and the sense of anticipation at the beginning came instantly!

The most important thing is that this "The Strongest King" has no messy emotional drama, and it is very suitable for Zhao Youyue's appetite. After all, Zhao Youyue, a female reader, is really not interested in that kind of harem stallion novel. It's no wonder that Rosemary is in the starting point There is also a saying that "from the starting point of three thousand harem kings, there is only one Rosemary".

Logically speaking, it should be a good thing for Zhao Youyue to cross into Rosemary's work "The Strongest King". After honing three e-sports novels, Rosemary's writing style has become perfect, and her plot control is even better. It has reached a new level, and the group portraits of male characters are even more exciting. Even if this "The Strongest King" was suppressed by brushes in the early stage, and the number of words in the later stage is more, it will definitely be able to rise and eventually become a popular masterpiece. Of course, can it? Becoming a classic is a matter of two things. After all, luck is still very important, but the probability of it becoming a classic is really high. Zhao Youyue can definitely "win"...

However, there are no female characters, which really makes Zhao Youyue very helpless!

It’s really weird. Even if it’s a novel without a heroine, it can’t be without a heroine to this extent. At least it’s okay to have a female passerby character to possess her...

With the mentality of giving it a try, Zhao Youyue read Rosemary's three League of Legends novels with equally good results. It took her eight days, and then she finally understood why Rosemary didn't write female characters. Well, those female characters who appeared were really frivolous, mentally retarded, and retarded, and the emotional scenes were even more appalling!

Rosemary's claim that he is a male author is really not deceiving the readers. The female characters he wrote feel like they have no understanding of women at all, and the emotional scenes seem to be the author himself, to match up the male and female protagonists, which is very awkward.


Today’s first update~~~Please collect, reward, recommend votes, recommend votes, recommend votes~~~! ! !