
Chapter 17


Xu Xiaoai looked at the phone, a little confused.

She probably understood his resolute character a little bit, although he just gave a faint "hmm", but with his action power, I'm afraid he would rush over at the first time.

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoai suddenly patted himself on the forehead in annoyance, and couldn't help cursing himself for being stupid!

Yeah, why did she call him directly? She can find Li Rui!

Xu Xiaoai was so angry at her own stupidity that her internal organs ached.

After about ten minutes, there was a sudden "ding" sound from nowhere, which startled Xu Xiaoai!

She turned her head in horror to see him coming around the corner behind the reception desk.


Is there a hidden door

Perhaps seeing the panic in her eyes, the man's gaze was softer than usual.

But that was only limited to his gaze.

"Director Zhou, I..." Xu Xiaoai said anxiously.

The man has already passed by.

It seemed that he was walking towards the court, and stopped to look at her after walking a few steps.

"come over."

he ordered her.

At this time, he still told her to go back to the palace? Could it be that... He wants to finish what he couldn't finish just now

Xu Xiaoai was very anxious.


The man made an unpleasant nasal sound.

Xu Xiaoai had no choice but to follow.

Lowering her head, she followed him to the entrance of the palace. Xu Xiaoai was so worried that she didn't notice that he had stopped...

She hit it head on.


Xu Xiaoai covered her sore nose and raised her head to look at him in embarrassment.

The man glanced at her.

He stretched out his hand and pressed a few times, opening a hidden compartment like a window, and then pressed a few more times... as if entering a password.

Soon, a strange thing suddenly poked out from that dark cell.

"Look at it."

The man ordered her succinctly.

It was a sphere shining with laser red light, it spun around and approached her face... Then it suddenly moved, and then started to shake from side to side again, as if trying to find something on her face, it kept "clicking" Kaka" was slightly probing.

Xu Xiaoai was frightened and did not dare to move.

Although she didn't dare to move, her eyes kept staring at the red ball...

Seeing her jewel-like eyeballs twirling around wittily and nimbly, with a look of shock on her face, for some reason, the corner of the man's mouth suddenly twitched slightly...

Xu Xiaoai heard a clear "click" sound.

The red ball was suddenly retracted automatically.

"This is the iris access control," the man briefly introduced, " don't need to use the card to get in and out in the future."

Xu Xiaoai stared at the thing and said "Oh".

The man turned around and walked outside.

Xu Xiaoai hesitated for a moment, then chased after her.

He led her to a few meters behind the front desk, and Xu Xiaoai noticed that there was a crystal searchlight on the edge of the ceiling... But such crystal searchlights were almost all over the corridors.

Jay Chou stood in front of the wall, as if facing the wall...


With a soft bang, the automatic door opened.

Xu Xiaoai was dumbfounded.

The man walked into the elevator, frowning and urged her, "Aren't you leaving?"

She came back to her senses and hurried into the elevator.

He didn't do anything.

But the elevator doors closed automatically...

A slight sense of weightlessness came, and Xu Xiaoai knew that the elevator was slowly sinking.

The enclosed small space was eerily quiet.

Xu Xiaoai could clearly hear her own heartbeat and breathing, and could even smell the faint scent of tobacco floating over him...

She lowered her head, staring closely at the toes of her shoes.


The elevator door opened slowly.

The man walked away, and Xu Xiaoai followed.

Looking around for a while...

She recognized this as a parking lot, but the man had already left quickly.

Xu Xiaoai looked at his back and hesitated for a moment—should I chase after him to thank him and say goodbye

However, this idea was still strangled to death in the cradle by her...

Do you shake m

She turned her head to look at the sign, and walked towards the exit in the opposite direction.

A black car approached from far away and stopped beside her, the door opened automatically, and Xu Xiaoai saw the man's profile.

"Director Jay, I..."

"Get in the car." The man interrupted her.

Xu Xiaoai sighed, "Director Jay, I'm going back to pick up my daughter..."

He didn't speak, his eyes were cold.

She had to get in the car.

He steered the car out of the underground garage and sped towards a certain direction.

Xu Xiaoai was a little uneasy.

The direction he was driving was obviously the direction where her home was located.

"Director Zhou, I, I can take a taxi by myself." She finally couldn't help but say.

The man remained silent.

Xu Xiaoai secretly glanced at him.

He was holding the steering wheel with one hand, and resting his elbow on the edge of the window with the other hand. He seemed to be extremely leisurely, but in fact the speed of the car was astonishingly fast.

It usually takes Xu Xiaoai an hour's journey by bus, and it takes about ten minutes to get there.

The car was parked at the kindergarten at the gate of the community, Mengmeng was carrying a small schoolbag, holding the hand of the young female teacher, crying, looking out...

"Mengmeng!" Xu Xiaoai Sinu was eager, before he parked the car, she poked her head out of the car window, called out to her daughter, and hurriedly got out of the car.

Mengmeng looked over here...


The little girl was wronged and cried.

"Mommy Mengmeng, how can you do this! What time is it now... I know you are busy with work, but I also have old people and children at home. If you can't come to pick Mengmeng up in time, at least give me a call..." The teacher kept complaining to Xu Xiaoai.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Xu Xiaoai kept apologizing.


Mengmeng suddenly shouted in surprise, and ran towards the man.

"Mom Mengmeng, please remember my phone number! If you do this again next time, you can call me in advance... I don't have to stand here and wait, at least let Mengmeng go to my house for a while , go to my house to pick her up after you're done... I'm not saying you, a child as young as Mengmeng is at the time when his personality is finalized. If you leave her in the kindergarten, the child will feel insecure... "

The female teacher kept admonishing Xu Xiaoai. Xu Xiaoai took down the teacher's mobile phone number while humbly accepting the criticism.

After watching the teacher leave, Xu Xiaoai turned to look at her daughter...

The man's car was parked on the side of the road, the door was wide open, and the pink little dumpling carrying a small schoolbag had automatically climbed onto the man's lap and sat down, looking up at him with admiration.

The little girl's eyes were still shining, and she was talking to him in a childlike voice.

Xu Xiaoai was a little taken aback.

This man usually looks cold and unsmiling. When he doesn't speak, he will make people feel depressed, and his aura is so strong that people dare not even take a breath!

But for him like this, facing the pink dumpling sitting on his lap, he actually felt stiff and at a loss what to do

Xu Xiaoai couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"... Dabi Dabi! Will you come pick up Mengmeng tomorrow? Xiao Ming said... Mengmeng has no daddy, Mengmeng and Mommy are unwanted children... You come to pick up Mengmeng tomorrow and let all the children know , Mengmeng has a daddy, okay?" Mengmeng opened a pair of bright bright eyes, and said childishly.

Xu Xiaoai couldn't laugh anymore.

"Mengmeng!" Xu Xiaoai stopped Mengmeng from acting coquettishly, and said seriously, "Come here, say goodbye to uncle... we are going back!"

The little girl looked at the man and then at the mother, feeling a little bit reluctant.

Xu Xiaoai shouted again in a bad tone.

The little girl pursed her mouth, and reluctantly slid off Jay Chou's body, dragging her big hairy head, and walked to Xu Xiaoai's side in disappointment.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

After finishing speaking, Xu Xiaoai pulled Mengmeng away.

The man didn't speak.

In the night, the street lamps standing on both sides of the street emitted a hazy orange light, making the shadows of the mother and daughter longer and longer.

After a long silence, the man suddenly got out of the car and chased after him.

When she reached the gate of the community, Xu Xiaoai hesitated for a moment, and took her daughter into the noodle restaurant. It's already past eight o'clock, and Mengmeng hasn't had dinner yet, if she cooks at home, she will have to delay at least half an hour...

Soon, the store owner brought two big bowls of noodles with a smile.

Xu Xiaoai patiently taught her daughter to use chopsticks to roll the long soft noodles into small balls, and then stuff them into her mouth to eat.

The little girl studied hard.

Xu Xiaoai took the opportunity to crush the fried poached egg with chopsticks, and stuffed it into her daughter's mouth bit by bit.

"Sir, what would you like to have?"

The shop owner looked in amazement at the handsome and elegant man in black standing quietly by the counter, and looked calmly at the mother and daughter who were eating noodles in the corner.


Mengmeng found the man, and shouted happily with the noodles in her mouth.

The man walked towards them.

"Dad! Come here and sit with Mengmeng... Let's meet together... It's a good time!" Mengmeng looked at the man with a look of admiration, and said in a childish voice.

The man sat down opposite the mother and daughter in a strange way.

Xu Xiaoai looked at him with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

But the man's attention was all on the little girl, not her.

The shop owner came over to ask a few words, and soon brought over a bowl of noodles.

"Daddy! Look, look at Mengmeng..."

The little girl is very talkative, and she chatters endlessly to show men how she eats noodles... The little girl first holds a chopstick in one hand, clamps the noodles, then closes the chopsticks, and then helps with both hands, very quickly. The noodles are rolled up.

The man involuntarily showed a slight smile.

Mengmeng was very proud, after stuffing the noodle roll into her mouth, she tilted her head and waited for Dad's praise.

However, the man turned his head and glanced at Xu Xiaoai.

He took a bite of the noodles with the chopsticks, and quickly put down the chopsticks.

In fact, Xu Xiaoai didn't want her daughter to have too much interaction with this man, so she urged her daughter to finish eating noodles, whispered goodbye to the man, paid the bill and left.

The man sat quietly in the noodle shop until late at night...