
Chapter 10


Xu Xiaoai stood in the room and confessed to Mengmeng.

"Mengmeng, when mom is away, you have to read the whole cloth book, and then tell little cloth bear the stories in the cloth book... When mom comes back, she will ask little cloth bear if you Tell it a story... If Mengmeng can't do it, you can't eat red bean paste tomorrow night, if Little Bear and Mengmeng have a good time, Mommy will accompany you to play hopscotch and eat red bean paste tomorrow, okay?"

While Xu Xiaoai was talking, Mengmeng nodded sharply.

"Mommy, how long will it take you to defeat the monster?" The little girl asked softly with her chin raised high.

Xu Xiaoai touched the little girl's furry round head, and said softly, "You understand the story in the cloth book first, and then tell the little bear three times. If the little bear can't understand your story, it can't understand it." Give Mommy strength... If Mommy doesn't have enough energy, she won't be able to defeat the monsters, so I can only wait for you to rescue her!"

Mengmeng suddenly felt a heavy responsibility on her shoulders, she pursed her mouth and nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, Mommy, Mengmengfei, come on!"

Xu Xiaoai smiled.

She looked up at the man.

"Director Jay, please ask someone to take care of her... She is very obedient and won't be noisy. But if she needs to go to the bathroom or drink water..."

The man watched the interaction between their mother and daughter coldly, and gave a faint "hmm".

"Miss Xu, please." The male assistant judged the situation and made a gesture of leading the way towards Xu Xiaoai.

Xu Xiaoai took a deep breath, patted Mengmeng's head, and left the room.

Mengmeng looked at her mother's back and bit her lip.

The little girl looked at the people in the room, then at Jay Chou...

Mengmeng, who was wearing pink pajamas, slowly moved the little cloth bear to the man's side, and sat down next to the foot of his chair.

The little girl looked serious.

She hugged the little cloth bear in her arms, spread the little cloth book on the ground, then pointed at the content drawn on the cloth book with her pointed and thin little finger, and began to whine...

The man stared at the little girl expressionlessly.


After Xu Xiaoai left the room where Jay Chou was, she said to the male assistant, "Give me a pack of cigarettes."

Without thinking, the male assistant took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gave it to her.

Xu Xiaoai stood in the corridor, took out a cigarette, and asked his assistant to light it.

She took a deep breath and asked, "How many people are there?"

The male assistant replied, "It's mainly Sifang. The other two problems are not big. The main reason is that there is a woman surnamed Jin who drinks a lot... Li Rui has poured it. I'm afraid you have to give the wine that Li Rui owed as soon as you enter the door." Fill… "

"Why do women fight wine? If I lose, what will happen?" Xu Xiaoai asked.

The male assistant didn't answer.

But thinking about Jay Chou's tough way of sending someone to pick him up...

It is estimated that if she loses the fight, there will be serious consequences.

Xu Xiaoai couldn't get an answer, so he had to ask again, "Can I smoke later?"

"Yes." The male assistant replied.

Xu Xiaoai smoked a few more puffs, turned around and walked deep into the corridor.

The male assistant brought Xu Xiaoai to a room and knocked on the door politely.

As soon as the door was opened, Xu Xiaoai immediately smelled the strong smell of alcohol and the women's loud or hoarse shouts.

The male assistant led Xu Xiaoai into the room.

Several coquettishly dressed girls gathered in front of a table, and when they saw someone coming, they turned their heads to look at Xu Xiaoai.

Xu Xiaoai took a look, and found that there were actually three gorgeous girls sitting around the table. In addition, the bartenders and waiters, including the onlookers, were all men in black.

"Sister Jin, Sister Li, Sister Qiu, this is our Sister Ai..." the assistant said to the women sitting crookedly on the chairs.

Xu Xiaoai judged the situation and reached out to the woman with the pale green afro.

"Hello, Miss Jin, I'm Xiaoai, please take care of me."

Sister Jin looks like someone in her 30s or 40s, with a slightly short and fat body, and the thick crow's feet around her eyes can't be covered by smoky makeup; but she is dressed in a killer shape...not only is there a green explosion on her head There are also large tattoos on the head, arms and neck, and strange chain ornaments on the nose and ears.

Sister Li and Sister Qiu also dressed in weird ways.

Looking at them, Xu Xiaoai suddenly felt that the makeup on her face was too light.

Several women also took a look at Xu Xiaoai.

"Come on, the wine owed by your elder sister Hua... you pay it back first, and then we will discuss who is the elder sister..." Sister Jin pointed to the four bottles of foreign wine piled up on the corner of the table.

Who is Miss Hua

Li Rui's alias

Xu Xiaoai pursed her lips and smiled at Sister Jin, but reached out her hand to the male assistant.

The male assistant was also clever, and immediately handed him a cigarette.

Xu Xiaoai took it, took a deep breath on the fire lit by the male assistant, and said politely, "Please give me a straw, oh, and open the bottle cap for me too..."

The male assistant said "yes" politely.

Soon, the male assistant came over with a tray with straws and a bottle opener.

Four bottles of foreign wine with strange shapes were opened one by one.

Xu Xiaoai sat at the table, took a straw from the tray, and poked it into the wine bottle.

She drank it like soda pop.

Alcohol chokes the nose, sour and bitter, spicy throat...

She almost couldn't swallow the first sip of wine.

cruel heart.

Xu Xiaoai finally swallowed it down.

She drank the whole bottle of wine without changing her expression, like she was drinking Coca-Cola.

Sister Jin, Sister Li and Sister Qiu looked at her amusedly.

They are fond of wine, so it is obvious at a glance that this girl does not know how to drink at all.

After drinking this bottle of wine, Xu Xiaoai was already a little over the top.

She flicked the ashes from the cigarette between her fingers and took a deep drag on the cigarette.

Head seems a little dizzy...

"Sister, don't be brave if you can't drink it... It's the same for women who can't drink it, just ask a man to come forward!" Sister Jin said with a smile.

Xu Xiaoai didn't speak.

She took a puff of cigarette, and slowly exhaled a smoke ring.

Xu Xiaoai licked her lips, as if she wanted to say something.

However, she didn't say anything, just picked up another straw and poked it into the wine bottle, and continued to drink slowly.

The look of contempt on the faces of Sister Jin and the others was even worse.

People who don't know how to drink will drink like this girl. Drinking like her is the most harmful to the body and the easiest to get drunk.

But when they watched Xu Xiaoai drink bottle after bottle of those fine foreign wines to the last drop, Sister Jin looked at Xu Xiaoai in a different way.

Although I don't know what method she uses to stay awake, but with her drinking method, she can still keep her mind clear and her eyes clear. Either she is very talented, or she is ruthless enough, and I don't know what self-harm method she used to stay awake.

"Sister, let's drink alcohol, but it's not worth risking your life..."

There was some concern in Sister Jin's tone.

Xu Xiaoai smiled slightly, took a few puffs of cigarette calmly, and said, "Again?"

Sister Jin sized up Xu Xiaoai and said, "...then come on!"

In fact, Xu Xiaoai was already very dizzy.

But she still pressed herself.

Sister Jin, Sister Li, and Sister Qiu were sitting there playing a wheel game. Xu Xiaoai didn't know how to play it at all, and didn't care too much. As long as the male assistant around her poured her wine, she would take the wheel. The straw poked into the cup and drank slowly.

Unknowingly, Sister Li and Sister Qiu lay down on the table.

Sister Jin was also drunk.

"Sister, you, you can... No, Sister Cai? Are you surnamed Cai? You are amazing! You are amazing! You... You are so cruel! I like you... What's the matter in the future, tell, tell your sister Jin, this Friends, Sister Jin and you, hand over, hand over!"

With that said, Sister Jin also lay down on the table.

Xu Xiaoai kept a smile on her face, and the smoke she held between her fingers trembled slightly.

She took another drag on her cigarette, then turned to ask the male assistant, "Is it all right?"

The male assistant nodded.

"Help me over there, I, I want to see my daughter."

The male assistant came over and held her up.

Xu Xiaoai had no strength at all.

It was only because of the male assistant who held her back that the two went crookedly to the room where Jay Chou and Mengmeng stayed.

Mengmeng actually curled up at Jay Chou's feet and fell asleep like a little milk cat.

The little girl was covered with a men's black windbreaker.

As soon as Xu Xiaoai saw Mengmeng, she felt relieved.

She closed her eyes, and her breathing became longer and longer.

The male assistant carefully observed Jay Chou's face, and then at Xu Xiaoai leaning on his shoulder...

The assistant suddenly exclaimed, "Miss Xu!"

The man looked up.

Xu Xiaoai's mouth overflowed with traces of blood, and the bright red blood set off her pale face painted like a ghost, making her look as terrifying as a corpse.

"Director Zhou?" The male assistant panicked.

The man nods.

The assistant immediately put Xu Xiaoai on the sofa, and then summoned the doctor.

The doctor came quickly.

But Xu Xiaoai couldn't wake up no matter what...

In the end, it was the doctor and the assistant who pried open Xu Xiaoai's mouth together, only to realize that her tongue had been bitten bloody by herself.

The assistant couldn't help but glanced at Jay Chou.

But the man just stared at the cute and cute little girl who was sleeping at his feet.

The doctor treated the wound on Xu Xiaoai's tongue, took out a syringe and gave her an injection, and took care of her.

The man glanced at the assistant lightly.

The assistant, who is used to watching people's faces, led the doctor away immediately.

In the huge room, only the man and the mother and daughter were left.

The man stared at the little girl at his feet for a long time, hesitated for a while, bent down, and hugged the little girl clumsily.

The little girl was frightened, she opened her eyes in a daze and glanced at him, suddenly startled.

Seeing that the little girl was about to cry, the man felt a little nervous for no reason. He quickly lifted the little girl up high and pointed it in the direction of Xu Xiaoai.


The little girl cried out in a crying voice, and her two short hands began to flap desperately in the direction where Xu Xiaoai was.

Xu Xiaoai fell into a deep sleep, unconscious.

The man quickly walked to the sofa and put the little girl on Xu Xiaoai's body.

The little girl stopped crying as soon as she got close to her mother.

The sleepy little child arched against his mother a few times, and finally found a comfortable position on the woman's body; then, after rubbing his head against his mother a few times, the little girl stopped moving.

Xu Xiaoai subconsciously patted the girl's fat buttocks, and the mother and daughter cuddled together.

The man looked at this scene and seemed to be touched.

He stood in front of the sofa blankly, not knowing what to think.

After a long time, he walked to the chair and picked up the black windbreaker that had been covered on the little girl before, then walked back to the sofa, and gently covered the two of them with the windbreaker.

After a while, the man turned off the lights in the room, closed the door and went out.